diff --git a/doc/authn.rst b/doc/authn.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99621d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/authn.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+.. highlight:: none
+.. warning::
+ This is a prospective document. It details planned behaviour not the
+ current behaviour.
+ The currently implemented thing is the section at the very bottom.
+ This whole document needs reworking.
+ -trs, 21 Nov 2023
+Nextstrain CLI interacts with the same identity provider (IdP) as
+nextstrain.org, using the same OpenID Connect 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 protocols, in
+order to establish a user login and keep it updated. The associated user
+tokens obtained from the IdP are included by Nextstrain CLI in its requests to
+.. hint::
+ If the diagrams below are too small, you can right click and choose "Open
+ image in new tab" to see them full size.
+.. _login flow:
+Login flow
+The initial login flow is an adaptation of the standard `OpenID Connect 1.0
+authorization code flow`_, which is itself built upon the `OAuth 2.0
+authorization code flow`_. See :ref:`comparison-to-the-standard` for how it
+.. mermaid::
+ sequenceDiagram
+ actor user as User
+ participant cli as Nextstrain CLI
+ participant .org as nextstrain.org
+ participant idp as IdP
+ user->>cli: nextstrain login
+ activate cli
+ cli->>+.org: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
+ activate .org
+ .org->>-cli: {authorization_endpoint, …}
+ deactivate .org
+ note over cli: generates authorization URL
+ cli->>user: "Visit /authorize?state&code_challenge&…"
+ note over cli: state and code_verifier
(used to derive code_challenge)
are stored in process memory
+ user-->>idp: GET /authorize?state&code_challenge&…
+ activate idp
+ user-->>idp: Logs in
+ idp-->>.org: Location: /cli/logged-in?code&state
+ deactivate idp
+ activate .org
+ .org-->>user: "Confirm intent to log in to the CLI and that it's presenting {state}"
+ user-->>.org: confirms (or denies)
+ note over .org: stores code
keyed by state
with very short TTL
(or discards)
+ .org-->>user: "Login complete, return to the terminal."
+ deactivate .org
+ cli->>.org: GET /cli/login/{state}
+ activate .org
+ note over cli,.org: polling
+ note over .org: deletes code
keyed by state
+ .org->>cli: {code}
+ deactivate .org
+ cli->>idp: GET /tokens?code&code_verifier&…
+ activate idp
+ idp->>cli: {id_token, access_token, refresh_token}
+ deactivate idp
+ note over cli: stores in
+ cli->>user: success
+ deactivate cli
+A usability downside here is that the authorization URL the user must visit is
+very long. However, this can be mitigated in many cases by automatically
+opening the URL in the browser.
+.. _renewal flow:
+Renewal flow
+.. mermaid::
+ sequenceDiagram
+ actor user as User
+ participant cli as Nextstrain CLI
+ participant .org as nextstrain.org
+ participant idp as IdP
+ user->>cli: nextstrain login --renew
(explicit or implicit)
+ activate cli
+ cli->>.org: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
+ activate .org
+ .org->>cli: {token_endpoint, …}
+ deactivate .org
+ note over cli: generates renewal URL
+ cli->>idp: POST /tokens?grant_type=refresh_token&…
+ activate idp
+ idp->>cli: {id_token, access_token, refresh_token}
+ deactivate idp
+ note over cli: stores in
+ cli->>user: success
+ deactivate cli
+.. _comparison-to-the-standard:
+Comparison to the standard
+The standard `OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow`_ involves four different
+entities, dubbed the
+1. *Resource Owner*, i.e. user of Nextstrain CLI
+2. *User-Agent*, i.e. the user's web browser
+3. *Client*, i.e. Nextstrain CLI
+4. *Authorization Server*, i.e. the IdP in use (e.g. AWS Cognito)
+The flow between these entities looks like this, as diagrammed in the RFC::
+ +----------+
+ | Resource |
+ | Owner |
+ | |
+ +----------+
+ ^
+ |
+ (B)
+ +----|-----+ Client Identifier +---------------+
+ | -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->| |
+ | User- | | Authorization |
+ | Agent -+----(B)-- User authenticates --->| Server |
+ | | | |
+ | -+----(C)-- Authorization Code ---<| |
+ +-|----|---+ +---------------+
+ | | ^ v
+ (A) (C) | |
+ | | | |
+ ^ v | |
+ +---------+ | |
+ | |>---(D)-- Authorization Code ---------' |
+ | Client | & Redirection URI |
+ | | |
+ | |<---(E)----- Access Token -------------------'
+ +---------+ (w/ Optional Refresh Token)
+ Note: The lines illustrating steps (A), (B), and (C) are broken
+ into two parts as they pass through the user-agent.
