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[fit] Cool table UX

with & Laravel

Presented by Nick Evans, Senior Dev @ Northwestern IT

  • Open source JS library for Fancy Tables

    • Needs jQuery
    • Plays nice w/ Bootstrap, Semantic, jQuery UI
  • Pretty nice out of the box

    • The docs have a showcase w/ all the different features (& example code)
  • Use it as the core of an app's UX: the main page that lists all the stuff people interact with

^ This talk isn't just about Laravel. There's stuff here for you if you just want ideas on using DT.n.

[fit] Examples

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^ This is what you get when you instantiate it on a table. In the example, the table has data (in <tr>s) already.

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^ So here we see column select (w/ one column not hidable and one not shown by default), multi-column sort, CSV export, not default visibility, sticky header

^ This is just a showcase for some of the cooler features you get. There are even more -- column groups, complex headers, reorderable columns, etc.

^ Codepen for this:


  • DT.n has full support for making everything server-side
    • Pagination & sorting
    • Search across all columns
    • Search specific columns
    • Exports

^ Sometimes with small tables, you can get away with just dumping your whole dataset into the page as JSON and doing client-side manipulations. But that doesn't scale.

^ So it has a whole thing for communicating with the server. It can get kind of complicated when you add more and more features, like multi-column sorting and a bunch of filters.

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^ Don't worry, it's all fake data (:hearts: faker)

^ This one is server-side in a Laravel app. You notice this is starting to not look like anymore. A lot of its stock UI elements have been stripped and replaced with buttons and the sidebar panels containing per-field search filters.

^ We used to have checkboxes too, which interacted w/ Buttons for server-side shenanigans.


  • Popular PHP framework
  • Eloquent ORM
  • yajra/laravel-datatables translates all the inputs from DT.n into the expected outputs
    • And it uses your models to do it

^ I'm Northwestern's foremost member of the Laravel cult, so I obviously am going to talk about it !

^ Pushing all the hard processing off the client and onto the server is great.

[fit] Let's do it!

^ OK so now we're going to go through setting everything up and writing some code.

^ Haven't risked live-coding before a studio audience before. Wish me luck.

Setup DT.n JS libs in Laravel

  • Install DT.n and desired addons via yarn

    • yarn add
  • Add to app.js (via bootstrap.js) & app.css, compile

    • yarn run dev
  • I have a template w/ a basic initialization to see if we've installed it properly

    • I also set up a site layout w/ the mix'd assets
    • Table is copied from the DT.n basic initialization example
    • Magic is in the JS
      • A little bit of extra magic to enable colvis button + align properly for Bootstrap

^ We will start with a brand-new Laravel app skeleton. The DT.n packages are all up on the NPM package registry, so I'll yarn install them.

^ I will be using the Bootstrap styling for DT.n, cuz Laravel already has Bootstrap in its packages.json.

^ We're grabbing the DT.n Buttons extension, which has our column visbility & CSV/Excel/etc buttons.

^ Laravel Mix is the asset pipeline. It's webpack, except a smart person figured everything out and then gave us a Fisher-Price config file. Big fan, but it's another talk :-)

^ I've got the dependencies already installed. Take a look at the bootstrap.js & app.css files, then look at the first view!

Setup laravel-datatables

  • Install Laravel package - Eloquent <-> JSON 'protocol' for DT

    • composer require yajra/laravel-datatables
    • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=datatables && php artisan vendor:publish --tag=datatables-buttons
  • Put buttons.server-side.js into the Mix

    • mv public/vendor/datatables/buttons.server-side.js resources/js/
    • Update app.js & rebuild

^ The package we're installing comes with support for DT.n Buttons & DT.n Editor. Can install more specific packages if you want less.

^ The second command will publish its configs to the config/ directory. There are some settings here that control how searching works (case sensitivity, wildcards, etc). The defaults are fine for this demo, though!

^ The buttons publish will also drop a buttons.server-side.js file in your public/js dir. We'll just put that into the Mix pipeline instead. This tells the built-in CSV/etc buttons to do an AJAX request instead to get all pages of data!

DataTables as a Service

  • DT service class is how I prefer to use this

    • There are simpler ways for "basic" DTs, but all of mine have been complex
  • Centralizes the ORM stuff, DT.n config, and any other DT-related code

    • Violates separation of the M & V parts of MVC a little bit, but is worth it
    • Stuff like DT.n render callback JS ends up in your PHP files 😨
  • php artisan datatables:make ServerSide

    • Makes App\DataTables\ServerSideDataTable

^ Service class is a bit heavy, in terms of how much stuff you'll need to do.

^ As much as I find it gross to put JS snippets in PHP strings, I do feel like putting all this together makes it easier to manage big complex DataTables.

^ But before we can wire this up to our models, we'll need a database!

We need a DB

  • We'll make an HR database.
    • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed


^ I have some stuff prepared to build and populate a DB, so we'll let that run. Real basic though!

