From e4af251307533cf2759cbaaaa4c5457436a30494 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 11:23:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Fixed tests (#24)

 tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R | 11 +++++------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R b/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
index 6a4f2f2..86cf9fb 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
@@ -46,11 +46,10 @@ raw_bam <- importFile(
   data    = file.path(path_inst, "bam_example.bam"),
   format  = "BAM",
-# TODO: uncomment for testing #24
-# raw_baps <- importFile(
-#   data   = file.path(path_inst, "FASTA_clustering_haploid.fasta"),
-#   format = "FASTA"
-# )
+raw_baps <- importFile(
+  data   = file.path(path_inst, "FASTA_clustering_haploid.fasta"),
+  format = "FASTA"
 test_that("Files are imported correctly", {
   expect_equal(dim(raw_fasta), c(5, 99))
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ test_that("Files are imported correctly", {
-test_that("greedyMix() works", {
+test_that("greedyMix() fails successfully", {
   expect_error(greedyMix(file.path(path_inst, "vcf_example.vcf")))
   expect_error(greedyMix(file.path(path_inst, "bam_example.bam")))

From 6aecf382317182bfc977b92e38ab8e38467936bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 12:17:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Fixed `indMix()` and subfunctions (#24)

 R/indMix.R                  |  86 ++++++------
 R/laskeMuutokset12345.R     | 252 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/laskeOsaDist.R            |   4 +-
 R/poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot.R |  16 +--
 R/returnInOrder.R           |  14 +-
 5 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/indMix.R b/R/indMix.R
index 323c8d0..f868ed7 100644
--- a/R/indMix.R
+++ b/R/indMix.R
@@ -195,9 +195,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
         } else if (round == 2) { # Populaation yhdist�minen toiseen.
           maxMuutos <- 0
           for (pop in seq_len(npops)) {
-            muutokset_diffInCounts <- greedyMix_muutokset$new
-            # FIXME: wrong input
-            browser() # TEMP. Tip: browserText()
+            muutokset_diffInCounts <- greedyMix_muutokset$new()
             muutokset_diffInCounts <- muutokset_diffInCounts$laskeMuutokset2(
               pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
           maxMuutos <- 0
           ninds <- size(rows, 1)
           for (pop in seq_len(npops)) {
-            inds2 <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
+            inds2 <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
             ninds2 <- length(inds2)
             if (ninds2 > 2) {
               dist2 <- laskeOsaDist(inds2, dist, ninds)
@@ -256,8 +254,8 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
               muutokset <- muutokset_diffInCounts$laskeMuutokset3(
                 T2, inds2, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm, pop
-              isoin <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)[[1]]
-              indeksi <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)[[2]]
+              isoin <- matlab2r::max(c(muutokset))[[1]]
+              indeksi <- matlab2r::max(c(muutokset))[[2]]
               if (isoin > maxMuutos) {
                 maxMuutos <- isoin
                 muuttuvaPop2 <- indeksi %% npops2
@@ -277,9 +275,9 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
               rivit <- rbind(rivit, t(lisa))
             diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-              t(rivit), size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
+              t(rivit), size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
-            i1 <- PARTITION[muuttuvat[1]]
+            i1 <- globals$PARTITION[muuttuvat[1]]
               muuttuvat, diffInCounts, adjprior, priorTerm, i2
@@ -308,26 +306,24 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
         } else if (round == 5 || round == 6) {
           j <- 0
           muutettu <- 0
-          poplogml <- POP_LOGML
-          partition <- PARTITION
-          counts <- COUNTS
-          sumcounts <- SUMCOUNTS
-          logdiff <- LOGDIFF
+          poplogml <- globals$POP_LOGML
+          partition <- globals$PARTITION
+          counts <- globals$COUNTS
+          sumcounts <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
+          logdiff <- globals$LOGDIFF
           pops <- sample(npops)
           while (j < npops & muutettu == 0) {
             j <- j + 1
             pop <- pops[j]
             totalMuutos <- 0
-            inds <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
+            inds <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
             if (round == 5) {
-              aputaulu <- c(inds, rand(length(inds), 1))
+              aputaulu <- matrix(c(inds, rand(length(inds), 1)), ncol = 2)
               aputaulu <- sortrows(aputaulu, 2)
               inds <- aputaulu[, 1]
-            } else if (round == 6) {
-              inds <- returnInOrder(
-                inds, pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm
-              )
+            } else if (round == 6 && length(inds) > 0) {
+              inds <- returnInOrder(inds, pop, rows, data, adjprior, priorTerm)
