Await create's a virtual queue of patients for a doctor checkup. It makes easy for the Patient to set an appointment to the doctor and the Doctor to handle patients efficiently.!AtNaPm3Dvx0sap2uFe-90knrIj4?e=1tQQRh
- Easy steps to be followed for getting/receiving appointment.
- Consume less time and work effectively.
- Feature for online checkup.
- Custom Scroll bar
- We have used MERN Stack for building this project.
- For frontend we have used React Js
- For developing backend we have used Node Js and Express JS.
- For Maintaining Database we have used MongoDB.
- For styling we have used CSS and Bootstrap.
Required to install and run the software:
From the project folder, run these commands in console (terminal) to install dependencies and run the app:
1. cd client
2. npm install
3. npm run dev