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# @nightwatch/mobile-helper
-Official Nightwatch helper-tool to easily setup all the requirements needed to get started with mobile testing using Nightwatch.js.
+Official Nightwatch tool to help easily setup all the requirements needed to get started with mobile testing in [Nightwatch.js](https://nightwatchjs.org). Nightwatch.js supports web and native app testing in both Android and iOS devices.
-> **Note**
-> Although this tool is designed with Nightwatch in mind, it can also be used as a standalone tool to download all the required Android SDKs needed to get the Android Emulator setup and running with Android v11. It can also download and install the latest version of Firefox browser on the Android Emulator.
+**BONUS:** For Android folks, there's much more this tool has to offer now apart for setting up requirements for testing:
+* Setup fully functional Android Emulator environment in a matter of minutes (without downloading Android Studio).
+* Alternatively, setup just `adb` to only connect to real devices.
+* Easy-to-use CLI flows for common use-cases like connecting to emulator/real devices, downloading new system-images, creating/deleting AVDs, installing/uninstalling apps, and much more.
+* For use-cases not covered above, run commands with major Android SDK tools like `adb`, `emualator`, `sdkmanager`, `avdmanager` directly from a single CLI.
+* Update your SDK tools automatically and seamlessly (WIP).
## Usage
-- [Mobile web testing](#mobile-web-testing---android)
- - [On Android](#mobile-web-testing---android)
- - [On iOS](#mobile-web-testing---ios)
-- [Mobile app testing](#mobile-app-testing---android)
- - [On Android](#mobile-app-testing---android)
- - [On iOS](#mobile-app-testing---ios)
-### Mobile web testing - Android
-1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install `@nightwatch/mobile-helper` as a dev-dependency:
- ```sh
- npm i @nightwatch/mobile-helper --save-dev
- ```
-2. From your project's root dir, run:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android
- ```
-3. Answer a few questions related to your requirements:
-4. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
-5. If some requirements are not being met, it will ask whether to download and setup those requirements:
-6. Voila :tada: Your setup is now complete. (If something fails, follow the instructions and re-run the command.)
-7. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` or `nightwatch.json` file:
- ```js
- "test_settings": {
- // other envs above this line
- 'android.chrome': {
- desiredCapabilities: {
- real_mobile: false,
- avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
- browserName: 'chrome',
- 'goog:chromeOptions': {
- w3c: true,
- args: [
- //'--no-sandbox',
- //'--ignore-certificate-errors',
- //'--allow-insecure-localhost',
- //'--headless'
- ],
- androidPackage: 'com.android.chrome',
- // add the device serial to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
- // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices`
- // androidDeviceSerial: ''
- },
- },
- webdriver: {
- start_process: true,
- server_path: 'chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver',
- cli_args: [
- // --verbose
- ]
- }
- },
- 'android.firefox': {
- desiredCapabilities: {
- real_mobile: false,
- avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
- browserName: 'firefox',
- acceptInsecureCerts: true,
- 'moz:firefoxOptions': {
- args: [
- // '-headless',
- // '-verbose'
- ],
- androidPackage: 'org.mozilla.firefox',
- // add the device serial to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
- // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices`
- // androidDeviceSerial: 'ZD2222W62Y'
- }
- },
- webdriver: {
- start_process: true,
- server_path: '',
- cli_args: [
- // very verbose geckodriver logs
- // '-vv'
- ]
- }
- },
- }
- ```
-8. If testing on real-device:
- 1. Make sure latest version of Chrome/Firefox browsers are installed. If not, install them from Google Play Store.
- 2. [Turn on USB Debugging](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#enable) on your Android Device and connect it to your system via data cable.
- 3. Set `real_mobile` capability to true in the configuration.
-9. If testing on emulator, make sure `chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver` is present in your Nightwatch project's root dir. If not present, re-run the command:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android
- ```
-10. Run your nightwatch tests on Android mobile browsers:
- ```sh
- # for firefox
- npx nightwatch --env android.firefox
- # for chrome
- npx nightwatch --env android.chrome
- ```
-### Mobile web testing - iOS
-1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install `@nightwatch/mobile-helper` as a dev-dependency:
- ```sh
- npm i @nightwatch/mobile-helper --save-dev
- ```
-2. From your project's root dir, run:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper ios
- ```
-3. Answer a device related question:
-4. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
-5. If some requirements are not being met, follow the guide to setup those requirements.
