diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b97378e..269074e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Miscellaneous scripts for different purposes. Mostly unrelated to each other.
| Infosec
Automation | [`make-mac-prefixes.py`](bin/make-mac-prefixes.py)
Python 3 | Processes registered MAC address prefixes from [IEEE MA-L Assignments (CSV)](https://standards.ieee.org/products-programs/regauth/) (stdin) to Nmap's [`nmap-mac-prefixes`](https://github.com/nmap/nmap/blob/master/nmap-mac-prefixes) (stdout) with a few additional unregistered OUIs.
`curl https://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui/oui.csv \| make-mac-prefixes.py > nmap-mac-prefixes` |
| WordPress | [`test-cache-enabler.py`](bin/test-cache-enabler.py)
Python 3 | Tests whether the Cache Enabler by KeyCDN (WordPress) is working properly on the URLs given as arguments.
`test-cache-enabler.py https://example.com [...]` |
| Web | [`detect-modified-html-element.sh`](bin/detect-modified-html-element.sh)
Shell (bash) | Checks HTML element changes on a web page since last run. Configured via environment variables.
Recommended to be executed as a SystemD [service](systemd/detect-modified-html-element.service.example). |
-| Web | [`product-pricelimiter.sh`](bin/product-pricelimiter.sh)
Shell (bash) | Compare product price on a web page with a given maximum price. Use, e.g., developer tools on your browser to find the HTML element containing the price.
`product-pricelimiter.sh -u ProductURL -s Selector [-m MaxPrice] [-n N]` |
+| Web | [`product-pricelimiter.sh`](bin/product-pricelimiter.sh)
Shell (bash) | Compare product price on a web page with a given maximum price. Use, e.g., developer tools on your browser to find the HTML element containing the price.
`product-pricelimiter.sh -u URL -s Selector [-m MaxPrice] [-n N] [-d N]` |
| Web | `koronarokotusaika.sh`
Shell (bash) | This script has been removed as koronarokotusaika.fi (bookcovidvaccine.fi) has been shut down on April 28, 2023. |
| Web | `xxl-product-pricelimiter.sh`
Shell (bash) | This script has been replaced by the generalized [`product-pricelimiter.sh`](bin/product-pricelimiter.sh) as the HTML structure of XXL.fi has changed. |
diff --git a/bin/product-pricelimiter.sh b/bin/product-pricelimiter.sh
index 140b223..3df1c4f 100755
--- a/bin/product-pricelimiter.sh
+++ b/bin/product-pricelimiter.sh
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ read -r -d '' USAGE << EOM
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compare product price on a web page with a given maximum price.
-# Usage: product-pricelimiter.sh -u ProductURL -s Selector [-m MaxPrice] [-n N]
+# Usage: product-pricelimiter.sh -u URL -s Selector [-m MaxPrice] [-n N] [-d N]
-# -u ProductURL web page URL to fetch the current price from
-# -s Selector the HTML element containing the price; search the price from
-# elements or attributes that match a (CSS) selector (e.g.
-# h3, #id, .class or combinations like "#id div.class")
-# -m MaxPrice maximum price used for comparison; float number
-# -n N in case there are multiple floats in the element, choose Nth
+# -u URL web page URL to fetch the current price from
+# -s Selector the HTML element containing the price; search the price from
+# elements or attributes that match a (CSS) selector (e.g.
+# h3, #id, .class or combinations like "#id div.class")
+# -m MaxPrice maximum price used for comparison; float number
+# -n N in case there are multiple floats in the element, choose Nth
+# -d N use N decimals in the currency; requires 'bc' (default: 2)
# Exit codes:
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ read -r -d '' USAGE << EOM
# 1 ERROR An error has occured; unable to tell the result.
# 2 WAIT Price is found but higher than the MaxPrice.
+# Requires html-xml-utils (hxselect & hxnormalize).
# It is recommended to have 'bc' installed for more accurate comparison.
# Author : Esa Jokinen (oh2fih)
@@ -33,9 +35,10 @@ UA+="(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
# Validate arguments
-while getopts ":hu:s:m:n:" opt; do
+while getopts ":hu:s:m:n:d:" opt; do
case ${opt} in
# Allow -h for help; invalid or missing arguments prints the usage anyway.
@@ -61,10 +64,22 @@ while getopts ":hu:s:m:n:" opt; do
- if [[ "$OPTARG" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+ if [[ "$OPTARG" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
- echo -e "\033[0;31mN (-n) should be an integer!\033[0m" >&2
+ echo -e "\033[0;31mNth element (-n) should be an integer!\033[0m" >&2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ d)
+ if [[ "$OPTARG" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ d="$OPTARG"
+ else
+ echo -e "\033[0;31mDecimals (-d) should be an integer!\033[0m" >&2
+ fi
+ if (( d > 14)); then
+ echo -e "\033[0;31mNo currency has >14 decimals (-d)!\033[0m" >&2
@@ -156,7 +171,7 @@ fi
price=$(echo "$prices" | head -n "$n" | tail -n 1)
if command -v bc &> /dev/null; then
- price=$(echo "scale=2; ${price}/1" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./')
+ price=$(echo "scale=${d}; ${price}/1" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./')
echo -e "\033[0;32mThe price (#${n} in '${selector}') is now ${price}\033[0m"
@@ -165,9 +180,9 @@ echo -e "\033[0;32mThe price (#${n} in '${selector}') is now ${price}\033[0m"
if [ -n "$maxprice" ]; then
if command -v bc &> /dev/null; then
- maxprice=$(echo "scale=2; ${maxprice}/1" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./')
+ maxprice=$(echo "scale=${d}; ${maxprice}/1" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./')
- echo "scale=2; (${maxprice} - ${price})/1" \
+ echo "scale=${d}; (${maxprice} - ${price})/1" \
| bc \
| sed 's/-//' \
| sed 's/^\./0./'