diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index 8780e1212..0bbb80627 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ENV VOL ${VOL} VOLUME ${VOL} # Configure nginx-php-fpm image to use this dir. -ENV WEBROOT ${VOL}/www +ENV WEBROOT ${VOL} RUN apk add --no-cache --repository http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing gnu-libiconv ENV LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so php diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt index a5319a03a..b5bddeaa1 100644 --- a/changelog.txt +++ b/changelog.txt @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ 2.1.27 30/ + #2486 Editing roles on users wipes dissimilar roles #2458 Items folder automatically changes to the personal one + #2472 Nginx webroot is incorrect in Docker image. Fixed by merging #2477 29/ #2467, #2465 Cant login with normal user with hacking attempt message diff --git a/includes/language/chinese_simplified.php b/includes/language/chinese_simplified.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c2341fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/includes/language/chinese_simplified.php @@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@ + 'Select a 2 factor authenticator method', + 'user_ga_code' => '发送 Google 身份验证器至用户,通过电子邮件', + 'send_ga_code' => 'Google 身份验证器,为用户', + 'error_no_email' => '此用户未设置电子邮件地址!', + 'error_no_user' => '未找到用户!', + 'email_ga_subject' => '您的用于 Teampass 的 Google 身份验证器条码', + 'email_ga_text' => '你好,

请点击此链接刷新 Google 身份验证器应用以获取您用于 Teampass 的一次性凭据。

Cheers ', + 'settings_attachments_encryption' => '启用项目附件加密', + 'settings_attachments_encryption_tip' => '此选项可能损坏现有的附件,请仔细阅读下面的内容。项目附件被加密存储在该服务器上。加密是使用为 Teampass 定义的 SALT。这需要更多服务器资源。警告:一旦您更改了策略,它将强制性的运行脚本以适配现有的附件。参见“特殊操作”选项卡。', + 'admin_action_attachments_cryption' => '加密或解密项目附件', + 'admin_action_attachments_cryption_tip' => '警告:此操作只应在更改 Teampass 中的相关选项后进行。在执行任何操作前,为了以防万一,请“上传”一份文件夹的副本。', + 'encrypt' => '加密', + 'decrypt' => '解密', + 'admin_ga_website_name' => '显示在 Google 身份验证器中的名称', + 'admin_ga_website_name_tip' => '此名称用于在 Google 身份验证器中显示帐户验证码时的名称', + 'admin_action_pw_prefix_correct' => '正确的密码前缀', + 'admin_action_pw_prefix_correct_tip' => '在启动此脚本前,请务必留存一份数据库转储。此脚本将更新密码的前缀。它只应在您发送密码都具有奇怪的前缀时被使用。', + 'items_changed' => '已更改。', + 'ga_not_yet_synchronized' => '使用 Google 身份验证器获取验证码', + 'ga_scan_url' => '请使用您的手机上的 Google 身份验证器应用,扫描此条码。复制它显示的验证码。', + 'ga_identification_code' => '验证码', + 'ga_enter_credentials' => '您需要输入您的登录凭据', + 'ga_bad_code' => 'Google 身份验证器的验证码不正确', + 'settings_get_tp_info' => '自动加载有关 Teampass 的信息', + 'settings_get_tp_info_tip' => '此选项允许管理页面加载来自 Teampass 服务器的版本和库使用等信息。', + 'at_field' => '字段', + 'category_in_folders_title' => '关联文件夹', + 'category_in_folders' => '编辑此分类的文件夹', + 'select_folders_for_category' => '选择关联到字段分类的文件夹', + 'offline_mode_warning' => '离线模式允许您将您的项目导出为一个 HTML 文件,以便您可以在未连接 Teampass 服务器时访问它们。密码使用您提供的密钥加密。', + 'offline_menu_title' => '离线模式', + 'settings_offline_mode' => '激活离线模式', + 'settings_offline_mode_tip' => '离线模式包括导出项目到一个 HTML 文件。此页面的项目已使用用户指定的一个密码进行加密。', + 'offline_mode_key_level' => '离线加密密钥最低级别', + 'categories' => '分类', + 'new_category_label' => '创建新分类 - 请输入标签', + 'no_category_defined' => '尚未定义分类', + 'confirm_deletion' => '您即将删除...您确定吗?', + 'confirm_rename' => '确认重命名?', + 'new_field_title' => '请输入新字段的标题', + 'confirm_creation' => '确认创建?', + 'confirm_moveto' => '确认移动字段?', + 'for_selected_items' => '对选中项目', + 'move' => '移动到', + 'field_add_in_category' => '在此分类中添加新字段', + 'rename' => '重命名', + 'settings_item_extra_fields' => 'Custom item fields enabled', + 'settings_item_extra_fields_tip' => 'Enables another tab when creating password items, which contains custom fields for other types of data. An administrator must first create categories and the custom field labels to be displayed in those categories. This feature consumes more server resources.', + 'html' => 'html', + 'more' => '更多', + 'save_categories_position' => '保存分类顺序', + 'reload_table' => '重新加载表格', + 'settings_ldap_type' => 'LDAP 服务器类型', + 'use_md5_password_as_salt' => '使用登录密码作为 SALTkey', + 'server_time' => '服务器时间', + 'settings_tree_counters' => '在文件夹树中显示更多计数器', + 'settings_tree_counters_tip' => 'Enabling shows three numbers next to each folder: number of items in base folder; number of items including subfolders; number of subfolders. Enabling this feature may slow loading of the folder tree pane.', + 'settings_encryptClientServer' => '客户端与服务器的信息交换是加密的', + 'settings_encryptClientServer_tip' => '默认启用 AES-256 加密。如果因没有 SSL 证书而在客户端与服务器之间没有安全的信息交换,考虑这种方式。如果您在使用一个 SSL 协议,或者如果您在内网上使用 Teampass,那么您可以为了加快数据的显示而在 Teampass 中停用此功能。/!\\ 请记住,更安全的解决方案是在客户端与服务器之间使用 SSL 连接。', + 'error_group_noparent' => '未选择任何父!', + 'channel_encryption_no_iconv' => '扩展 ICONV 未加载!加密无法初始化!', + 'channel_encryption_no_bcmath' => '扩展 BCMATH 未加载!加密无法初始化!', + 'admin_action_check_pf' => 'Create personal folders for all users without one', + 'admin_actions_title' => '指定操作', + 'enable_personal_folder_feature_tip' => 'Personal folders are a private location for individual user passwords. Password items are encrypted by a user\'s salt key (more secure) or by their password (easier). Enabling this feature does not create the actual folders for existing users - you must also run the create personal folders task.', + 'is_administrated_by_role' => '用户管理受', + 'administrators_only' => '仅管理员', + 'managers_of' => '规则管理', + 'managed_by' => '管理者', + 'admin_small' => '管理', + 'setting_can_create_root_folder' => 'Root-level folder creation by users enabled', + 'settings_enable_sts' => '强制实行 HTTPS 严格安全传输协议 - 警告:请阅读工具提示。', + 'settings_enable_sts_tip' => 'Warning! This will enforce the HTTPS strict transport security (STS) policy. STS helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. You must have a SSL certificate issued from a certificate authority (CA) installed before enabling this option! A self-signed certificate will not work! Any future web connections will require HTTPS. You must have \'SSLOptions +ExportCertData\' in the Apache SSL configuration.', + 'channel_encryption_no_gmp' => '扩展 GMP 未加载!加密无法初始化!', + 'channel_encryption_no_openssl' => '扩展 OPENSSL 未加载!加密无法初始化!', + 'channel_encryption_no_file' => '没有找到加密密钥文件!
请启动升级进程。', + 'admin_action_generate_encrypt_keys' => '生成新的加密密钥集', + 'admin_action_generate_encrypt_keys_tip' => '加密密钥集是您的 TeamPass 中非常重要的一点。事实上这些密钥用于加密服务器与客户端之间的信道。如果此文件被暴露在您的服务器之外,此时推荐您重新生成该密钥。此过程可能需要约一分钟时间。', + 'settings_anyone_can_modify_bydefault' => '默认激活“任何人都能修改”选项', + 'channel_encryption_in_progress' => '正在加密信道...', + 'channel_encryption_failed' => '身份验证失败!', + 'purge_log' => '刷新日志从', + 'to' => '至', + 'purge_now' => '立即刷新!', + 'purge_done' => '刷新完成。已删除元素:', + 'settings_upload_maxfilesize_tip' => 'Maximum file size allowed when uploading an attachment or other file (in megabytes, default setting 10 MB). You also may need to change your php.ini settings upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, the default is often just 2 MB.', + 'settings_upload_docext_tip' => 'List the file extensions for text and word processor files you will allow as attachment uploads. Indicate the file extensions allowed separated with a comma (,)', + 'settings_upload_imagesext_tip' => '图像类型。用半角逗号(,)分隔的允许的扩展名', + 'settings_upload_pkgext_tip' => '包类型。用半角逗号(,)分隔的允许的扩展名', + 'settings_upload_otherext_tip' => '其他类型。用半角逗号(,)分隔的允许的扩展名', + 'settings_upload_imageresize_options_tip' => 'Resize large uploaded pictures (set maximum dimensions in pixels). Images larger than 1000 pixels wide may not display well in the web browser.', + 'settings_upload_maxfilesize' => '最大文件大小(MB)', + 'settings_upload_docext' => '允许的文档扩展名', + 'settings_upload_imagesext' => '允许的图像扩展名', + 'settings_upload_pkgext' => '允许的包扩展名', + 'settings_upload_otherext' => '允许的其他扩展名', + 'settings_upload_imageresize_options' => '图像应该调整大小为', + 'settings_upload_imageresize_options_w' => '重新调整图像宽度(像素)', + 'settings_upload_imageresize_options_h' => '重新调整图像高度(像素)', + 'settings_upload_imageresize_options_q' => '重新调整图像质量', + 'admin_upload_title' => '上传', + 'settings_importing' => '启用从 CVS/KeyPass 文件导入数据', + 'admin_proxy_ip' => '使用的代理 IP', + 'admin_proxy_ip_tip' => '如果您通过一个代理访问互联网,请指出它的 IP。
', + 'admin_proxy_port' => '使用的代理端口', + 'admin_proxy_port_tip' => 'If you require a proxy server to connect to the Internet, set the port number here.', + 'settings_ldap_elusers' => ' 仅 Teampass 本地用户', + 'settings_ldap_elusers_tip' => 'This feature allows users in the database to authenticate via LDAP. Disable this if you want to browse any LDAP directory.', + 'error_role_complex_not_set' => '角色必须有一个最小密码复杂性级别!', + 'item_updated_text' => 'This item has been edited. You need to update before you can change it.', + 'database_menu' => '数据库', + 'db_items_edited' => 'Item currently being edited', + 'item_edition_start_hour' => 'Editing started', + 'settings_delay_for_item_edition' => '一个项目编辑经过多长时间后被判定为失败(单位:分钟)', + 'settings_delay_for_item_edition_tip' => 'When editing an item, the item is locked so that no other user can modify it. This setting deletes the lock token after a certain number of minutes. If the value is set to 0, an item will never be automatically unlocked after someone has started editing.', + 'db_users_logged' => '用户已登录', + 'action' => '操作', + 'login_time' => '登录时间', + 'lastname' => '名', + 'user_login' => '登录', + 'at_user_new_lastname' => '用户 #user_login# 的名已更改。', + 'at_user_new_name' => '用户 #user_login# 的名称已更改', + 'info_list_of_connected_users_approximation' => '注意:此列表可能会显示比实际情况更多的已连接用户。', + 'disconnect_all_users' => '断开所有用户的连接(除管理员)', + 'role' => '角色', + 'admin_2factors_authentication_setting' => '启用 Google 两步验证', + 'admin_2factors_authentication_setting_tip' => 'Google two-factor authentication enhances logon security. When logging in, a QR code is displayed, which must be scanned into the user\'s Google Authentication app to receive a one-time password. Requires all users to have Google authentication app on an Internet-connected mobile device.', + '2factors_tile' => '两步验证', + '2factors_image_text' => '请扫描该 QR 码', + '2factors_confirm_text' => '请输入一次性密码', + 'bad_onetime_password' => '一次性密码有误!', + 'error_string_not_utf8' => '发生错误,字符串格式非 UTF8!', + 'error_role_exist' => '此角色已经存在。', + 'error_no_edition_possible_locked' => 'Editing disabled - item locked by another user', + 'error_mcrypt_not_loaded' => 'Required PHP extension mcrypt is not loaded. Please inform your administrator if you see this message.', + 'at_user_added' => '用户 #user_login# 已添加', + 'at_user_deleted' => '用户 #user_login# 已删除', + 'at_user_locked' => '用户 #user_login# 已锁定', + 'at_user_unlocked' => '用户 #user_login# 已解锁', + 'at_user_email_changed' => '用户 #user_login# 电子邮件地址已更改', + 'at_user_pwd_changed' => '用户 #user_login# 密码已更改', + 'at_user_initial_pwd_changed' => '用户 #user_login# 初始密码已更改', + 'user_mngt' => '用户管理', + 'select' => '选择', + 'user_activity' => '用户活动', + 'items' => '项目', + 'enable_personal_saltkey_cookie' => '启用将个人 SALTKey 存储在 Cookie 中', + 'personal_saltkey_cookie_duration' => '个人 SALTKey 的 Cookie 生存周期', + 'admin_emails' => '电子邮件地址', + 'admin_emails_configuration' => '电子邮件地址配置', + 'admin_emails_configuration_testing' => '配置测试中', + 'admin_email_smtp_server' => 'SMTP 服务器', + 'admin_email_auth' => 'SMTP 服务器需要身份验证', + 'admin_email_auth_username' => '身份验证用户名', + 'admin_email_auth_pwd' => '身份验证密码', + 'admin_email_port' => '服务器端口', + 'admin_email_from' => '发送者邮件地址', + 'admin_email_from_name' => '发送者名称', + 'admin_email_test_configuration' => '测试当前邮件配置', + 'admin_email_test_configuration_tip' => '此测试将发送一封邮件到该地址。如果您未收到它,请检查您的身份凭据。', + 'admin_email_test_subject' => '[TeamPass] 测试邮件', + 'admin_email_test_body' => '你好,


