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Android‐Client HandBook

Gyan Ponnappa edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 34 revisions


This handbook provides comprehensive documentation MifosX Android client application.

Project Details

  1. This is an Android Application built on top of the MifosX platform and written in Kotlin and jetpack compose.

  2. It is developed for field officers using which they process transactions, keep track of their client’s data, center records, group details, different types of accounts (loan, savings and recurring) of the client, run reports of clients, etc.


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  • Search
  1. Name
  2. Account number
  3. External Id
  • Filter Search
  1. Group
  2. Client
  3. Savings Account
  4. Loan Account

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  • Create New Client.
  • Activate Client.
  • Get Client details
  1. Activation Date
  2. External Id
  3. Account number.
  4. Office
  5. Mobile Number
  6. Group
  7. Loan Accounts
  8. Savings Accounts
  • Sync All Information of clients
  • Add Loan Account.
  • Add savings Account.
  • View and add Charges.
  • View and add Documents.
  • View and add Identifiers.
  • View and add Notes.
  • Pinpoint Locations.
  • Participate in Surveys.
  • Upload Your Signature.

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  • Create New Center.
  • Activate Center.
  • Get Center details
  1. Activation Date
  2. Next meeting Date
  3. Meeting Frequency
  4. Staff Name
  • Summary Info

Active Clients, loans, Borrowers etc

  • Sync All Information of centers.

  • Add Savings Accounts.

  • View Group List.

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  • Create New Group.
  • Activate Group.
  • Get Group details
  • Add Savings Accounts.
  • Add Loan Accounts.
  • View and add Documents.
  • View and add Notes.
  • Checker Inbox
  1. Filter Search.
  2. Approve Task
  3. Delete Task
  4. Reject Task
  • Client Approval
  • Loan approval
  • Loan Disbursal
  • Reschedule Loan
  • Generate New Sheet
  • View Saved Sheet
  • Generate New Sheet
  • View Saved Sheet

*run report using Office name and Loan Officer.

  • Export CSV

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  • can be used after allowing access to device location.
  • Sync Survey

sync all information of the surveys

  • Change Language
  • Change Theme (dark, light and system )
  • Change Passcode.
  • Update Instance URL
  • Update Server Config


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  • find more info about the project in this section.

Offline Sync

Offline mode

Navigation and Workflow


  • Login to the application using mifos and password as the username and password respectively.
  • Upon clicking login, you will see the passcode screen. You can either enter the passcode or skip this part.


  • In the dashboard page you can find the search bar, enter either a name or acc number or external id to search for a client, center etc.
  • In the top left, you can filter out the searches accordingly.
  • Ticking on the Exact match will only show the searches that exactly match the entered string.


  • In the bottom bar, on clicking the Clients icon, you will see the list of clients created.
  • upon clicking any of the clients there, client details can be found.
  • under the Accounts section, you can see Loan accounts and Savings accounts associated with the client.
  • upon clicking on any account there, you can see the account summary.
  • In the top right, on clicking the menu icon (3 dots), you can see more options.

Add Loan/savings Account

  • You can add a loan account by adding necessary details to the text fields.
  • you can do the same to add a savings account.


  • You can see the charges by clicking it or add a charge by clicking the '+' icon in the top left.

Documents, Identifiers.

  • These pages are structured in a similar fashion to charges.

More Client Info.

  • upon clicking this, you can find even more details.


  • You can add notes to the selected client here.

Pinpoint location

  • Upon allowing access to location (you can find it in the top lift upon clicking) pinpoint location can be added.


  • upon clicking this, a number of surveys can be found and be answered.

Upload Signature.

  • You can upload your signature from the gallery. the icon can be found in the top left once you select it.


  • You can create a new center by clicking the FAB button (the "+" icon).
  • Fill out the text fields, such as Name and Office, and select the ✅ checkbox. When selected, it will show you to choose the center's activation date.
  • Finally, click the Create button to complete the process and create the new center.

View Centers:

  • After creating a center, you can see a list of all the centers you’ve created.

View Center Details:

  • By clicking on any center, you can view detailed information, including:

Center Name Activation Date Next Meeting On Staff Name

Summary Information:

  • The summary section provides insights into:

Active Clients Active Group Loans Active Client Loans Active Group Borrowers Active Client Borrowers Active Overdue Group Loans

Additional Options:

  • By clicking on the three-dot menu in the top-right corner, you can access the following options:

Add Savings Account Group List


  • You can create a new group by clicking the FAB button (the "+" icon).
  • Fill out the text fields, such as Group Name, Office, Submit Date, and External ID.
  • Select the ✅ checkbox for Activation Date. When selected, it will allow you to choose the group's activation date.
  • Finally, click the Submit button to complete the process and create the new group.