             i <- 0
@@ -386,12 +382,12 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
             } else {
               # Miss��n vaiheessa tila ei parantunut.
               # Perutaan kaikki muutokset.
-              PARTITION <- partition
-              SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
-              POP_LOGML <- poplogml
-              COUNTS <- counts
+              globals$PARTITION <- partition
+              globals$SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
+              globals$POP_LOGML <- poplogml
+              globals$COUNTS <- counts
               logml <- logml - totalMuutos
-              LOGDIFF <- logdiff
+              globals$LOGDIFF <- logdiff
               kokeiltu[round] <- 1
@@ -401,20 +397,20 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
           j <- 0
           pops <- sample(npops)
           muutoksiaNyt <- 0
-          if (emptyPop == -1) {
+          if (emptyPop$emptyPop == -1) {
             j <- npops
           while (j < npops) {
             j <- j + 1
             pop <- pops[j]
-            inds2 <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == pop)
+            inds2 <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == pop)
             ninds2 <- length(inds2)
             if (ninds2 > 5) {
-              partition <- PARTITION
-              sumcounts <- SUMCOUNTS
-              counts <- COUNTS
-              poplogml <- POP_LOGML
-              logdiff <- LOGDIFF
+              partition <- globals$PARTITION
+              sumcounts <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
+              counts <- globals$COUNTS
+              poplogml <- globals$POP_LOGML
+              logdiff <- globals$LOGDIFF
               dist2 <- laskeOsaDist(inds2, dist, ninds)
               Z2 <- linkage(t(dist2))
@@ -433,7 +429,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
                 rivit <- c(rivit, lisa)
               diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-                rivit, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
+                rivit, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
@@ -454,7 +450,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
                 maxMuutos <- indeksi <- matlab2r::max(muutokset)
                 muuttuva <- inds2(indeksi)
-                if (PARTITION(muuttuva) == pop) {
+                if (globals$PARTITION(muuttuva) == pop) {
                   i2 <- emptyPop
                 } else {
                   i2 <- pop
@@ -463,7 +459,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
                 if (maxMuutos > 1e-5) {
                   rivit <- rows[muuttuva, 1]:rows[muuttuva, 2]
                   diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-                    rivit, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2),
+                    rivit, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2),
@@ -498,11 +494,11 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
                 j <- npops
               } else {
                 # palutetaan vanhat arvot
-                PARTITION <- partition
-                SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
-                COUNTS <- counts
-                POP_LOGML <- poplogml
-                LOGDIFF <- logdiff
+                globals$PARTITION <- partition
+                globals$SUMCOUNTS <- sumcounts
+                globals$COUNTS <- counts
+                globals$POP_LOGML <- poplogml
+                globals$LOGDIFF <- logdiff
@@ -540,7 +536,7 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
     npops <- poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot(npops)
-    POP_LOGML <- computePopulationLogml(seq_len(npops), adjprior, priorTerm)
+    globals$POP_LOGML <- computePopulationLogml(seq_len(npops), adjprior, priorTerm)
     if (dispText) {
       message("Found partition with ", as.character(npops), " populations.")
       message("Log(ml) = ", as.character(logml))
@@ -550,11 +546,11 @@ indMix <- function(c, npops, counts = NULL, sumcounts = NULL, max_iter = 100L, d
       # P�ivitet��n parasta l�ydetty� partitiota.
       logmlBest <- logml
       npopsBest <- npops
-      partitionBest <- PARTITION
-      countsBest <- COUNTS
-      sumCountsBest <- SUMCOUNTS
-      pop_logmlBest <- POP_LOGML
-      logdiffbest <- LOGDIFF
+      partitionBest <- globals$PARTITION
+      countsBest <- globals$COUNTS
+      sumCountsBest <- globals$SUMCOUNTS
+      pop_logmlBest <- globals$POP_LOGML
+      logdiffbest <- globals$LOGDIFF
diff --git a/R/laskeMuutokset12345.R b/R/laskeMuutokset12345.R
index 6cff0e1..78c9f5c 100644
--- a/R/laskeMuutokset12345.R
+++ b/R/laskeMuutokset12345.R
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
     ) {
       #  Palauttaa npops * 1 taulun, jossa i:s alkio kertoo, mik?olisi
       #  muutos logml:ss? mikהli yksil?ind siirretההn koriin i.
-      #  diffInCounts on poistettava COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lisהttהv?
