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  • I am about ready to relax now! We made it. No major nor'eastr (although tomorrow we get one!!!), the talks were great
  • But standing between you and the social is me, one more time, to say some last thanks, and to pass out some goodies to our speakers


  • Once again, thank you to my cohorts on the committee. Without this group and their willingness to take part in some google hangouts at awkward times this would not have happend
  • Thanks again to our sponsors. As I said this morning, they were invaluable in keeping the costs for this conference down.
  • Thanks to the volunteers and all the helpers at the registartion desk for keeping things moving
  • Thanks to all of you. Would have been awkward if we had a conference and no one showed.
  • And thanks to URI for helping us run a smooth conference, getting this room set up, and keeping the AV working!

Best! Host! Ever!

  • And now for the Coastal Institute.
  • If you have ever planned a conference you'll know how many details the need to be dealt with in the months, weeks, days that lead up to it.
  • It is really important that you have someone on your side that can help with all of this.
  • The CI was this for Nor'eastR. In particular, Amber Neville. She has taken care of 90% of the hard work and the success we've had is due in large part to Amber.
  • Judith has left, but her support as director for all things Data and R has been a long-term. She encourages these kinds of events and really gets it as to why the mission of the CI overlaps with the need for strong data and quantitative skills.
  • Lastly, the rest of the CI staff has jumped in the last few days and today to help with all these last minute details
  • So a big round of applause to all of them. Thanks!

And now our Speakers

  • Can my committee volunteers come on up with the gift bags?
  • Before I let the speakers come up and get their gift bags, I want to discuss a little bit about some of the items in the bags.
  • We wanted to give you something that will let you remember Rhode Island and the Nor'eastR conference fondly. Given that Quahogs, stuffies, or new york system dogs probably would not travel well, we chose three other, uniquely RI culinary delights.


  • If you've spent anytime in RI in the summer, you know Del's.
  • Available at all the beaches, in random parking lots and on the side of the road some time, Del's stands sell frozen lemonade (and watermelon) all summer.
  • You can tell the real tourists, becuase they ask for spoons with their Del's and don't know the crease and slurp technique
  • So, in each bag you have a packet of lemonade and watermelon so you can make your own Frozen Del's at home!


  • Next is coffee syrup so you can make the official RI state drink, coffee milk
  • Just like we have the python vs R language wars in data science, RI has the coffee syrup wars between autocrat and eclipse
  • And just like the language wars, the coffee syrup war is kinda silly. Both Autocrat and eclipse make delicious coffee milk
  • And you too can now enjoy this at home!


  • The last gift in the bags is a box of Johnny Cake Meal from Kenyon's Grist Mill.
  • Johnnycakes are a simple cornmeal pancake (best with bacon, IMHO) that you can find across new england, but Kenyon's (of course) grinds the best meal for this and they have been doing that since the early 1700's at the same spot in SK, RI.
  • And now, lets have all the speakers stand and come on up and get their gift bags from XX and XX and we can give them one last round of applause while they do.


  • Guess what... We are done!
  • Next stop for most of us is going to be just down a couple of blocks at the Malted Barley.
  • Easy to get to, turn right as you leave the auditorium, then wehn you hit the street, turn right again on Wesminster. Head down a few blocks and the Malted barley will be on your left.
  • So with that, thank you all so very much for a successful conference and that's all folks.