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328 lines (250 loc) · 11.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • New new and add_turtle methods on Drawing allow you to create a drawing and a turtle at the center of it
    • This API will eventually enable us to have support for multiple turtles drawing at the same time
  • First few pages of the new guide have been published on


  • The recommended way to add the turtle crate to your Cargo.toml file has changed to include opt-level = 3 for dependencies only. This is necessary because debug performance of turtle and other crates is not very good. This change increases the initial build time for any application using the turtle crate as a dependency, but should not affect incremental builds after that. See the docs or the guide for more detailed instructions.
    opt-level = 3
  • Closing the window no longer calls process::exit. That means that you can create multiple windows which can be closed independently. If you continue to use a turtle after the window has closed, the thread will panic since there is no where to continue drawing the picture. This panic stops the current thread, but is not necessarily an "error". Make sure to use turtle::start() if you plan to call Turtle::new() or Drawing::new() in a separate thread.
  • The Event enum has changed considerably now that we've moved to glutin, but most of the same events are still available with minor changes to existing code
  • Event and some of its related enums are now marked #[non_exhaustive]. That means that we will be able to add further variants in the future if needed without it being a breaking change.
  • Event and its related enums are now entirely part of the turtle crate. We no longer re-export parts of the piston_window crate (and in fact do not rely on piston_window at all anymore).
  • The event module, Event, and all related enums are now unstable and you need to use the unstable feature in your Cargo.toml to enable them. These may change as we figure out what event handling should look like in the turtle crate.
  • The pen used by the turtle is now circular and has circular ends at higher pen thicknesses. This matches the behaviour of the Python turtle module and is useful for being able to smoothly draw curves and circles using the turtle crate.
  • The save_svg method on Drawing returns a Result type now
  • The set_pen_size method no doubles the given thickness value
    • This means that you may have to adjust your program to set the pen thickness to double the value you were setting previously
  • The Speed levels change the amount of time it takes to draw something linearly
    • This may change again in the future as we decide how to best use the different speed levels
  • The set_fill_color method updates the currently filling shape, even after begin_fill has been called
    • Previously, you could only set the fill color before begin_fill was called
  • The bits example in examples/ has been updated to bitvec 0.17


  • drawing and drawing_mut methods have been removed due to soundness issues that these methods would introduce when multiple turtle support is added. Use Drawing::new() and drawing.add_turtle() instead to get access to the drawing.


  • #30 - potentially breaking: fill polygons now start at the current position when begin_fill() is called. We previously had a bug where we would start at the end of the next line after begin_fill() was called.

1.0.0-rc.3 - 2019-12-11


  • New is_filling method on Turtle struct
  • New simplified rand module which provides a simple, stable interface for generating random numbers
  • New save_svg method on Drawing for exporting the current drawing to SVG
  • New geometric art example in examples/
  • New star example in examples/ for drawing a star with any number of points
  • New bits example in examples/ to visualize binary numbers using turtle and the bitvec crate


  • Crate now uses the 2018 edition of Rust
  • turtle::rand::random_range now has an inclusive upper bound


  • The rand crate is no longer re-exported from the rand module
  • Methods from rand are no longer re-exported from the crate root
    • Import from the rand module instead


  • #92 - wait_for_click no longer results in very high CPU usage (fixed busy waiting)

1.0.0-rc.2 - 2018-08-15


  • New website:
  • New methods on Color
    • rgb
    • rgba
    • hsl
    • hsla
    • hue
    • saturation
    • lightness
    • mix
    • rotate_hue
    • lighten
    • darken
    • saturate
    • desaturate
    • grayscale
    • complement
    • invert
  • LOGO interpreter example in examples/ now supports the following additional commands:
    • home
    • setx
    • sety
    • setheading / seth
    • showturtle / st
    • hideturtle / ht
    • clean
    • clearscreen / cs
    • pendown / pd
    • penup / pu
    • setpensize / setwidth / setpw
  • New colored spiral example in examples/