-      #  COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mikהli muutos toteutetaan.
-      npops <- size(COUNTS, 3)
+      #  diffInCounts on poistettava globals$COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lisהttהv?
+      #  globals$COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mikהli muutos toteutetaan.
+      npops <- size(globals$COUNTS, 3)
       muutokset <- zeros(npops, 1)
       emptyPop_pops <- findEmptyPop(npops)
@@ -25,42 +25,42 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
       pops <- emptyPop_pops$pops
-      i1 <- PARTITION(ind)
+      i1 <- globals$PARTITION(ind)
       i2 <- pops[find(pops != i1)]
       if (emptyPop > 0) {
         i2 <- c(i2, emptyPop)
       rows <- ((ind - 1) * rowsFromInd + 1):(ind * rowsFromInd)
-      diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data)
+      diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data)
       diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
       diffInCliqCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(cliques, ind)
       diffInSepCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(separators, ind)
-      COUNTS[, ,i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
-      SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
-      CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInCliqCounts
-      SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInSepCounts
+      globals$COUNTS[, ,i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
+      globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+      globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInCliqCounts
+      globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInSepCounts
       for (i in i2) {
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
-        COUNTS[, ,i] <- COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
         muutokset[i] <- computeLogml(adjprior, priorTerm) - logml
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
-        COUNTS[, , i] <- COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, , i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
-      COUNTS[, , i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
-      SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-      CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInCliqCounts
-      SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInSepCounts
+      globals$COUNTS[, , i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
+      globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+      globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInCliqCounts
+      globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInSepCounts
       #  Asetetaan muillekin tyhjille populaatioille sama muutos, kuin
       #  emptyPop:lle
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
       #  koriin i.
       #  Laskee muutokset vain yhdelle tyhjהlle populaatiolle, muille tulee
       #  muutokseksi 0.
-      # global COUNTS      # global SUMCOUNTS
-      # global PARTITION   # global POP_LOGML
-      # global CLIQCOUNTS  # global SEPCOUNTS
+      # global globals$COUNTS      # global globals$SUMCOUNTS
+      # global globals$PARTITION   # global globals$POP_LOGML
+      # global globals$CLIQCOUNTS  # global globals$SEPCOUNTS
-      npops <- size(COUNTS, 3)
+      npops <- size(globals$COUNTS, 3)
       muutokset <- zeros(npops, 1)
       emptyPop <- findEmptyPop(npops)$emptyPop
@@ -102,37 +102,37 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
         i2 <- c(i2, emptyPop)
-      inds <- find(PARTITION == i1)
+      inds <- find(globals$PARTITION == i1)
       rows <- computeRows(rowsFromInd, inds, length(inds))
-      diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data)
+      diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data)
       diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
       diffInCliqCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(cliques, inds)
       diffInSepCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(separators, inds)
-      COUNTS[, ,i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
-      SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
-      CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- 0
-      SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- 0
+      globals$COUNTS[, ,i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
+      globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+      globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- 0
+      globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- 0
       for (i in i2) {
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
-        COUNTS[, ,i] <- COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
         muutokset[i] <- computeLogml(adjprior, priorTerm) - logml
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
-        COUNTS[, ,i] <- COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
-      COUNTS[, ,i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
-      SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-      CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- diffInCliqCounts
-      SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- diffInSepCounts
+      globals$COUNTS[, ,i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
+      globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+      globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- diffInCliqCounts
+      globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- diffInSepCounts
       return(list(muutokset = muutokset, diffInCounts = diffInCounts))
