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Made basic functional LeapMenu
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Fixed HUD colors not updating
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odtheking committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 4220285 commit 5038969
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Showing 5 changed files with 75 additions and 82 deletions.
130 changes: 60 additions & 70 deletions src/main/kotlin/me/odinmain/features/impl/dungeon/LeapMenu.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
package me.odinmain.features.impl.dungeon

import com.github.stivais.aurora.color.Color
import com.github.stivais.aurora.constraints.impl.positions.Center
import com.github.stivais.aurora.constraints.impl.size.AspectRatio
import com.github.stivais.aurora.constraints.impl.size.Copying
import com.github.stivais.aurora.dsl.*
import com.github.stivais.aurora.elements.Layout.Companion.divider
import com.github.stivais.aurora.elements.impl.Block.Companion.outline
import com.github.stivais.aurora.elements.impl.layout.Grid
import com.github.stivais.aurora.utils.withAlpha
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NEUApi
import me.odinmain.features.Module
import me.odinmain.features.impl.dungeon.LeapHelper.leapHelperBossChatEvent
import me.odinmain.features.impl.dungeon.LeapHelper.worldLoad
import me.odinmain.features.impl.render.ClickGUI.`gray 38`
import me.odinmain.features.settings.Setting.Companion.withDependency
import me.odinmain.features.settings.impl.*
import me.odinmain.utils.equalsOneOf
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.dungeon.DungeonClass
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.dungeon.DungeonPlayer
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.dungeon.DungeonUtils.leapTeammates
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.getItemIndexInContainerChest
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.modMessage
import me.odinmain.utils.skyblock.partyMessage
import me.odinmain.utils.ui.Colors
import me.odinmain.utils.ui.renderer.NVGRenderer
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest
import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiOpenEvent
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard
import me.odinmain.features.impl.render.ClickGUI.`gray 38`

object LeapMenu : Module(
name = "Leap Menu",
Expand All @@ -52,78 +54,66 @@ object LeapMenu : Module(

private val EMPTY = DungeonPlayer("Empty", DungeonClass.Unknown)

// fun leapMenu() = Aurora(renderer = NVGRenderer) {
// Grid(copies()).scope {
// leapTeammates.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
// if (it == EMPTY) return@forEachIndexed
// group {
// val block = block(
// constraints = constrain(0.px, 0.px, 50.percent, 50.percent),
// color = `gray 38`,
// radius = 12.radius()
// ) {
// image(
// it.skinImage,
// constraints = constrain(5.percent, 10.percent, 30.percent, 80.percent),
// 12f.radius()
// )
// column(constraints = constrain(38.percent, 40.percent)) {
// text(, size = 20.percent, color = it.clazz.color)
// divider(5.percent)
// text(if (it.isDead) "§cDEAD" else, size = 10.percent, color = Color.WHITE)
// }
// }
// onClick(nonSpecific = true) {
// if (type != 0 && leapTeammates.size < index) return@onClick
// val playerToLeap = leapTeammates[index - 1]
// if (playerToLeap == EMPTY) return@onClick
// if (playerToLeap.isDead) return@onClick modMessage("This player is dead, can't leap.")
// modMessage("Teleporting to ${}.")
// leapTo(
// true
// }
// onKeycodePressed { (code) ->
// if (!useNumberKeys || leapTeammates.isEmpty()) return@onKeycodePressed false
// val keybindIndex = listOf(topLeftKeybind, topRightKeybind, bottomLeftKeybind, bottomRightKeybind).indexOfFirst { it.key == code }.takeIf { it != -1 } ?: return@onKeycodePressed false
// if (keybindIndex >= leapTeammates.size) return@onKeycodePressed false
// val playerToLeap = leapTeammates[keybindIndex]
// if (playerToLeap == EMPTY || playerToLeap.isDead) {
// modMessage("This player is dead, can't leap.")
// return@onKeycodePressed false
// }
// leapTo(
// true
// }
// onMouseEnter {
// block.outline(color = Color.WHITE, thickness = 2.px)
// redraw()
// }
// onMouseExit {
// block.outline(color = Color.TRANSPARENT, thickness = 0.px)
// redraw()
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
fun leapMenu() = Aurora(renderer = NVGRenderer) {
Grid(copies()).scope {
leapTeammates.forEachIndexed { index, teammate ->
if (teammate == EMPTY) return@forEachIndexed
group(size(50.percent, 50.percent)) {
constraints = constrain(Center, Center, AspectRatio(2.5f), 60.percent),
color = `gray 38`,
radius = 12.radius()
) {
row(size(Copying, Copying), padding = 5.percent) {
constraints = constrain(y = Center, w = 30.percent, h = AspectRatio(1f)),
column(size(Copying, Copying), padding = 5.percent) {
text(, color = teammate.clazz.color, size = 15.percent)
text(if (teammate.isDead) "DEAD" else, color = if (teammate.isDead) Colors.MINECRAFT_RED else Colors.WHITE, size = 12.percent)
onClick(nonSpecific = true) {
if (teammate.isDead) return@onClick modMessage("§cThis player is dead, can't leap.").let { false }
onKeycodePressed { (code) ->
if (!useNumberKeys || leapTeammates.isEmpty()) return@onKeycodePressed false