-6. Great :tada: Your setup is now complete. (Re-run the command in the first step to verify.)
-7. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` or `nightwatch.json` file:
- ```js
- "test_settings": {
- // other envs above this line
- 'ios.real.safari': {
- desiredCapabilities: {
- browserName: 'safari',
- platformName: 'iOS',
- // add udid of the device to run tests on (necessary)
- // Run command: `xcrun xctrace list devices`
- // 'safari:deviceUDID': '00008030-00024C2C3453402E',
- },
- webdriver: {
- start_process: true,
- server_path: '',
- cli_args: [
- // --verbose
- ]
- }
- },
- 'ios.simulator.safari': {
- desiredCapabilities: {
- browserName: 'safari',
- platformName: 'iOS',
- 'safari:useSimulator': true,
- // To find the available deviceName/platformName to run tests on,
- // run command: `xcrun simctl list devices`
- // 'safari:platformVersion': '15.0',
- 'safari:deviceName': 'iPhone 13'
- },
- webdriver: {
- start_process: true,
- server_path: '',
- cli_args: [
- // --verbose
- ]
- }
- },
- }
- ```
-8. (**Real Device**) Run the following command to get the *UDID*:
- ```sh
- system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n '/iPhone/,/Serial/p' | grep 'Serial Number:' | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'
- ```
-9. (**Optional**) Update the configurations :
- **Real Device**
- In your Nightwatch configuration, set `safari:deviceUDID` capability of `ios.real.safari` environment to *UDID* from the previous step.
- **Simulators**
- Run the following command to get a list of simulators:
- ```sh
- xcrun simctl list devices
- ```
- And then update `safari:deviceName` (eg: 'iPhone 13') and `safari:platformVersion` (eg: '15.0') capabilities of `ios.simulator.safari` environment in your Nightwatch configuration according to your preference.
-10. Run your nightwatch tests on Android mobile browsers:
- ```sh
- # for simulators
- npx nightwatch --env ios.simulator.safari
- # for real device
- npx nightwatch --env ios.real.safari --deviceId
- # for real device (if updated the config in the previous step)
- npx nightwatch --env ios.real.safari
- ```
-### Mobile app testing - Android
-#### Setup Android SDK requirements
-1. From your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project's root dir, run:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android --appium
- ```
-2. Answer a few questions related to your requirements:
-3. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
-4. If some requirements are not being met, it will ask whether to download and setup those requirements:
-5. And done! :tada: Your setup is now complete. (If something fails, follow the instructions and re-run the command.)
-#### Setup mobile app testing and run first sample test
-1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install Appium v2 as a dev-dependency:
- ```sh
- npm i appium@next --save-dev
- ```
-2. Install Appium UiAutomator2 driver for Android:
- ```sh
- npx appium driver install uiautomator2
- ```
-3. Download the [sample wikipedia app](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/priyansh3133/wikipedia/main/wikipedia.apk) and save it in your project's root directory (alongside `nightwatch.conf.js` file).
-4. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` file:
- ```js
- "test_settings": {
- // other envs above this line
- app: {
- selenium: {
- start_process: true,
- use_appium: true,
- host: 'localhost',
- port: 4723,
- server_path: '',
- // args to pass when starting the Appium server
- cli_args: [
- // automatically download the required chromedriver
- // '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload'
- ],
- // Remove below line if using Appium v1
- default_path_prefix: ''
- },
- webdriver: {
- timeout_options: {
- timeout: 150000,
- retry_attempts: 3
- },
- keep_alive: false,
- start_process: false
- }
- },
- 'app.android.emulator': {
- extends: 'app',
- 'desiredCapabilities': {
- // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver#capabilities
- browserName: null,
- platformName: 'android',
- // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
- // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
- // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
- 'appium:options': {
- automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
- // Android Virtual Device to run tests on
- avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
- // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
- // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
- app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.apk`,
- appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
- appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
- appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
- // chromedriver executable to use for testing web-views in hybrid apps.
- // add '.exe' at the end below (making it 'chromedriver.exe') if testing on windows.