     #' @param T2 T2
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
       #  inds2(find(T2 == i)) siirretההn koriin j.
       #  Laskee vain yhden tyhjהn populaation, muita kohden muutokseksi jהה 0.
-      # global COUNTS      # global SUMCOUNTS
-      # global PARTITION   # global POP_LOGML
-      # global CLIQCOUNTS  # global SEPCOUNTS
+      # global globals$COUNTS      # global globals$SUMCOUNTS
+      # global globals$PARTITION   # global globals$POP_LOGML
+      # global globals$CLIQCOUNTS  # global globals$SEPCOUNTS
-      npops <- size(COUNTS, 3)
+      npops <- size(globals$COUNTS, 3)
       npops2 <- length(unique(T2))
       muutokset <- zeros(npops2, npops)
@@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
         if (ninds > 0) {
           rows <- computeRows(rowsFromInd, inds, ninds)
-          diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data)
+          diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data)
           diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
           diffInCliqCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(cliques, inds)
           diffInSepCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(separators, inds)
-          COUNTS[, ,i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
-          SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
-          CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInCliqCounts
-          SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInSepCounts
+          globals$COUNTS[, ,i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+          globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInCliqCounts
+          globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] - diffInSepCounts
           emptyPop <- findEmptyPop(npops)$emptyPop
           pops <- findEmptyPop(npops)$pops
@@ -186,23 +186,23 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
           for (i in i2) {
-            CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
-            SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
-            COUNTS[, ,i] <- COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
-            SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
+            globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] + diffInCliqCounts
+            globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] + diffInSepCounts
+            globals$COUNTS[, ,i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] + diffInCounts
+            globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] + diffInSumCounts
             muutokset[pop2, i] <- computeLogml(adjprior, priorTerm) - logml
-            CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
-            SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
-            COUNTS[, ,i] <- COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
-            SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
+            globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i] - diffInCliqCounts
+            globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i] - diffInSepCounts
+            globals$COUNTS[, ,i] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i] - diffInCounts
+            globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i, ] - diffInSumCounts
-          COUNTS[, ,i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
-          SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-          CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInCliqCounts
-          SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInSepCounts
+          globals$COUNTS[, ,i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+          globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInCliqCounts
+          globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, i1] + diffInSepCounts
@@ -224,18 +224,18 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
       #  Palauttaa length(inds) * 1 taulun, jossa i:s alkio kertoo, mik?olisi
       #  muutos logml:ss? mikהli yksil?i vaihtaisi koria i1:n ja i2:n vהlill?
-      # global COUNTS    # global SUMCOUNTS
-      # global PARTITION
-      # global CLIQCOUNTS  # global SEPCOUNTS
+      # global globals$COUNTS    # global globals$SUMCOUNTS
+      # global globals$PARTITION
+      # global globals$CLIQCOUNTS  # global globals$SEPCOUNTS
       ninds <- length(inds)
       muutokset <- zeros(ninds, 1)
-      cliqsize <- size(CLIQCOUNTS, 2)
-      sepsize <- size(SEPCOUNTS, 2)
+      cliqsize <- size(globals$CLIQCOUNTS, 2)
+      sepsize <- size(globals$SEPCOUNTS, 2)
       for (i in 1:ninds) {
         ind <- inds[i]
-        if (PARTITION[ind] == i1) {
+        if (globals$PARTITION[ind] == i1) {
           pop1 <- i1 # mist?
           pop2 <- i2 # mihin
         } else {
@@ -244,32 +244,32 @@ spatialMixture_muutokset <- R6Class(
         rows <- ((ind - 1) * rowsFromInd + 1):(ind * rowsFromInd)
-        diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data)
+        diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data)
         diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
         diffInCliqCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(cliques, ind)
         diffInSepCounts <- computeDiffInCliqCounts(separators, ind)
-        COUNTS[, ,pop1] <- COUNTS[, , pop1] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] - diffInSumCounts
-        COUNTS[, ,pop2] <- COUNTS[, , pop2] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,pop1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,pop2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] + diffInSumCounts
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] - diffInCliqCounts
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] + diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] - diffInSepCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] <- SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] + diffInSepCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] - diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] + diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] - diffInSepCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] + diffInSepCounts
         muutokset[i] <- computeLogml(adjprior, priorTerm) - logml
-        COUNTS[, ,pop1] <- COUNTS[, , pop1] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-        COUNTS[, ,pop2] <- COUNTS[, , pop2] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,pop1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, ,pop2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] - diffInSumCounts
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] + diffInCliqCounts
-        CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] <- CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] - diffInCliqCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] <- SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] + diffInSepCounts
-        SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] <- SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] - diffInSepCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop1] + diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] <- globals$CLIQCOUNTS[, pop2] - diffInCliqCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop1] + diffInSepCounts
+        globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] <- globals$SEPCOUNTS[, pop2] - diffInSepCounts
@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ admix1_muutokset <- R6Class(
 #' @title Calculate changes (greedyMix class)
 #' @description Palauttaa npops*1 taulun, jossa i:s alkio kertoo, mik� olisi
 #' muutos logml:ss�, mik�li yksil� ind siirret��n koriin i.
