- The code coverage can be disabled 'codeCoverage = false' parameter
- Added "testPlan" parameter
- Added support for test run to support multiple testplans and xcresult parsing
- Added bundleEntitlements parameters, so that also entitlements can be modified for extensions
- The code coverage is disabled per default and can be enabled using the 'codeCoverage' parameter
- Added Xcode 16 simulator support
- The testbundle has now the schema as name, so when multiple testbundles are build then, they have a unique name
- Added Support for the version 2 of the xctestrun, that the destinations path are properly read
- Added that the testbundle now can be build using multiple xctestrun files
- The simulatorCreator command creates all the default simulators for iOS 17 (iPad was missing)
- The openssl command uses now an absolute path so that it does not conflict with the openssl version that is installed with brew. The new openssl command cannot handle the p12 used for signing.
- Added symbols to the ipa: Issue #461
- When specifing a destination for iOS simulator not only the latest runtime is search, also older runtimes.
- Added Xcode 14 specific simulator list for iOS
- Made sure that the simulator for one runtime are only created once
- Test that are markted as expected failues, are marked as passed. Issue #460
- added -project parameters, so that the project file can be outside the root directory: By amattil1, Issue #451
- Update the appstore upload to use the new --upload-package API
- The is now propery created an an Apple Silicon machine.
- Added support for Xcode 13.2.1.
- Added support for xcframeworks when using carthage
- Carthage bootstrap is executed also when only the Carthage.private file exists
- Remove Rome support
- Change that the altool use the apiKey and apiIssue. (username and password should still work)
- Change that app extensions gets only the keychain-access-group of the main bundle set.
- Updated appstore upload task so that it works with Xcode13
- Added notarize task for notarizing macOS applications
- Remove HockeyKit task
- Removed ReleaseNotes task because the pegdown dependencies causes troubles: Issue #431
- Added support for skipped tests, that they are not shown as failures.
- Added carthage archive task, so that a binary framework can be build.
- Added 'COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' to disable indexing during build to speed up the build
- Added Rome Support so that carthage dependencies can be cached. If a Romefile and rome itself is present, a download is performed before the carthage bootstrap task. Also a rome upload is performed afterward before running the xcodebuild itself.
- The destination must now not be specified exactly. If you specify 'iPad Pro (11-inch)' the first destination is picked with matches this prefix e.g. 'iPad Pro (11-inch)(2nd generation)'
- Made compabtile with gradle 6.x
- Added that embedded apps are also signed. (On macOS apps can be embedded)
- additionalParameters as list did not work when applying it to the Task
- The test cases (.xctestrun) where not found because they where not search in the project directory. (It looks like with newer gradle version the default directory in not in the project root anymore)
- With Xcode 12 the unit test output has changed and fixed parser so that progress is shown agai..
Note: bumped minor version number 19, that indicated the year 2019. The minor versions are the release numbers then (1 for the second release this year).
- Updated the parsing of the output so that errors and warnings are shown when compiling swift code.
- Fixed device build when using Xcode 10.2: Issue #411 Changes
- The carthage derived data is set the the projects build/derivedData/carthage directory
- added
boolean parameter so disable the cache (default is true)
- IPAs build with Xcode 10.1 result in 'Invalid Swift Support' #401
- Parses test summaries of xcresult bundles #399
- Parses testsummary in subfolder to respect run destination. #400
- Fixes packaging for non-fat binaries #403
- Enabled codesigning for iOS Simuator builds, otherwise unit tests with binary frameworks does not workspace. Issue #378
- Updated WatchKit Support. Issue #390
- Updated Cartage Support
- Only build specific platform. Issue #384
- Bootstrap support: Issue # 389
- Support for transformations on build settings. Issue #382
- Updated path for the codecoverage in Xcode 9. Issue #381
- Update keychain partition list. Issue #375
- Increased version number, because it looks like that on the version 0.15.1 does not work.
- Some updates to support Xcode 9: Issue #369
- The entitlments for extensions are not modified using the values from the
- the BCSymbolMaps should be in the xcarchive root directory
- renamed Type.OSX to Type.macOS, you can use both 'OSX' and 'macOS' for the xcodebuild.type parameter
- Introduced an entitlements parameter for signing that can contain a map with the entitlments settings that should be added
- Added validation of signing certificate (if it is valid and has not expired): Issue #348
- When installing an App to the iOS simulator, the App gets codesigned first: Issue #346
- Added Bitcode support. This can be enabled using the new
flag. e.g.xcodebuild { bitcode = true }
: Issue #233
- Upgraded to OCLint 0.11: Issue #332
- Better output when compiling swift source file that also shows errors and warnings.
