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If you're accessing your own account data (either as an individual or corporate), see Internal use. If you're accessing Investec customer data, see External use.

See the the API documentation for response contents.


The API offers two environments: Sandbox and Production.

By default this SDK will use the Production environment. To change this, you may specify the environment using the provided enum like so:

use InvestecSdkPhp\Enumerations\Environment;
$connector = new InvestecConnector($clientId, $clientSecret, Environment::SANDBOX);

The Sandbox API also has public credentials for testing with. Consult the API documentation for details.

Data Transfer Objects

For Transfer Multiple and Pay Multiple endpoints, arrays of beneficiaries/accounts are accepted.

To handle this in a structured manner this package uses dragon-code/simple-dto to build the DTOs with the required data.

Internal use

Firstly, make sure you've obtained your API credentials - this is how you get your client ID, secret and API key.

Note: Internal use access tokens have a lifespan of 30 minutes.

use InvestecSdkPhp\Connectors\InvestecConnector;

$clientId = '';
$clientSecret = '';
$apiKey = '';

//Initialise the API Connector
$connector = new InvestecConnector($clientId, $clientSecret, $apiKey);

//Get an access token
$authenticator = $connector->getAccessToken();

//Now you can make requests to the appropriate API section, .e.g Private Banking
$api = $connector->privateBanking($authenticator);

To customise the access token's API scope, you can do so in the getAccessToken call:

$authenticator = $connector->getAccessToken(['accounts', 'transactions']);

External use

Your organisation will need to chat with Investec directly to get access. The Investec API uses an OAuth flow for the customer to grant access to you for their data.

Reminder: This package is not affiliated with Investec.

use InvestecSdkPhp\Connectors\InvestecOAuthConnector;

$clientId = '';
$clientSecret = '';
$redirectUri = '';

//Initialise the API Connector
$connector = new InvestecOAuthConnector($clientId, $clientSecret);

//Create an OAuth authorization URL. You redirect your user to this
$authUrl = $connector->getAuthorizationUrl($redirectUri);

After being redirected back to your specified $redirectUri, you should have a code. Proceed as usual:

//Authorization code from the redirect
$code = ''

//Initialise the API Connector
$connector = new InvestecOAuthConnector($clientId, $clientSecret);

//Get an access token - this will still require the redirect URI
$authenticator = $connector->getAccessToken($redirectUri, $code);

//Now you can make requests to the appropriate API section, .e.g Private Banking
$api = $connector->privateBanking($authenticator);

To customise the access token's API scope, you can do so in the getAuthorizationUrl call:

$authUrl = $connector->getAuthorizationUrl($redirectUri, ['accounts', 'transactions']);

Authentication scopes

In the Personal & External use examples above, you're able to specify which scopes you'll be using for this access token.

For Internal use, you'll need to enable the relevant scope permission when you generate your API key. See Internal use for more information.

The scopes available are:


By default only the accounts scope is used. To change the scopes used, you can do this:

$scopes = [...]; //your scopes here

Available APIs

Private Banking

Get Accounts


Will return an array of accounts. Each of these will contain an accountNumber and an accountId. The former is the bankingaccount number, and the latter is the internal ID of the account (this is the one to use in the API).

Get Account Balance

  • $accountIdentifier is the internal identifier from the getAccounts request.

Returns an object containing the account ID, current balance, available balance, and currency.

Get Account Transactions

$api->getAccountTransactions($accountIdentifier, $fromDate, $toDate);
  • $accountIdentifier is the internal identifier from the getAccounts request.
  • $fromDate and $toDate are optional filtering parameters that filter against the transactions' postingDate. The expected date format is YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2021-05-01.
  • $transactionType is an optional filtering parameter. It maps onto Investec's base transaction types. Use the InvestecSdkPhp\Enumerations\TransactionType enumeration here.

Returns an array of transactions.

Transfer Multiple

Uses the V2 version of this endpoint. Support for the deprecated endpoint is not planned.

