- Lock Schematic for use with Craft 3.0.x - it doesn't work with Craft 3.1.x
- Fixed "assign user group" permissions not being exported
- Fixed issue where global set sources weren't linked because they were cached
- Added more flexibility for getting a record's index
- Delete empty field and site groups on import with force
- Fixed user field sources not being exported
- Fixed category field layout not properly importing for existing categories
- Fixed import of multiple sites in same sitegroup
- Fixed backwards compatibility of element index mapper
- Fixed issue with volume and volume folder ids going out of sync
- Added map_source event for mapping custom sources. See the Events section in the README for more.
- Schematic can now parse environment variables in the schema file directly, without need for an override file
- Used environment variables don't have to be prefixed with SCHEMATIC_ anymore
- Environment variables without SCHEMATIC_ prefix are now case-sensitive
- Fixed a bug where element indexes with custom elements failed to import
- Added ability to use a custom key to index by for model converters
- Added afterImport callback for datatypes
- Fixed issue where global sets weren't properly imported in some cases
- Added General Settings support
- Fixed issue handling "edit site" permissions
- Schematic now recursively parses source id's to handles and vice versa
- Schematic now also uses the override file when exporting
- Added support for "singles" sources
- Fixed issue where category site settings weren't properly imported in some cases
- Fixed issues with importing element index settings
- Fixed override file command option to be in kebab case
- Added ability to inject custom converters
- Fixed a bug where matrix fields got imported into the wrong content table
- Fixed a bug where matrix fields got imported with the wrong field context
- Fixed a bug where sources didn't get mapped correctly in some cases
- Fixed a bug where categories field source was not imported
- Fixed a bug where fields weren't properly skipped when importing a second time
- Added Email Settings support
- Added PHP 7.0 compatibility
- Added new plugin icon
- Added more plugin metadata for correct plugin store display
- Initial release for Craft 3