- Fixed signing when using macOS Sierra: Issue #316
- Include the onDemandResources when creating the archive and package: Issue #309
- Added a XcodebuildForTest task that create build for running unit tests (see xcodebuild build-for-testing) Here a testbundle is created that contains the xctestrun file and the App bundle
- Added a XcodeTestRunTestTask that executes the unit tests from the test bundle that was created with XcodebuildForTest Here only the tests are executed, no build is taking place here.
- Codesign is also disabled for iOS simulator builds
- Added the workspace parameter when getting the build settings: Issue #304
- Fixed archive fails when executed outside the build directory: Issue #312
- Fixed that the build directory can be changed for the package task: Issue #314
- Unit test on the device is now possible again with the new XcodebuildForTest and XcodeTestRunTestTask: Issue #274
- Cocoapods is now only bootstraped if it does not exist globally. Issue #299
- Add that the dSYMs from the framework are also included in the xcarchive
- User the SHA instead of the developer identifier for codesigning. (Needed for macOS Sierra)
- Updated the CoverageReport lib that contains fix for issue #303
- Added
to thexcodebuild -showBuildSettings
command which should fix a hang when using core data: Issue #298
- Xcode 8 Support
- App Bundle should not contain the libswiftRemoteMirror.dylib
- Added tvOS support by Electryc. Issue #295
- XcodebuildTask and XcodeTestTask can now override the global xcodebuild settings for building for supporting multiproject build
- Added an option that a custom entitlements file can be specified for codesigning
- SimulatorControl now also creates the tvOS simulator
- Initial Carthage support. Carthage is not bootstraped, so make sure that Carthage is installed if your project uses it.
- Embedded provisioning file now honors the team-id when expanding the identifiers
- Updated that the test result is not taken from the xcodebuild output, but from the TestSummaries.plist, because there are causes where the xcodebuild output stopps.
- Test Result from the TestSummaries.plist is merged the the infos from the xcodebuild output like duration and stdout
- Archive supports now creating the xcarchive using the xcodebuild command. For this set the parameter
to true. (See issue also #293)
parameter for settings the xcode version was ignored- Updated the XcodeBuildArchiveTask that the configured swift toolchain is used, to that the proper swift libs are included into the archive
- change the plist decode from the provisioning profile that a exit code != 0 does not crash the build: Issue #297
- Make "derivedDataPath" optional #291
Note: There is no 0.14.1 version. (Reason is a typo)
- OCLint report is stored now in build/report/oclint: #263
- Updated OCLint to 0.10.3
- Set Coverage report directory to build/report/coverage
- Set CPD report directory to build/report/cpd/
- Added that the SwiftSupport folder is only included in Appstore builds, but not in AdHoc builds: #232
- Make compatible with gradle 2.14. (Older version of gradle will not work anymore with this version)
- Added that in the ipa app extentions for iOS apps do not contain frameworks, because the should be in the base app
- Fixed that the SwiftSupport is only created for Swift projects: #260
- Added new code coverate support for the new reports Xcode 7 creates: #225
- This ables coverage reports for Swift projects
- Also added support for coverage reports for OS X projects
- Updated OCLint to 0.10.2
- Added 'cocoapodsUpdate' task: Issue: #241
- Added that the project file can be specified as parameter
- Fixed that empty Frameworks directory gets deleted: issue #242
- Fixed that on simulatorCreate the simualtors gets killed first, to avoid a failure is a simulator is running
- Added support for wildcard identifiers when extracting the entitlment from the provisioning profile: fixes issue #230
- Fixed that when building a commandline tool that has no info plist that it does not fail: issue #235
- Reverted the removal of the SwiftSupport, because the appstore needs this. Issue #231
- Fixed that the Keychain Access Group is propery set in the entitlements: Issue #226
- Fixed memory problem with the CommandRunner: Issue #222
- Fixed that the SwiftSupport in not included anymore, because it is not needed
- For simulator builds also the identifier is used. This avoids build failues if a simulator of the same type and name exists twice
- Removed Xcode 5 support
- simulatorStart works now
- simulatorRunApp starts now the configured app in the simulator
- simpler destination syntax for specifing the simulators
- Fixed that the keychain-access-group is not removed from the entitlements during signing: Issue #220
- Codesigning failed with some projects that contains frameworks
- Watchkit support. Project with Xcode 6 and Watchkit can now be build and is properly signed
- Build failes if the specified simualtor is not found: Issue #219
- All build configurations are now processed: Issue #218x
- Better Xcode 7 and 7.1 support
- watchOS support. Now iOS Apps with a watchOS App included can be build and signed.
