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Releases: nhn/tui.chart


13 Mar 07:52
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  • Labels hidden on x and y axes

    • [xAxis|yAxis|rightYAxis].showLabel

      var option = {
          yAxis: {
              showLabel: false
  • Ability to change the output order of spectrum legends

    • legend.reversed

      var option = {
          legend: {
              reversed: true


  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of the selected series did not appear when data values of series were overlapped.
  • Fixed a bug where the color of a part of the spectrum legend area did not appear.
  • Fixed a bug where the font color of the series label in the theme does not apply.
  • Fixed a bug where the band / line was not created if the plot band / line setting was set to a string number when the data was a time stamp type.


  • The option to rotate the y-axis title has been removed (removed as an option that is not appropriate for the changed design)
  • Removed the tooltip.position option that was deprecated (can be replaced with tooltip.offsetX or tooltip.offsetY)

Design Changed

    1. Common area
    • change chart default color specified in defaultTheme
    • chart title sort has been changed from center sort to left sort
    • y axis title position has been changed to top
    • change to x-axis title position left alignment
    • changed x, y axis line thickness to look thinner
    • change legend area checkbox appearance and icon appearance
    • change the default appearance of tooltip
    • exportMenu Change appearance
    1. Bar chart
    • removed the gap between the bars
    • change the mouseover effect
    1. Column chart
    • removed the gap between the bars.
    • change the mouseover effect.
    1. Line chart
    • the default line thickness has increased (2px => 6px)
    • change the size and shape of the default dot
    1. Area chart
    • change the default appearance of area
      • Default areaOpacity changed from 0.5 to 1
    • change the shape and animation effect when mouseover
      • the default line thickness has increased (2px => 6px)
      • The mouseover area area changed to transparent
    1. Bubble chart
    • the opacity of the basic bubble has been changed from 0.5 to 0.8
    • change the shape and animation effect when mouseover
    1. Scatter chart
    • default scatter opacity has been changed from 0.5 to 0.8
    1. Pie chart
    • The series label status of the pie chart has been changed
      • regardless of the labelAlign option, the sereis value label is always centered (applies only to legend labels)
      • when the labelAlign option is outer, the color of the legend label of the series is changed to be applied
    • change the mouseover effect
    1. Map chart
    • zoom button position change
    • change default spectrum color
    • change spectrum legend shape
    • change the shape and animation effect when mouseover
    1. Heatmap chart
    • change default spectrum color
    • change spectrum legend shape
    • change the shape and animation effect when mouseover
    1. Treemap chart
    • The color representation of the series has been changed
    1. Radial chart
    • the default line thickness has increased (2px => 6px)
    • change the mouseover effect


13 Mar 10:14
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  • Labels hidden on x and y axes

    • [xAxis|yAxis|rightYAxis].showLabel

      var option = {
          yAxis: {
              showLabel: false
  • Ability to change the output order of spectrum legends

    • legend.reversed

      var option = {
          legend: {
              reversed: true


  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of the selected series did not appear when data values of series were overlapped.
  • Fixed a bug where the color of a part of the spectrum legend area did not appear.
  • Fixed a bug where the font color of the series label in the theme does not apply.
  • Fixed a bug where the band / line was not created if the plot band / line setting was set to a string number when the data was a time stamp type.


13 Feb 02:13
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  • legend pagination next button was not showing (fixes: #25)
  • utf8 encoding was broken on csv file exporting (fixes: #30)


  • move selected series to front, when selected series is beyond other series (resolves: #33)
Before After
before-2-16-0 2-16-0



02 Feb 02:29
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  • Bullet Chart


  • treemap series labels was not showing after zoom
  • yAxis was wider than the actual label width
  • Axis was not showing when series data is only one and it is zero


  • move wiki to docs directory & add contributing guides
  • boxplot chart does not show series label


25 Jan 13:21
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  • Added new option legend.maxWidth for setting maximum width of legend label
  • Added new option chartExportMenu.filename for setting file name of exported file


  • Fixed y axis tick was not showing
  • Fixed dot style does not reset after unhovering (fixes: #24)


24 Jan 09:06
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  • cannot set axis min, max value, when value is zero


  • append additional space when min/max value is same to scaled min/max value


18 Jan 18:21
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  • New Axis options labelMargin: Customize spaces between axis and axis labels



Map Chart

  • Map covered legend after zoom
  • Legend wedge(pointer) appeared to the right of the actual position
  • Tooltip position was not correct after scrolling


12 Jan 05:36
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  • Plot band across the end of the series area was not showing after zoom
  • Line graph is partially invisible after zoom
  • Label was printed after HTML encoding


28 Dec 03:47
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  • support umd entry

    • CommonJS/CommonJS2: require('tui-chart')
    • AMD: define(['tui-chart'] , ... )
    • Global namespace: tui.chart
  • change naming policies:

    Now It was
    package name tui-chart tui.chart


18 Dec 08:37
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  • cannot find tooltip by showTooltip() API, when there is no legend area