This document describes how to use the OpenStackVersion CR to apply a minor updates to a deployed OpenStack installation (including both Controlplane and Dataplane Services)
- Use of OLM (Operator Lifecycle Manager) is assumed
- The CSV (ClusterServiceVersion) for the openstack-operator is used as the primary resource for versioning and the associated ENV variables for OpenStack service containers. These are typically prefixed with RELATED_IMAGE... The CSV defines the version.
- OpenStack operators are always upgraded first via OLM. This can be either via manual or automatic. Upgrading operators may trigger OpenStackVersion to provide access to a new available version.
- And ENV called OPENSTACK_RELEASE_VERSION must be set in the CSV for openstack-operator. This controls the 'availableVersion' of OpenStackVersion.
OpenStack is installed by following the normal installation procedure. When an OpenStackControlplane resource is created in any given namespace an OpenStackVersion resource will be immediately created when the OpenStackControlPlane is reconciled (1 OpenStackVersion per namespace).
When a new set of Operators is installed via OLM (either manually or automatically) the OpenStackVersion resources will reconcile and a new 'AvailableVersion' will be set on each CR.
In order to apply an update an administrator sets the 'TargetVersion' to the same value as the 'AvailableVersion' on the OpenStackVersion resources. This triggers the OpenStackVersion to reconcile and will update the images on the associated OpenStackControlplane and OpenStackDataplane resources in that namespace.
$ oc get openstackversion
openstack 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.0
kind: OpenStackVersion
name: openstack
targetVersion: 1.0.1
In order to allow administrators to configure customized Cinder volume backends with certified 3rd party vendor containerImages for any of the backends, administrators will be allowed to explicitly specify those images overriding the default containerImage during automatic updates. This is a manual operation because there is no way to fully automate the selection of those images at this time. To configure a Cinder volume backend named 'pure' with a different image during the updates, the administrator can add the name 'pure' to the 'cinderVolumeImages' map withing the 'customContainerImages' section of the OpenStackVersion CR and set a custom image to be used for that volume backend. Multiple named Cinder volume backends may be configured in this manner.
NOTE: if the backend does not require a custom container the default cinder volume container is used automatically. This means if you are only using backends that requires the default cinder volume container no edits to the OpenStackVersion resource are needed.
kind: OpenStackVersion
name: openstack
targetVersion: 1.0.1
pure: <custom image URL location>
Similar to the Cinder example above certified Manila Share images may be customized by updating the 'manilaShareImages' map within the 'customContainerImages' section of the OpenStackVersion CR and then set to a custom container image for the named backend.
kind: OpenStackVersion
name: openstack
targetVersion: 1.0.1
custom: <custom image URL location>
TBD. There is currently no formal interface to deploy custom ml2 drivers for neutron other than OVN. If such an interface evolves we can add a mechanism to customize any container images associated with that interface to OpenStackVersion.
In general administrators should not need to customize containerImages for any other OpenStack services images. The exception would be the need to apply a hotfix. In order to accommodate a hotfixed or patched containerImage you can update the 'customContainerImages' struct on the OpenStackVersion with the customized image. For example if you need to hotfix the Glance API service container image you would add the following update to the glanceAPIImage field within the customContainerImages section:
kind: OpenStackVersion
name: openstack
targetVersion: 1.0.1
glanceAPIImage: <custom image URL location>
Container image updates currently occur in parallel when updating custom images of the OpenStackVersion resource. On the ControlPlane this means that any image customizations on the OpenStackVersion resource will be applied immediately. And on the Dataplane those updates will be applied during the next 'deployment'.
The exception to this is if targetVersion is changed thus causing a minor update sequence to occur. If a minor update is triggered a special sequence is followed until all ControlPlane and Dataplane components have their deployedVersion set to the new targetVersion value. The minor update sequence is as follows:
- OVN controller updates. The OVN controllers on both the ControlPlane and DataplaneNodesets are updated. These services can be updated in parallel however the ControlPlane components will begin automatically immediately after the targetVersion is edited. DataplaneNodeset updates currently are required to be executed manually.
- All the remaining services on ControlPlane are updated to the new service image containers.
- The rest of the Dataplane service containers are updated. DataplaneNodesets updates are currently required to be executed manually.
TODO: If a situation arises where we need to update one service before another we can use OpenStackVersion to implement this in the future which may require the addition of more conditional steps to orchestrate the update at a high level.
- Rolling back to a prior openstack version directly via OpenStackVersion. A rollback would require the administrator to install an old CSV, and patch various CRs to update the containerImages among other things. While a rollback may be allowed for development testing in production rollbacks are not recommended/supported.
- Major upgrades are not targeted at this time. However the OpenStackVersion CR may be useful as a means to help drive those as well.