Service script for Terraria dedicated servers on Raspberry Pi OS or other OSes. This service script lets you start, stop and save the server while running it in the background to avoid using programs like tmux and screen. Additionally you can use the script to invoke the terraria server commands (see below).
Make sure that you have downloaded the dedicated terraria server from the official Wiki and followed the "How to (RPI / Others OSes)" there before using the TerrariaService.
# Clone the repository to a directory such as /opt/
$ git clone
$ cd TerrariaService/
# Copy the example files without the example extension.
$ cp config.cfg.example config.cfg
$ cp terraria.service.example terraria.service
You can now edit the files to fit your needs. Make sure you enter the correct user in both files.
# Create symbolic link for systemctl
$ ln -s /opt/TerrariaService/terraria.service /etc/systemd/system/terraria.service
$ systemctl daemon-reload
# Test the service
$ systemctl status terraria
> Active: inactive (dead)
# Enable auto startup (optional)
$ systemctl enable terraria
It is recommended to make a symbolic link in the local bin in order to use the terraria service comands.
# Create symbolic link for the local bin
$ ln -s /opt/TerrariaService/terraria /usr/local/bin/terraria
# Example usage
terraria help
Before starting the service, run the following command to avoid problems with missing files or wrong permissions. If it does not work, try fixing it manually with chown
on the working directory (for the user specified in config.cfg and terraria.service).
# Validate server and service files
$ terraria checkfiles
Available service commands
Command | Description |
start | Starts the server |
stop | Stops the server |
checkfiles | Validates the service and server files |
state | Displays the server state |
kill | Kills the server process |
dir | Shows the directories in use |
help | Shows the help message |
Available server commands
Command | Description |
save | Save the game world |
exit | Save the world and stops the server |
kick <"player name"> | Kicks a player from the server |
ban <"player name"> | Bans a player from the server |
password | Show password |
password <"pass"> | Change password |
version | Print version number |
time | Display game time |
port | Print the listening port |
maxplayers | Print the max number of players |
say <"message"> | Send a message to all players. They will see the message in yellow prefixed with in the chat |
motd | Print MOTD |
motd <"message"> | Change MOTD |
dawn | Change time to dawn (4:30 AM) |
noon | Change time to noon (12:00 PM) |
dusk | Change time to dusk (7:30 PM) |
midnight | Change time to midnight (12:00 AM) |
settle | Settle all water |
- The service and server status are two different things. One can be active while the other isn't.
- Make sure you start the service before starting the server.
- You can edit the timeout of the service start at boot in the terraria.service file (Edit the line
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 60
Original repository by Arceden:
All changes made can be viewed in the commit history.