The endpoint accepts a list of objects to handle multiple transfers.

use \InvestecSdkPhp\DataTransferObjects\PrivateBanking\TransferMultiple\TransferMultipleDto;
$transferMultipleDto = new TransferMultiple\TransferMultipleDto([
    'accountInstances' => [
            'beneficiaryAccountId' => 'XXXX',
            'amount' => 100, //Remember - this is NOT in cents!
            'myReference' => 'API Transfer',
            'theirReference' => 'API Transfer',
        // ...
$api->transferMultiple($accountIdentifier, $transferMultipleDto);
  • $accountIdentifier is the internal identifier from the getAccounts request.

Transfers money between accounts.

Pay Multiple

The endpoint accepts a list of objects to handle multiple transfers.

use \InvestecSdkPhp\DataTransferObjects\PrivateBanking\PayMultiple\PayMultipleDto;
$payMultipleDto = new PayMultiple\PayMultipleDto([
    'accountInstances' => [
            'beneficiaryId' => 'XXXX',
            'amount' => 100, //Remember - this is NOT in cents!
            'myReference' => 'API Transfer',
            'theirReference' => 'API Transfer',
        // ...
$api->payMultiple($accountIdentifier, $payMultipleDto);
  • $accountIdentifier is the internal identifier from the getAccounts request.

Used to pay beneficiaries.

Get Beneficiaries


Returns an array of beneficiaries that have been linked to the user's profile.

Get Beneficiary Categories


Returns an array of the beneficiary categories used on the profile. It will also show which one is the default one.

Get Profiles


Lists all profiles.

Get Profile Accounts


Lists accounts for the given profile.

Get Authorisation Setup Details

$api->getAuthorisationSetupDetails($profileId, $accountId);

List the authorisation setup details for the specified profile and accounts.

Get Profile Beneficiaries

$api->getProfileBeneficiaries($profileId, $accountId);

Lists beneficiaries available to the given profile & account.

Get Documents

Note: This and Get Document both require your API token to have the taxcertificates or statements scopes.

$api->getDocuments($accountId, $fromDate, $toDate);

Lists available documents in the given date range. Otherwise defaults to documents available in the last month until today.

Get Document

$api->getDocument($accountId, $documentType, $documentDate);

Retrieves the specified document type using the account ID, docuemnt type and date.

Card Code

Get Cards

Get Function (Saved) Code

Get Function (Published) Code

Get Code Executions

Get Environment Variables

Get Countries

Get Currencies

Get Merchants

Update Function Code

Publish Saved Code

Execute Simulated Function Code

Replace Environment Variables

Toggle Programmable Card Feature

Corporate and Institutional Banking

Get Accounts

Get Account Transactions

CIB for Intermediaries

Note: According to the documentation, this API is only available via the 3-legged OAuth API (i.e. business use for clients), so it is only made available through the InvesteOAuthConnector class.




Client Details



Intermediary Forex Settlement

Note: It's unclear if this API is only available for internal or external use. For now, it is added to both connectors.

BOP Reports

Get BOP Reports by type

Get BOP Reports by transaction reference

Update BOP Report

Not yet implemented.

Validate BOP Report

Not yet implemented.

Get BOP Report Supporting Documents

Upload file contents for document handle

Not yet implemented.

Retrieve base64 of supporting document

Perform action on BOP Report

Note: The only current valid value for action is Approve.


Tips & Hints

Current balance vs Available balance

Investec accounts (at least consumer ones by default) have a credit/overdraft facility, which is why you'll see currentBalance and availableBalance have large differences.

Transaction dates: posting date, value date, action date, transaction date

  • postingDate is the date the transaction affects your balance, and is the one used for filtering.
  • transactionDate is the date the transaction physically occurred, e.g. when the card was swiped.

Currently I don't know the difference with value date and action date compared to the above two.

Transaction types

Investec has its own transaction types that all transactions automatically fall into:

  • Card Purchases
  • ATM Withdrawals
  • Online Banking Payments
  • Deposits
  • Debit Orders
  • Budget Instalments
  • Faster Pay
  • Fees And Interest

This package provides a TransactionType enum for convenience.

Beneficiary Categories

These categories are user-created in their Investec app/online banking. By default the only category is Not Categorised.