- chromedriverExecutable: `${__dirname}/chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver`,
- newCommandTimeout: 0
- }
- }
- },
- 'app.android.real': {
- extends: 'app',
- 'desiredCapabilities': {
- // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver#capabilities
- browserName: null,
- platformName: 'android',
- // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
- // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
- // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
- 'appium:options': {
- automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
- // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
- // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
- app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.apk`,
- appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
- appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
- appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
- // 'chromedriver' binary is required while testing hybrid mobile apps.
- //
- // Set `chromedriverExecutable` to '' to use binary from `chromedriver` NPM package (if installed).
- // Or, put '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload' in `cli_args` property of `selenium`
- // config (see 'app' env above) to automatically download the required version of chromedriver
- // (delete `chromedriverExecutable` capability below in that case).
- chromedriverExecutable: '',
- newCommandTimeout: 0,
- // add device id of the device to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
- // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices` to get all connected devices
- // udid: '',
- }
- }
- },
- }
- ```
-5. Add the following sample test to your test-suite (`test/wikipedia-android.js`):
- ```js
- describe('Wikipedia Android app test', function() {
- before(function(app) {
- app.click('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/fragment_onboarding_skip_button');
- });
- it('Search for BrowserStack', async function(app) {
- app
- .click('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/search_container')
- .sendKeys('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/search_src_text', 'browserstack')
- .click({selector: 'org.wikipedia:id/page_list_item_title', locateStrategy: 'id', index: 0})
- .waitUntil(async function() {
- // wait for webview context to be available
- const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
- return contexts.includes('WEBVIEW_org.wikipedia');
- })
- .appium.setContext('WEBVIEW_org.wikipedia')
- .assert.textEquals('.pcs-edit-section-title', 'BrowserStack'); // command run in webview context
- });
- });
- ```
-6. If testing on real-device:
- 1. [Turn on USB Debugging](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#enable) on your Android Device and connect it to your system via data cable.
- 2. Make sure latest version of Chrome browser is installed on your Android device. If not, install from Google Play Store.
- 3. Make sure latest version of `chromedriver` NPM package is installed in your project. If not, install by running:
- ```sh
- npm i chromedriver@latest --save-dev
- ```
-7. If testing on emulator, make sure `chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver` is present in your Nightwatch project's root dir. If not present, re-run the command:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android --appium
- ```
-8. Run your Nightwatch tests on Android emulator/real device:
- ```sh
- # test on emulator (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-android.js`)
- npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-android.js --env app.android.emulator
- # test on real-device (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-android.js`)
- npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-android.js --env app.android.real
- ```
-### Mobile app testing - iOS
-#### Setup iOS SDK requirements
-1. From your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project's root dir, run:
- ```sh
- npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper ios --setup
- ```
-2. Answer a device related question:
-3. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
-4. If some requirements are not being met, follow the guide to setup those requirements.
-5. And done! :tada: Your setup is now complete. (Re-run the command in the first step to verify.)
-#### Setup mobile app testing and run first sample test
-1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install Appium v2 as a dev-dependency:
- ```sh
- npm i appium@next --save-dev
- ```
-2. Install Appium XCUITest driver for iOS:
- ```sh
- npx appium driver install xcuitest
- ```
-3. Download the [sample wikipedia app](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/priyansh3133/wikipedia/main/wikipedia.zip) and save it in your project's root directory (alongside `nightwatch.conf.js` file).
-4. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` file (skip 'app' env if already followed Android setup above):
- ```js
- "test_settings": {
- // other envs above this line
- app: {
- selenium: {
- start_process: true,
- use_appium: true,
- host: 'localhost',
- port: 4723,
- server_path: '',
- // args to pass when starting the Appium server
- cli_args: [
- // automatically download the required chromedriver
- // '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload'
- ],
- // Remove below line if using Appium v1
- default_path_prefix: ''
- },
- webdriver: {
- timeout_options: {
- timeout: 150000,
- retry_attempts: 3
- },
- keep_alive: false,
- start_process: false
- }
- },
- 'app.ios.simulator': {
- extends: 'app',
- 'desiredCapabilities': {
- // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver#capabilities
- browserName: null,
- platformName: 'ios',
- // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
- // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
- // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
- 'appium:options': {
- automationName: 'XCUITest',
- // platformVersion: '15.5',
- deviceName: 'iPhone 13',
- // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
- // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
- app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.zip`,
- bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
- newCommandTimeout: 0
- }
- }
- },
- 'app.ios.real': {
- extends: 'app',
- 'desiredCapabilities': {
- // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver#capabilities
- browserName: null,
- platformName: 'ios',
- // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
- // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
- // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
- 'appium:options': {
- automationName: 'XCUITest',
- // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
- // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
- app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.zip`,
- bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
- newCommandTimeout: 0,
- // add udid of the device to run tests on. Or, pass the id to `--deviceId` flag when running tests.