干杯。', + 'admin_email_result_ok' => '电子邮件已发往 #email# ...请检查您的收件箱。', + 'admin_email_result_nok' => '电子邮件未能发送 ... 请检查您的配置。相关错误:', + 'email_subject_item_updated' => '密码已更新', + 'email_body_item_updated' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

Password for \'#item_label#\' has been updated.

You can check it HERE

Cheers', + 'email_bodyalt_item_updated' => '#item_label# 的密码已更新。', + 'admin_email_send_backlog' => '#nb_emails# unsent emails - send now', + 'admin_email_send_backlog_tip' => 'Re-send any queued backlog of outgoing emails waiting in the database.', + 'please_wait' => '请稍候。', + 'admin_url_to_files_folder' => 'Files folder (URL)', + 'admin_path_to_files_folder' => 'Files folder (full path)', + 'admin_path_to_files_folder_tip' => 'The files folder is used to store both system files and some uploaded files. For highest security, it should not be located in your site\'s www folder - It should be created in a folder outside your website directory, and accessed via a rewrite or redirection rule.', + 'admin_path_to_upload_folder_tip' => 'File attachments are stored in the upload folder with randomized names. Contents of this folder should never be manually deleted. For highest security, it should not be located in your site\'s www folder - It should be created in a folder outside your website directory, and accessed via a rewrite or redirection rule.', + 'pdf_export' => 'PDF 导出', + 'pdf_password' => 'PDF 加密密钥', + 'pdf_password_warning' => '您必须提供一个加密密钥!', + 'admin_pwd_maximum_length' => '密码最大长度', + 'admin_pwd_maximum_length_tip' => 'The default maximum password length is 40 characters. Increasing the size of allowed passwords will take more time when encrypting, decrypting, and displaying passwords.', + 'settings_insert_manual_entry_item_history' => '启用允许手动在项目历史中插入记录', + 'settings_insert_manual_entry_item_history_tip' => 'You would normally want to leave this off. When enabled, the history of a password item can be edited or altered.', + 'add_history_entry' => '在历史日志中添加记录', + 'at_manual' => '手动操作', + 'at_manual_add' => '手动添加', + 'admin_path_to_upload_folder' => '上传文件夹路径', + 'admin_url_to_upload_folder' => '上传文件夹 URL', + 'automatic_del_after_date_text' => 'or after date', + 'at_automatically_deleted' => '自动删除', + 'admin_setting_enable_delete_after_consultation' => 'Passwords may expire after limited views', + 'admin_setting_enable_delete_after_consultation_tip' => 'When enabled, item creators can decide whether a password item will be automatically deleted after a limited number of views.', + 'enable_delete_after_consultation' => 'Item will be automatically deleted after being seen', + 'times' => '次。', + 'automatic_deletion_activated' => 'Automatic deletion enabled', + 'at_automatic_del' => '自动删除', + 'error_times_before_deletion' => 'Number of views before deletion needs to be more than 0!', + 'enable_notify' => '启用通知', + 'disable_notify' => '禁用通知', + 'notify_activated' => '通知已启用', + 'at_email' => '电子邮件', + 'enable_email_notification_on_item_shown' => '项目已显示时发送邮件通知', + 'bad_email_format' => '电子邮件地址非预期格式!', + 'item_share_text' => '若要通过邮件分享此项,请输入电子邮件地址,然后按发送按钮。', + 'share' => '分享此项', + 'share_sent_ok' => '电子邮件已发送', + 'email_share_item_subject' => '[TeamPass] 一项已与您共享', + 'email_share_item_mail' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

#tp_user# has shared with you the password item #tp_item# Click this link to access the item.', + 'see_item_title' => '项目细节', + 'email_on_open_notification_subject' => '[TeamPass] 项目打开通知', + 'email_on_open_notification_mail' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

#tp_user# has opened and viewed the password item \'#tp_item#\'. Click this link to access the item.', + 'pdf' => 'PDF', + 'csv' => 'CSV', + 'user_admin_migrate_pw' => '迁移个人项目到用户账号', + 'migrate_pf_select_to' => '迁移个人项目到用户', + 'migrate_pf_user_salt' => '请输入选定用户的 SALT 密钥', + 'migrate_pf_no_sk' => '您未输入您的 SALT 密钥', + 'migrate_pf_no_sk_user' => '您必须输入用户的 SALT 密钥', + 'migrate_pf_no_user_id' => '您必须选择用户";', + 'email_subject_new_user' => '[TeamPass] 您的账号已创建', + 'email_new_user_mail' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

An administrator has created an account for you on the password manager. Secure passwords for your organization are just a click away!

Use these credentials for your first login:
- Login: #tp_login#
- Password: #tp_pw#

Click this link to log in and reset your password.', + 'error_empty_data' => '没有要处理的数据!', + 'error_not_allowed_to' => '您无权进行此操作!', + 'personal_saltkey_lost' => '我丢失了', + 'new_saltkey_warning_lost' => 'Input a new user salt key without re-encrypting any existing items. If you change your salt key here, all previous personal item passwords will be lost! If you know your old salt key, use the change key feature instead.', + 'previous_pw' => '以前使用的密码:', + 'no_previous_pw' => '没有以前的密码', + 'request_access_ot_item' => '向作者请求访问权', + 'email_request_access_subject' => '[TeamPass] 请求访问一个项目', + 'email_request_access_mail' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

User #tp_user# has requested access to password item \'#tp_item#\'.

The request comes with the next justification:

Please review this request and confirm that you will authorize access.

Greetings.', + 'admin_action_change_salt_key' => '更改主 SALT 密钥', + 'admin_action_change_salt_key_tip' => 'Before changing the salt key, please enable maintenance mode and perform a full backup of both the database and attachments in the upload folder.', + 'block_admin_info' => '管理员信息', + 'admin_new1' => 'This profile is now an administrator account. An administrator account cannot view items or their passwords, only manage global settings.', + 'nb_items_by_query' => 'Number of items to retrieve per query', + 'nb_items_by_query_tip' => 'Input the number of items to retrieve per server request. Multiple smaller requests may perform better than fewer, larger requests. Other options: \'auto\' - tuned to user display window size. \'max\' - to load all at once.', + 'error_no_selected_folder' => '您需要选择一个文件夹', + 'open_url_link' => '在新页面打开', + 'error_pw_too_long' => '密码太长了!最多允许40个字符。', + 'at_restriction' => '限制', + 'pw_encryption_error' => '密码加密出错!', + 'enable_send_email_on_user_login' => '用户登录时发送一封邮件给管理员', + 'email_subject_on_user_login' => '[TeamPass] 一名用户已连接', + 'email_body_on_user_login' => '你好,

用户 #tp_user# 已连接到 TeamPass,时间:#tp_date# #tp_time#.

诚挚问候。', + 'account_is_locked' => '此账号已锁定', + 'activity' => '活动', + 'add_button' => '添加', + 'add_new_group' => '添加新文件夹', + 'add_role_tip' => '添加新角色。', + 'admin' => '管理', + 'admin_action' => '请验证您的操作', + 'admin_action_db_backup' => '创建数据库备份', + 'admin_action_db_backup_key_tip' => '请输入加密密钥。在某处保存它,在恢复时将需要它。(留空将不加密)', + 'admin_action_db_backup_start_tip' => '开始', + 'admin_action_db_backup_tip' => '它是为您的数据库创建一个可恢复备份的最佳方法。', + 'admin_action_db_clean_items' => '移除数据库中的孤立项目', + 'admin_action_db_clean_items_result' => '项已删除。', + 'admin_action_db_clean_items_tip' => 'Removes any items or other entries left behind after a folder is deleted. Please backup before performing this task.', + 'admin_action_db_optimize' => '优化数据库', + 'admin_action_db_restore' => '恢复数据库', + 'admin_action_db_restore_key' => '请输入加密密钥。', + 'admin_action_db_restore_tip' => '它需要使用一个早前使用备份功能创建的 SQL 备份文件。', + 'admin_action_purge_old_files' => '刷新旧文件', + 'admin_action_purge_old_files_result' => '个文件已删除。', + 'admin_action_purge_old_files_tip' => '这将删除所有超过7天的临时文件。', + 'admin_action_reload_cache_table' => '重新载入缓存表', + 'admin_action_reload_cache_table_tip' => 'Recreates the item cache. May correct problems in displaying or saving password items.', + 'admin_backups' => '备份', + 'admin_error_no_complexity' => '(定义?)', + 'admin_error_no_visibility' => 'No one can see this item. (Customize roles)', + 'admin_functions' => '角色管理', + 'admin_groups' => '文件夹管理', + 'admin_help' => '帮助', + 'admin_info' => '有关此工具的一些信息', + 'admin_info_loading' => '正在载入数据...请稍候', + 'admin_ldap_configuration' => 'LDAP配置', + 'admin_ldap_menu' => 'LDAP选项', + 'admin_main' => '信息', + 'admin_misc_cpassman_dir' => 'TeamPass 的完整路径', + 'admin_misc_cpassman_url' => 'TeamPass 的完整 URL', + 'admin_misc_custom_login_text' => '自定义登录文本', + 'admin_misc_custom_logo' => '自定义登录 Logo 的完整 URL', + 'admin_misc_favicon' => '网站小图标(Favicon)文件的完整 URL', + 'admin_misc_title' => '自定义', + 'admin_one_shot_backup' => '快照备份和恢复', + 'admin_script_backups' => '备份脚本设置', + 'admin_script_backups_tip' => 'Automatic backup of the database is recommended. To perform this task, a script is located in the backups folder, named script.backup.php. Create an operating system scheduled CRON job to run this script, daily or weekly as desired.', + 'admin_script_backup_decrypt' => '您想解密的文件名称', + 'admin_script_backup_decrypt_tip' => 'To decrypt an existing backup file in the backup folder, input the name with no extension and no path.', + 'admin_script_backup_encryption' => '加密密钥(可选)', + 'admin_script_backup_encryption_tip' => '如果设置,此密钥将用于加密您的文件', + 'admin_script_backup_filename' => '备份文件名', + 'admin_script_backup_filename_tip' => '您想在备份文件上使用的文件名', + 'admin_script_backup_path' => '备份文件的存储路径', + 'admin_script_backup_path_tip' => '您想将备份文件存储在哪个文件夹', + 'admin_settings' => '设置', + 'admin_settings_title' => 'TeamPass 设置', + 'admin_setting_activate_expiration' => '启用密码过期', + 'admin_setting_activate_expiration_tip' => '如果启用,已过期项目将不会显示给用户。', + 'admin_users' => '用户管理', + 'admin_views' => '查看', + 'alert_message_done' => '完成!', + 'alert_message_personal_sk_missing' => '你必须输入你的个人SALTKey', + 'all' => '所有', + 'anyone_can_modify' => '允许项目被可访问的人修改', + 'associated_role' => '该文件夹归属的角色为', + 'associate_kb_to_items' => '选择与此知识库关联的项目', + 'assoc_authorized_groups' => 'Allowed associated folders', + 'assoc_forbidden_groups' => 'Denied associated folders', + 'at' => 'at', + 'at_add_file' => '添加文件', + 'at_category' => '文件夹', + 'at_copy' => '复制完成', + 'at_creation' => '创建', + 'at_delete' => '删除', + 'at_del_file' => '删除文件', + 'at_description' => '描述。', + 'at_file' => '文件', + 'at_import' => '导入', + 'at_label' => '标签', + 'at_login' => '登录', + 'at_modification' => '修改', + 'at_moved' => '移动', + 'at_personnel' => '个人', + 'at_pw' => '密码已更改。', + 'at_restored' => '已恢复。', + 'at_shown' => '相关', + 'at_url' => 'URL', + 'auteur' => '作者', + 'author' => '作者', + 'authorized_groups' => '允许的文件夹', + 'auth_creation_without_complexity' => '允许绕过必需的密码复杂性要求创建一个项目', + 'auth_modification_without_complexity' => '允许绕过必需的密码复杂性要求修改一个项目', + 'auto_create_folder_role' => 'Create folder and role for ', + 'block_last_created' => '上次创建', + 'bugs_page' => 'If you discover a bug, please report it.', + 'by' => 'by', + 'cancel' => '取消', + 'cancel_button' => '取消', + 'can_create_root_folder' => '可以在根目录创建文件夹', + 'changelog' => '最新消息', + 'change_authorized_groups' => 'Change authorized folders', + 'change_forbidden_groups' => 'Change denied folders', + 'change_function' => '更改角色', + 'change_group_autgroups_info' => 'Select folders this role is allowed', + 'change_group_autgroups_title' => 'Customize the authorized folders', + 'change_group_forgroups_info' => 'Select folders this role is denied access', + 'change_group_forgroups_title' => 'Customize denied folders', + 'change_user_autgroups_info' => 'Select folders this user account can access', + 'change_user_autgroups_title' => 'Customize the authorized folders', + 'change_user_forgroups_info' => 'Select folders this user account is denied', + 'change_user_forgroups_title' => 'Customize denied folders', + 'change_user_functions_info' => '选择与此账号关联的功能', + 'change_user_functions_title' => '自定义关联的功能', + 'check_all_text' => '全选', + 'close' => '关闭', + 'complexity' => '复杂性', + 'complex_asked' => '需要复杂性', + 'complex_level0' => '很弱', + 'complex_level1' => '较弱', + 'complex_level2' => '中等', + 'complex_level3' => '较强', + 'complex_level4' => '很强', + 'complex_level5' => '超强', + 'complex_level6' => '极强', + 'confirm' => '确认', + 'confirm_delete_group' => '您将要删除此文件夹及其中的所有项目。您真的确定?', + 'confirm_del_account' => '您将要删除此账号。您真的确定?', + 'confirm_del_from_fav' => '请确认从收藏中删除', + 'confirm_del_role' => '请确认删除下一个角色:', + 'confirm_edit_role' => '请输入下一个角色的名称:', + 'confirm_lock_account' => '您拒绝锁定此账号?您确定?', + 'connection' => '连接', + 'connections' => '连接', + 'copy' => '复制', + 'copy_to_clipboard_small_icons' => '启用项目页面中的复制到剪贴板小图标', + 'copy_to_clipboard_small_icons_tip' => 'Adds a small icon to the password item listing on the top panel which copies the password to the clipboard. A password can be copied without needing to select and load the whole item contents.', + 'creation_date' => '创建时间', + 'csv_import_button_text' => '浏览 CSV 文件', + 'date' => '日期', + 'date_format' => '日期格式', + 'days' => '天', + 'definition' => '定义', + 'delete' => '删除', + 'deletion' => '删除', + 'deletion_title' => '已删除项列表', + 'del_button' => '删除', + 'del_function' => '删除角色', + 'del_group' => '删除文件夹', + 'description' => '描述', + 'disconnect' => '登出', + 'disconnection' => '登出', + 'div_dialog_message_title' => '信息', + 'done' => '完成', + 'drag_drop_helper' => '拖放项目', + 'duplicate_folder' => 'Folders may have duplicate names', + 'duplicate_item' => 'Items may have duplicate name', + 'email' => 'Email', + 'email_altbody_1' => '项', + 'email_altbody_2' => '已创建。', + 'email_announce' => 'Email a link to all users', + 'email_change' => '更改账号的电子邮件地址', + 'email_changed' => '电子邮件地址已更改!', + 'email_select' => 'Select users to inform', + 'email_subject' => 'New password item created in password manager', + 'email_text_new_user' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

