diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 368decf..9b00bfd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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An app for hosting a catalog of OME-Zarr samples: Images and Plates supported.
-You provide a list of OME-Zarr URLs and the app loads metadata and displays a
-zoomable thumbnail of the image in a table.
+You provide a list of OME-Zarr samples as a CSV table and the app loads metadata and displays a
+thumbnail of each image in a table.
+The apps is deployed at https://ome.github.io/ome-zarr-catalog/.
+You simply need to specify the location of your CSV file after the URL as `?csv=URL_to_your_table.csv.
+For example a CSV file like this is hosted in this repo under `public/zarr_samples.csv`.
+URL, License, Study, Date added
+https://uk1s3.embassy.ebi.ac.uk/idr/zarr/v0.4/idr0054A/5025553.zarr, CC BY 4.0, idr0054, 2022-06-03
+https://uk1s3.embassy.ebi.ac.uk/idr/zarr/v0.4/idr0076A/10501752.zarr, CC BY 4.0, idr0076, 2022-06-21
+https://uk1s3.embassy.ebi.ac.uk/idr/zarr/v0.4/idr0047A/4496763.zarr, CC BY 4.0, idr0047, 2022-06-21
+https://uk1s3.embassy.ebi.ac.uk/idr/zarr/v0.4/idr0062A/6001240.zarr, CC BY 4.0, idr0062, 2022-06-21
+It's raw URL is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ome/ome-zarr-catalog/main/public/zarr_samples.csv
+and we can use that to display it as a catalog page:
+This adds a single `Thumbnail` column to the data in the `CSV` file.
+We can specify which columns from the following list to add:
+ - `Version` - Adds a column with the OME-NGFF version
+ - `Axes` - Displays the `axes` of the Image
+ - `shape` - Displays the `shape` of the Zarr data at highest resolution
+ - `chunks` - Displays the `chunks` of the Zarr data at highest resolution
+ - `Wells` - Shows the `Well` count for Plate data
+ - `Fields`- Shows the `Fields` count for Plate data
+ - `Keywords` - Adds `labels` paths, `plate` and/or `bioformats2raw.layout`
+ - `Thumbnail` - Renders the smallest multiscales dataset as a Thumbnail
+These can be specified as a URL query string, e.g. `...&columns=Axes,Thumbnail,shape,chunks`