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VDA5050 1.1 driver runtime behaviour

1. Topics

The driver will use the following topic prefix as suggested by VDA5050, based on the values of the configuration properties read from the vehicle element in the plant model:


Since this driver implements version 1.1 of the VDA5050 specification, <majorVersion> is always v1. So, with the vehicle property values being set as

  • vda5050:interfaceName: uagv

  • vda5050:manufacturer: Some_Company

  • vda5050:serialNumber: AGV-XY-1234

the driver would publish or subscribe to the following topics:

  • uagv/v1/Some_Company/AGV-XY-1234/order (published to)

  • uagv/v1/Some_Company/AGV-XY-1234/instantActions (published to)

  • uagv/v1/Some_Company/AGV-XY-1234/state (subscribed to)

  • uagv/v1/Some_Company/AGV-XY-1234/visualization (subscribed to)

  • uagv/v1/Some_Company/AGV-XY-1234/connection (subscribed to)

It is not recommended to use non-ASCII characters (e.g. German umlauts), spaces etc. in MQTT topic names, as they may make it more difficult to investigate in case of problems. Since the topic names used are derived from the property values listed above, it is also not recommended to use such characters in these property values.

2. Topic connection

  • When receiving a connection state of OFFLINE or CONNECTIONBROKEN, the vehicle driver will report the vehicle’s state as UNKNOWN to the kernel. This results in the vehicle being unavailable for processing transport orders.

  • Upon receiving a connection state of ONLINE, the driver will report the vehicle’s state as IDLE to the kernel.

Any other vehicle states in openTCS are derived from state messages.

The openTCS driver expects vehicles to set a last will with the MQTT broker (with the retained flag set) to ensure a connection state of CONNECTIONBROKEN is published as soon as possible when the broker’s connection to the vehicle is lost.
Although the VDA5050 1.1 specification states to use a Quality-of-Service (QoS) level of 0 (at most once) for this topic, the openTCS driver subscribes with a QoS level of 1 (at least once) and expects vehicles to publish to this topic with a QoS level of 1, too.

3. Topic state

Upon receiving a message on the state topic, the vehicle driver will…​

  1. check for an update of lastNodeId, and if it has changed, report the vehicle’s current point to the kernel accordingly (see Processing logical positions below).

  2. update the vehicle’s pose with the kernel in case the vehicle has reported an agvPosition.

  3. update the list of load handling devices with the kernel (see Mapping of load handling devices below).

  4. update the energy level with the kernel.

  5. update state information mapped to vehicle properties with the kernel (see Mapping of state information to vehicle properties below).

  6. update the vehicle’s state with the kernel (see Mapping of vehicle state below).

  7. check (nodeStates and) edgeStates to see whether a step on the route has been completed, and if yes, report the respective movement command (and all previous movement commands) as finished to the kernel (see Movement command completion below). (With the final step of a drive order’s route, the actionStates are also checked to see whether the actions for that step (and especially the drive order’s destination operation) have been completed.)

For the state topic, the VDA5050 1.1 specification mentions an optional property mapDiscription. As this obviously is a spelling error, the openTCS driver expects a property named mapDescription, instead.

3.1. Movement command completion

The vehicle driver considers a step on the vehicle’s route and the respective movement command as completed, when the vehicle no longer reports the associated node state and/or edge state in its state. The exact behavior can be configured by setting the (optional) vda5050:movementCommandCompletedCondition property on a vehicle element in the plant model to one of the following values:

  • EDGE: A step / movement command is considered completed when its associated edge state has disappeared from the vehicle state.

  • EDGE_AND_NODE: A step / movement command is considered completed when its associated edge state and node state have both disappeared from the vehicle state.

If the aforementioned property is not set, the vehicle driver’s default behaviour corresponds to the value EDGE_AND_NODE.

For the final movement of an order to be considered completed, it is always required that the associated edge state and node state have both disappeared from the vehicle state — regardless of the value of the vda5050:movementCommandCompletedCondition property.

