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File metadata and controls

169 lines (126 loc) · 4.95 KB

Welcome to typescript-kodyfire 👋

Version Documentation License: MIT Twitter: anis_marrouchi

Generate typescript classes and interfaces based on HTML templates using Kodyfire.


typescript-kodyfire requires the kodyfire-cli to be installed

npm install -g kodyfire-cli


npm install typescript-kodyfire


Method 1: As a generator

In order to generate your artifacts, run the generate command. The syntax is kody generate|g [kody] [concept]. If you ommit kody and concept the assistant will prompt you to select them. As an example, run the following command from your terminal:

kody generate react component

Method 2: As a kody project

Refer to the kodyfire install a kody section. Once your project is initialized and ready for kody, generate your tsconfig concept using the kody ride command or manually. As an example, A declaration for a tsconfig concept might look like the following:

			"name": "Bird",
			"template": "class.ts.template",
			"outputDir": "classes",
			"extends": "Animal",
			"implements": "",
			"hasConstructor": true,
			"args": [
					"name": "name",
					"type": "string"
			"methods": [
					"name": "fly",
					"returnType": "void"
			"properties": [
					"name": "family",
					"type": "string",
					"optional": false
					"name": "weight",
					"type": "number",
					"optional": true

After adding your concept(s) definitions, run the following command to generate your assets.

kody run -s kody-typescript.json

Available concepts


Generates a typescript class

  • name string - class name. Default filename
  • template enum - template name to use. Only one by default.
  • implements string - Interface(s) to implement
  • extends string - class(es) to extend.
  • properties Property[] - list of properties
  • methods Method[] - list of methods
  • hasConstructor boolean - if class should have a constructor
  • args {name: string, type: string} - List of argument to pass to the constructor. hasConstructor must be true.
  • outputDir string - The output directory


Generates a typescript interface

  • name string - class name. Default filename
  • template enum - template name to use. Only one by default.
  • extends string - class(es) to extend.
  • properties Property[] - list of properties
  • outputDir string - The output directory


Generates a tsconfig file

  • name enum - The tsconfig configuration name
  • outputDir string - The output directory

Refer to this reference for a list of available tsconfig templates

  • name string - property name
  • type string - property type
  • optional boolean - if the property is optional when constructing an object
  • name string - method name
  • params {name: string, type: string} - list of method arguments. Leave empty if none
  • returnType string - Return type (example: string, number, void)

Add the following params to your generated concepts using the kody ride command or manually. As an example, A declaration for a class might look like the following:

📅 Future Features

  • Generate module
  • Generate type

Run tests



👤 Anis Marrouchi

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!


📝 License

Copyright © 2022 Anis Marrouchi.

This project is MIT licensed.

This README was generated with ❤️ by readme-kodyfire