Your account has been created in TeamPass.
You can now access $TeamPass_url using these credentials:
', + 'enable_favourites' => 'Favorites bookmark feature enabled', + 'enable_personal_folder' => '启用个人文件夹', + 'enable_personal_folder_feature' => '启用个人文件夹功能', + 'enable_user_can_create_folders' => 'Sub-folders managed by anyone who can manage parent', + 'encrypt_key' => '加密密钥', + 'errors' => '错误', + 'error_complex_not_enought' => '不符合密码复杂性要求!', + 'error_confirm' => '确认密码不正确!', + 'error_cpassman_dir' => 'No path for TeamPass is set. Please configure under the administration Settings tab.', + 'error_cpassman_url' => 'No URL for TeamPass is set. Please configure under the administration Settings tab.', + 'error_fields_2' => '第二个字段必填!', + 'error_group' => '文件夹必填!', + 'error_group_complex' => '文件夹必须有一个最小密码复杂性级别!', + 'error_group_exist' => '此文件夹已经存在!', + 'error_group_label' => '必须为文件夹命名!', + 'error_html_codes' => '部分文本包含 HTML 代码!这不允许。', + 'error_item_exists' => '此项已存在!', + 'error_label' => '标签必填!', + 'error_must_enter_all_fields' => '您必须填写每个字段!', + 'error_mysql' => 'MySQL 错误!', + 'error_not_authorized' => '您无权查看此页面。', + 'error_not_exists' => '此页面不存在。', + 'error_no_folders' => '您应该先创建一些文件夹。', + 'error_no_password' => '您需要输入您的密码!', + 'error_no_roles' => 'No roles defined - create some and associate them with folders.', + 'error_password_confirmation' => '密码应该相同', + 'error_pw' => '密码必填!', + 'error_renawal_period_not_integer' => 'Renewal period must be number of months!', + 'error_salt' => 'The salt key is too long! An administrator must fix the system salt key stored in the settings php file.', + 'error_tags' => 'Only spaces are allowed in tags', + 'error_user_exists' => '用户已存在', + 'expiration_date' => '过期时间', + 'expir_one_month' => '一个月', + 'expir_one_year' => '一年', + 'expir_six_months' => '半年', + 'expir_today' => '今天', + 'files_&_images' => '文件和图像', + 'find' => '查找', + 'find_text' => '您的搜索', + 'folders' => '文件夹', + 'forbidden_groups' => 'Denied Folders', + 'forgot_my_pw' => '忘了您的密码?', + 'forgot_my_pw_email_sent' => '电子邮件已发送', + 'forgot_my_pw_error_email_not_exist' => '此邮件不存在!', + 'forgot_my_pw_text' => '您的密码将被发送到与您的账号关联的电子邮箱。', + 'forgot_pw_email_altbody_1' => 'Hi, Your identification credentials for TeamPass are:', + 'forgot_pw_email_body' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

Your new password for TeamPass is :', + 'forgot_pw_email_body_1' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

Your identification credentials for TeamPass are:

