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BunnyMq is a amqp.node wrapper to ease common AMQP usages

npm CircleCI Codacy npm



  • Consumer
  • Producer
  • RPC
  • Auto connect/reconnect/queue messages
  • Handle errors / requeing
  • Messages types caring using AMQP headers for content type


npm install bunnymq

Basic usage


Producer (publisher), can send messages to a named queue.

var producer = require('bunnymq')().producer;
producer.produce('queueName', 'Hello World!');


Consumer (subscriber), can handle messages from a named queue.

var consumer = require('bunnymq')().consumer;

consumer.consume('queueName', function (_msg) {
  //_msg is the exact item sent by a producer as payload
  //if it is an object, it is already parsed as object

RPC Support

You can create RPC requests easily be adding an option to the current message:

consumer.consume('queueName', function() {
  return 'hello world!'; //you can also return a promise if you want to do async stuff

producer.produce('queueName', { message: 'content' }, { rpc: true })
.then(function(consumerResponse) {
  console.log(consumerResponse); // prints hello world!


You can specify a config object in the BunnyMQ main function, properties not set are using default value:

  var BunnyMq = require('bunnymq')({
    amqpUrl: 'amqp://localhost', // default
    amqpPrefetch: 1, // default
    amqpRequeue: true, // default
    amqpTimeout: 1000 // default timeout (in milliseconds) used to reconnect

Env vars


You can enable logs for the module by setting the env var AMQP_DEBUG to any value. If you have winston installed, it will use it, otherwise it will fallback to console.


You can set the env var AMQP_PREFETCH to set the prefetch value of all underlying AMQP queues.


You can set the env var AMQP_URL to a valid amqp or ampqs url.

NB: the priority is always given to the config then the env vars then fallback to default values, so if you want to use env vars you can use them directly without specifying the config object or use a config object which looks like the default one.

Documentation & resources

To generate documentattion, just run npm run docs, it will create a docs folder.

You can also find more about RabbitMq in the links below:


  1. Ensure that you have a RabbitMQ server running
  2. Run tests npm test
  3. Coverage is done with npm run cover


If you want to contribute, you are very welcome! Please read our Contributing Guidlines


The MIT License MIT

bunny gif