- For this the sdk parameter was removed and replaced by the type and simualtor parameter
- The xcodebuild task does not sign anymore more.
- Signing task only place in the package tasks
- The proper entitlements for signing are now read from the provisioning profile
- The keychain is created prior to the package task.
- The package task is not depended to the archive task anymore. The reason is that sometimes you can package archives that aready exists.
- xcodebuild task doesn't fail build on compiler errors: Issue #214
- Build failed because of invalid "simctl delete": Issue #211
- Reverted the WatchKit pull request, because of build failure. See Issue #185, #205
- Added support for CPD reports. (Thanks to rahulsom) Issue #191
- Added that OCLint rules can be disabled
- Added support for WatchKit (Thanks to icecrystal23) Issue #185
- Fixed an issue where codesign and crashlytics would use the wrong version of developer tools (Thanks to icecrystal23) Issue #197
- Added new simulator task for starting the simulator and running an app in the simulator (Thanks to jeduden) Issue #204
- added OCLint support: Fixes #57
- Much nicer build output and shorter output. Only warnings and errors are printed. The rest is shown in the progress.
- Added derivedDataPath parameter and if not set the derivedData are in the build/deriveData directory
- Added that the iOS9 support:
- The simulator for iOS9 can not be deleted and created
- The cocoapods are now updated if the Podfile.lock and Manifest.lock are not equal: (Thanks to rahulsom)
- Handle case where a test suite doesn't state that it has completed (Thanks to jaleksynas)
- Change that the gradle keychains are not added to the search list, to avoid that a wrong keychain is taken during codesign. Issue #181
- Fixed codesigning when the project contains frameworks (iOS)
- Reverted: Disabled codesiging at xcodebuild. Reason is that the entitlements are not added, therfor the signed app cannot be uploaded to itunes connect
- Fixed that the conversion to binary does not fail if the plist is readonly: issue #179
- Renamed plugin id to org.openbakery.xcode-plugin
- plugin is now on
- Signing identity is now optional, because it is read from the keychain
- Crashlytics support: Thanks to @achretien
- Added new simulator commands:
- simulatorsCreate: All simulators can be recreated. Here all simulators are deleted and created again
- simulatorsClean: Content and settings of all simulators can be erased
- Disabled codesiging at xcodebuild, is done at the package task only
- Keychain and Provisioning tasks dependencies moved from xcodebuild task to the package task
- Keychain path only works with absolute path: Issue #150
- OS X support:
- 'archive' task creates an xcarchive
- You can now create a signed app with the 'package' task
- Tests on unavailable device: #161
- Fixed method call on null object: Issue #164
- Fixed logic error: Issue #156
- Removed Testflight because it shut down on the Februar 26, 2015
- Fixed Deploygate upload: Issue #143
- Fixed Deploygate message with non Ascii charaters: iusse #144 (Thanks to katsutomu)
- Fixed archive for Swift apps: #132
- Renamed all tasks with dashes in the name and removed the dash, e.g hockeykit-clean to hockeykitClean
- New package task to creates IPAs
- supports Swift
- supports App Extensions: Issue #96
- Codesign task was removed (is replaced by package task)
- archive task now creates a xcarchive: Issue #1
- distribution tasks (e.g. hockeykit) does not have a dependences to the build tasks anymore, if you want this define this in you build.gradle file
- distribution tasks uses the xcarchive as input now
- Support for the new Apple Testflight: Issue #98
- Added new 'appstoreValidate' that validates the created ipa with the apple appstore:
- Added new 'appstoreUpload' target that submits the ipa to apple
- Add custom keychain timeout: Issue #105 (Thanks to icecrystal23)
- Environment variables passing support: Issue #88 (Thanks to liliomk)
- Fixed parsing of Swift unit test output: Issue #124 (Thanks to tanob)
- Provision-cleanup should always remove bad links: Issue #123 (Thanks to icecrystal23)
- Pods can no be reinstalled with --refresh-dependencies: Issue #90
- If the provisioning profile has expired, the build fails early now, not after the build when signing: Issue #83
- Added that the value for workspace parameter is set automatically: Issue #86
- Fixed that the provisioning profile is set: Issue #97
- Fixed test output parsing: Issue #106 (Thanks to icecrystal23)
- Fixed codesign with Xcode 6.1: Issue #94
- Fixed unit test output, so that the number of test are shown with Xcode 6 #92
- Fixed that the additionalParameters are also used in test builds
- Added the the xcode version can be selected: Issue #6
- infoplist.version value is ignored
- Build in Cocoapods support. If a Podfile is found a pod install is perform automatically. If cocoapods is not install, it is installed for the current user. Issue #75
- Add support for modifing the info plist using plistbuddy commands. See Issue #74
- For unit testing destination are not optionals. I no destination is specified then the unit tests are executed on every available simulator. This works both for Xcode5 and Xcode6 (here the new simctl is used)
- The plugin should be more memory efficent now, because the output of the xcodebuild command that can be several megabytes is not hold in the mememory anymore, it is stored in an output file.
