To use the following materials, all you need is SAS University Edition, which is free for noncommercial purposes. Please see the SAS University Edition website to download it today.
- titanicTrainClean.csv and titanicTestClean.csv
- These two data sets are created by the jupyterHomeworkSolutions.ipynb Jupyter notebook that is described below. These data sets are derived from cleaning the Titanic data set and partitioning it into training and test sets. The original Titanic data set was obtained from
The following notebooks provide examples that highlight the power of using JupyterLab with SAS to teach and learn data science.
- jupyterHomework.ipynb
- This notebook is discussed in the section "Example 1: Homework Assignment—Data Wrangling" in the paper. It provides an example of how you can use JupyterLab and SAS to create a homework assignment.
- jupyterHomeworkSolutions.ipynb
- This notebook is the companion to jupyterHomework.ipynb and contains the solutions to the homework assignment.
- jupyterLectureNotes.ipynb
- This notebook is discussed in the section "Example 2: Interactive Lecture Notes—Bootstrap Confidence Intervals" in the paper. It is an example of using JupyterLab and SAS to create lecture notes.
- jupyterReport.ipynb
- This notebook is discussed in the section "Example 3: Analytical Report—Final Project" in the paper. It is an example of an analytical report created by JupyterLab and SAS.
Thanks to everyone who attended my presentation at SGF 2019. It was great to have so many good questions!
The full paper is available online in the SAS Global Forum proceedings. Here is the direct link to my paper.
Your questions and comments are valued and encouraged. Connect with the author, Brian R. Gaines: email, personal website, Twitter, or LinkedIn.