val keybindIndex = listOf(topLeftKeybind, topRightKeybind, bottomLeftKeybind, bottomRightKeybind).indexOfFirst { it.key == code }.takeIf { it != -1 } ?: return@onKeycodePressed false
if (keybindIndex >= leapTeammates.size) return@onKeycodePressed false

val playerToLeap = leapTeammates[keybindIndex]
if (playerToLeap == EMPTY || playerToLeap.isDead) return@onKeycodePressed modMessage("§cThis player is dead, can't leap.").let { false }


fun guiOpen(event: GuiOpenEvent) {
val chest = (event.gui as? GuiChest)?.inventorySlots ?: return
if (chest !is ContainerChest || != "Spirit Leap" || leapTeammates.isEmpty() || leapTeammates.all { it == EMPTY }) return
if (Loader.instance().activeModList.any { it.modId == "notenoughupdates" }) NEUApi.setInventoryButtonsToDisabled()

private fun leapTo(name: String) {
val containerChest = mc.thePlayer?.openContainer as? ContainerChest ?: return modMessage("You need to be in the leap menu to leap.")
val index = getItemIndexInContainerChest(containerChest, name, 11..16) ?: return modMessage("Can't find player $name. This shouldn't be possible! are you nicked?")
modMessage("Teleporting to $name.")
val containerChest = mc.thePlayer?.openContainer as? ContainerChest ?: return modMessage("§cYou need to be in the leap menu to leap.")
val index = getItemIndexInContainerChest(containerChest, name, 11..16) ?: return modMessage("§cCan't find player $name. This shouldn't be possible! are you nicked?")
mc.playerController?.windowClick(containerChest.windowId, index, 2, 3, mc.thePlayer) ?: return
if (leapAnnounce) partyMessage("Leaped to $name!")
mc.playerController.windowClick(containerChest.windowId, index, 2, 3, mc.thePlayer)
modMessage("Teleporting to $name.")

init {
Expand All @@ -133,10 +123,10 @@ object LeapMenu : Module(

private val leapTeammates: MutableList<DungeonPlayer> = mutableListOf(
DungeonPlayer("Stivais", DungeonClass.Healer),
DungeonPlayer("Odtheking", DungeonClass.Archer),
DungeonPlayer("freebonsai", DungeonClass.Mage),
DungeonPlayer("Cezar", DungeonClass.Tank)
DungeonPlayer("Stivais", DungeonClass.Healer, skinImage = Image("")),
DungeonPlayer("Odtheking", DungeonClass.Archer, skinImage = Image("")),
DungeonPlayer("freebonsai", DungeonClass.Mage, skinImage = Image("")),
DungeonPlayer("Cezar", DungeonClass.Tank, skinImage = Image(""))

