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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 30, 2024. It is now read-only.

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331 lines (297 loc) · 21.8 KB

File metadata and controls

331 lines (297 loc) · 21.8 KB


  • Fixed crash when building on macOS CI machines (#60).


  • Fixed NatMLSettings not being available to some clients at app start.


  • Minor updates.


  • Fixed MLEdgeModel.Create method overload that accepts an MLModelData instance raising NullReferenceException.


  • Fixed JsonException when creating MLEdgeModel due to high code stripping (#58).


  • Fixed access key not updating after creating a build.


  • Fixed JsonException when creating MLEdgeModel due to managed code stripping (#58).


  • Removed MLCloudModel class. Migrate to Function AI to make cloud predictions.
  • Removed Endpoint class.
  • Removed EndpointPrediction class.
  • Removed Feature class.
  • Removed FeatureInput class.
  • Removed NatMLClient.Endpoints property.
  • Removed NatMLClient.EndpointPredictions property.
  • Removed Predictor.endpoints property.


  • Fixed GraphFormat error when creating models.
  • Fixed build errors when building for WebGL.
  • NatML now requires Unity 2022.3+.


  • Fixed JsonException when creating some models (#58).
  • Fixed crash when building on Unity Cloud Build with macOS worker (#56).


  • Fixed DllNotFoundException when building on Linux (#54).
  • Fixed Illegal byte sequence encountered in the input error when building on macOS and Windows (#55).
  • Refactored PredictionSession class to EndpointPrediction.
  • Refactored NatML.PredictionSessions field to EndpointPredictions.
  • Removed MLAudioFeature.FromStreamingAssets method. Use MLUnityExtensions.StreamingAssetsToAbsolutePath to get a path and create an audio feature.
  • Deprecated PredictorSession class.
  • Deprecated NatML.PredictorSessions field.


  • Added support for Safari 16.4, bringing NatML to 88% of browsers.
  • Added MLArrayFeature.CopyTo method overload that accepts a Texture2D.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.Create method overload that accepts a NatMLClient instance in place of an accessKey.
  • Added MLCloudModel.Create method overload that accepts a NatMLClient instance in place of an accessKey.
  • Added Feature.dictValue field for working with dictionary features.
  • Refactored Dtype.List enumeration member to Dtype.List.
  • Refactored Dtype.Dictionary enumeration member to Dtype.Dict.
  • Removed MLCloudModel.Predict method overload that accepts a Dictionary<string, MLFeature>.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.RegionOfInterest method.


  • Added NatML.API namespace for accessing the full NatML web API from .NET.
  • Fixed MLEdgeModel.Create method blocking for a long time on Android and Windows (#49).
  • Fixed MLEdgeModel.Create method throwing error when called from non-Unity threads.
  • Updated default edge prediction configuration to use the CPU and neural processor (and not the GPU) on Android (#49).
  • Refactored MLDepthFeature.ViewportToWorldPoint method to Unproject.
  • Removed MLEdgeModel.AudioFormat struct. Use NatML.API.Types.AudioFormat class instead.
  • Removed MLEdgeModel.Normalization struct. Use NatML.API.Types.Normalization class instead.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.AspectMode enumeration. Use NatML.API.Types.AspectMode enumeration instead.
  • Removed MLAudioType.FromAudioClip utility method.
  • Removed MLAudioType.FromVideoClip utility method.
  • Removed MLVideoType.FromVideoClip utility method.


  • Added support for making edge predictions on the GPU on Android with MLEdgeModel.ComputeTarget.GPU.
  • Fixed MLEdgeModel.Predict sporadically crashing on Android.


  • Added support for CoreML models that consume pixel buffers (CVPixelBufferRef) instead of multi-arrays.
  • Fixed MLEdgeModel.Create ignoring configuration argument when model is fetched from NatML Hub.
  • Fixed MLAsyncPredictor accumulating massive amounts of memory on iOS and macOS.
  • Refactored MLTextFeature class to MLStringFeature.
  • Refactored MLTextType class to MLStringType.
  • Refactored MLModelDataEmbed attribute to MLEdgeModel.Embed.


  • Added model embedding support for encrypted models.