- Added appledoc target to generate documentation using the appledoc tool form gentlebytes:
- Added code coverage target using gcovr:
- Fixed error when no test is available: issue #72
- Added JUnit XML output for test results: Issue #56
- Compatibility for Xcode 6
- The arch is not added to a simulator build, it is only added when specified using the xcodebuild.arch parameter
- When unit test cases are compiled after a test was already executed, then no output was shown
- Codesign does not fail anymore when multiple keychain exists with the same key. (The PackageApplication script is copied and patched, and the proper keychain is passed as parameter to the codesign command )
- Possible fix for Issue 55: Only add keychain options to the xcodebuild command when doing a device build
- Add Sparkle support ( Thanks to gugmaster.
- Add DeployGate support ( Thanks to henteko.
- When using asset catalogs for app icons then the hockey-image task did not find the app icons
- Remove unitTestTarget parameter that is not needed with xcode 5
- Fixed bundleDisplayName mapping: Issue #52
- Fixed HockeyApp upload: Issue #48
- Reverted issue #36
- Added the the whole xcodebuild output is stored in an file: issue #46
- Fixed warning that TaskContainer.add() is deprecated
- Fixed issue #36
- Change that the project is also compiled using 'build' instead of 'xcodebuild'
- Added support for an architecture list: Issue #33
- Fixed that the clean task is defined by the plugin, instead the clean asks are appended: Issue #38
- Build output for unit test did not show any failures if an exception occured
- Implemented much nice build output when compiling and also for the unit tests
- XCode5 support. This version only works with Xcode5
- Updated Keychain creation and cleanup for OS X Mavericks
- Updated unit test support
- Merged pull request: #31
- Merged pull request: #29
- fixed hockeykit-image task that the image is created from the app icon as intended.
- fixed exception in hockeyapp-prepare task: issue #28
- fixed that on a simulator build the keychain is not created and provisioning profile is not installed
- fixed executing unit test. Where skipped because was TEST_HOST was set.
- fixed provisioning cleanup and create task that failed if the Provisioning Profiles directory does not exist
- new xcodebuild.signing parameters, replaces provisioning.mobileprovisionUri, keychain.certificateUri, keychain.certificatePassword, keychain.keychainPassword, keychain.keychain
- added new parameter hockeykit.notes
- added new parameter keychain.keychain
- added hockeyapp target that was created by wfrank2509
- reworked keychain and provisioning file handling so that multiple parallel builds should work
- removed xcodebuild.buildRoot: The gradle buildDir variable is used instead.
- removed keychain.keychainName
- hockeykit image does not fail anymore when no icon image was found
- fixed reading the UUID from the mobile provisioning file
- added workspace supported
- fixed the archive task: The *.app and *.app.dSYM directory were not included recursivly
- default hockekit.displayName is now CFBundleDisplayName instead of CFBundleIdentifier
- Added xcodebuild.unitTestTarget
- Added bundleIdentifierSuffix #12
- Added inital TestFlight support with testflight target that uploads the build to TestFlight. (see Readme for the testflight parameters)
- Added support for Scheme with the new configuration parameter xcodebuild.scheme. Issue #1
- Added that after codesign the keychain and provisioning profile gets cleaned up. Issue #9
- fixed that the hockeykit manifest xml file was not valid xml
- fixed cleanup: Issue #8
- fixed that if the short version entry is missing in the Info.plist the plist modify task does not fail
- xcodebuild.archiveVersion remame to xcodebuild.bundleNameSuffix
- infolist.versionExtension remove an added the following keys instead: version, versionSuffix, versionPrefix
- Short Version String can now be also set using shortVersionString, shortVersionStringSuffix and shortVersionStringPrefix
- Renamed hockeykit.appName to hockeykit.displayName
- Renamed hockeykit.version to hockeykit.versionDirectoryName
- xcodebuild.additionalParameters now also accepts arrays
- changed to absolute file paths in build folders -> so cleanup with subprojects should now work
- Added new parameter for xcodebuild -> arch
- Corrected error in dependency version in consumer/build.gradle example
- Created documentation for new parameter -> arch