+Nextstrain CLI's adapted `login flow`_ differs in a key aspect from this
+standard diagram: step *(C)* passes thru nextstrain.org between the
+*User-Agent* and *Client*::
+ 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰
+ | -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->| |
+ | User- | | Authorization |
+ | Agent -+----(B)-- User authenticates --->| Server |
+ | | | |
+ | -+----(C)-- Authorization Code ---<| |
+ +-|----|---+ +---------------+
+ | | ^ v
+ | (C) | |
+ | | | |
+ | +----------------+ | |
+ | | nextstrain.org | | |
+ | +----------------+ | |
+ | | | |
+ (A) | | |
+ | | | |
+ ^ v | |
+ +---------+ | |
+ | |>---(D)-- Authorization Code ---------' |
+ | Client | & Redirection URI |
+ | | |
+ 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰
+Conceptually, nextstrain.org serves here as a "Client-Agent" in a sense or a
+"Client-Proxy": it receives the authorization code, stores it in escrow, and
+then makes it available to Nextstrain CLI upon a backchannel request. This is
+necessary to avoid:
+ 1. Nextstrain CLI running a web server on localhost in order to receive the
+ authorization code directly. While this is generally preferrable, it is
+ not possible when Nextstrain CLI is running on a host different than the
+ user's web browser (e.g. when running ``nextstrain`` over SSH).
+ 2. A manual step of the user copying and pasting a long opaque string
+ (containing the authorization code and state) into a prompt provided by
+ Nextstrain CLI.
+This adaptation was informed by the `OAuth 2.0 device authorization flow`_. In
+some sense, the adapted flow is a device-like flow "bolted on" to the
+authorization code flow. If AWS Cognito supported the device flow, we would
+likely be using it, with Nextstrain CLI acting as the "device".
+The interposition of nextstrain.org has a crucial implication, however:
+Nextstrain CLI (the *Client*) doesn't have a way to bind the web browser (the
+*User-Agent*) used to complete most of the flow. For example, in a web context
+when nextstrain.org is the *Client*, session cookies (secure, origin-bound) let
+the *Client* know that the *User-Agent* it sent to the IdP to authenticate is
+the same *User-Agent* that's returned from the IdP bearing an authorization
+code. In contrast, in this CLI context, the *User-Agent* doesn't directly
+return to the *Client*.
+This means that our adapted flow has the same `remote phishing`_ security
+considerations as the standard device authorization flow.
+Nextstrain CLI doesn't talk to IdP in login flow
+Early brainstorming suggested an alternative to the `login flow`_ where
+Nextstrain CLI doesn't construct an authorization URL itself but instead
+directs the user to visit nextstrain.org (e.g. at ``/cli/login``) where
+nextstrain.org then completes a standard authorization code flow with the
+user-agent and IdP before returning the tokens themselves to Nextstrain CLI
+(which has been polling for them). Similar to the `OAuth 2.0 device
+authorization flow`_ but with differences because it'd be conducted completely
+outside the framework of OAuth 2.0.
+.. mermaid::
+ sequenceDiagram
+ actor user as User
+ participant cli as Nextstrain CLI
+ participant .org as nextstrain.org
+ participant idp as IdP
+ user->>cli: nextstrain login
+ activate cli
+ note over cli: generates {uuid} (v4)
+ cli->>user: "Visit /cli/login/{uuid}"
+ user-->>.org: GET /cli/login/{uuid}
+ activate .org
+ note over .org: stores {uuid} in session
+ .org-->>idp: Location: /authorize?state&code_challenge&…
+ deactivate .org
+ activate idp
+ user-->>idp: Logs in
+ idp-->>.org: Location: /cli/logged-in?code&state
+ deactivate idp
+ activate .org
+ .org-->>user: "Confirm intent to log in to the CLI"
+ user-->>.org: confirms (or denies)
+ note over .org: exchanges code for tokens
stores them
keyed by uuid
(or discards)
+ .org-->>user: "Login complete, return to the terminal."
+ deactivate .org
+ cli->>.org: GET /cli/logged-in/{uuid}
+ activate .org
+ note over cli,.org: polling
+ note over .org: deletes tokens
keyed by uuid
+ .org->>cli: {id_token, access_token, refresh_token}
+ deactivate .org
+ cli->>user: success
+ deactivate cli
+This was rejected because Nextstrain CLI still needs to perform OAuth 2.0 token
+exchanges with the IdP directly for the `renewal flow`_, so it seemed
+advantageous to move closer towards OAuth 2.0 rather than away from it. It
+also requires fetching and temporarily storing the tokens on nextstrain.org.
