Update Sidekiq and Ruby
Update Sidekiq and Ruby
Remove unnecessary requires
Remove unnecessary requires
Merge branch 'test-existing-user-login' into upgrade-rails
Merge branch 'test-existing-user-login' into upgrade-rails
Fix timestamp formatting
Fix timestamp formatting
Configure coder for serialized attributes
Configure coder for serialized attributes
Delete capistrano files
Delete capistrano files
Remove therubyracer, execjs and uglifier gems
Remove therubyracer, execjs and uglifier gems
Update Rails to 7.1
Update Rails to 7.1
Force push
Run legacy tests separately
Run legacy tests separately
Disable Spring in Gituhub Workflow
Disable Spring in Gituhub Workflow
Use bigdecimal defult gem
Use bigdecimal defult gem
Use local copy of gwascatalog.txt
Use local copy of gwascatalog.txt