- // device id could be retrieved from Xcode > Window > "Devices and Simulators" window.
- // udid: '00008030-00024C2C3453402E'
- }
- }
- },
- }
- ```
-5. Add the following sample test to your test-suite (`test/wikipedia-ios.js`):
- ```js
- describe('Wikipedia iOS app test', function() {
- before(function(app) {
- app.click('xpath', '//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name="Skip"]');
- });
- it('Search for BrowserStack', async function(app) {
- app
- .useXpath()
- .click('//XCUIElementTypeSearchField[@name="Search Wikipedia"]')
- .sendKeys('//XCUIElementTypeSearchField[@name="Search Wikipedia"]', 'browserstack')
- .click('//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@name="BrowserStack"]')
- .waitUntil(async function() {
- // wait for webview context to be available
- const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
- return contexts.length > 1;
- }, 5000)
- .perform(async function() {
- // switch to webview context
- const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
- await this.appium.setContext(contexts[1]);
- })
- .useCss()
- .assert.textEquals('.pcs-edit-section-title', 'BrowserStack'); // command run in webview context
- });
- });
- ```
-6. (**Real Device**) Run the following command to get the *UDID*:
- ```sh
- system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n '/iPhone/,/Serial/p' | grep 'Serial Number:' | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'
- ```
-7. (**Optional**) Update the configurations :
- **Real Device**
- In your Nightwatch configuration, set `udid` property of `appium:options` capability inside `app.ios.real` environment to *UDID* from the previous step.
- **Simulators**
- Run the following command to get a list of simulators:
- ```sh
- xcrun simctl list devices
- ```
- And then update `deviceName` (eg: 'iPhone 13') and `platformVersion` (eg: '15.0') properties of `appium:options` capability, defined for `app.ios.simulator` environment in your Nightwatch configuration, according to your preference.
-8. Run your Nightwatch tests on iOS simulator/real device:
- ```sh
- # test on simulator (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-ios.js`)
- npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-ios.js --env app.ios.simulator
- # test on real-device (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-ios.js`)
- npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-ios.js --env app.ios.real
- ```
+* [Setup for mobile-web testing](docs/mobile-web-testing.md)
+* [Setup for mobile-app testing](docs/mobile-app-testing.md)
+* [Do more with Android](#do-more-with-android)
+ * [Setup Android SDKs for standalone usage](#setup-android-sdks)
+ * [Simple CLI flows for common use-cases](#cli-flows-for-common-use-cases)
+ * [Connect to real devices or start an emulator](#1-connect)
+ * [List connected devices and installed AVDs](#2-list)
+ * [Install system images, AVDs and Android apps](#3-install)
+ * [Uninstall system images, AVDs and Android apps](#4-uninstall)
+ * [Run commands with Android SDK tools](#run-android-sdk-binaries)
+## Do more with Android
+### Setup Android SDKs
+You can now setup a fully functional Android Emulator environment, or just `adb` for connecting to real device, without the need to download the whole Android Studio IDE.
+Run the below command to download all the required Android SDKs needed to get the Android Emulator setup and running with Android v11:
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android --standalone
+The above command makes sure that you have everything you need to use Android Emulator as well as connect your computer to real Android devices.
+### CLI Flows for common use-cases
+This tool allows you to do a lot of things with simple and tailored flows, accessible through the following subcommands:
+1. [connect](./docs/subcommands/connect.md)
+2. [list](./docs/subcommands/list.md)
+3. [install](./docs/subcommands/install.md)
+4. [uninstall](./docs/subcommands/uninstall.md)
+The following syntax is used for executing subcommands:
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android [flags|cliConfigs]
+#### 1. connect
+This subcommand allows you to connect to a real device using `adb` or launch an AVD (Android Virtual Device) inside Android Emulator.
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android connect [flags]
+| Flag | Description |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| --wireless | Connect a real device wirelessly |
+| --emulator | Launch an AVD inside Android Emulator.|
+#### 2. list
+This subcommand allows you to list all connected devices and installed AVDs.