', + 'forgot_pw_email_subject' => 'TeamPass - 您的密码', + 'forgot_pw_email_subject_confirm' => '[TeamPass] 您的密码 - 第二步', + 'functions' => '角色', + 'function_alarm_no_group' => '此角色未与任何文件夹关联!', + 'generate_pdf' => '生成 PDF 文件', + 'generation_options' => '生成选项', + 'gestionnaire' => '管理器', + 'give_function_tip' => '添加新角色', + 'give_function_title' => '添加新角色', + 'give_new_email' => '请输入新的电子邮件地址,为', + 'give_new_login' => '请选择账号', + 'give_new_pw' => 'Please indicate the new password for', + 'god' => '管理员', + 'group' => '文件夹', + 'group_parent' => '父文件夹', + 'group_pw_duration' => 'Renewal period', + 'group_pw_duration_tip' => 'In months. Use 0 to disable.', + 'group_select' => '选择文件夹', + 'group_title' => '文件夹标签', + 'history' => '历史记录', + 'home' => '首页', + 'home_personal_menu' => '个人操作', + 'home_personal_saltkey' => '你的个人SALTKey', + 'home_personal_saltkey_button' => '保存!', + 'home_personal_saltkey_info' => '如果你想要使用个人项目,必须输入个人SALTKey', + 'home_personal_saltkey_label' => '输入你的个人SALTKey', + 'importing_details' => '详细信息列表', + 'importing_folders' => '导入文件夹', + 'importing_items' => '导入项目', + 'import_button' => '导入', + 'import_csv_anyone_can_modify_in_role_txt' => 'Set anyone in the same role can modify right on all imported items.', + 'import_csv_anyone_can_modify_txt' => '对所有已导入的项目设置“任何人都能修改”权限。', + 'import_csv_dialog_info' => '信息:导入必须使用 CSV 文件完成。通常是从 KeePass 导出的文件具有预期的结构。
如果您是使用另一个工具生成的文件,请检查那份 CSV 是否具有如下结构: `Account`,`Login Name`,`Password`,`Web Site`,`Comments`。', + 'import_csv_menu_title' => '导入项目', + 'import_error_no_file' => '您必须选择一个文件!', + 'import_error_no_read_possible' => '无法读取该文件!', + 'import_error_no_read_possible_kp' => '无法读取该文件!它必须是一个 KeePass 文件。', + 'import_keepass_dialog_info' => '使用这里来选择一个 KeePass 导出功能生成的 XML 文件。我们只能处理 KeePass 文件!注意,导入脚本不会导入在同一树结构中已经存在的文件夹或元素。', + 'import_keepass_to_folder' => '选择目标文件夹', + 'import_kp_finished' => '从 KeePass 导入已完成!
默认情况下,新文件夹的复杂性级别被设置为“中等”。您可以根据需要更改它。', + 'import_to_folder' => 'Select the items you wish to import to folder:', + 'index_add_one_hour' => '延长会话一小时', + 'index_alarm' => 'ALARM!!!', + 'index_bas_pw' => '此账号的密码错误!', + 'index_change_pw' => '更改您的密码', + 'index_change_pw_button' => '更改', + 'index_change_pw_confirmation' => '确认', + 'index_expiration_in' => '会话将过期于', + 'index_get_identified' => 'Please identify yourself', + 'index_identify_button' => 'Enter', + 'index_identify_you' => '请验证您自己', + 'index_last_pw_change' => '密码更改于', + 'index_last_seen' => '上次连接于', + 'index_login' => '账号', + 'index_maintenance_mode' => 'Maintenance mode has been activated. Only administrators can log in.', + 'index_maintenance_mode_admin' => 'Maintenance mode is activated. Users currently can not log in.', + 'index_new_pw' => '新密码', + 'index_password' => '密码', + 'index_pw_error_identical' => '密码必须完全相同!', + 'index_pw_expiration' => 'Actual password expiration in', + 'index_pw_level_txt' => '复杂性', + 'index_refresh_page' => '刷新页面', + 'index_session_duration' => '会话持续时间', + 'index_session_ending' => '您的会话将在不足一分钟后过期。', + 'index_session_expired' => 'Your session has expired or you are not correctly identified!', + 'index_welcome' => '欢迎使用', + 'info' => '信息', + 'info_click_to_edit' => '点击要编辑的单元格', + 'is_admin' => '是管理员', + 'is_manager' => 'Is Manager', + 'is_read_only' => '只读', + 'items_browser_title' => '文件夹', + 'item_copy_to_folder' => '请选择项目要复制到哪个文件夹。', + 'item_menu_add_elem' => '添加项目', + 'item_menu_add_rep' => '添加文件夹', + 'item_menu_add_to_fav' => '添加到收藏', + 'item_menu_collab_disable' => '禁止编辑', + 'item_menu_collab_enable' => '允许编辑', + 'item_menu_copy_elem' => '复制项目', + 'item_menu_copy_login' => '复制登录名', + 'item_menu_copy_pw' => '复制密码', + 'item_menu_del_elem' => '删除项目', + 'item_menu_del_from_fav' => '从收藏中删除', + 'item_menu_del_rep' => '删除一个文件夹', + 'item_menu_edi_elem' => '编辑项目', + 'item_menu_edi_rep' => '编辑一个文件夹', + 'item_menu_find' => '搜索', + 'item_menu_mask_pw' => '掩码密码', + 'item_menu_refresh' => '刷新页面', + 'kbs' => '知识库', + 'kb_menu' => '知识库', + 'keepass_import_button_text' => '浏览 XML 文件并导入条项', + 'label' => '标签', + 'last_items_icon_title' => '显示/隐藏上次见到项目', + 'last_items_title' => '上次见到项目', + 'ldap_extension_not_loaded' => 'The LDAP PHP extension is not loaded on the server.', + 'level' => '级别', + 'link_copy' => '获取此项目的链接', + 'link_is_copied' => '到此项目的链接已复制到剪贴板', + 'login' => '登录名(如果需要)', + 'login_attempts_on' => 'Number of login attempts', + 'login_copied_clipboard' => '登录名已复制到剪贴板', + 'login_copy' => '复制账号到剪贴板', + 'logs' => '日志', + 'logs_1' => 'Generate log file of password renewals done', + 'logs_passwords' => '生成密码日志', + 'maj' => '大写字母', + 'mask_pw' => '掩码/显示密码', + 'max_last_items' => 'Recently viewed password item list size (default is 10)', + 'menu_title_new_personal_saltkey' => '正在更改您的个人加盐密钥', + 'minutes' => '分钟', + 'modify_button' => '修改', + 'my_favourites' => '我的收藏', + 'name' => '名称', + 'nb_false_login_attempts' => 'Maximum login attempts before account lockout (0 to disable lockout)', + 'nb_folders' => '文件夹数量', + 'nb_items' => '项目数量', + 'nb_items_by_page' => 'Number of items by page', + 'new_label' => '新标签', + 'new_role_title' => '新角色标题', + 'new_saltkey' => '新加盐密钥', + 'new_saltkey_warning' => 'The original salt key must be displayed or input correctly, otherwise personal item passwords will be lost! Before pressing change, verify the accuracy of the salt key! Record your new salt key somewhere safe.', + 'new_user_title' => '添加新用户', + 'no' => '否', + 'nom' => '名称', + 'none' => '无', + 'none_selected_text' => '未选择', + 'not_allowed_to_see_pw' => '您无权查看该项目!', + 'not_allowed_to_see_pw_is_expired' => '此项已过期!', + 'not_defined' => '未定义', + 'no_last_items' => 'No items seen', + 'no_restriction' => '没有限制', + 'numbers' => '数字数量', + 'number_of_used_pw' => 'Number of old passwords remembered to prevent reuse (0 to disable)', + 'ok' => '确定', + 'pages' => '页面', + 'pdf_del_date' => 'PDF 已生成', + 'pdf_del_title' => 'Password renewal follow-up', + 'pdf_download' => '下载文件', + 'personal_folder' => '个人文件夹', + 'personal_saltkey_change_button' => '更改它!', + 'personal_salt_key' => '您的个人加盐密钥', + 'personal_salt_key_empty' => '个人加盐密钥未输入!', + 'personal_salt_key_info' => 'This salt key will be used to encrypt and decrypt your passwords. You are the only person who knows it and it is the only way to access your personal password items - so don\'t lose it!', + 'please_update' => '请更新本工具!', + 'print' => '打印', + 'print_out_menu_title' => '导出项目', + 'print_out_pdf_title' => 'TeamPass - 已导出项目列表', + 'print_out_warning' => 'You are saving a file containing unencrypted items and passwords. You must prevent unauthorized access to this file! Your PDF export will be logged.', + 'pw' => '密码', + 'pw_change' => '更改该账号的密码', + 'pw_changed' => '密码已更改!', + 'pw_copied_clipboard' => '密码已复制到剪贴板', + 'pw_copy_clipboard' => '复制密码到剪贴板', + 'pw_generate' => '生成', + 'pw_is_expired_-_update_it' => '此项目已过期!您需要更改它的密码。', + 'pw_life_duration' => '用户密码在过期前的生命周期(单位:天,0表示禁用)', + 'pw_recovery_asked' => '您已要求进行密码恢复', + 'pw_recovery_button' => '给我发送我的新密码', + 'pw_recovery_info' => '点击下面的按钮,您将收到一封电子邮件,包含您的账号的新密码。', + 'pw_used' => '此密码已被使用!', + 'readme_open' => '打开完整的自述文件', + 'read_only_account' => '只读', + 'refresh_matrix' => '刷新矩阵', + 'renewal_menu' => 'Renewal follow-up', + 'renewal_needed_pdf_title' => '列出需要被续约的项目列表', + 'renewal_selection_text' => '列出将要过期的所有项目:', + 'restore' => '恢复', + 'restricted_to' => 'Restricted to', + 'restricted_to_roles' => '允许限制项目至用户和角色', + 'rights_matrix' => '用户权利矩阵', + 'roles' => '角色', + 'role_cannot_modify_all_seen_items' => 'Role not allowed to modify accessible items (normal setting)', + 'role_can_modify_all_seen_items' => 'Role allowed to modify all accessible items (insecure setting)', + 'root' => 'Root', + 'save_button' => '保存', + 'secure' => '安全', + 'see_logs' => '参见日志', + 'select_folders' => '选择文件夹', + 'select_language' => '选择您的语言', + 'send' => '发送', + 'settings_anyone_can_modify' => '为每个人都可以修改项目启用一个选项', + 'settings_anyone_can_modify_tip' => '启用后,项目表单将添加一个复选框,使建立者可以允许任何人修改这个项目', + 'settings_default_language' => '定义默认语言', + 'settings_kb' => '启用知识库 (测试版)', + 'settings_kb_tip' => '在被激活时,这将添加一个您可以用来建立自己的知识库的页面。', + 'settings_ldap_domain' => '域名的LDAP账户前缀', + 'settings_ldap_domain_controler' => '域控制器的 LDAP 数组', + 'settings_ldap_domain_controler_tip' => 'Specify domain controller providing the directory services. To balance queries among multiple servers, input a comma-delimited list of each server name. Example: domain_1,domain_2,domain_3', + 'settings_ldap_domain_dn' => '您的域的 LDAP 基点数据库', + 'settings_ldap_mode' => '启用通过 LDAP 服务器的用户验证', + 'settings_ldap_mode_tip' => '只在您有一个 LDAP 服务器并且您想使用它来进行 TeamPass 用户验证时启用它。', + 'settings_ldap_ssl' => '使用通过 SSL 的 LDAP(即 LDAPS)', + 'settings_ldap_tls' => '使用通过 TLS 的 LDAP', + 'settings_log_accessed' => '启用用户访问项目的日志', + 'settings_log_connections' => '启用用户连接数据库的日志', + 'settings_maintenance_mode' => '设置 TeamPass 至维护模式', + 'settings_maintenance_mode_tip' => '此模式将拒绝除管理员外的所有用户的连接。', + 'settings_manager_edit' => 'Managers may edit or delete any items they can view', + 'settings_printing' => '启用打印项目到 PDF 文件', + 'settings_printing_tip' => 'Adds an export option to the item tree menu, allowing export of entire folders to PDF or CSV. CSV passwords will be exported unencrypted, while PDF files can be password-protected.', + 'settings_restricted_to' => '启用项目上的受限制功能', + 'settings_richtext' => '启用在项目描述中使用富文本', + 'settings_richtext_tip' => '这将激活描述字段中的 BBCode 的富文本。 ', + 'settings_send_stats' => '发送月统计报告至作者,以便更好地了解您使用 TeamPass 的情况', + 'settings_send_stats_tip' => 'These statistics are entirely anonymous! Just the following info is transmitted: number of items, folders, and users; software version, personal folder setting, ldap setting. Enabling feedback lets us know you use the software and allows further planning and development of features.', + 'settings_show_description' => '在项目列表中显示描述', + 'show' => '显示', + 'show_help' => '显示帮助', + 'show_last_items' => '在主页显示最后一个项目块', + 'size' => '大小', + 'start_upload' => '开始上传文件', + 'sub_group_of' => '取决于', + 'support_page' => 'For support, please visit TeamPass website.', + 'symbols' => '符号', + 'tags' => '标签', + 'thku' => '感谢您使用 TeamPass!', + 'timezone_selection' => '选择时区', + 'time_format' => '时间格式', + 'uncheck_all_text' => '全部取消', + 'unlock_user' => '用户已锁定。您想解锁此账号吗?', + 'update_needed_mode_admin' => 'Database upgrade is recommended. Click HERE to upgrade.', + 'uploaded_files' => '现有文件', + 'upload_button_text' => '浏览', + 'upload_files' => '上传新文件', + 'url' => 'URL', + 'url_copied' => 'URL 已复制!', + 'used_pw' => '使用密码', + 'user' => '用户', + 'users' => '用户', + 'users_online' => '在线用户', + 'user_action' => '用户操作', + 'user_alarm_no_function' => '此用户无角色。', + 'user_del' => '删除账号', + 'user_lock' => '锁定用户', + 'version' => '当前版本', + 'views_confirm_items_deletion' => '您确定要从数据库中删除选定项目吗?', + 'views_confirm_restoration' => '请确认恢复此项目', + 'visibility' => '可见性', + 'warning_screen_height' => '警告:屏幕高度不足以显示项目列表!', + 'yes' => '是', + 'your_version' => '您的版本', + 'disconnect_all_users_sure' => '您确定要断开所有用户的连接?', + 'Test the Email configuration' => 'Test email configuration', + 'url_copied_clipboard' => 'URL 已复制到剪贴板', + 'url_copy' => '复制 URL 到剪贴板', + 'one_time_item_view' => '一次性查看链接', + 'one_time_view_item_url_box' => 'Share a one-time-view URL with a person you trust to see the password


