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438 lines (282 loc) · 7.69 KB

File metadata and controls

438 lines (282 loc) · 7.69 KB


Basic syntax and functions from the C programming language.


  • Boilerplate Code
int main()
  • printf function: It is used to show output on the screen printf("Hello World!")

  • scanf function: It is used to take input from the user scanf("placeholder", variables)


A comment is the code that is not executed by the compiler, and the programmer uses it to keeptrack of the code.

  • Single line comment
// It's a single line comment
  • Multi-line comment
/* It's a multi-line (^)

Data types

The data type is the type of data

  • Character type: Typically a single octet(one byte). It is an integer type char variable_name;

  • Integer type: The most natural size of integer for the machine int variable_name;

  • Float type: A single-precision floating-point value float variable_name;

  • Double type: A double-precision floating-point value double variable_name;

  • Void type: Represents the absence of the type void

Escape Sequences

It is a sequence of characters starting with a backslash, and it doesn't represent itself when usedinside string literal.

  • Alarm or Beep: It produces a beep sound \a

  • Backspace: It adds a backspace \b

  • Form feed: \f

  • Newline: Newline Character \n

  • Carriage return: \r

  • Tab: It gives a tab space \t

  • Backslash: It adds a backslash \\

  • Single quote: It adds a single quotation mark \'

  • Question mark: It adds a question mark \?

  • Octal No: It represents the value of an octal number \nnn

  • Hexadecimal No: It represents the value of a hexadecimal number \xhh

  • Null: The null character is usually used to terminate a string \ 0

Conditional Instructions

Conditional statements are used to perform operations based on some condition.

  • If Statement
if{ (/* condition */)
/* code */}
  • If-else Statement
if{ (/* condition */)
/* code */}

else/*Code*/{ (^)
  • if else-if Statement
if(condition) {
// Statements; 

}else (^) if (condition){
// Statements;}
else// Statements{ (^)
  • Switch Case Statement

It allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values (cases).

switch (expression)
case constant-expression:
case constant-expression:

Iterative Statements

Iterative statements facilitate programmers to execute any block of code lines repeatedly andcan be controlled as per conditions added by the programmer.

  • while Loop: It allows execution of statement inside the block of the loop until the condition of loop succeeds.
while{ (/*condition*/)
int =5;

    0 break
  • do-while loop: It is an exit controlled loop. It is very similar to the while loop with one difference, i.e., the bodyof the do-while loop is executed at least once even if the expression is false

/*code*/} while (/*condition*/ (^) );
  • for loop: It is used to iterate the statements or a part of the program several times. It is frequently used totraverse the data structures like the array and linked list.
for{ (int i = 0 ; i < count; i++)
/* code */}
  • Break Statement: break keyword inside the loop is used to terminate the loop break;

  • Continue Statement: continue keyword skips the rest of the current iteration of the loop and returns to the startingpoint of the loop


Functions & Recursion

Functions are used to divide an extensive program into smaller pieces. It can be called multipletimes to provide reusability and modularity to the C program.

  • Function Definition:
return_type //code to be executed function_name (data_type parameter...){
  • Recursion: Recursion is when a function calls a copy of itself to work on a minor problem. And the functionthat calls itself is known as the Recursive function.
void{ recurse()

.recurse.. .. .(.).; (^)
.}.. .. ...


Pointer is a variable that contains the address of another variable,

  • Declaration:
datatype *var_name;


An array is a collection of data items of the same type.

  • Declaration
data_type array_name[array_size];

int array[5]= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
array[0] = 0;
array[5] = 6;
  • Accessing element
int variable_name = array[index];


A string is a 1-D character array terminated by a null character ('\0')

  • Declaration:
char str_name[size];
char name[4] = {n,h,o,n, , a}
  • gets() function: It allows you to enter multi-word string
  • puts() function: It is used to show string output
  • String Functions strlen(): It is used to calculate the length of the string
  • strcpy() function: It is used to copy the content of second-string into the first string passed to it
strcpy(destination, source);
  • strcat() function: It is used to concatenate two strings
strcat(first_string, second_string);
  • strcmp() function: It is used to compare two strings
strcmp(first_string, second_string);


The structure is a collection of variables of different types under a single name. Definingstructure means creating a new data type.

  • Structure syntax:
struct{ structureName

dataType member1dataType member2;; (^)
  • typedef keyword: typedef function allows users to provide alternative names for the primitive and user-defineddata types.
typedef{ struct structureName

dataType member1dataType member2;; (^)

.}.new_name. (^) ;

File Handling

A set of methods for handling File IO (read/write/append) in C language

  • FILE pointer
FILE *filePointer;
  • Opening a file

It is used to open file in C.

filePointer = fopen(fileName.txt, w)
  • fscanf() function

It is used to read the content of file.

fscanf(FILE *stream, const char*format, ...)
  • fprintf() function

It is used to write content into the file.

fprintf(FILE *fptr, const char*str, ...);
  • fgetc() function

It reads a character from a file opened in read mode. It returns EOF on reaching the end of file.

fgetc(FILE *pointer);
  • fputc() function

It writes a character to a file opened in write mode

fputc(char, FILE *pointer);
  • Closing a file

It closes the file.


Dynamic Memory Allocation

A set of functions for dynamic memory allocation from the heap. These methods are used to usethe dynamic memory which makes our C programs more efficient

  • malloc() function

Stands for 'Memory allocation' and reserves a block of memory with the given amount of bytes.

ptr = (castType*) malloc(size);
  • calloc() function

Stands for 'Contiguous allocation' and reserves n blocks of memory with the given amount ofbytes.

ptr = (castType*)calloc(n, size);
  • free function

It is used to free the allocated memory.

  • realloc() function

If the allocated memory is insufficient, then we can change the size of previously allocatedmemory using this function for efficiency purposes

ptr = realloc(ptr, x);