-#' diffInCounts on poistettava COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lis�tt�v�
-#' COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mik�li muutos toteutetaan.
+#' diffInCounts on poistettava globals$COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lis�tt�v�
+#' globals$COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mik�li muutos toteutetaan.
 #' Lis�ys 25.9.2007:
 #' Otettu k�ytt��n globaali muuttuja LOGDIFF, johon on tallennettu muutokset
@@ -401,11 +401,11 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       if (ninds == 0) {
         diffInCounts <- zeros(size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2))
-        return()
+        return(list("muutokset" = muutokset, "diffInCounts" = diffInCounts))
       rows <- list()
-      for (i in 1:ninds) {
+      for (i in seq_len(ninds)) {
         ind <- inds[i]
         lisa <- globalRows[ind, 1]:globalRows[ind, 2]
         rows <- c(rows, t(lisa))
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
         t(rows), size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
-      diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
+      diffInSumCounts <- colSums(diffInCounts)
       globals$COUNTS[, , i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
       globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
@@ -422,7 +422,11 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       globals$COUNTS[, , i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
       globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-      i2 <- c(1:i1 - 1, i1 + 1:npops)
+      if (i1 < npops) {
+        i2 <- c(1:(i1 - 1), (i1 + 1):npops)
+      } else {
+        i2 <- 1:(i1 - 1)
+      }
       i2_logml <- globals$POP_LOGML[i2]
       globals$COUNTS[, , i2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i2] + repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
@@ -431,7 +435,8 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       globals$COUNTS[, , i2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i2] - repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
       globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] - repmat(diffInSumCounts, c(npops - 1, 1))
-      muutokset[i2] <- new_i1_logml - i1_logml + new_i2_logml - i2_logml
+      i1_diff <- new_i1_logml - i1_logml
+      muutokset[i2] <- rep(i1_diff, length(i2_logml)) + new_i2_logml - i2_logml
       return(list(muutokset = muutokset, diffInCounts = diffInCounts))
     #' @param T2 T2
@@ -448,11 +453,11 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       # kertoo, mik� olisi muutos logml:ss�, jos populaation i1 osapopulaatio
       # inds2(matlab2r::find(T2==i)) siirret��n koriin j.
-      npops <- size(COUNTS, 3)
+      npops <- size(globals$COUNTS, 3)
       npops2 <- length(unique(T2))
       muutokset <- zeros(npops2, npops)
-      i1_logml <- POP_LOGML[i1]
+      i1_logml <- globals$POP_LOGML[i1]
       for (pop2 in 1:npops2) {
         inds <- inds2[matlab2r::find(T2 == pop2)]
         ninds <- length(inds)
@@ -464,26 +469,31 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
             rows <- c(rows, t(lisa))
           diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-            t(rows), size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
+            t(rows), size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
-          diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
+          diffInSumCounts <- colSums(diffInCounts)
-          COUNTS[, , i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
-          SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+          globals$COUNTS[, , i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] - diffInCounts
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] - diffInSumCounts
           new_i1_logml <- computePopulationLogml(i1, adjprior, priorTerm)
-          COUNTS[, , i1] <- COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
-          SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+          globals$COUNTS[, , i1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i1] + diffInCounts
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-          i2 <- c(1:i1 - 1, i1 + 1:npops)
-          i2_logml <- t(POP_LOGML[i2])
+          if (i1 < npops) {
+            i2 <- c(1:(i1 - 1), (i1 + 1):npops)
+          } else {
+            i2 <- 1:(i1 - 1)
+          }
+          i2_logml <- t(globals$POP_LOGML[i2])
-          COUNTS[, , i2] <- COUNTS[, , i2] + repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
-          SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] + repmat(diffInSumCounts, c(npops - 1, 1))
