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76 lines (62 loc) · 6.27 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (62 loc) · 6.27 KB


bucket list

  • support for deno and node workspaces.
  • support for scopes in deno.json (I haven't got a clue as to what it does anyway).
  • add a plugin that add support for custom mime type declaration via import "xyz" with { mime: "my-mime/type" }.

    better yet, see the generalized approach in the task below:

  • add a custom build-options/load-options plugin that can set a custom loader (or perform a separate bundle-build) based on the "with" import attributes.
  • create a stub esbuild.PluginBuild object that can be used for testing the onResolve calls of individual plugins. this would allow for the creation of unit tests, and also provide the plugin users with a better understanding of how the resource resolution works.

pre-version 0.4.0 todo list

  • add granulated tests for each plugin, and combination of plugins (for intertwined path resolution)

pre-version 0.3.0 todo list

  • npm-package download plugin (it will probably need access to the filesystem, for esbuild to discover it natively)

pre-version 0.2.0 todo list

  • optional global import map config at top level of the "all-in-one" plugin config
  • a function to detect the current runtime, so that it can be later used for predicting the base-project-level scope's runtimePackage: RuntimePackage (i.e. is it a package.json(c) or deno.json(c) or jsr.json(c)).
  • rename old cached fetch to memCachedFetch

    will not implement right now (maybe in the future).

  • create a filesystem based cached fetch named fsCachedFetch

    will not implement right now (maybe in the future).

  • the jsr plugin setup should accept runtimePackage: DenoPackage | URL | string configuration option for specifying the current scope/project's deno.json file (if there's one).
  • in either the jsrPlugin or a new npmPlugin, we should install npm packages via deno, by tricking it into importing the package and storing it into local node_modules folder (which WILL require "nodeModulesDir": "auto" in the top-level package's deno.json) in the following way:
    const dynamic_export_script = `export * as myLib from "npm:@${pkg.scope}/${}@${pkg.version}"`
    const dynamic_export_script_blob = new Blob([dynamic_export_script], { type: "text/javascript" })
    const dynamic_export_script_url = URL.createObjectURL(dynamic_export_script_blob)
    const phony_importer = await import(dynamic_export_script_url)
    on the other hand, if the npm command is available on the host system, then we can also execute npm install pkg-name --save-optional (via import { exec } from "node:child_process"; await exec("...")) if it is not already present in package.json, or just npm install pkg-name if it is present in package.json.

(2025-02-14) pre-version 0.1.2 todo list

  • create an npmSpecifierPlugin that only strips away the "npm:" prefix from an import path, and leaves it up to esbuild to take care of the full-path resolution and loading. but if we do end up having to do the full-path resolution ourselves (to replicate esbuild's operation), we will need to assume that node_modules exists in the current-working-directory (i.e. getCwd()), and NOT esbuild's absWorkingDir build option.

    most of this concern does not matter, since esbuild happily resolves the node-resolution-path starting with the resolveDir path argument provided to the built-in resolver function, and it works its way upwards, searching for the node_modules folder, and then searching for the package in each.

  • the denoPlugins should accept a getCwd: () => string configuration option, and base its path resolver function around it.
  • if DenoPluginsConfig.getCwd is undefined, then, by default, it will try detecting the runtime environment to pick from one of:
    • () => process.cwd() (for node and bun)
    • () => Deno.cwd() (for deno)
    • () => window.location.href (for browsers)
    • () => request.origin (for cloudflare workers (but how will we provide it a request: Request object statically?))

    this got implemented in jsr:@oazmi/[email protected]/crossenv, and was imported here as a dependency.

  • add the jsr "@std/*" dependencies to the packageJson.bundledDependencies field of deno.json, because npm does not permit packing of the .npmrc file, no matter what. as a result, the client downloading our package will never be able to resolve installation of @std/jsonc and @std/semver. thus, we bundle these dependencies in our packed npm-distribution. one unfortunate consequence is that it explodes the number of distribution files to 450+, instead of just 55 files.

(2025-02-11) pre-version 0.1.1 todo list

  • create an "all-in-one" plugin that is a combination of all of the plugins.
  • implement cached fetch for resource caching.

    I'm just using { cache: "force-cache" } in every fetch call. but I may need a more abstract caching strategy if I plan on caching on the filesystem as well via memCachedFetch that I may or may not introduce in version 0.2.0.

  • cached fetch should also retry due to timeout (up to 10 times)

    I don't see the need for this, since http is designed to retry in case of a corrupted response.

  • cached fetch should also follow redirects (up to 10 times) (or just set { redirect: "follow" } in fetch options)

(2025-02-10) pre-version 0.1.0 todo list

  • import map in PluginData
  • inside of resolvePathFromImportMap, we should normalize the input path first (see MDN). moreover, I think we are supposed to also normalize the import keys, except for the initial dot-slash "./" (or lack-thereof). but I'll have to look into the specification carefully to deduce that, since it isn't made clear at the surface level.
  • http plugin
  • jsr plugin
  • import-map plugin
  • contemplate which factory functions could potentially require information on build.initialOptions.absWorkingDir