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File metadata and controls

432 lines (326 loc) · 14.8 KB

Nuclex.Support.Native Developed on Linux, works well on Windows Several projects are using library and it has received extensive testting

This library aims to be your trusty toolbox of supporting code for problems that come up in any type of project. It consists of carefully chosen and well-designed pieces that aid you in dealing with UTF-8 strings, signalling, synchronizing threads, storing settings and more.

There are unit tests for the whole library, so everything is verifiably working on all platforms tested (Linux, Windows, Raspberry).





  • A modern ScopeGuard plus a transactional variant
  • Fast and lightweight signal/slot implementation for single threads
  • Fast and efficient signal/slot implementation for multiple threads
  • Lean dependency injector with automatic constructor detection
  • Scoped temporary file and directory classes


  • Supports Windows, Linux and ARM Linux (Raspberry PI)
  • Compiles cleanly at maximum warning levels with MSVC, GCC and clang
  • If it's there, it's unit-tested

lexical_cast & lexical_append

This is almost identical to the lexical_cast function found in Boost, but it avoids the heavyweight iostreams library. By shipping its own number/string conversion code, locale issues are avoided and you'll get the same results independent of the system's locale.

This is very nice if you have to serialize data (i.e. JSON or XML) on multiple platforms because the data is binary-reproducible.

std::string myString = lexical_cast<std::string>(12.34f);
float myFloat = lexical_cast<float>(u8"43.21");

Or to append text to an std::string or buffer without intermediate copies:

std::string scoreText = u8"Current score: ";
lexical_append(scoreText, 110025);

Uses DragonBox, James Edward Anhalt III itoa and Ryu internally, which have licenses that allow this use. See in the Documents directory for more details.

StringConverter & StringMatcher

Useful helper methods for unicode strings, such as conversion between UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. Can also convert between "wide char" strings and UTF-8. Wide chars are the bad side of unicode that Windows programmers have to deal with, often coming from TEXT() macros that expand to L"my string", thus creating UTF-16 on Windows and UTF-32 on Linux.

// This works on any platform, whether wchar_t is UTF-16 or UTF-32
std::string utf8 = StringConverter::Utf8FromWide(L"Hello World");

// If you need to read or write UTF-16 to communicate with Windows systems
std::u16string alwaysUtf16 = StringConverter::Utf16FromUtf8(u8"Hello World");

Also performs case-insensitive UTF-8 string comparison (done right by using the case folding table released by the unicode consortium):

// Comparison uses current case folding table and should be as safe as ICU.
bool areEqual = StringMatcher::AreEqual(u8"Hello", u8"hello");

And UTF-8 wildcard matching as known from various shells:

bool returnsTrue = StringMatcher::FitsWildcard(
  u8"Cupboard-Albedo.png", u8"*-Albedo.png"
bool alsoReturnsTrue = StringMatcher::FitsWildcard(
  u8"食器棚〜Albedo.png", u8"*〜Albedo.png"

For containers like std::map and std::unordered_map, custom functors compatible to std::less, std::equal_to and std::hash are provided, allowing you to build associative containers that ignore case:

typedef std::unordered_map<
  std::string, int,
  CaseInsensitiveUtf8Hash, CaseInsensitiveUtf8EqualTo
> StringIntegerMap;

StringIntegerMap ingredients;
ingredients[u8"Rødløg"] = 2;
int onionCount ="RØDLØG"); // Different case, still a match

Hashing uses the fast murmur32 (32 bit platforms) and murmur64 (on 64 bit platforms) algorithm for string hashing.

Application Settings Storage

Most non-trivial applications need to store their settings somewhere. With the SettingsStore interface, you can transparently access settings that are either stored in memory (MemorySettingsStore), in an .ini file (IniSettingsStore) or in the registry (RegistrySettingsStore) on Windows systems.

Using the IniSettingsStore is the most portable solution and care has been taken to implement an .ini parser that not only preserves formatting and comments in the .ini file, but also adheres to the existing file's style when new properties are added to it.