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android list [flags]
+| Flag | Description |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
+| --device | Show a list of all the connected real devices and AVDs |
+| --avd | Show a list of all the currently installed AVDs |
+#### 3. install
+This subcommand allows you to install a new system-image, create a new AVD or install an app to a target AVD/device.
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android install [flags]
+| Flag | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
+| --app | Install an APK on a real device or an AVD |
+| --avd | Create a new AVD |
+| --system-image | Install a new system-image |
+#### 4. uninstall
+This subcommand allows you to uninstall a system-image, delete an AVD, or uninstall an app from a target device.
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android uninstall [flags]
+| Flag | Description |
+| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| --app | Uninstall an app from a real device or an AVD |
+| --avd | Delete an AVD |
+| --system-image | Uninstall a system-image |
+### Run Android SDK tool commands
+Run commands with major Android SDK tools/binaries directly from a single CLI without the need to locate and then run the binaries manually.
+npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android. [args]
+Currently supported binaries: `adb`, `avdmanager`, `sdkmanager` and `emulator`.
+Check the following docs to know more about the usage of the above mentioned binaries:
+* [Installing Android application](./docs/install-android-application-from-apk.md)
+* [Using emulator from CLI](./docs/use-emulator-from-command-line.md)
diff --git a/docs/mobile-app-testing.md b/docs/mobile-app-testing.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1865e84
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+# Mobile app testing
+Nightwatch.js now supports testing of native mobile applications via Appium, on both Android and iOS devices. For more details, follow this [guide](https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/mobile-app-testing/introduction.html).
+If you're setting up Nightwatch.js for the first time in your project, the process is pretty straightforward. To setup Nightwatch.js in your new/existing project with support for mobile app testing out-of-the-box, run:
+# go to your project root directory
+cd path/to/project/root
+# run the init command
+npm init nightwatch@latest .
+and answer the questions that follow. That's it!
+For existing Nightwatch.js project, the setup for mobile app testing can be done by following the steps below:
+* [Setup for Android](#android)
+* [Setup for iOS](#ios)
+## Android
+### Setup Android SDK requirements
+1. From your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project's root dir, run:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android --appium
+ ```
+2. Answer a few questions related to your requirements:
+3. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
+4. If some requirements are not being met, it will ask whether to download and setup those requirements:
+5. And done! :tada: Your setup is now complete. (If something fails, follow the instructions and re-run the command.)
+### Setup mobile app testing and run first sample test
+1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install Appium v2 as a dev-dependency:
+ ```sh
+ npm i appium@next --save-dev
+ ```
+2. Install Appium UiAutomator2 driver for Android:
+ ```sh
+ npx appium driver install uiautomator2
+ ```
+3. Download the [sample wikipedia app](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/priyansh3133/wikipedia/main/wikipedia.apk) and save it in your project's root directory (alongside `nightwatch.conf.js` file).
+4. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` file:
+ ```js
+ "test_settings": {
+ // other envs above this line
+ app: {
+ selenium: {
+ start_process: true,
+ use_appium: true,
+ host: 'localhost',
+ port: 4723,
+ // args to pass when starting the Appium server
+ cli_args: [
+ // automatically download the required chromedriver
+ // '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload'
+ ],
+ // Remove below line if using Appium v1
+ default_path_prefix: '',
+ // Uncomment below line if Appium is installed globally
+ // server_path: 'appium'
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ timeout_options: {
+ timeout: 150000,
+ retry_attempts: 3
+ },
+ keep_alive: false,
+ start_process: false
+ }
+ },
+ 'app.android.emulator': {
+ extends: 'app',
+ 'desiredCapabilities': {
+ // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver#capabilities
+ browserName: null,
+ platformName: 'android',
+ // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
+ // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
+ // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
+ 'appium:options': {
+ automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
+ // Android Virtual Device to run tests on
+ avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
+ // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
+ // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
+ app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.apk`,
+ appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
+ appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
+ appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
+ // chromedriver executable to use for testing web-views in hybrid apps.
+ // add '.exe' at the end below (making it 'chromedriver.exe') if testing on windows.