  • squares example in examples/ now draws a colorful red/white flower with square petals

1.0.0-rc.1 - 2018-03-10


  • New Point type that replaces the previous Point = [f64; 2] type alias
  • New fractal tree example in examples/
  • New example in examples/ of drawing a child's drawing of a turtle


  • 0 can no longer be passed to set_speed, use "instant" or Speed::instant() instead


  • #63 - Disabling srgb to avoid pixel format errors

1.0.0-alpha.8 - 2017-12-22


  • New Drawing struct to manage properties of the drawing/window
  • New drawing and drawing_mut methods on the Turtle struct to allow you to access the new Drawing struct
  • New methods on Drawing struct
    • center
    • set_center
    • reset_center
    • title
    • set_title
    • size
    • set_size
    • reset_size
    • maximize (unstable)
    • unmaximize (unstable)
    • is_maximized (unstable)
    • enter_fullscreen
    • exit_fullscreen
    • is_fullscreen
  • New Size struct for use with size and set_size methods on Drawing
  • with_alpha method to Color for creating a new color with a desired alpha value
  • Added LOGO interpreter example in examples/ with support for a few basic commands like fd/forward, bk/back, lt/left, and rt/right


  • The background_color and set_background_color methods on Turtle have moved to the new Drawing struct
    • Use turtle.drawing().background_color() instead of turtle.background_color()
    • Use turtle.drawing_mut().set_background_color(...) instead of turtle.set_background_color(...)
  • The poll_event method on Turtle has moved to the new Drawing struct
    • Use turtle.drawing_mut().poll_event() instead of turtle.poll_event()
  • Renamed fields of WindowResized event to width and height instead of x and y
  • Code is now licensed under MPL 2.0 instead of MIT license


  • #8 - the turn_towards method now works correctly and as expected

1.0.0-alpha.7 - 2017-12-4


  • New star example in examples/ that draws the outline of a star without needing any lines within it
  • New dragon curve example in examples/


  • The maze example has moved from examples/ to examples/ now that multi-file examples are supported in Rust 1.22


  • #27 - the turtle crate now has a two-process architecture which allows it to run on MacOS

1.0.0-alpha.6 - 2017-11-14


  • New methods on the Turtle struct:
    • go_to
    • set_x
    • set_y
    • set_heading
    • home
    • reset
    • wait
  • New turtle::rand::random_range function for easily generating a random value within a certain range
  • New maze solving example in examples/
  • New snowflake example in examples/ using fractals
  • New squares example in examples/ that creates a flower with square petals


  • Instead of re-exporting the rand crate from the root of the turtle crate, it is now exposed from its own separate rand module
    • Write use turtle::rand::{Rand, Rng} to use the new module


  • Negative angles passed to right() and left() no longer result in very long animation times (caused by integer overflow)

1.0.0-alpha.5 - 2017-10-29


  • Added more documentation and tests for methods on the Turtle struct


  • to_absolute and to_rotation methods on Speed are private now as they represent unstable implementation details that should not be relied on

1.0.0-alpha.4 - 2017-10-28


  • Hexadecimal colors are now supported for use with the Color struct
  • Floating point numbers (specifically f64 values) can now be used in set_speed
  • Added more documentation and tests for methods on the Turtle struct

1.0.0-alpha.3 - 2017-10-27


  • Added examples/
  • Documentation and examples in crate root, Turtle struct, and Color struct


  • #5 - Using the line currently being drawn in the fill polygon

1.0.0-alpha.2 - 2017-10-21


  • Added clear() method to Turtle struct


  • Renamed visible() method on the Color struct to opaque
  • Renamed invisible() method on the Color struct to transparent

1.0.0-alpha.1 - 2017-10-20


  • Using absolute URLs so that images in work on

1.0.0-alpha.0 - 2017-10-20

Initial release of first version of turtle crate.