+          globals$COUNTS[, , i2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i2] + repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] + repmat(diffInSumCounts, c(npops - 1, 1))
           new_i2_logml <- t(computePopulationLogml(i2, adjprior, priorTerm))
-          COUNTS[, , i2] <- COUNTS[, , i2] - repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
-          SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] - repmat(diffInSumCounts, c(npops - 1, 1))
+          globals$COUNTS[, , i2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , i2] - repmat(diffInCounts, c(1, 1, npops - 1))
+          globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[i2, ] - repmat(diffInSumCounts, c(npops - 1, 1))
-          muutokset[pop2, i2] <- new_i1_logml - i1_logml + new_i2_logml - i2_logml
+          i1_diff <- new_i1_logml - i1_logml
+          muutokset[pop2, i2] <- rep(i1_diff, length(i2_logml)) + new_i2_logml - i2_logml
@@ -502,12 +512,12 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
       ninds <- length(inds)
       muutokset <- zeros(ninds, 1)
-      i1_logml <- POP_LOGML[i1]
-      i2_logml <- POP_LOGML[i2]
+      i1_logml <- globals$POP_LOGML[i1]
+      i2_logml <- globals$POP_LOGML[i2]
       for (i in 1:ninds) {
         ind <- inds[i]
-        if (PARTITION[ind] == i1) {
+        if (globals$PARTITION[ind] == i1) {
           pop1 <- i1 # mist�
           pop2 <- i2 # mihin
         } else {
@@ -516,24 +526,24 @@ greedyMix_muutokset <- R6Class(
         rows <- globalRows[ind, 1]:globalRows[ind, 2]
         diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-          rows, size(COUNTS, 1), size(COUNTS, 2), data
+          rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
         diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
-        COUNTS[, , pop1] <- COUNTS[, , pop1] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] - diffInSumCounts
-        COUNTS[, , pop2] <- COUNTS[, , pop2] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] + diffInSumCounts
         new_logmls <- computePopulationLogml(c(i1, i2), adjprior, priorTerm)
         muutokset[i] <- sum(new_logmls)
-        COUNTS[, , pop1] <- COUNTS[, , pop1] + diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] + diffInSumCounts
-        COUNTS[, , pop2] <- COUNTS[, , pop2] - diffInCounts
-        SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] - diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop1] + diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop1, ] + diffInSumCounts
+        globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop2] - diffInCounts
+        globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop2, ] - diffInSumCounts
       muutokset <- muutokset - i1_logml - i2_logml
diff --git a/R/laskeOsaDist.R b/R/laskeOsaDist.R
index 4f76b8b..b6c8570 100644
--- a/R/laskeOsaDist.R
+++ b/R/laskeOsaDist.R
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ laskeOsaDist <- function(inds2, dist, ninds) {
   ninds2 <- length(inds2)
   apu <- zeros(choose(ninds2, 2), 2)
   rivi <- 1
-  for (i in 1:ninds2 - 1) {
-    for (j in i + 1:ninds2) {
+  for (i in 1:(ninds2 - 1)) {
+    for (j in (i + 1):ninds2) {
       apu[rivi, 1] <- inds2[i]
       apu[rivi, 2] <- inds2[j]
       rivi <- rivi + 1
diff --git a/R/poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot.R b/R/poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot.R
index 0635e9a..12eb486 100644
--- a/R/poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot.R
+++ b/R/poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot.R
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 poistaTyhjatPopulaatiot <- function(npops) {
-  # % Poistaa tyhjentyneet populaatiot COUNTS:ista ja
-  # % SUMCOUNTS:ista. P�ivitt�� npops:in ja PARTITION:in.
-  notEmpty <- matlab2r::find(apply(SUMCOUNTS, 1, function(x) any(x > 0)))
-  COUNTS <- COUNTS[, , notEmpty]
-  LOGDIFF <- LOGDIFF[, notEmpty]
+  # % Poistaa tyhjentyneet populaatiot globals$COUNTS:ista ja
+  # % globals$SUMCOUNTS:ista. P�ivitt�� npops:in ja globals$PARTITION:in.
+  notEmpty <- matlab2r::find(apply(globals$SUMCOUNTS, 1, function(x) any(x > 0)))
+  globals$COUNTS <- globals$COUNTS[, , notEmpty]
+  globals$SUMCOUNTS <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[notEmpty, ]
+  globals$LOGDIFF <- globals$LOGDIFF[, notEmpty]
   for (n in 1:length(notEmpty)) {
-    apu <- matlab2r::find(PARTITION == notEmpty[n])
-    PARTITION[apu] <- n
+    apu <- matlab2r::find(globals$PARTITION == notEmpty[n])
+    globals$PARTITION[apu] <- n
   npops <- length(notEmpty)
diff --git a/R/returnInOrder.R b/R/returnInOrder.R
index 5287007..4fda453 100644
--- a/R/returnInOrder.R
+++ b/R/returnInOrder.R
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ returnInOrder <- function(inds, pop, globalRows, data, adjprior, priorTerm) {