+ chromedriverExecutable: `${__dirname}/chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver`,
+ newCommandTimeout: 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'app.android.real': {
+ extends: 'app',
+ 'desiredCapabilities': {
+ // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver#capabilities
+ browserName: null,
+ platformName: 'android',
+ // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
+ // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
+ // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
+ 'appium:options': {
+ automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
+ // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
+ // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
+ app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.apk`,
+ appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
+ appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
+ appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
+ // 'chromedriver' binary is required while testing hybrid mobile apps.
+ //
+ // Set `chromedriverExecutable` to '' to use binary from `chromedriver` NPM package (if installed).
+ // Or, put '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload' in `cli_args` property of `selenium`
+ // config (see 'app' env above) to automatically download the required version of chromedriver
+ // (delete `chromedriverExecutable` capability below in that case).
+ chromedriverExecutable: '',
+ newCommandTimeout: 0,
+ // add device id of the device to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
+ // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices` to get all connected devices
+ // udid: '',
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+5. Add the following sample test to your test-suite (`test/wikipedia-android.js`):
+ ```js
+ describe('Wikipedia Android app test', function() {
+ before(function(app) {
+ app.click('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/fragment_onboarding_skip_button');
+ });
+ it('Search for BrowserStack', async function(app) {
+ app
+ .click('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/search_container')
+ .sendKeys('id', 'org.wikipedia:id/search_src_text', 'browserstack')
+ .click({selector: 'org.wikipedia:id/page_list_item_title', locateStrategy: 'id', index: 0})
+ .waitUntil(async function() {
+ // wait for webview context to be available
+ const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
+ return contexts.includes('WEBVIEW_org.wikipedia');
+ })
+ .appium.setContext('WEBVIEW_org.wikipedia')
+ .assert.textEquals('.pcs-edit-section-title', 'BrowserStack'); // command run in webview context
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+6. If testing on real-device:
+ 1. [Turn on USB Debugging](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#enable) on your Android Device and connect it to your system via data cable.
+ 2. Make sure latest version of Chrome browser is installed on your Android device. If not, install from Google Play Store.
+ 3. Make sure latest version of `chromedriver` NPM package is installed in your project. If not, install by running:
+ ```sh
+ npm i chromedriver@latest --save-dev
+ ```
+7. If testing on emulator, make sure `chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver` is present in your Nightwatch project's root dir. If not present, re-run the command:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android --appium
+ ```
+8. Run your Nightwatch tests on Android emulator/real device:
+ ```sh
+ # test on emulator (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-android.js`)
+ npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-android.js --env app.android.emulator
+ # test on real-device (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-android.js`)
+ npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-android.js --env app.android.real
+ ```
+## iOS
+### Setup iOS SDK requirements
+1. From your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project's root dir, run:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper ios --setup
+ ```
+2. Answer a device related question:
+3. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
+4. If some requirements are not being met, follow the guide to setup those requirements.
+5. And done! :tada: Your setup is now complete. (Re-run the command in the first step to verify.)
+### Setup mobile app testing and run first sample test
+1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install Appium v2 as a dev-dependency:
+ ```sh
+ npm i appium@next --save-dev
+ ```
+2. Install Appium XCUITest driver for iOS:
+ ```sh
+ npx appium driver install xcuitest
+ ```
+3. Download the [sample wikipedia app](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/priyansh3133/wikipedia/main/wikipedia.zip) and save it in your project's root directory (alongside `nightwatch.conf.js` file).
+4. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` file (skip 'app' env if already followed Android setup above):
+ ```js
+ "test_settings": {
+ // other envs above this line
+ app: {
+ selenium: {
+ start_process: true,
+ use_appium: true,
+ host: 'localhost',
+ port: 4723,
+ // args to pass when starting the Appium server
+ cli_args: [
+ // automatically download the required chromedriver
+ // '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload'
+ ],
+ // Remove below line if using Appium v1
+ default_path_prefix: '',
+ // Uncomment below line if Appium is installed globally
+ // server_path: 'appium'
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ timeout_options: {
+ timeout: 150000,
+ retry_attempts: 3
+ },
+ keep_alive: false,
+ start_process: false
+ }
+ },
+ 'app.ios.simulator': {
+ extends: 'app',
+ 'desiredCapabilities': {
+ // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver#capabilities
+ browserName: null,
+ platformName: 'ios',
+ // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
+ // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
+ // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
+ 'appium:options': {
+ automationName: 'XCUITest',
+ // platformVersion: '15.5',
+ deviceName: 'iPhone 13',
+ // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
+ // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
+ app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.zip`,
+ bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
+ newCommandTimeout: 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'app.ios.real': {
+ extends: 'app',
+ 'desiredCapabilities': {
+ // More capabilities can be found at https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver#capabilities
+ browserName: null,
+ platformName: 'ios',
+ // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
+ // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
+ // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
+ 'appium:options': {
+ automationName: 'XCUITest',
+ // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
+ // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
+ app: `${__dirname}/wikipedia.zip`,
+ bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
+ newCommandTimeout: 0,
+ // add udid of the device to run tests on. Or, pass the id to `--deviceId` flag when running tests.
