Install hardhat first npm install -g hardhat
create hardhat project
npx hardhat init
# > Create a TypeScript project
# > All selected yes
npm install [email protected]
npm install dotenv
update hardhat.config.js
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
// This is a sample Hardhat task. To learn how to create your own go to
task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async () => {
const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
for (const account of accounts) {
// You need to export an object to set up your config
// Go to to learn more
* @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.7",
networks: {
artela: {
url: "",
accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY],
local: {
url: "",
accounts: [process.env.PRIVATEKEY_LOCAL],
create .env
PRIVATEKEY=YOURPRIVATEKEY # also can create one with npx hardhat create-account
PRIVATEKEY_LOCAL=0x7b13c9f33b3b5663700297471733a88796fccc33b0da8e9b813f7a8422533304 # used for devnet local
create aspect directory
npx hardhat artela
# this is a setup command, with update later
install go, jq
npx hardhat devnet
initail test wallet with balance
Address | Private Key | Bech32 Acc |
0x636B813875bFEEb5941089b07c18Cf6F31B27C55 | 0xd63ca10fae51e35945cb366d7601ea79d65e79aa176c82fbb3df2cfd8d58fcb5 | art1vd4czwr4hlhtt9qs3xc8cxx0ducmylz4sh4l5m |
0xAdbc81cDb00a2461A5Ab70a3DF1401E0a79a1478 | 0x7b13c9f33b3b5663700297471733a88796fccc33b0da8e9b813f7a8422533304 | art14k7grndspgjxrfdtwz3a79qpuzne59rcg5y2vp |
0xf0B2Ad824e98d5A3245A9E3c85dda71D513C37d1 | 0xc5e3059ac8e54e415e3d81831fc24f292f825ae3d2690bab97d3e3c80065046e | art17ze2mqjwnr26xfz6nc7gthd8r4gncd73a585zw |
0x2ABb8c7bf395326C2A3B489D3fDe844822e55ccf | 0x91c00a2cbf598cdb1173d06674d8ee7fea71437c196867f4d9a0088105f697c0 | art192acc7lnj5exc23mfzwnlh5yfq3w2hx06pkj0u |
it will run a artela node at
Copy Storage.sol in to contracts/Storage.sol
compile smart contract
npx hardhat compile
Copy index.ts in to aspect/index.ts
compile aspect
npx hardhat compile-aspect
write script/deploy.ts to deploy smart contract and aspect, and run tests
const hre = require("hardhat");
const { bindAspect, deployAspect, getBoundAddress, getBoundAspect } = require("artela-hardhat-plugin/src/internal/aspect");
async function test(contractAddress: string, aspectId: string) {
const Contract = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("Storage", contractAddress);
console.log("Get the aspect context");
let validationData = await Contract.callStatic.getAspectContext(aspectId, "ToContract");
console.log('getAspectContext response:', validationData);
// Call the setAspectContext method
const response = await Contract.callStatic.setAspectContext("ToAspect", "HelloAspect");
console.log('setAspectContext response:', response);
async function main() {
const network =;
const Storage = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Storage");
const initialSupply = "1000000000000000000000";
console.log("start deploy")
const token = await Storage.deploy({ gasLimit: 9000000 });
await token.deployed();
const aspect = await deployAspect("[]", ["preTxExecute", "postTxExecute"], "build/index_debug.wasm", "", network);
const bind = await bindAspect(token.address, aspect, "9000000", network);
console.log("deployed aspect", aspect, "contract: ", token.address);
const boundAddress = await getBoundAddress(aspect, network);
const boundAspect = await getBoundAspect(token.address, network);
await test(token.address, aspect);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
Run the script
# local devnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network local
# testnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network artela
npx hardhat compile # compile solidity
npx hardhat compile-aspect # compile the aspect, default aspect/index.ts
npx hardhat deploy-aspect --joinpoints preContractCall --wasm build/index_debug.wasm # deploy the aspect
npx hardhat create-account # create new account
npx hardhat devnet # run local devnet
npx hardhat artela # setup project directory for aspect
npx hardhat call --contract Storage --address $CONTRACT --method getAspectContext --network artela $ASPECT ToContract # call contract method
npx hardhat get-balance --address 0x376b40c51E96AbCE9F00a2d7aAf6b6e5519a7898 # get balance of account address
npx hardhat transfer --from 0x376b40c51E96AbCE9F00a2d7aAf6b6e5519a7898 --to 0xe5107dee9CcC8054210FF6129cE15Eaa5bbcB1c0 --amount 0.01 # transfer amount from one account to another
npx hardhat get-bound-address --aspect $ASPECT --network artela # get bound address of aspect
npx hardhat get-bound-aspect --contract $CONTRACT --network artela # get bound aspect of contract