This link will only be visible one time, and expires #DAY#', + 'admin_api' => 'API', + 'settings_api' => '启用通过 API 访问 TeamPass 的权限', + 'settings_api_tip' => 'The Application Programming Interface allows software developers to access password items in JSON format over the network.', + 'settings_api_keys_list' => '密钥列表', + 'settings_api_keys_list_tip' => 'Keys to access API. Third-party software must use a random key created here to access the JSON interface.', + 'settings_api_generate_key' => '生成密钥', + 'settings_api_delete_key' => '删除密钥', + 'settings_api_add_key' => '添加新密钥', + 'settings_api_key' => '密钥', + 'settings_api_key_label' => '标签', + 'settings_api_ip_whitelist' => '经信任 IP 的白名单', + 'settings_api_ip_whitelist_tip' => '如果未填入 IP,那么所有 IP 都受信任。', + 'settings_api_add_ip' => '添加新 IP', + 'settings_api_db_intro' => '为新密钥指定一个标签(非强制性,但推荐)', + 'error_too_long' => '错误 - 字符串太长!', + 'settings_api_ip' => 'IP', + 'settings_api_db_intro_ip' => '为新 IP 指定一个标签', + 'settings_api_world_open' => 'No addresses defined. API access is possible from any IP address.', + 'subfolder_rights_as_parent' => 'New sub-folders inherit permissions from parent folder', + 'subfolder_rights_as_parent_tip' => 'If enabled, each new sub-folder inherits the roles and permissions of the parent folder. Otherwise, the folder permission is assigned based on the role of the user who creates them.', + 'show_only_accessible_folders_tip' => 'By default, users see the complete tree of password item folders, even if some folders are inaccessible to the user. You may remove inaccessible folders from the view to simplify browsing.', + 'show_only_accessible_folders' => 'Hide inaccessible password folders', + 'suggestion' => '项建议', + 'suggestion_add' => '添加一项建议', + 'comment' => 'Comment', + 'suggestion_error_duplicate' => 'A similar suggestion already exists!', + 'suggestion_delete_confirm' => 'Please confirm suggestion deletion', + 'suggestion_validate_confirm' => 'Please confirm suggestion validation', + 'suggestion_validate' => 'You have decided to add this suggestion to the password item list ... please confirm.', + 'suggestion_error_cannot_add' => 'ERROR - The suggestion could not be added!', + 'suggestion_is_duplicate' => 'CAUTION: A password item with similar name already exists. If you add the suggestion, the existing item will be modified with data from this suggestion!', + 'suggestion_menu' => 'Suggestions', + 'settings_suggestion' => '启用对只读用户的项目建议', + 'settings_suggestion_tip' => 'The suggestion feature adds a new menu and page, allowing users to create suggestions for new password items. This is useful when only managers are allowed to create password items.', + 'imported_via_api' => 'API', + 'settings_ldap_bind_dn' => 'LDAP 绑定数据库', + 'settings_ldap_bind_passwd' => 'LDAP 绑定密码', + 'settings_ldap_search_base' => 'LDAP 搜索基点', + 'settings_ldap_bind_dn_tip' => 'Enter a bind DN which can access users and search in the tree. A bind DN is a credential that authenticates your access to the directory.', + 'settings_ldap_bind_passwd_tip' => 'Password for the bind DN specified above.', + 'settings_ldap_search_base_tip' => 'Root DN location for searches on the tree', + 'old_saltkey' => '旧的 SALT 密钥', + 'define_old_saltkey' => 'Specify the original salt key (optional)', + 'admin_email_server_url_tip' => 'Links back to the password manager site are inserted into some emails. You can change the URL (web address) that is used. Leave blank to use the URL automatically derived from your site settings.', + 'admin_email_server_url' => 'Customize URL for links', + 'generated_pw' => '生成的密码', + 'enable_email_notification_on_user_pw_change' => 'Email user when user password is changed', + 'settings_otv_expiration_period' => 'One-time-view (OTV) links expire after XX days', + 'change_right_access' => '定义访问权限', + 'write' => '写入', + 'read' => '读取', + 'no_access' => '无访问权', + 'right_types_label' => 'Select the type of access on this folder for the selected group of users', + 'groups' => '文件夹', + 'duplicate' => '重复', + 'duplicate_title_in_same_folder' => 'A similar item name exists in this folder! Change your item name and try again.', + 'duplicate_item_in_folder' => 'Items in same folder may have similar names', + 'find_message' => ' 找到了 %X% 个对象', + 'settings_roles_allowed_to_print' => '定义允许打印项目的角色', + 'settings_roles_allowed_to_print_tip' => 'Select multiple roles by holding CTRL while selecting. Members of these roles will be able to export folders to CSV or PDF if export is also enabled globally.', + 'user_profile_dialogbox_menu' => '您的 Teampass 信息', + 'admin_email_security' => 'SMTP 安全', + 'alert_page_will_reload' => '本页面现在将重新载入', + 'csv_import_items_selection' => '选择要导入的项目', + 'csv_import_options' => '选择导入选项', + 'file_protection_password' => '定义文件密码', + 'button_export_file' => '导出项目', + 'error_export_format_not_selected' => '导出文件需要的格式', + 'select_file_format' => '选择文件格式', + 'button_offline_generate' => '生成离线模式文件', + 'upload_new_avatar' => '选择头像 PNG 文件', + 'expand' => '展开', + 'collapse' => '收起', + 'error_file_is_missing' => '错误:缺少文件!', + 'click_to_change' => '点击更改', + 'settings_ldap_user_attribute' => '要搜索的用户属性', + 'settings_ldap_user_attribute_tip' => 'LDAP attribute to search within for username', + 'user_ga_code_sent_by_email' => 'A new Google Authentication code was sent to your email address.', + 'log_user_initial_pwd_changed' => 'Initial password defined', + 'log_user_email_changed' => 'User email changed to ', + 'log_user_created' => 'User account created', + 'log_user_locked' => 'User has been locked', + 'log_user_unlocked' => 'User has been unlocked', + 'log_user_pwd_changed' => 'User password has been changed', + 'edit_user' => 'Edit user', + 'pf_change_encryption' => 'The encryption algorithm has changed and your personal passwords have to be re-encoded. You need to run this process to use your passwords. This process may take several minutes depending on the number of items you have.', + 'operation_encryption_done' => 'Re-encryption has been performed. You can close this dialog box.', + 'show_password' => 'Click and hold to show password', + 'change_password' => 'Change password', + 'pf_sk_set' => 'Your personal salt key is set correctly. Click start to proceed', + 'pf_sk_not_set' => 'Your personal salt key is not set! Please enter it first.', + 'upgrade_needed' => 'Upgrade needed', + 'item_menu_mov_rep' => 'Move folder', + 'settings_default_session_expiration_time' => 'Default session expiration time', + 'duo_message' => 'DUO Security checks are now done. Sending your credentials to Teampass.
Please wait ... the page will be reloaded once authentication process will be done.', + 'duo_loading_iframe' => 'DUO Security authentication is loading ... Please wait.', + 'settings_duo' => 'Enable DUO Security two-factor authentication', + 'settings_duo_tip' => 'Duo Security cloud-based two-factor authentication from duo.com. One-time use login passcodes via SMS, voice call, or mobile app. An account with Duo is required to use this feature. Two-factor login via Duo will be required for all non-admin users when activated.', + 'admin_duo_akey' => 'AKEY', + 'admin_duo_ikey' => 'IKEY', + 'admin_duo_skey' => 'SKEY', + 'admin_duo_host' => 'HOST', + 'generate_random_key' => 'Generate random key', + 'duo_save_sk_file' => 'Save data in sk.php file', + 'settings_duo_explanation' => 'Credentials from the Duo Security administration page for your account must be input here. Settings will be stored in the sk.php file only after pressing the save button.', + 'admin_duo_intro' => 'Input or generate Duo Security secret', + 'admin_duo_stored' => 'Credentials stored successfully!', + 'user_not_exists' => 'This user does not exist!', + 'dialog_admin_user_edit_title' => 'Edit User Account', + 'user_info_delete' => 'Please re-click to confirm account deletion.', + 'user_info_delete_warning' => 'By clicking save, you will irretrievably delete this account!', + 'edit' => 'Edit', + 'user_info_locked' => 'User is currently locked.', + 'user_info_unlock_question' => 'Unlock account?', + 'user_info_lock_question' => 'Lock account?', + 'user_info_delete_question' => 'Delete account?', + 'user_info_active' => 'User is currently enabled.', + 'settings_ldap_domain_posix' => 'LDAP account suffix for your domain', + 'refresh' => 'Refresh', + 'loading' => 'Loading', + 'at_password_shown' => 'Password shown', + 'at_password_copied' => 'Password copied', + 'search_results' => 'Search results', + 'searching' => 'Searching ...', + 'search_tag_results' => 'Search results for tag', + 'searching_tag' => 'Searching for tag', + 'list_items_with_tag' => 'List items with this tag', + 'no_item_to_display' => 'No items to display', + 'opening_folder' => 'Reading folder ...', + 'please_confirm' => 'Please confirm', + 'suggestion_notify_subject' => 'A new password item suggestion was submitted', + 'suggestion_notify_body' => 'A user has submitted a password item suggestion to the password manager. You need to accept the submission before it can be used by other users.
- Label: #tp_label#
- Folder: #tp_folder#
- User: #tp_user#

This email has been sent to all managers.', + 'error_unknown' => 'An unexpected error occurred!', + 'no_edit_no_delete' => 'Write but no edit or delete', + 'no_edit' => 'Write but no edit', + 'role_cannot_edit_item' => 'Cannot edit items', + 'no_delete' => 'Write but no delete', + 'role_cannot_delete_item' => 'Cannot delete items', + 'text_without_symbols' => 'Only numbers, letters and symbols # & % * $ @ ( ) are allowed. Other characters are not possible.', + 'my_profile' => 'My profile', + 'at_suggestion' => 'Suggestion accepted', + 'character_not_allowed' => 'Character is not allowed!', + 'error_saltkey_length' => 'Salt key must be a 16 characters string!', + 'starting' => 'Starting...', + 'total_number_of_items' => 'Total number of items', + 'finalizing' => 'Finalizing', + 'treating_items' => 'Processing items', + 'number_of_items_treated' => 'Number of items processed', + 'error_sent_back' => 'Next error occured', + 'full' => 'Full', + 'sequential' => 'Sequential', + 'tree_load_strategy' => 'Tree load strategy', + 'syslog_enable' => 'Log errors to syslog server', + 'syslog_host' => 'Syslog server name or IP address', + 'syslog_port' => 'Syslog port (default 514)', + 'error_bad_credentials' => 'Login credentials do not correspond!', + 'reload_page_after_user_account_creation' => 'Your account has been created. This page will be automatically reloaded in 3 seconds ...', + 'settings_ldap_usergroup' => 'LDAP group to search', + 'settings_ldap_usergroup_tip' => 'Enter the LDAP group in the directory where allowed user logins are stored. Example: cn=sysadmins,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com', + 'server_password_change_enable' => 'Enable changing password on distant server (using ssh connection)', + 'error_login_missing' => 'Login is missing!', + 'error_pwd_missing' => 'Password is missing!', + 'error_url_missing' => 'URL is missing!', + 'error_ssh_credentials_missing' => 'SSH credentials are missing!', + 'error_url_must_be_ssh' => 'URL must start with SSH protocol!', + 'auto_update_server_password_info' => 'Clicking start will automatically perform these steps:
Please ensure that user has rights to log in and change password on the server (if not, indicate the root login and password) before starting.', + 'update_server_password' => 'Update server password', + 'error_personal_sk_expected' => 'You must first enter your personal salt key!', + 'click_to_generate' => 'Click to generate', + 'error_new_pwd_missing' => 'New password is missing!', + 'ssh_pwd' => 'SSH password', + 'ssh_user' => 'SSH user', + 'ssh_action_performed_with_error' => 'The server replied with an error. Check the error response and try again.', + 'ssh_action_performed' => 'Password updated for this item.