After creation of Group:

  • After creating a group, you can view its details and associated accounts on the Group Details screen.

Group Information

  • Group Name: Displays the name of the group.
  • External ID: Shows the unique identifier assigned to the group.
  • Activation Date: Indicates the date when the group was activated.
  • Office: Specifies the office to which the group is linked.
  • Staff: Lists the staff member(s) managing the group.

Accounts Section

  • This section provides a detailed view of the group's Loan Accounts and Savings Accounts.

Loan Accounts

  • Lists all loan accounts associated with the group.
  • Includes the account name, number, and an indicator (e.g., green dot) to show account status.

Savings Accounts

  • Lists all savings accounts linked to the group.
  • Displays account details such as product name, number, and an indicator for account status

Options in the Three-Dot Menu:

Add Loan Account

  • Allows you to create a new loan account for the group.
  • Upon selecting this option, you'll be redirected to a form where you can input the necessary loan account details and link it to the group.

Add Savings Account

  • Enables you to set up a savings account for the group.
  • This option will guide you to a form to enter savings account details, ensuring easy linkage to the group.


  • This section allows you to upload and manage documents associated with the group.
  • To upload a document:

Name: Enter the name of the document. Description: Provide a brief description of the document. File Selection: Click the "Browse" button to select the file you wish to upload. Upload: Once all fields are filled, click the "Upload" button to save the document.

  • This feature is useful for maintaining important files or records directly within the group details.

Group Clients

  • Displays a list of all clients associated with the group.
  • This section lets you view client details, add new clients, or update client information as needed.

More Group Info

  • Offers additional information about the group, such as extended details or custom fields not displayed in the main group overview.
  • This section is useful for accessing supplementary data specific to the group.


  • Allows you to add, view, or manage notes related to the group.
  • Notes can be used to document important updates, reminders, or other relevant information about the group.

Checker Inbox & Task

checker inbox:

  • when you click this, you will see a list of inboxes. Using the search bar at the top, searches can be performed. in the same search bar towards right, filters can be applied by giving necessary details.

  • Upon pressing and holding a task, you will find 3 option at the top. The tick option will approve the task, the cross will close it and the bin option will delete it completely.

Client Approval

  • Here Clients can be approved. (Not implemented yet).

Loan Approval

  • Here Loans can be approved. (Not implemented yet).

Loan Disbursal

  • here loans can be actually released to the borrower's use (Not implemented yet).

Reschedule Loan

  • (Not yet implemented)

Individual Collection Sheets

  • You can generate a new sheet by filling in the required details such as office, repayment date and staff. Upon clicking generate, you will see a pop up message using which you can see the list of appropriate sheets.

  • You can also see the saved Individual collecting sheets by clicking on the Saved Button present in the left.

  • You can also clear the entry by clicking the clear option.

Collection Sheets

  • You can generate a new sheet by filling in the required details such as office, repayment date and staff. Upon clicking generate, you will see a pop up message using which you can see the list of appropriate sheets.

  • You can also see the saved collection sheets by clicking on the Saved Button present in the left.

  • You can also clear the entry by clicking the clear option.

Run Reports:

  • Once you click this, you will see a list of different entities.
  • in the top left, you will see "Client" and an arrow. Upon clicking that, you can see a dropdown list of other modules.
  • once you click any of the list entity, you will see a screen with "run report " text in the top left, upon clicking that, the reports will start to run.

Path tracker.

  • Upon clicking this button you will see a screen with a "lens icon " in the top left.
  • Clicking that will need you to give location access to the app. Once the location permission has been provided , the path and the location can be tracked.


Sync Survey

  • Upon clicking this, the surveys are synced automatically without any permissions required.


  • Clicking this will enable you to change the language of the app to any required language of your choice.


  • using this, you can change the theme of the app.
  • System theme will read the current theme on your mobile and implement it on the app too.
  • Light and Dark Theme function by changing the overall theme to either White or Black color based themes.

Change Passcode

  • Remember he required to add a passcode at the time of login??? Well this is the place where you can update and change it if you want !!!

Instance URL

  • You can update the instance URL from here.

Server Config

  • By giving the required info such as protocol, endpoint, API path, port, tenant, the server's configuration can be changed!!

Demo Credentials

  1. Username: mifos
  2. Password: password
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