   # % arvoa eniten.
   ninds <- length(inds)
-  apuTaulu <- c(inds, zeros(ninds, 1))
+  apuTaulu <- cbind(inds, zeros(ninds, 1))
   for (i in 1:ninds) {
     ind <- inds[i]
     rows <- globalRows[i, 1]:globalRows[i, 2]
     diffInCounts <- computeDiffInCounts(
-      rows, size[COUNTS, 1], size[COUNTS, 2], data
+      rows, size(globals$COUNTS, 1), size(globals$COUNTS, 2), data
-    diffInSumCounts <- sum(diffInCounts)
+    diffInSumCounts <- colSums(diffInCounts)
-    COUNTS[, , pop] <- COUNTS[, , pop] - diffInCounts
-    SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] - diffInSumCounts
+    globals$COUNTS[, , pop] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop] - diffInCounts
+    globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] - diffInSumCounts
     apuTaulu[i, 2] <- computePopulationLogml(pop, adjprior, priorTerm)
-    COUNTS[, , pop] <- COUNTS[, , pop] + diffInCounts
-    SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] <- SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] + diffInSumCounts
+    globals$COUNTS[, , pop] <- globals$COUNTS[, , pop] + diffInCounts
+    globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] <- globals$SUMCOUNTS[pop, ] + diffInSumCounts
   apuTaulu <- sortrows(apuTaulu, 2)
   inds <- apuTaulu[ninds:1, 1]

From e873075ebf5b2c85f4a42f211660390dffb3e3d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:39:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] =?UTF-8?q?Fixed=20`greedyMix()`=20for=20BAPS=20files?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 R/writeMixtureInfo.R | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/writeMixtureInfo.R b/R/writeMixtureInfo.R
index 65bdbee..79294e5 100644
--- a/R/writeMixtureInfo.R
+++ b/R/writeMixtureInfo.R
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ writeMixtureInfo <- function(
   partitionSummary <- sortrows(partitionSummary, 2)
-  partitionSummary <- partitionSummary[size(partitionSummary, 1):1, ]
-  partitionSummary <- partitionSummary[matlab2r::find(partitionSummary[, 2] > -1e49), ]
+  partitionSummary <- partitionSummary[size(partitionSummary, 1):1, , drop = FALSE]
+  partitionSummary <- partitionSummary[matlab2r::find(partitionSummary[, 2] > -1e49), , drop = FALSE]
   if (size(partitionSummary, 1) > 10) {
     vikaPartitio <- 10
   } else {

From 95ff2378b1e81e8838908a34742a796250ec7882 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:39:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Added unit tests (#24)

 tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R b/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
index 86cf9fb..6029c63 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-greedyMix.R
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ test_that("greedyMix() fails successfully", {
   expect_error(greedyMix(file.path(path_inst, "bam_example.bam")))
+test_that("greedyMix() works when it should", {
+  baps_file <- file.path(path_inst, "BAPS_clustering_diploid.txt")
+  greedy_baps <- greedyMix(baps_file, "BAPS")
+  expect_type(greedy_baps, "list")
+  expect_length(greedy_baps, 10L)
 test_that("Linkages are properly calculated", {

From 3ce6659120f84f523330f787303145f1e30970c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:53:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Updated docs

 man/greedyMix_muutokset.Rd | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/greedyMix_muutokset.Rd b/man/greedyMix_muutokset.Rd
index e73eb05..3700a75 100644
--- a/man/greedyMix_muutokset.Rd
+++ b/man/greedyMix_muutokset.Rd
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 Palauttaa npops*1 taulun, jossa i:s alkio kertoo, mik� olisi
 muutos logml:ss�, mik�li yksil� ind siirret��n koriin i.
-diffInCounts on poistettava COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lis�tt�v�
-COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mik�li muutos toteutetaan.
+diffInCounts on poistettava globals$COUNTS:in siivusta i1 ja lis�tt�v�
+globals$COUNTS:in siivuun i2, mik�li muutos toteutetaan.
 Lis�ys 25.9.2007:
 Otettu k�ytt��n globaali muuttuja LOGDIFF, johon on tallennettu muutokset

From d861ffb551b94d2f32220f9e237149eb3d450b52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Waldir Leoncio <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:53:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Increment version number to

 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

index 53dba3a..a2e2c03 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: rBAPS
 Title: Bayesian Analysis of Population Structure
 Date: 2020-11-09