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package me.odinmain.features.impl.floor7

import com.github.stivais.aurora.color.Color
import com.github.stivais.aurora.utils.color
import com.github.stivais.aurora.utils.withAlpha
import me.odinmain.features.Module
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ object WitherDragons : Module(
string = "${}:",
supplier = { String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", priorityDragon.timeToSpawn / 20.0) },
font = font, color1 = priorityDragon.color, color2 = getDragonTimerColor(priorityDragon.timeToSpawn), shadow = shadow
font = font, color1 = color { priorityDragon.color.rgba }, color2 = color { getDragonTimerColor(priorityDragon.timeToSpawn).rgba }, shadow = shadow
).needs { priorityDragon != WitherDragonsEnum.None }
}.setting(description = "Displays the time until the next dragon spawns.")

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package me.odinmain.features.impl.nether

import com.github.stivais.aurora.color.Color
import com.github.stivais.aurora.utils.color
import me.odinmain.features.Module
import me.odinmain.features.settings.Setting.Companion.withDependency
import me.odinmain.features.settings.impl.BooleanSetting
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ object BuildHelper : Module(
string = "Build:",
supplier = { if (preview) "72%" else "${ KuudraUtils.buildDonePercentage }%" },
font, color, colorBuild(KuudraUtils.buildDonePercentage), shadow
font, color, color { colorBuild(KuudraUtils.buildDonePercentage).rgba }, shadow
}.setting(description = "Displays the build percentage.")

Expand All @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ object BuildHelper : Module(
string = "Builders:",
supplier = { if (preview) "2" else "${ KuudraUtils.playersBuildingAmount }%" },
font, color, colorBuilders(KuudraUtils.playersBuildingAmount), shadow
font, color, color { colorBuilders(KuudraUtils.playersBuildingAmount).rgba }, shadow
}.setting(description = "Displays the amount of builders.")

Expand All @@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ object BuildHelper : Module(
string = "Freshers:",
supplier = { if (preview) "1" else buildersAmount },
font, color, colorBuilders(buildersAmount), shadow
font, color, color { colorBuilders(buildersAmount).rgba }, shadow
}.setting(description = "Displays the amount of freshers.")

Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/main/kotlin/me/odinmain/features/impl/render/BPSDisplay.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package me.odinmain.features.impl.render

import com.github.stivais.aurora.color.Color
import com.github.stivais.aurora.utils.color
import me.odinmain.features.Module
import me.odinmain.features.settings.impl.BooleanSetting
Expand All @@ -20,13 +21,13 @@ object BPSDisplay : Module(
) {
private val roundNumber by BooleanSetting("Round number", true, description = "If the number should be rounded.")

// private val hud by TextHUD("HUD") { color, font, shadow ->
// buildText(
// string = "BPS:",
// supplier = { if (roundNumber) bps.roundToInt() else bps.round(1) },
// font, color, getBPSColor(), shadow
// )
// }.registerSettings(::roundNumber).setting("Displays the BPS on screen.")
private val hud by TextHUD("HUD") { color, font, shadow ->
string = "BPS:",
supplier = { if (roundNumber) bps.roundToInt() else bps.round(1) },
font, color, color { getBPSColor().rgba }, shadow
}.registerSettings(::roundNumber).setting("Displays the BPS on screen.")

private var bps = 0.0
get() = field.coerceIn(0.0, 20.0)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ enum class DungeonClass(
Archer(Colors.MINECRAFT_GOLD, '6', 0, 2),
Berserk(Colors.MINECRAFT_DARK_RED, '4', 1, 0),
Healer(Colors.MINECRAFT_LIGHT_PURPLE, 'd', 2, 2),
Mage(Colors.MINECRAFT_BLUE, 'b', 3, 2),
Mage(Colors.MINECRAFT_AQUA, 'b', 3, 2),
Tank(Colors.MINECRAFT_DARK_GREEN, '2', 3, 1),
Unknown(Color.WHITE, 'f', 0, 0)
Expand Down

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