You can now close this window.', + 'ssh_answer_from_server' => 'Server reply', + 'ssh_password_frequency_change_info' => 'Select the interval between automatic server password updates (selecting 0 will disable automatic password changing).
Automatic password updates will only be performed if the system administrator has also configured the scheduled password update feature cron job.', + 'ssh_password_frequency_change' => 'Password change frequency (in months)', + 'ssh_scheduled_change' => 'Scheduled change', + 'ssh_one_shot_change' => 'One-time change', + 'month' => 'month', + 'server_auto_update_password_enabled_tip' => 'Automatic user password change enabled', + 'server_password_change_enable_tip' => 'This setting adds an option in the password item to automatically change the user password on a server address listed in the url. This requires the remote UNIX server to allow username and password login via SSH. Automatic scheduled password changes can be performed after adding /files/script.ssh.php to crontab to run once a day on the password manager webserver.', + 'can_manage_all_users' => 'Human Resources - User can manage all other users (except administrators) regardless of group membership. HR user will also have manager rights added to their account.', + 'error_bad_credentials_more_than_3_times' => 'Login credentials incorrect!
Please wait 10 seconds before next attempt', + 'settings_ldap_object_class' => 'Class to search', + 'settings_ldap_object_class_tip' => 'LDAP class to search, such as user account or POSIX account', + 'rebuild_config_file' => 'Rebuild the configuration file', + 'rebuild_config_file_tip' => 'The configuration file contains system variables, and is used when these settings are needed before the database connection has been established. Rebuilding the configuration file saves the database values to the file, and can be done any time. The default location is ./includes/config/tp.config.php, but the file should be located outside the www directory for security.', + 'error_folder_complexity_lower_than_top_folder' => 'Subfolders must have password strength set the same or higher than parent folder', + 'rebuild_config_file' => 'Rebuild configuration file', + 'csv_import_information' => 'The CSV file needs to follow these rules:', + 'new_item_email_body' => 'Hello,

This is a generated email from Teampass passwords manager.

New item \'#label\' has been created in Teampass.
You may access it clicking on this LINK.