IniSettingsStore settings(u8"awesome-game.ini");
// on Windows, try this: RegistrySettingsStore settings(u8"HKCU/My/Game");
// or as mock for unit tests: MemorySettingsStore settings;

// Properties return an std::optional, so you can detect with .has_value()
// if the property is missing and gracefully fall back to a default value.
std::optional<std::uint32_t> resolutionX = (
  settings.Retrieve<std::uint32_t>(u8"Video", u8"ResolutionX")

// ...or provide a default value right away via .value_or():
std::uint32_t resolutionY = (
  settings.Retrieve<std::uint32_t>(u8"Video", u8"ResolutionY").value_or(1080)

// There's a shared base class for all implementations, so you can write
// methods that work on either of the three settings container types:
SettingsStore &abstractSettings = settings;

// Storing properties is just as simple and everything, including
// templated methods, is available through the shared base class:
abstractSettings.Store<bool>(std::string(), u8"FirstLaunch", false);


This is a simple helper that lets you run cleanup code when leaving a scope such as a method, loop or an explicit scope. It is executed even when the scope exit is due to an exception.

Using scope guards not only avoids error-prone manual cleanup before throwing an exception, but also avoids the try..catch..rethrow pattern that obscures the original origin of exceptions.

void test(::image_t *image) {
    ::pixel_counter_t *counter = ::awesomelib_create_pixel_counter();
    assert((counter != nullptr));

    ON_SCOPE_EXIT { ::awesomelib_destroy_pixel_counter(counter); };

    int pixelCount = ::awesomelib_count_pixels(counter, image);
    if(pixelCount < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error(u8"Oh no! Pixel counting failed!");


Events (Signal/Slot system)

A robust, lean and fast signal/slot system. It's extremely fast (no library I tested it against could keep up) and yet offers a decent set of functionality including:

  • Collecting return values from callbacks
  • Doing so into an existing container without allocating memory
  • Callbacks unsubscribing themselves inside the notification call
  • Callbacks subscribing additional callbacks inside the notification call
  • Unsubscribing with just the method pointer (no connection object to keep)

The basic syntax is this:

void test() {
  std::cout << "You called?" << std::endl;
int main() {
  Nuclex::Support::Events::Event<void()> event;

You can find some benchmarks on my blog: Nuclex Signal/Slot Library: Benchmarks

I'm naming these events rather than signals because the term signal is taken by std::signal for something entirely different and and least in Microsoft land, the term event is pretty common for this concept.

For usage in multi-threaded scenarios, the ConcurrentEvent class supports subscription and unsubscription as well as signalling in any arbitrary thread constellation calling into it.

void test() {
  std::cout << "You called?" << std::endl;
int main() {
  Nuclex::Support::Events::ConcurrentEvent<void()> event;

Dependency Injector

A dependency injector that is non-intrusive, easy to use and automatically detects your constructor parameters. With this, systems no longer need to rely on anti-patterns like singletons and remain unit-testable.

  • Easy, fluent syntax inspired by Ninject for .NET
  • All standard C++, no macros, no preprocessor, no code generator, no XML
  • Service implementation type is only needed at site of service registration
  • Recursive dependency resolution

Here's an example that shows how it works:

class CalculatorService {
  public: virtual int Add(int first, int second) = 0;
  public: virtual int Multiply(int first, int second) = 0;

class BrokenCalculator : public virtual CalculatorService {
  public: int Add(int first, int second) override {
    return first + second + 1;
  public: int Multiply(int first, int second) override {
    return first + first * second;

class CalculatorUser {
  public: CalculatorUser(const std::shared_ptr<CalculatorService> &calculator) :
    calculator(calculator) {}

  public: int CalculateSomething() {
    return this->calculator->Add(1, 2) + this->calculator->Multiply(2, 2);

  private: std::shared_ptr<CalculatorService> calculator;

int main() {
  Nuclex::Support::Services::LazyServiceInjector serviceInjector;

  // Yep, it detects the constructor arguments, you can add or remove them :)
  // Yep, it's non-intrusive, standard C++ and statically compiled :)

  std::shared_ptr<CalculatorUser> user = serviceInjector.Get<CalculatorUser>();

  int result = user->CalculateSomething();

Thread Pool

Thread pools keep a bunch of threads ready to go. As soon as you schedule tasks to a thread pool, they get picked up by the next available worker thread.