+ // device id could be retrieved from Xcode > Window > "Devices and Simulators" window.
+ // udid: '00008030-00024C2C3453402E'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+5. Add the following sample test to your test-suite (`test/wikipedia-ios.js`):
+ ```js
+ describe('Wikipedia iOS app test', function() {
+ before(function(app) {
+ app.click('xpath', '//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name="Skip"]');
+ });
+ it('Search for BrowserStack', async function(app) {
+ app
+ .useXpath()
+ .click('//XCUIElementTypeSearchField[@name="Search Wikipedia"]')
+ .sendKeys('//XCUIElementTypeSearchField[@name="Search Wikipedia"]', 'browserstack')
+ .click('//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@name="BrowserStack"]')
+ .waitUntil(async function() {
+ // wait for webview context to be available
+ const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
+ return contexts.length > 1;
+ }, 5000)
+ .perform(async function() {
+ // switch to webview context
+ const contexts = await this.appium.getContexts();
+ await this.appium.setContext(contexts[1]);
+ })
+ .useCss()
+ .assert.textEquals('.pcs-edit-section-title', 'BrowserStack'); // command run in webview context
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+6. (**Real Device**) Run the following command to get the *UDID*:
+ ```sh
+ system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n '/iPhone/,/Serial/p' | grep 'Serial Number:' | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'
+ ```
+7. (**Optional**) Update the configurations :
+ **Real Device**
+ In your Nightwatch configuration, set `udid` property of `appium:options` capability inside `app.ios.real` environment to *UDID* from the previous step.
+ **Simulators**
+ Run the following command to get a list of simulators:
+ ```sh
+ xcrun simctl list devices
+ ```
+ And then update `deviceName` (eg: 'iPhone 13') and `platformVersion` (eg: '15.0') properties of `appium:options` capability, defined for `app.ios.simulator` environment in your Nightwatch configuration, according to your preference.
+8. Run your Nightwatch tests on iOS simulator/real device:
+ ```sh
+ # test on simulator (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-ios.js`)
+ npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-ios.js --env app.ios.simulator
+ # test on real-device (assuming test saved as `test/wikipedia-ios.js`)
+ npx nightwatch test/wikipedia-ios.js --env app.ios.real
+ ```
diff --git a/docs/mobile-web-testing.md b/docs/mobile-web-testing.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0977b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/mobile-web-testing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Mobile web testing
+With Nightwatch.js, users can now test websites on real mobile browsers, along with the desktop browsers.
+For new users, the setup is pretty easy. To set up a new Nightwatch.js project with support for mobile-web testing out-of-the-box, run:
+npm init nightwatch@latest
+and answer the questions that follow. And that's it!
+For existing Nightwatch.js users, the setup for mobile-web testing can be done by following the steps below:
+* [Setup on Android](#android)
+* [Setup on iOS](#ios)
+## Android
+1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install `@nightwatch/mobile-helper` as a dev-dependency:
+ ```sh
+ npm i @nightwatch/mobile-helper --save-dev
+ ```
+2. From your project's root dir, run:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android
+ ```
+3. Answer a few questions related to your requirements:
+4. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
+5. If some requirements are not being met, it will ask whether to download and setup those requirements:
+6. Voila :tada: Your setup is now complete. (If something fails, follow the instructions and re-run the command.)
