Ctrl+O: open file
Ctrl+Shift+O: open file and append
Ctrl+U: open URL
Ctrl+Shift+U: open URL and append
Ctrl+D: open directory
Ctrl+Shift+D: open directory and append
Ctrl+P: play/pause
Ctrl+J: previous track
Ctrl+K: next track
Ctrl+L: loop on/off
Ctrl+R: random on/off
Ctrl+G: jump to time
Alt+P: show playlist window
Alt+V: show levels window
Alt+M: show MIDI window
Up/Down: adjust volume
Left/Right: seek 5 seconds
Ctrl+Left/Right: seek 30 seconds
Page up/down: seek 30 seconds
Ctrl+Page up/down: seek 5 minutes
Y. Previous track
X: Play/restart
C: Play/pause
V: Stop
B: Next track
Q/A: adjust speed
W/S: adjust pitch
E/D, R/F, T/G, Z/H, U/J, I/K, O/L: adjust equalizers 1-7
M, N, 0-9 are currently unassigned
- Enter: play selected item
- Ctrl+Up/Down or Shift+Up/Down: Move items in playlist
- Alt+Enter: properties / tags of selected item
- Alt+3: idem (shortcut coming from winamp)
- F8: play/pause preview
- F6/F7: seek preview 5 seconds
- F11/F12: adjust preview volume
- F8: play/pause preview
- F6/F7: seek preview 5 seconds
- F11/F12: adjust preview volume