- Do NOT commit until you've shown your work to someone else
- Take turns to commit after each part:
- Sync before committing
- check your work (show it to someone!)
- Commit
- Sync after committing
- Tell the next person it's their turn to commit
- Courtney Look for this line in templates/signup.html:
add a similar line to templates/signin.html to POST the data to the backend
<form action="/signup" method="post" enctype = "multipart/form-data">
- Rachel Follow instructions in templates/_shared_head.html
- Sarah (Courtney join when finished) Follow instructions in static/css/base.css
- Jack Follow instructions in static/js/site.js
- Jack Continue with static/js/site.js
- Sarah & Rachel Include template/_nav_bar.html on every page
- Courtney Add Sarah's logo to the nav bar
This is the least important, if anyone gives you work during the day it's probably more important. Skip this as needed!
- Check styling of the nav bar on every page, make adjustments to static/css/_nav_bar.css as needed
- add more styling to base.css
- do links look good?
- You can remove the underline with this styling: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10853894/863846
- You can make them a different color with { color: red; }
- You can change the color (or any style) when the user hovers with http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp
- Is there enough spacing around the words?
- Try adding margin and/or padding
- Do any elements need a border or more space around them?
- do links look good?