+7. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` or `nightwatch.json` file:
+ ```js
+ "test_settings": {
+ // other envs above this line
+ 'android.chrome': {
+ desiredCapabilities: {
+ real_mobile: false,
+ avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
+ browserName: 'chrome',
+ 'goog:chromeOptions': {
+ w3c: true,
+ args: [
+ //'--no-sandbox',
+ //'--ignore-certificate-errors',
+ //'--allow-insecure-localhost',
+ //'--headless'
+ ],
+ androidPackage: 'com.android.chrome',
+ // add the device serial to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
+ // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices`
+ // androidDeviceSerial: ''
+ },
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ start_process: true,
+ server_path: 'chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver',
+ cli_args: [
+ // --verbose
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ 'android.firefox': {
+ desiredCapabilities: {
+ real_mobile: false,
+ avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
+ browserName: 'firefox',
+ acceptInsecureCerts: true,
+ 'moz:firefoxOptions': {
+ args: [
+ // '-headless',
+ // '-verbose'
+ ],
+ androidPackage: 'org.mozilla.firefox',
+ // add the device serial to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
+ // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices`
+ // androidDeviceSerial: 'ZD2222W62Y'
+ }
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ start_process: true,
+ server_path: '',
+ cli_args: [
+ // very verbose geckodriver logs
+ // '-vv'
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+8. If testing on real-device:
+ 1. Make sure latest version of Chrome/Firefox browsers are installed. If not, install them from Google Play Store.
+ 2. [Turn on USB Debugging](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#enable) on your Android Device and connect it to your system via data cable.
+ 3. Set `real_mobile` capability to true in the configuration.
+9. If testing on emulator, make sure `chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver` is present in your Nightwatch project's root dir. If not present, re-run the command:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper android
+ ```
+10. Run your nightwatch tests on Android mobile browsers:
+ ```sh
+ # for firefox
+ npx nightwatch --env android.firefox
+ # for chrome
+ npx nightwatch --env android.chrome
+ ```
+## iOS
+1. In your [Nightwatch](https://nightwatchjs.org) project, install `@nightwatch/mobile-helper` as a dev-dependency:
+ ```sh
+ npm i @nightwatch/mobile-helper --save-dev
+ ```
+2. From your project's root dir, run:
+ ```sh
+ npx @nightwatch/mobile-helper ios
+ ```
+3. Answer a device related question:
+4. It will verify if all the requirements are being met.
+5. If some requirements are not being met, follow the guide to setup those requirements.
+6. Great :tada: Your setup is now complete. (Re-run the command in the first step to verify.)
+7. Add the following env configuration to your `nightwatch.conf.js` or `nightwatch.json` file:
+ ```js
+ "test_settings": {
+ // other envs above this line
+ 'ios.real.safari': {
+ desiredCapabilities: {
+ browserName: 'safari',
+ platformName: 'iOS',
+ // add udid of the device to run tests on (necessary)
+ // Run command: `xcrun xctrace list devices`
+ // 'safari:deviceUDID': '00008030-00024C2C3453402E',
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ start_process: true,
+ server_path: '',
+ cli_args: [
+ // --verbose
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ 'ios.simulator.safari': {
+ desiredCapabilities: {
+ browserName: 'safari',
+ platformName: 'iOS',
+ 'safari:useSimulator': true,
+ // To find the available deviceName/platformName to run tests on,
+ // run command: `xcrun simctl list devices`
+ // 'safari:platformVersion': '15.0',
+ 'safari:deviceName': 'iPhone 13'
+ },
+ webdriver: {
+ start_process: true,
+ server_path: '',
+ cli_args: [
+ // --verbose
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+8. (**Real Device**) Run the following command to get the *UDID*:
+ ```sh
+ system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n '/iPhone/,/Serial/p' | grep 'Serial Number:' | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'
+ ```
+9. (**Optional**) Update the configurations :
+ **Real Device**
+ In your Nightwatch configuration, set `safari:deviceUDID` capability of `ios.real.safari` environment to *UDID* from the previous step.
+ **Simulators**
+ Run the following command to get a list of simulators:
+ ```sh
+ xcrun simctl list devices
+ ```
+ And then update `safari:deviceName` (eg: 'iPhone 13') and `safari:platformVersion` (eg: '15.0') capabilities of `ios.simulator.safari` environment in your Nightwatch configuration according to your preference.
+10. Run your nightwatch tests on Android mobile browsers:
+ ```sh
+ # for simulators
+ npx nightwatch --env ios.simulator.safari
+ # for real device
+ npx nightwatch --env ios.real.safari --deviceId
+ # for real device (if updated the config in the previous step)
+ npx nightwatch --env ios.real.safari
+ ```