Dashboard for interacting with the contracts: https://dydx.community/
Documentation: https://docs.dydx.community/
Deployed contract addresses: https://docs.dydx.community/dydx-governance/resources/technical-overview
All major new smart contracts have been audited by Peckshield:
- LiquidityStakingV1 audited at 59b4ab0
- StarkProxyV1 audited at 3fd209c
- SafetyModuleV1 audited at f816626
- MerkleDistributorV1 audited at 3fd209c
The core governance and token contracts are based on the AAVE governance contracts (audited by Peckshield) and AAVE token contracts (audited by CertiK and Certora).
The following contracts supporting a potential migration of DYDX from Ethereum to the dYdX Chain (if and when deployed) have also been audited:
- WrappedEthereumDydxToken
- GovernanceStrategyV2
- TreasuryBridge
Audit report: https://github.com/dydxfoundation/governance-contracts/tree/master/audits