diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 11bc5066..68196b8a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -17,3 +17,14 @@ Real-world use cases for Kōjō and instructions for getting Kōjō up and runni XDebug version greater than `xdebug-2.7.0alpha1` is required when trying to debug Kōjō. This version of XDebug resolves issues (https://bugs.xdebug.org/938) caused by the way the Kōjō forks using `pcntl`. If you are using PhpStorm and you have more concurrent Kōjō jobs running than the `Max. simultaneous connections` defined for your XDebug listener, Kōjō will appear to hang. To avoid this, increase your `Max. simultaneous connections` to the max value of `20` in PhpStorm's preferences under `Languages & Frameworks` > `PHP` > `Debug`, `External connections` section. + +## Kōjō appears to be hanging during local development? + +* Stop all local containers and rebuild them +* Run `ps -auxf` to see if any processes are still running Kōjō with a title like `neighborhoods-kojo: /server[8]/root[22]/job[30]` + - If yes run `pkill -9 -f kojo` to SIG_KILL all the processes containing the word `kojo` +* Run `docker-compose exec redis redis-cli monitor` to see if Kōjō is creating any activity in redis. + * If nothing is streaming by like `"GET" "/neighborhoods/kojo/area_manager/job_state_changelog_processor.lock"` messages then something else is blocking the execution of Kōjō internals. This is typically due to a debugger. +* Turn off the debugger. Sometimes this will mess with Kojo +* Check your version of XDebug (version before `2.7.0` won't work and `2.8.2` has seen some odd behavior. Recommend `2.9.2`) +* Checkout the debugging logs [Troubleshooting common PHP debugging issues - Help | PhpStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/troubleshooting-php-debugging.html#)