- Upgrade Python version in Ansible image: 2.7.14-r0
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.02.0 and Docker Compose to 1.19.0 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Node version: 6.13.1, 8.10.0, 9.8.0
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.34, 7.1.15
- Upgrade APCu version for PHP 7.1: 5.1.11
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.6.3
- Upgrade Sensiolabs' security-checker version for PHP 7: 4.1.8
- Upgrade Xdebug version for PHP 7: 2.6.0
- Use Alpine binary of ci-helper for Ansible, AWS, DIND-AWS, PHP >= 5.6, Ruby and Sonar images
- Fix deprecated MAINTAINER instruction
- BC break: PHP image is now based on Alpine
- intl for PHP 7.2 is not released yet, so image 7.2 is not available anymore
- Upgrade modd version: 0.5
- Upgrade NPM version in Node image (fix node@9 incompatibility):
- node v8.9.4 -> npm v5.6.0
- node v9.4.0 -> npm v5.6.0
- Upgrade ci-helper version: 0.0.4
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.01.0 and Docker Compose to 1.18.0 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Java version: 8u161-1~webupd8~0
- Upgrade Node version: 6.12.3, 8.9.4, 9.4.0
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.9
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.6.2
- Upgrade PHP Redis version: 3.1.6
- Upgrade Sensiolabs' security-checker version for PHP 7: 4.1.7
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.33, 7.2.1
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.5.0
- Add rsync to aws image
- Add zip to aws image
- Add postgresql-client to PHP image
- Add tzdata into sonar image
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.4.2
- Upgrade Glide version: 0.13.1
- Upgrade Docker Compose version: 1.17.1
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.5.5
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.32, 7.1.12
- Upgrade Node version: 6.12.2, 8.9.3, 9.2.1
- Allow specifying NPM version in Node image :
- node v6.11.3 -> npm v3.10.10
- node v8.9.1 -> npm v5.5.1
- node v9.2.0 -> npm v5.5.1
- Add rsync and tzdata into dind-aws image
- Add Sensiolabs' security-checker to PHP images
- Add make to aws image
- BC break: dind-aws image is now based on Alpine
- Upgrade Docker version to 17.09 and Docker Compose to 1.16.1 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Java version: 8u151-1~webupd8~0
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.31, 7.1.9
- Upgrade PHP Redis: 3.1.4
- Add Node 8.6
- Upgrade node 6.11.3
- Remove Node 4.8
- Upgrade golang: 1.9
- Upgrade Glide: 0.13.0
- Add Ansible:
- Add Sonar Scanner:
- Upgrade PhpRedis: 3.1.3
- Add a "new" PHP image (5.3) for legacy support
- Upgrade Node version: 4.8.4, 6.11.1, 7.10.1
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.1.7
- Upgrade composer version: 1.4.2
- Upgrade the base Debian image: 8.7
- Upgrade Java version: 8u131
- Add imagemagick, gcc and g++ into Node image
- Add a new Ruby image
- Add composer hirak/prestissimo plugin
- Upgrade go version: 1.8
- Upgrade Java version: 8u121-1~webupd8~2
- Add PHP extension: intl
- Add bzip2 into Node, Java and PHP images
- Upgrade ci-helper to version 0.0.3 to support gitlab 9.x
- Update PHP version: 7.1.3
- Update Node version: 4.8.1, 6.10.1, 7.8.0
- Add PHP extension for Redis
- Add PHP version: 7.1.1
- Remove PHP version: 7.0.14
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.30
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.8
- Upgrade composer version: 1.3.2
- Upgrade Java version: 8u121
- Upgrade Maven version: 3.3.9
- Upgrade Node version: 4.7.3, 6.9.5, 7.5.0
- Add a new Golang image
- Add a new AWS image with awscli and python libs
- Add CI-Helper 0.0.2 into base image
- Add a new DIND AWS image with AWS Cli
- Add Modd 0.0.4 into base image
- Upgrade Node version: 4.7.2, 6.9.4, 7.4.0
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.29, 7.0.14
- Upgrade composer version: 1.3.0
- Slightly reduce the size of the Java image
- Add the AWS CLI to all images
- Add packages ocaml & libelf-dev for FlowType (Node) checking
- Upgrade Node versions: 4.7.0, 7.2.1
- Upgrade PHP: 7.0.14
- Fix Java Version to 8u111+8u111arm-1
webupd80 - Fix composer version to 1.2.4
- Migrate builds and tests to TravisCI, add support for nightly build
- Tweak PHP build configuration
- Fix maven install on Java
- Fix clean commands
- Update Yarn 0.18
- Use Debian 8.6 as base image
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.28, 7.0.13
- Add driver pdo_pgsql in PHP images
- Add cache APCu in PHP images
- Upgrade Node versions: 4.6.2, 6.9.1 (LTS)
- Add Node 7.0.0
- Add maven to java8
- Remove global packages install from node: gulp, bower, grunt-cli, webpack, browserify, babel, eslint, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-angular, eslint-config-standard, eslint-plugin-promise, eslint-plugin-standard.
- Add Yarn to node
- Update nvm to 0.32.1
- Use Debian 8.5 as base image
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.22, 7.0.10
- Remove node versions: 4.3, 6.0, 5.7
- Add node version: 6.5
- Upgrade node version: 4.5.0
- Updrade node tools: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
- Bump versions 2016.05.03
- Node: 4.3.2, 4.4.3, 5.7.1, 6.0.0
- PHP: 5.6.20, 7.0.5
- Add NodeJS 4.4 and 6.0.0, remove 0.12 image.
- Upgrade NodeJS versions: 4.3.2. 4.4.3, 5.7.1, 6.0.0
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.20, 7.0.5
- Remove bashrc sourcing for NodeJS and PHP images.
- Use Debian 8.4 as base image
- 7.0.3
- 5.6.18
- composer / php-cs-fixer
GitlabCi can handle an image per job. So there is no need to have an all-in-one image.
PHP Images:
- php5.6
- php7.0
NodeJs Images:
- node0.12
- node4.3
- node5.7