+nextstrain.org implements device authorization-like flow
+While Cognito doesn't implement device authorization flow, we could implement a
+very similar flow on nextstrain.org ourselves, slightly tailored for the CLI
+and the circumstances of building it on top of the IdP instead as part of the
+ GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
+ {
+ …,
+ cli_authorization_endpoint: "…/cli/login", // akin to device_authorization_endpoint
+ cli_token_endpoint: "…/cli/tokens", // akin to token_endpoint
+ …
+ }
+ POST /cli/login {client_id}&{scope} [stores (client_id, cli_code) with a short TTL keyed by user_code,
+ { stores {"error":"authorization_pending"} with a short TTL keyed by cli_code]
+ cli_code: "long string",
+ user_code: "short string",
+ verification_uri: "…/cli/login",
+ verification_uri_complete: "…/cli/login/{user_code}",
+ …
+ }
+ +--------------------------------------------------+
+ | |
+ | Open the following link: |
+ | https://nextstrain.org/cli/login/{user_code} |
+ | |
+ | or on another device visit: |
+ | https://nextstrain.org/cli/login |
+ | |
+ | and enter the code: |
+ | |
+ +--------------------------------------------------+
+ GET /cli/login/{user_code} [stores user_code in session]
+ Location: …/oauth2/authorize?…
+ [user logs in]
+ Location: https://nextstrain.org/cli/logged-in?code&state
+ GET /cli/logged-in?code&state
+ "Confirm intent to log in to the CLI and that it is presenting {user_code}."
+ "Yes/No"
+ POST /cli/logged-in code&state&confirmed
+ [verifies state,
+ exchanges code (with PKCE) for tokens,
+ looks up and deletes (client_id, cli_code) by the user_code in session,
+ stores tokens with a short TTL keyed by (client_id, cli_code),
+ tokens encrypted with (client_id, cli_code) as context,
+ (or if denied, deletes user_code from session, stores {"error":"access_denied"} keyed by (client_id, cli_code))]
+ POST /cli/tokens {cli_code}&{client_id} [looks up and deletes tokens with (client_id, cli_code)]
+ {id_token, access_token, refresh_token, scope}
+ [(if lookup fails, then return {"error":"expired_token"})]
+The main difference between this alternative and the chosen `login flow`_ is
+that here the tokens must be fetched and temporarily stored on the server
+instead of solely by Nextstrain CLI. That's significant complication.
+But maybe this flow overall is easier to describe and explain since it's much
+more similar to the standard device authorization flow?
+Nextstrain CLI does standard authorization code flow
+Nextstrain CLI is definitely software, an "app", that runs "natively" on a
+user's computer, a "device". It's not a device itself. However, it's needs
+sit somewhere between the `OAuth 2.0 device authorization flow`_ and the `OAuth
+2.0 for native apps`_ best current practice:
+ 1. Often, like apps, login flows can go thru a user-agent, a web browser, on
+ the same computer. This means listening on localhost and doing standard
+ authorization code flows works.
+ 2. Sometimes however, like devices, login flows must happen on a user-agent on
+ a different device. This means listening on localhost and doing standard
+ authorization code flows does not work.
+Given two conflicting requirements that can't use the same flow, the thought
+was to cater to the least capable (or most restricted) situation (2). An app
+can act like a device, but a device cannot act like an app, so make all
+situations device-like. At least that's how the thinking went.
+However, maybe we can act like an app instead and provide the user an
+acceptable workaround for when we're device-like. The possibility of this
+workaround was a recent realization.
+When Nextstrain CLI is running on a different computer than the user-agent, the
+redirection back to localhost will (very likely) fail, showing some "unable to
+connect to server" page in the browser. If this happens, users can copy and
+paste the URL from the address bar and curl it from the same computer running
+Nextstrain CLI. Alternatively, Nextstrain CLI could directly accept the URL as
+pasted input. We can improve this situation in the future if it warrants it.
+One final niggle. The best practices on `loopback interface redirection`_
+ The authorization server MUST allow any port to be specified at the time of
+ the request for loopback IP redirect URIs, to accommodate clients that
+ obtain an available ephemeral port from the operating system at the time of
+ the request.
+but it turns out that AWS Cognito doesn't follow this and still requires an
+exact port match. Bummer. I thought this was game over, but then I realized a
+workaround: we can register a fixed list of dozens of ports and then have
+Nextstrain CLI pick from that same fixed list rather than be truly random. As
+long as one port on the list is able to be bound to, it all works out. Cognito
+limits clients to 100 callback URLs, but that should be plenty.
+.. _OpenID Connect 1.0 authorization code flow: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowAuth
+.. _OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-4.1
+.. _OAuth 2.0 device authorization flow: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628
+.. _OAuth 2.0 for native apps: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8252
+.. _loopback interface redirection: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8252#section-7.3
+.. _remote phishing: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-5.4
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index c2a5d711..ee85830b 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ Table of Contents
:caption: Development
+ authn