Wiring up the DT Service

  • Define query()

    • Query ties in to our model -- any global scopes (like SoftDeletes) are respected
    • Can explicitly call scopes, add where() conditions, etc
    • Don't want to put ORDER BY or filtering here, though -- this is JUST the "base" query for the table
  • Define getColumns() w/ stuff from our models

    • title is the title, data and name should be the JSON path
    • visible, class, render optional

Writing the View

  • I have a small controller
  • Service class can be injected & render views

<h1>AJAXy DataTable</h1>
<p>This page demonstrates DT.n wired up to your Eloquent models.</p>

{!! $dataTable->table() !!}

{!! $dataTable->scripts() !!}

^ The view is very straightforward. So much so, that it's the slide!

^ Now that all of this is done, let's have a look at the page.

^ You notice the 'Processing' UI element. We've got our default buttons, and our data is here.

^ The service class knows how to do the sorting for all your columns right out of the box.

^ The search bar fails with a SQL error. The DB boolean column (onboarding) also looks a little nasty.

Render Callbacks

  • We can make the onboarding column nicer with a render callback.

  • These are JS snippets that execute inside a callback function:

    function (data, type, full, meta) {
        return YOUR_CODE_HERE;
    • data is the cell's value
    • full is the object for the whole row -- you can access other attributes
    • dunno what the other two are !

^ This is a bit gnarly, but we'll enable a render function for that. It's adding a little bit of

Fix the Search

  • When APP_DEBUG = true, the DT service class will include queries + SQL errors in the AJAX responses

    • Look in your network inspector
  • SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column employees.clerical_name does not exist

    • We need to tell it how to filter for this
    • We can do that in dataTable() with a filterColumn
  • Can go further -- replace apostrophes with a wildcard, to deal with names like O'Connor

^ It will make reasonable assumptions for most columns, but this is one we calculated.

^ So we just have to tell it how to filter for this one value we made up by concatenating the name together.

Make the UX better

  • Let's redesign our table a bit

    • Fix the stuff not aligned w/ dom
    • Change the buttons
    • Make the pages bigger
  • Define getBuilderParameters()

    • Control all the things!

^ The getBuilderParameters method is defined in the parent, so we'll override it. This lets us control the DT.n config that will be injected into the page.

^ Fix the button / filter size mismatch w/ js snippet in the view. Also, make it stripey in the view.

Cooler Filters

  • OK, now let's add a more specific filter
  • We'll put it on the top row next to the global search input
  • Make it a cool UI element with bootstrap-select
  • Can only filter on columns that DT.n knows about
    • So we'll tell it about it
    • But now that shows in the colvis button!

^ Say I want to run a report on Interns + Temps, so we can give them all a raise.

^ Colvis gets a filter

Wrapping Up

^ I'd like to cover a lot more, but I am running out of time to make my slides & examples

More Advanced Stuff

  • DT.n Service Class scopes
    • Inject current user -- Auth::user()->id ~= $_GLOBALS
use Yajra\DataTables\Contracts\DataTableScope;

class UserScope implements DataTableScope
    protected $user;

    public function __construct($user)
        $this->user = $user;

    public function apply($query)
        return $query->where('user_id', $this->user->id);

// In your controller...
return $dataTable
    ->addScope(new UserScope($request->user()))

^ Say I wanted to show some users JUST their direct reports...

Custom Buttons

public function customAction()
    // These are the models that match your current filters
    // for a 'Select All'-type situation
    $model_list = array_map(function ($row) {
        return $row['id'];
    }, $this->getAjaxResponseData());

    // do something...

^ The manual explains how to set it up in the service class, but here's how to get everything for a 'Select All', which we've found useful!

[fit] DT.n Editor

^ I should mention Editor. It's a paid first-party addon that lets you add/update/delete rows in tables. It's got a whole AJAX protocol for submitting & dealing with validation errors. Licensing is per-dev (across all the apps you want) @ US$120 per head (one time).

^ The Laravel datatables package supports doing server-side stuff for it, but I have yet to try it out.


  • Use Laravel Dusk
// For AJAX tables, you'll want to wait until the AJAX finishes. Here's a helpful macro to detect that:
Browser::macro('waitUntilTextMissing', function ($selector, $text, $seconds = null) {
    // :contains() is not a real CSS selector; its a jQuery extension to selectors.
    // Useful here, since DT.n's "No data in table" and "Loading" are inside the same element.
    return $this->waitUntil("$('$selector:contains(\"$text\")').length === 0", $seconds);

// And then in your Dusk tests:
$browser->click('#some-link')->waitUntilTextMissing('.dataTables_empty', 'Loading');
  • Doing a bog-standard phpunit test for the controller(s) is awkward

^ The table is very interactive and it does a lot of stuff on the client & server side. I really recommend a functional testing tool, like Laravel Dusk, for your tests here.

^ I do have a helper for doing controller tests, but it's not great. If you want it, ping me. I'm not including it in my demo app because I don't want to encourage you to go down this path.

Learning More

left fit

^ The QR code goes to the github repo. iPhone users, just hold your camera up & it'll recognize it.

^ Not sure how Android does QR codes, sorry!


  • McCormick IT, whose work I am iterating on
  • ADO-SysDev, who have been working w/ these tools for the last few months

[fit] Thanks for listening!