3.2. Processing logical positions

The vehicle driver generally expects the vehicle to report its logical position by setting lastNodeId properly.

There are cases in which a vehicle may not be able to report a logical position but would still be able to report its pose — i.e. lastNodeId is an empty string, but agvPosition is contains usable data. (For instance, a vehicle may be able to determine its pose after being switched on, but may not know anything about logical positions in the driving course.) In such cases, the vehicle driver will try to derive the logical position from the vehicle’s pose by matching it with the points in the driving course, taking into account the respective allowed deviations for coordinates and orientation angles set for them.

This fallback mechanism is intended for edge cases only, and relying heavily on it — e.g. by never reporting a logical position at all — may slow down the openTCS kernel, especially with plant models that contain a large number of vehicles and/or points. Therefore, vehicles should always report their logical positions when they can, which should be the case for every vehicle after executing its first order. (Every order contains the logical destination position, after all.)

3.3. Mapping of load handling devices

The vehicle driver will set the list of load handling devices according to the loads reported by the vehicle. If a load contains a loadPosition, the vehicle driver will set the respective load handling device’s label to that value. If loadPosition is not given or is an empty string, the vehicle driver will set the label according to the pattern LHD-<index>.

According to VDA5050 1.1, vehicles report loads, not load handling devices. As a result, there is no specified way for vehicles to report empty load handling devices. Since load handling devices in openTCS are derived from the reported loads, all respective load handling devices will have their full flag set to true. When a vehicle does not report any loads, the list of load handling devices will be empty.

3.4. Mapping of state information to vehicle properties

The vehicle driver will set the following properties on the kernel’s vehicle element, containing information reported by the vehicle:

  • The property with the key vda5050:errors.fatal will contain a concatenated list of errorTypes of all errors with an errorLevel of FATAL.

  • The property with the key vda5050:errors.warning will contain a concatenated list of errorTypes of all errors with an errorLevel of WARNING.

  • The property with the key vda5050:information.debug will contain a concatenated list of infoTypes of all info elements with an infoLevel of DEBUG.

  • The property with the key will contain a concatenated list of infoTypes of all info elements with an infoLevel of INFO.

  • The property with the key vda5050:paused will contain the vehicle’s paused state (true or false), or it will be null / not set, if the vehicle has not reported a paused state.

3.5. Mapping of vehicle state

With every state message received, the vehicle driver will report one of the following states to the kernel (with precedence in the given order):

  1. ERROR: Set if the vehicle reports at least one error with an errorLevel of FATAL.

  2. UNAVAILABLE: Set if the vehicle reports an operatingMode other than AUTOMATIC or SEMIAUTOMATIC.

  3. CHARGING: Set if the vehicle reports charging = true.

  4. EXECUTING: Set if the vehicle reports driving = true, or if it reports at least one nodeState or edgeState, or if it reports at least one actionState with an actionStatus that is neither FINISHED nor FAILED.

  5. IDLE: In all other cases.

4. Topic visualization

Upon receiving a message on the visualization topic, the vehicle driver will update the vehicle’s precise position and orientation angle in openTCS with the data in the agvPosition structure. Velocity data is not forwarded to openTCS.

5. Topic order

The general behaviour with sending order messages is the following:

  • The vehicle driver subsequently sends one VDA5050 order message per step on the vehicle’s route. This means that a vehicle that is currently at point A and is supposed to move via points B and C to point D will always receive three VDA5050 order messages.

  • The order messages sent by this vehicle driver contain both the base and the horizon of the vehicle’s route. How many steps of the route are sent as base and horizon can be configured using the vehicle properties vda5050:maxStepsBase and vda5050:maxStepsHorizon — see configuration.adoc.

