This directory contains a small example program that shows how gRPC can be used over SCION/QUIC with the PAN library. The example consists of an echo server and a client that sends a message to the service.
The example requires a running SCION endhost stack, i.e. a running SCION dispatcher and SCION daemon. Please refer to 'Running' in this repository's main README and the SCIONLab tutorials to get started. See 'Environment' on how to set the dispatcher and sciond environment variables when e.g. running multiple local ASes.
To test the server and client, run the SCION tiny test topology.
Open a shell and run the server in the AS 1-ff00:0:111
# Server in 1-ff00:0:111
go run server/main.go --server-address
Open a shell and run the client in the AS 1-ff00:0:112
and send a message to the server:
# Client in 1-ff00:0:112
go run client/main.go --server-address "1-ff00:0:111," --message "gRPC over SCION/QUIC"
go install
The compiler plugin protoc-gen-go will be installed in $GOBIN, defaulting to $GOPATH/bin. It must be in your $PATH for the protocol compiler protoc to find it.
export GO_PATH=~/go
export PATH=$PATH:/$GO_PATH/bin
The generation of the gRPC client and server interface is performed as follows:
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \