Name | Type | Description | Notes |
account_id | String | The ID of the account that owns the invoice. Character limit: 32 Values: inherited from Account.ID for the invoice owner | [optional] |
accounting_code | String | The accounting code for the invoice adjustment. | [optional] |
adjustment_date | Date | The date when the invoice adjustment is applied. This date must be the same as the invoice's date or later. Character limit: 29 Values: Leave null to automatically generate the current date | [optional] |
adjustment_number | String | A unique string to identify an individual invoice adjustment. Character limit: 255 Values: automatically generated | [optional] |
amount | Float | The amount of the invoice adjustment. Character limit: 16 Values: a valid currency amount | |
comments | String | Use this field to record comments about the invoice adjustment. Character limit: 255 Values: a string of 255 characters or fewer | [optional] |
customer_name | String | The name of the account that owns the associated invoice. Character limit: 50 Values: inherited from Account.Name | [optional] |
customer_number | String | The unique account number of the customer's account. Character limit: 70 Values: inherited from Account.AccountNumber | [optional] |
impact_amount | Float | The amount that changes the balance of the associated invoice. Character limit: 16 Values: automatically calculated | [optional] |
invoice_id | String | The ID of the invoice associated with the adjustment. This field is only required if you don't specify a value for the `InvoiceNumber` field. Character limit: 32 Values: a valid invoice ID | [optional] |
invoice_number | String | The unique identification number for the associated invoice. This field is only required if you don't specify a value for the `InvoiceId` field. Character limit: 32 Values: a valid invoice number | [optional] |
reason_code | String | A code identifying the reason for the transaction. Must be an existing reason code or empty. If you do not specify a value, Zuora uses the default reason code. Character limit: 32 V****alues: a valid reason code | [optional] |
reference_id | String | A code to reference an object external to Zuora. For example, you can use this field to reference a case number in an external system. Character limit: 60 Values: a string of 60 characters or fewer | [optional] |
status | String | The status of the invoice adjustment. This field is only required in the Query call, but is automatically generated in other calls. Character limit: 9 Values: `Canceled`, `Processed` | [optional] |
type | String | Indicates whether the adjustment credits or debits the invoice amount. Character limit: 6 Values: `Credit`, `Charge` |