  • VDA5050 order messages have fields that are optional, and order messages sent to a vehicle should not contain any optional fields that are not supported by that vehicle. The support status for optional fields can be set via vehicle properties by using the prefix vda5050:optionalParams.order followed by the path to the optional field in the order message separated by dots. The possible values are REQUIRED, SUPPORTED and NOT_SUPPORTED, with all optional fields being considered to be SUPPORTED by default. For example, setting the optional field allowedDeviationTheta in order/nodes/nodePosition as not supported would require you to set the vehicle property vda5050:optionalParams.order.nodes.nodePosition.allowedDeviationTheta to the value NOT_SUPPORTED.

  • The vehicle driver sends the next order message (for the next step on the vehicle’s route) only after a state message from the vehicle indicates that it has received the previous order message (by reflecting the order message’s orderId and orderUpdateId.)

    • In case the vehicle driver has sent an order message and receives a state message from the vehicle not indicating that the vehicle has received the order message, the vehicle driver repeats the order message.

    • In case the vehicle driver receives a state message from the vehicle indicating that the vehicle rejects an order, it does not repeat the order message or send further ones. Before any new messages can be sent to the vehicle, it is necessary to (forcibly) withdraw the vehicle’s current transport order in openTCS. An order rejection is indicated by an error with errorType being one of the following:

      • validationError

      • noRouteError

      • orderError

      • orderUpdateError

5.1. Actions at locations / transport order destinations

The following vehicle operations are understood by the vehicle driver and may be used with location type elements in the plant model as well as transport order destinations.

With actions at transport order destinations, the destination’s operation also has to be used with the corresponding location’s location type element in the plant model. If the destination’s operation is not supported by the location’s location type (i.e. it is not contained in the location type’s "Supported vehicle operations" attribute in the plant model), the transport order will be marked as UNROUTABLE and won’t be assigned to any vehicle.

5.1.1. NOP / no action

As usual, a destination operation of NOP given in a transport order is mapped to an order without any action, i.e. the vehicle is merely ordered to move to the respective position.

5.1.2. startCharging

The destination operation that is mapped to the startCharging action as predefined in VDA5050, can be configured individually for every vehicle element in the openTCS plant model. For this, the corresponding destination operation needs to be defined using a property with the key vda5050:rechargeOperation. The property value contains the destination operation as a character string.

If this property is not set, the vehicle driver will fall back to a default destination operation of Charge.

Regardless of the destination operation, the mapped startCharging action’s blockingType is set to SOFT and its action parameters are not set.

Note that the driver sends startCharging actions as part of charging orders, but it does not send stopCharging actions by itself. If a stopCharging action is required by the vehicle, it needs to be configured as a regular arbitrary action for a node by setting the respective properties on a point in the plant model (see Actions at points, paths and locations.)

5.1.3. Arbitrary actions

In addition to the aforementioned specific destination operations that are understood by the vehicle driver and mapped to corresponding VDA5050 actions, the vehicle driver also supports arbitrary (user- or project-specific) actions.

When creating transport orders, you can set the following properties at location types and/or locations, substituting ACTIONTYPE with the respective destination operation:


Set to the blocking type of the action to be executed at the destination. (Example: vda5050:destinationAction.pick.blockingType = SOFT)


Substitute <PARAMETER> with the name of the action parameter to be set, and set the property’s value to the parameter value. (Example: vda5050:destinationAction.pick.parameter.x = 234. Also see Action parameters.)

You also can set the following properties for any drive order destination in a transport order:


Set to the blocking type of the action to be executed at the destination. (Example: vda5050:destinationAction.blockingType = SOFT)


Substitute <PARAMETER> with the name of the action parameter to be set, and set the property’s value to the parameter value. (Example: vda5050:destinationAction.parameter.x = 234. Also see Action parameters.)

The properties read from location types are overridden by any read from locations, which are themselves overridden by any read from drive order destinations. If none of these properties are set or they are set incorrectly, default values (a blocking type of NONE and no action parameters) are used for the respective action.

5.2. Actions at points, paths and locations

You can set the following properties at points, paths and locations, which are mapped to actions at nodes (for points and locations) and edges (for paths):


Set to the action type of the action to be executed at the edge or node. (Example: vda5050:action.01 = beep)


Set to the blocking type of the action to be executed at the edge or node. (Example: vda5050:action.01.blockingType = SOFT)


Substitute <PARAMETER> with the name of the action parameter to be set, and set the property’s value to the parameter value. (Example: vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = 234. Also see Action parameters.)


Set to the situations/triggers in which the action should be executed on a node. The property value contains a list of values, separated by |. Possible values are PASSING, ORDER_START and ORDER_END. If this property is not set, the default value of PASSING | ORDER_START | ORDER_END is used. (Example: vda5050.action.01.when = PASSING | ORDER_START)


Set to tags for the action. The property value contains a list of tags, separated by |. If this property is not set, the default value of default is used. (Example: vda5050.action.01.tags = resupply line 1 | resupply line 2)

The <INDEX> can be anything, but it is recommended to stick to decimal digits. (The order of actions added to nodes and edges is determined by sorting the properties at points and paths lexicographically.)

If the properties for the blocking type or action parameters are missing or set incorrectly, default values (a blocking type of NONE and no action parameters) are used for the respective action.

For destination nodes, properties are read from openTCS elements and added to the VDA5050 order message in the following order:

  1. From the destination point of a movement

  2. From the destination location of a movement (if any)

  3. From the transport order’s destination

5.2.1. Action parameters

By default, parameter values are set as strings in the order message. To parse and use them as floating point numbers, integers or booleans, prefix the value with float:, integer: or boolean:. To force a parameter to be used as a string even though it starts with e.g. integer:, prefix it with string:. Examples:

  • vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = 234 (used as a string)

  • vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = float:3.14 (parsed and used as a floating point number)

  • vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = integer:234 (parsed and used as an integer)

  • vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = boolean:true (parsed and used as a boolean)

  • vda5050:action.pick.parameter.x = string:integer:234 (forces the string value integer:234)

5.2.2. Action whitelists at vehicles, transport order destinations and paths

It is possible to filter actions sent to a vehicle using properties at

  • vehicle elements in the plant model,

  • path elements in the plant model and

  • transport order destinations.

To do this, a property with the key vda5050:actionTags can be set on either of these elements. The property value needs to be a list of action tags separated by | and works as a whitelist, i.e only actions with the given tags are sent to the respective vehicle. A value of * (the default) allows all actions to be sent; setting the value to an empty string disallows all actions.

For instance, to only ever allow actions tagged with resupply line 1 and resupply line 2 to be sent to a vehicle, set

vda5050:actionTags = resupply line 1 | resupply line 2

on the vehicle element in the plant model.

To restrict sending actions to the vehicle for a specific edge/node, set the property on the respective path in the plant model. To restrict sending actions to the vehicle for a specific process, set the property for that transport order destination, instead.

Actions are sent only if they pass all whitelists for the respective vehicle, path and transport order destination.

5.2.3. Overriding actions' blocking types per vehicle

Since VDA5050 1.1 does not explicitly state specific blocking types for predefined actions, different vehicle types may expect different blocking types for these actions. To handle vehicles' different expectations/behaviours, it is possible to override action’s blocking types for each vehicle. To make use of this, you can set a property with a key following the pattern vda5050:action.<ACTIONTYPE>.blockingType on the vehicle element in the plant model and set its value to HARD, SOFT or NONE. The vehicle driver will then always use that blocking type given in the vehicle element for actions of that type, overriding whatever is specified at a point, path or location element.

For example, you could set vda5050:action.beep.blockingType = SOFT on a vehicle element in the plant model. Whenever an action of type beep is sent to the vehicle, it will always have SOFT as its blocking type.

5.3. Actions at transport order destinations

Similar to how you can set actions at points, paths and locations, it is also possible to set actions on transport order destinations. The actions set this way are independent of the plant model, i.e. they do not need to be defined at location types.