This avoids the overhead of creating and destroying threads, allowing you to run even small tasks in a thread.

It also helps scalability. As long as you can break your tasks down into small individual steps, they can be distributed to any number of threads. Systems with more CPU cores automatically perform more work in parallel.

int testMethod(int a, int b) { return a * b - (a + b); }

int main() {
  ThreadPool pool;

  std::future<int> future = testPool.Schedule(&testMethod, 12, 34);
  // Do something else here...
  int result = future.get();

Gates, Semaphores and Latches

Gates can be either opened or closed. Any thread calling Wait() will block on the gate until it is opened by another thread. This is useful to black access to a system before it is ready to work or to stop a single thread on shutdown until all worker threads have vacated a system.

Semaphores are a well-known threading primitive working like a counted mutex: one thread can pass for each call to Post() that was made in the past or while a thread was waiting.

They're useful for work queues and advanced locking on resources that can only handle limited parallelism (i.e. due to memory or hardware constraints).

Finally, Latches are like inverted Semaphores. Threads can pass through when the latches' count reaches zero. This is useful if you want to delay some shutdown or disconnect code until the last thread stops using a resource.

Note that C++20 is also getting a semaphore class, but until then, this one provides you with a portable implementation that also avoids limitations on Posix systems where the default semaphore uses timeouts based on wall clock time.

int main() {
  Semaphore sem(0);

  // Let one current or future thread through

  // Wait until the semaphore is posted (incremented)

Child Processes

This class makes it easy to spawn child processes and to capture the output they send to stdout and stderr.

Creating child processes correctly is a rather complicated task that differs a lot between Windows and Linux. This wrapper provides a sane, portable way to launch, observe, wait on or kill child processes. It can be used for launchers, auto-updaters or if you want to run a command-line application such as ffmpeg or your C++ compiler:

void handleFfmpegStdOut(const char *characters, std::size_t characterCount) {
  // Parse progress, log or just print it

int main() {
  using Nuclex::Support::Threading::Process;

  // Finds ffmpeg in 1) same directory as executable or 2) PATH environment
  Process encoder(u8"ffmpeg");

      { u8"-i input.avi", u8"-vcodec v210", u8"-an", u8"-y", u8"output.avi" }
    bool hasExited = encoder.Wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(60000));

    // Use encoder.Write() to send something to the process' stdin
    // Use encoder.Kill() to ask for termination and/or murder the process
  int exitCode = encoder.Join();

  return exitCode;


A variant is a variable that can store any type of value. It's essentially what variables in dynamically typed languages are made of.

This implementation differs from std::variant of C++ 17 (which lets you choose which types it can store). The Nuclex::Support::Variant can store all primitive C++ types, strings and objects (within std::any) and provides reasonable conversions between all of these.


Nuclex::Support offers a few interfaces in case you want to expose lists, sets and key/value pairs in a public API.

There are also a few specialty collections, such as a RingBuffer class optimized for batch-processing and an alternative streaming buffer under the name ShiftBuffer which offers better performance if your use case typically empties (or mostly empties) the container when taking data out of it.

Shift buffers keep all data linear (no wrap-around) and wait for an opportunity to cheaply empty the buffer (i.e. when none or only a few bytes remain in it). When reading from the buffer, you can obtain a pointer into the buffer's memory, thus handling the data without an unnecessary memcpy() / std::copy_n() call.