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Building Nethunter

Mati Aharoni edited this page Dec 19, 2015 · 5 revisions

Building NetHunter

Those of you who want to build a NetHunter image from our GitHub repositories may do so using our Python build scripts.

root@kali:~# git clone
root@kali:~# cd kali-nethunter/AnyKernel2

The main build script is located in the AnyKernel2 directory, and can be used to build images for multiple devices and Android OS versions, as shown below:

root@kali:~/kali-nethunter/AnyKernel2# python -h
usage: [-h] [--device DEVICE] [--kitkat] [--lollipop] [--marshmallow]
                [--forcedown] [--noaroma] [--uninstaller] [--kernel]

Nethunter zip builder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
                        Device names: manta flounder flo grouper shamu
                        hammerhead mako oneplus2cm oneplus2 oneplus1
  --kitkat, -kk         Android.4.4.4
  --lollipop, -l        Android 5
  --marshmallow, -m     Android 6
  --forcedown, -f       Force redownloading
  --noaroma, -n         Use a generic updater-script instead of Aroma
  --uninstaller, -u     Create an uninstaller
  --kernel, -k          Build kernel only

To build a Lollipop image for a OnePlus One device:

root@kali:~/kali-nethunter/AnyKernel2# python -d oneplus1 --lollipop

The resulting zip file image will be created in the AnyKernel2 directory – this is the zip file you will need to flash on your device later on.