Try it out on Binder ☝️ or follow the steps below 👇 to run locally.
Check that your active Python environment has the dependencies listed in environment.yml
Otherwise, you can create a new environment using:
conda env create -f environment.yml
And then activate it using:
conda activate canopy-app
The primary function is run()
, which runs canopy-app and returns an xarray Dataset.
By default, it runs the default case.
from canopy_app import run
ds = run()
You can override default namelist options by passing a dictionary to run()
# Point setup
ds = run(
"filenames": {"file_vars": "../input/point_file_20220701.sfcf000.txt"},
"userdefs": {"infmt_opt": 1, "nlat": 1, "nlon": 1},
There are also helper functions for running sets of experiments with different namelist options.
# Multiple point setup cases
from canopy_app import config_cases, run_config_sens
cases = config_cases(
z0ghc=[0.001, 0.01],
lambdars=[1.0, 1.25],
product=True, # 4 cases if true, 2 if false
ds = run_config_sens(cases)
☝️ We still get a single output dataset, but it has a case
You can also generate and run global gridded canopy-app inputs using Python. Note: The daily global canopy data files based on year 2022 and operational NOAA/NWS GFS meteorological files (for the entire record March 23, 2021 - Current; uploaded daily at ~ 18 UTC) are available on AWS. If the required NetCDF files are not locally available in the user specified working directory, the python script will automatically download these 2022 canopy data from AWS and merge with the needed GFS meteorological variables for the specific date/times needed to run canopy-app. The user may generate their own gridded, meteorological NetCDF files conforming to the format provided here in the GFS examples and README.
Edit python script (
) -
Change global settings
'''User Options''' path = '/scratch/pcampbe8/canopy-app/input' # work directory ref_lev = 10 # reference height above the canopy (m) frp_src = 0 # frp data source (0: local source; 1: 12 month climatology; 2: all ones when ifcanwaf=.FALSE.)
Activate canopy-app Conda environment:
conda activate canopy-app
Run Python script with time arguments:
Time format:
YYYY(year)+MM(month)+DD(date)+HH(hour in UTC)+FFF(forecast hour)
Multiple time steps available. Use,
to separate different times, no spaces.Example 1: 15-17 Jul 2020 12Z, forecast hour=0
python python/ 2020071512000,2020071612000,2020071712000
Example 2: 1 Jul 2020 12Z, forecast hour=0-4
python python/ 2020070112000,2020070112001,2020070112002,2020070112003,2020070112004
Edit namelist (
) for correct number of global lat/lon grid pointsFor example:
nlat = 1536 nlon = 3072
Edit namelist (
) for correctly named global input files and output prefixFor example:
file_vars = 'input/' 'input/' 'input/' file_out = 'output/global'
Edit namelist (
) for correct time start/end and intervalFor example:
time_start = '2022-07-01-11:00:00.0000' time_end = '2022-07-01-13:00:00.0000' ntime = 3 time_intvl = 3600 !!! For hourly time steps
time_intvl = 86400
for daily time steps (i.e., 24*3600). -
Run global process and canopy-app
Running canopy-app globally requires a lot of memory, so suggest not running on head node. Slurm batch script suggestion (cpu time = ~20-30 min per model time step):
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --partition=bigmem # big memory node #SBATCH --job-name=canopy-app # name the job #SBATCH --output=canopy-%j.out # write stdout to named file #SBATCH --error=canopy-%j.err # write stdout to named file #SBATCH --time=0-02:00:00 # Run for max of 00 hrs, 10 mins, 00 secs #SBATCH --nodes=1 # Request N nodes #SBATCH --ntasks=1 # Request n tasks #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=256GB # Request nGB RAM per core conda activate canopy-app python python/ 2022063012023,2022070112000,2022070112001 srun canopy