The properties available for setting actions on a transport order destination are:

  • vda5050:action.<INDEX>

  • vda5050:action.<INDEX>.blockingType

  • vda5050:action.<INDEX>.parameter.<PARAMETER>

See Actions at points, paths and locations for explanation of these properties.

5.4. Node position properties in order messages

  • nodePosition.x and nodePosition.y: The coordinates of the respective point in the plant model are used.

  • nodePosition.theta: The orientation angle of the respective point in the plant model is used if it is set. If it is not set, theta will be left unset.

  • nodePosition.allowedDeviationXY: The value of the property vda5050:deviationXY, set on the respective point or on the vehicle in the plant model, is used, with the property on the point having precedence. If neither is set, allowedDeviationXY will be left unset.

  • nodePosition.allowedDeviationTheta: The value of the property vda5050:deviationTheta, set on the respective point or on the vehicle in the plant model, is used, with the property on the point having precedence. If neither is set, allowedDeviationTheta will be left unset. If set, the angle must be within the range of 0 and 180 degrees.

  • nodePosition.mapId: The value of the property vda5050:mapId, set on the respective point or on the vehicle in the plant model, is used, with the property on the point having precedence. If neither is set, mapId is set to the empty string.

Angles in the plant model are expected to be in degrees, with an angle of 0 degrees being at the 3 o’clock position and a positive value indicating a counter-clockwise rotation.

5.4.1. Deviation extension for initial order messages

In the first order message sent for a new VDA5050 order, the vehicle driver will always extend the deviation range (allowedDeviationXY and allowedDeviationTheta) of the first node to include the vehicle’s current position and orientation. An optional padding value is read from the vehicle property vda5050:extendedDeviationRangePadding and is added to the extended allowedDeviationXY.

5.5. Edge properties in order messages

  • edge.maxSpeed: Depending on whether the movement is forward or reverse, the forward or reverse maximum speed value set on the respective path in the plant model is used.

  • edge.orientation: Depending on whether the movement is forward or reverse, the value of either the property vda5050:orientation.forward or the property vda5050:orientation.reverse, set on the respective path in the plant model, is used. If the respective property is not set, edge.orientation will be left unset.

  • edge.rotationAllowed: Depending on whether the movement is forward or reverse, the value of either the property vda5050:rotationAllowed.forward or the property vda5050:rotationAllowed.reverse, set on the respective path in the plant model, is used. If the respective property is not set, edge.rotationAllowed will be left unset.

Angles in the plant model are expected to be in degrees, with an angle of 0 degrees being at the 3 o’clock position and a positive value indicating a counter-clockwise rotation.

6. Topic instantActions

The vehicle driver sends only a few types of instant actions in specific situations described in the following sections.

The vehicle is expected to confirm that it has received an instant action by listing it in the actionStates array of its state message. In case the vehicle rejects an instant action, it must still reflect that instant action in its actionStates array, with its actionStatus set to FAILED.

It is important for the vehicle to confirm that it has received an instant action even for those it rejects. Not doing so results in the vehicle driver resending the instantActions message, which effectively leads to an endless cycle of such messages being sent, implicitly also blocking any further order message from being sent.

6.1. cancelOrder

An instant action of type cancelOrder is automatically sent in the following cases:

  • When a transport order is forcibly withdrawn from the vehicle in openTCS.

  • When the first order message belonging to a drive order in openTCS is about to be sent and the nodeStates and edgeStates arrays reported by the vehicle are not empty.

The instant action’s blocking type is set to NONE.

6.2. startPause/stopPause

An instant action of type startPause/stopPause is sent when the vehicle is paused/unpaused in openTCS. The instant action’s blocking type is set to NONE.

6.3. Sending arbitrary instant actions via the openTCS kernel API

It is possible to have the vehicle driver send instant actions of any type using the openTCS kernel API. This can be done by invoking VehicleService.sendCommAdapterCommand() with an appropriately prepared instance of org.opentcs.commadapter.vehicle.vda5050.v1_1.commands.SendInstantActions.