Greetings.', + 'failed_logins' => 'Failed Logins', + 'admin_2factor_authentication_tab' => '2FA Options', + 'error_only_numbers_in_folder_name' => 'Folder label can not be just a number. Please give your folder a name which includes letters.', + 'folder_will_be_moved_below' => 'The folder will be moved below folder:', + 'error_upload_runtime_not_found' => 'Upload feature: No runtime found.', + 'runtime_upload' => 'Upload feature: runtime', + 'encrypted_data' => 'Data is encrypted in database', + 'not_encrypted_data' => 'Data is not encrypted in database', + 'error_custom_fields_not_similar_in_source_and_target_folders' => 'Moving the folder is not possible as Custom Fields are not similar.', + 'is_super_manager' => 'Is Super Manager', + 'settings_ldap_port' => 'LDAP port', + 'settings_ldap_port_tip' => 'Default non secure LDAP port: 389, default secure LDAP port: 636', + 'user_language' => 'Your language', + 'admin_agses_hosted' => 'AGSES hosted service', + 'admin_agses_hosted_tip' => 'AGSES hosted service', + 'user_profile_agses_enable' => 'Enable Agses authentication', + 'user_profile_agses_card_id' => 'Your Agses card id', + 'admin_agses_authentication_setting' => 'Enable Agses two-factor authentication', + 'admin_agses_authentication_setting_tip' => 'Enable Agses two-factor authentication', + 'index_agses_key' => 'Agses code', + 'admin_agses_hosted_url' => 'Url', + 'admin_agses_hosted_id' => 'Id', + 'admin_agses_hosted_apikey' => 'API key', + 'admin_agses_save' => 'Save AGSES settings', + 'admin_agses_wait' => 'Please wait ... contacting AGSES server.', + 'agses_error_missing_api_data' => 'AGSES configuration data is missing', + 'agses_error_missing_user_card_id' => 'No AGSES Card ID provided', + 'ga_temporary_bad_code' => 'The temporary code you have entered is wrong. Please check your email, paste the code and try again.', + 'ga_flash_qr_and_login' => 'Flash this QR code with your mobile device, enter the 2Factor Authentication code and click `Enter` button.', + 'i_need_to_generate_new_ga_code' => 'I need a new QR code. Please send me by email a temporary Identication Code.', + 'settings_manager_move_item' => 'Managers can move any items they can view', + 'user_folders_rights' => 'Visible folders', + 'user_s_rights_on_folders' => 'Rights on folders for User', + 'folders_not_visible_are_not_displayed' => 'Folders not displayed in this list are not seen by the user', + 'create_item_without_password' => 'Allow item to be created without any password defined', + 'share_user_rights' => 'Share user rights', + 'share_rights_info' => 'This dialogbox permits you to share the rights of one user with a selection of users.
Notice that the selected users will have their existing rights reseted and replaced with exactely the same rights as the source user.', + 'share_rights_source' => 'Source user', + 'share_rights_destination' => 'Destination users', + 'password_is_empty' => 'Item has no password', + '2FA_new_code_by_user_not_allowed' => 'This has been disabled. Please request new code to your Administrator.', + 'ga_reset_by_user' => 'User can reset his 2FA code', + 'ga_reset_by_user_tip' => 'If enabled, the user will have the possibility to reset his 2FA code using the link in the login page. This could be useful in case he has changed mobile device for example. If not enabled, the user will have to ask the Administrator to generate a new code.', + 'error_cannot_delete_subfolders_exist' => 'This folder cannot be deleted as at least one subfolder exists.', + 'enable_massive_move_delete' => 'Allow user to perform massive move and delete operations', + 'enable_massive_move_delete_tip' => 'When enabled, this option permits a user to perform a massive move and/or delete operation in one time. The user will only be able to perform this on Items on which he is allowed to.', + 'mass_operation' => 'Mass operation on Items', + 'move_items' => 'Move selected Items', + 'must_select_items' => 'You must select items!', + 'delete_items' => 'Delete selected Items', + 'you_decided_to_move_items' => 'You decided to move items', + 'you_decided_to_delete_items' => 'You decided to delete items', + 'show_suggestions' => 'New suggestions', + 'show_changes' => 'Change proposals', + 'suggest_password_change' => 'Suggest a password change', + 'suggest_password_change_intro' => 'Make your change proposals using the next fields.', + 'suggestion_done' => 'Suggestion has been stored.', + 'suggest_change_password_blank' => 'Leave this field empty if you DON\'T want to suggest a password change', + 'item_id' => 'Item ID', + 'approve' => 'Approve', + 'reject' => 'Reject', + 'click_to_edit' => 'Click to edit', + 'otv_is_enabled' => 'User can propose One-Time-View links', + 'notify_me_on_change' => 'Notify me on change', + 'copy_folder' => 'Copy folder', + 'copy_folder_info' => 'This feature permits to copy the content of a folder including sub-folders and items. All of those will be duplicated with exactely same names and rights.', + 'copy_folder_source' => 'Folder to be copied', + 'new_folder_name' => 'New folder name', + 'copy_folder_destination' => 'Destination folder', + 'error_source_and_destination_are_equal' => 'Source and Destination cannot be the same!', + 'sending_anonymous_statistics' => 'Sending anonymous statistics', + 'considering_sending_anonymous_statistics' => 'Please consider sending anonymous statistics', + 'anonymous_statistics_definition' => 'Use the next form to define the data you may share (please consider keeping all choice ticked)', + 'favourites_option_enabled' => 'Favourites option enabled', + 'personalfolders_option_enabled' => 'Personal Folders option enabled', + 'country_statistics' => 'Worldmap usage', + 'country' => 'Country', + 'users_statistics' => 'Average number of users by instance', + 'users_statistics' => 'Average number of users by instance', + 'items_all' => 'All items', + 'folders_all' => 'All folders', + 'items_shared' => 'All shared items (not including personal ones)', + 'folders_shared' => 'All shared folders (not including personal ones)', + 'items_statistics' => 'Average number of items by instance', + 'folders_statistics' => 'Average number of folders by instance', + 'administrators_number' => 'Number of Administrator users', + 'administrators_number_statistics' => 'Average number of Administrators by instance', + 'managers_number' => 'Number of Manager users', + 'managers_number_statistics' => 'Average number of Managers by instance', + 'readonly_number_statistics' => 'Average number of Read-Only users by instance', + 'readonly_number' => 'Number of Read-Only users', + 'mysql_version' => 'MySQL version', + 'php_version' => 'PHP version', + 'teampass_version' => 'Teampass version', + 'languages_used' => 'Languages used', + 'languages_statistics' => 'Most used language', + 'kb_option_enabled' => 'Knowledge Base option enabled', + 'suggestion_option_enabled' => 'Suggestion option enabled', + 'customfields_option_enabled' => 'Custom fields option enabled', + 'api_option_enabled' => 'API option enabled', + '2fa_option_enabled' => '2FAoption enabled', + 'agses_option_enabled' => 'AGSES option enabled', + 'duo_option_enabled' => 'DUO Security option enabled', + 'ldap_option_enabled' => 'LDAP option enabled', + 'syslog_option_enabled' => 'SYSLOG option enabled', + 'stricthttps_option_enabled' => 'Strict HTTPS option enabled', + 'characteristic' => 'Characteristic', + 'usage_example' => 'Usage example', + 'current_value' => 'Current value', + 'save_statistics_choice' => 'Save your settings', + 'communication_means' => 'Communication means', + 'email_format_is_not_correct' => 'Email format is not correct', + 'url_format_is_not_correct' => 'URL format is not correct', + 'Dont_update_with_this_data' => 'Don\'t update item with this data', + 'consider_a_donation' => 'You may consider a donation', + 'more_information' => 'More information', + 'feature_request_canal' => 'For Feature Requests, please use', + 'bug_canal' => 'For Bugs, please use', + 'documentation_canal' => 'Complete documentation at', + 'website_canal' => 'Click to open Teampass website', + 'sending_anonymous_statistics_details' => 'Statistics are needed to improve Teampass by knowing the users population and usage. The data you will provide will only be used internally for datamining and will absolutely not be distributed or sold to any third party.', + 'item_has_change_proposal' => 'This Item has a change proposal', + 'select_all' => 'Select all', + 'add_category' => 'Add Category', + 'what_action_to_perform' => 'Select the action to perform', + 'confirm_database_reencryption' => 'This will reencrypt the database with new saltkey. Please confirm?', + 'previous_backup_exists' => 'A previous backup exists.
Do you want to revert to previous data?', + 'previous_backup_exists_delete' => 'Do you want to wipe out this old data?', + 'check_data_after_reencryption' => 'Please check the data. A new table Backup was created during this operation permitting to revert.', + 'revert' => 'Revert?', + 'revert_the_database' => 'You have decided to revert the database. Please confirm?', + 'wipe_backup_data' => 'You have decided to wipe the backup data. This should be done after data verification. Please confirm?', + 'bad_psk' => 'This personal Saltkey is not correct!', + 'bad_psk_confirmation' => 'The personal saltkey confirmation is not correct!', + 'psk_required' => 'The personal saltkey is required!', + 'ldap_test_config' => 'Test current configuration', + 'ldap_test_username' => 'Username to use for testing purpose', + 'ldap_test_username_pwd' => 'Username password', + 'no_username_needed' => 'No username needed', + 'feature_support_canal' => 'For Support and Help, please use', + 'file_is_now_ready' => 'File is now ready.', + 'category' => 'Category', + 'knowledge_base' => 'Knowledge Base', + 'anyone_can_modify_it' => 'Anyone can modify it', + 'manage_entries_in_kb' => 'Manage entries in KB', + 'add_new_kb' => 'Add a new KB', + 'nothing_to_do' => 'Nothing to do.', + 'continue' => 'Continue', + 'please_confirm_operation' => 'Please confirm the operation', + 'setting_disabled_by_admin' => 'This setting is disabled by Administrator', + 'text' => 'Text', + 'masked' => 'Masked', + 'type' => 'Type', + 'select_type_of_field' => 'Select type of field', + 'define_new_field' => 'Define new field', + 'data_is_text' => 'Data is Text', + 'data_is_masked' => 'Data is Hidden', + 'at_export' => 'Export', + 'setting_disabled_by_admin' => 'This setting is disabled by Administrator', + 'confirm_change_field_type' => 'Confirm changing the field type', + 'admin_script_backup_secret' => 'Passkey for backup execution', + 'admin_script_backup_secret_tip' => 'The backup passkey needs to be provided to start the backup. It has to be added as key parameter to script.backup.php. Example:scripts.backup.php?key=your_passkey', + 'access_level_for_roles' => 'Associated access for Roles', + 'settings_ldap_allowed_usergroup' => 'LDAP allowed user group', + 'settings_ldap_allowed_usergroup_tip' => 'Indicate the group allowed to connect to Teampass. Leave it empty is no restriction is expected regarding the group membership.', + 'error_security_level_not_reached' => 'Expected level of security not reached!', + 'error_psk_should_be_changed' => 'Due to policy change, you may need change your personal saltkey.', + 'personal_saltkey_security_level' => 'Minimum Personal Saltkey security level', + 'settings_disable_forgot_password_link' => 'Hide forgot password link on Home page', + 'newly_created_user_is_administrated_by' => 'Newly created user is administrated by', + 'open_bug_report_in_github' => 'Open issue report in Github', + 'bug_report_to_github' => 'Complete the content of the report, then copy it to clipboard and paste it in the Github new issue page', + 'create_github_bug_report' => 'Create new bug report', + 'deselect_all' => 'Deselect all', + 'request_access_to_item' => 'Request access for this item', + 'request_access_to_item_info' => 'Provide the reason why you want to access this item', + 'send_request' => 'Send request', + 'error_no_reason_of_access' => 'Please provide a reason for accessing this item.', + 'settings_ldap_and_local_authentication' => 'Local and LDAP users', + 'settings_ldap_and_local_authentication_tip' => 'Enable this option to permit both users authenticated in LDAP library or in local Teampass users list.', + 'user_profile_api_key' => 'Your API key', + 'report_a_bug' => 'Report a bug', + 'enable_http_request_login' => 'Automatic login using http header credentials', + 'duration_login_attempt' => 'Seconds till auto login:', + 'newly_created_user_role' => 'Newly created user has role', + 'at_user_updated' => 'User #user_login# was updated', + 'human_resources' => 'Super manager', + 'login_attempts' => 'Login attempts since last successful connection', + 'settings_secure_display_image' => 'Enable secure image display', + 'settings_secure_display_image_tip' => 'Secure image display permits to read the image through PHP when a user previews an image attached to an item. Pro: the attachment is stored outside the site folder and is not accessible by a hacker. Con: it is slightly slower than previewing directly from an url.', + 'provide_yubico_identifiers' => 'Please provide your Yubico identifiers', + 'admin_yubico_authentication_setting' => 'Enable Yubico authentication', + 'yubico_user_id' => 'Client ID', + 'yubico_user_key' => 'Secret KEY', + 'yubico_bad_code' => 'Wrong Yubico information', + 'show_yubico_info_form' => 'Show Yubico user information form', + 'press_your_yubico_key' => 'Press your Yubico key', + 'position_in_list' => 'Position in list', + 'visible_by' => 'Visible by', + 'restrict_visibility_to' => 'Restrict visibility to', + 'every_roles' => 'Every roles', + 'masked_text' => 'Masked text', + 'textarea' => 'Textarea', + 'error_field_is_mandatory' => 'At least one mandatory field is empty', + 'is_mandatory' => 'Is mandatory', + 'main_template' => 'Use as template', + 'create_item_based_upon_template_tip' => 'When enabled, this feature permits the author to select a template made of Custom Fields. Notice that this feature requires Custom Fields to be enabled too.', + 'create_item_based_upon_template' => 'Use of template for Item', + 'log_in' => 'Log In', + 'filter' => 'Filter', + 'upload_empty_file' => 'Upload empty file', + 'upload_any_extension_file' => 'Upload any extension file', + 'upload_any_extension_file_tip' => 'When enabled, this option will allow users to upload any kind of files.', + '2factors_expected_for_admin' => 'Administrator requires 2FA to get logged', + '2factors_expected_for_admin_tip' => 'By default, an Administrator has to use a 2FA method to get logged. If not enabled, Administrator will not require it to get logged even if 2FA is enabled for any other user. Make sure you test another account with 2 factor auth before enabling for admin as you could lock yourself out of the system permanently.', + '' => '' +); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/checks.php b/sources/checks.php index 74973e082..9bd0082b2 100644 --- a/sources/checks.php +++ b/sources/checks.php @@ -94,9 +94,11 @@ function curPage() /** * Checks if user is allowed to open the page - * @param integer $userId User's ID - * @param integer $userKey User's temporary key - * @param String $pageVisited Page visited + * + * @param integer $userId User's ID + * @param integer $userKey User's temporary key + * @param String $pageVisited Page visited + * * @return Boolean False/True */ function checkUser($userId, $userKey, $pageVisited) diff --git a/sources/main.functions.php b/sources/main.functions.php index 69360e9ba..d2a1de752 100644 --- a/sources/main.functions.php +++ b/sources/main.functions.php @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ function identifyUserRights( // get all descendants $ids = $tree->getDescendants($persoFld['id'], false, false); foreach ($ids as $ident) { - if ($ident->personal_folder === 1) { + if ((int) $ident->personal_folder === 1) { array_push($listAllowedFolders, $ident->id); array_push($_SESSION['personal_visible_groups'], $ident->id); array_push($_SESSION['personal_folders'], $ident->id); diff --git a/sources/users.queries.php b/sources/users.queries.php index 78b191b63..e51a1227e 100644 --- a/sources/users.queries.php +++ b/sources/users.queries.php @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ foreach ($rows as $record) { if ($_SESSION['is_admin'] === '1' || (($_SESSION['user_manager'] === '1' || $_SESSION['user_can_manage_all_users'] === "1") - && (in_array($record['id'], $my_functions) || $record['creator_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id'])) + && (in_array($record['id'], $my_functions) || in_array($record['id'], $users_functions) || $record['creator_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id'])) ) { if (in_array($record['id'], $users_functions)) { $tmp = ' selected="selected"'; diff --git a/teampass-docker-start.sh b/teampass-docker-start.sh index 81a430c07..b8b95514c 100644 --- a/teampass-docker-start.sh +++ b/teampass-docker-start.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ #!/bin/sh -if [ ! -d ${VOL}/www/.git ]; +if [ ! -d ${VOL}/.git ]; then echo "Initial setup..." - git clone $REPO_URL ${VOL}/www + git clone $REPO_URL ${VOL} mkdir ${VOL}/sk chown -Rf nginx:nginx ${VOL} fi -if [ -f ${VOL}/www/includes/config/settings.php ] ; +if [ -f ${VOL}/includes/config/settings.php ] ; then echo "Teampass is ready." - rm -rf ${VOL}/www/install + rm -rf ${VOL}/install else echo "Teampass is not configured yet. Open it in a web browser to run the install process." echo "Use ${VOL}/sk for the absolute path of your saltkey."