  • Added MLCloudModel class for making predictions with predictor endpoints.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.Create methods for creating an edge model from a predictor tag or an MLModelData instance.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.ComputeTarget enumeration for specifying the compute target for model predictions.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.Configuration data class for configuring the edge model creation process.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.labels property for inspecting classification labels required by the model.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.aspectMode property for inspecting the aspect mode required in image data consumed by the model.
  • Added MLEdgeModel.audioFormat property for inspecting the audio format required in audio data consumed by the model.
  • Added support for model encryption, protecting your valuable intellectual property.
  • Added support for pinning MLArrayFeature instances with fixed statements.
  • Added support for pinning MLImageFeature instances with fixed statements.
  • Added MLArrayFeature constructor from an MLCloudFeature for making predictions with predictor endpoints.
  • Added MLImageFeature constructor from an MLCloudFeature for making predictions with predictor endpoints.
  • Added MLTextFeature constructor from an MLCloudFeature for making predictions with predictor endpoints.
  • Added MLArrayFeature.CopyTo(MLArrayFeature) method for copying image data from one image feature to another.
  • Added MLImageFeature.CopyTo(MLImageFeature) method for copying image data from one image feature to another.
  • Added implicit conversion from float to MLFeature.
  • Added implicit conversion from int to MLFeature.
  • Added implicit conversion from bool to MLFeature.
  • Added implicit conversion from int[] to MLFeature.
  • Updated MLImageFeature class to be sealed thus preventing inheritance.
  • Updated float[] implicit conversion to MLArrayFeature to have a 1D shape instead of a null shape.
  • Refactored MLModelData.ComputeTarget enumeration to MLEdgeModel.ComputeTarget.
  • Refactored MLModelData.Normalization enumeration to MLEdgeModel.Normalization.
  • Refactored MLModelData.AudioFormat enumeration to MLEdgeModel.AudioFormat.
  • Deprecated MLImageFeature.RegionOfInterest method. Use MLImageFeature.CopyTo method instead.
  • Deprecated MLModelData.ComputeTarget.CPUOnly enumeration member. Use ComputeTarget.CPU instead.
  • Removed MLEdgeModel constructor. Use MLEdgeModel.Create method instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.Deserialize method. Use MLEdgeModel.Create method instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.FromHub method. Use MLEdgeModel.Create method instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.FromFile method. Use MLEdgeModel.Create method instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.tag property.
  • Removed MLModelData.computeTarget property. Use MLEdgeModel.Configuration.computeTarget property instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.computeDevice property. Use MLEdgeModel.Configuration.computeDevice property instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.labels property. Use MLEdgeModel.labels property instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.normalization property. Use MLEdgeModel.normalization property instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.audioFormat property. Use MLEdgeModel.audioFormat property instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.ComputeTarget enumeration.
  • Removed MLArrayFeature.CopyTo(T[]) method overload.
  • Removed MLArrayFeature.CopyTo(NativeArray<T>) method overload.
  • Removed MLArrayFeature.CopyTo(T*) method overload.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.CopyTo(T[]) method overload.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.CopyTo(NativeArray<T>) method overload.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.CopyTo(T*) method overload.
  • NatML now requires iOS 14+.


  • Added MLEdgeModel public constructor and moved the class to the top-level NatML namespace.
  • Fixed app storage size increasing every time that MLModelData.Deserialize was invoked on iOS.
  • Deprecated MLModelData.Deserialize method. Use MLEdgeModel constructor instead.


  • NatML now defaults to accelerating predictions on Windows by using the GPU. This results in much better performance and lower CPU usage for many models.
  • Added MLModelData.computeTarget property for specifying the compute target used for prediction.
  • Added MLModelData.computeDevice property for specifying the compute device used for prediction.
  • Added MLImageFeature.CopyTo overloads that accepted pixel buffers in managed and unmanaged memory.
  • Fixed MLImageFeature producing incorrect prediction results on WebGL.
  • Fixed rare crash when calling MLModelData.Deserialize on low-end Android devices.


  • Upgraded to Hub 1.0.12.


  • Refactored MLDepthFeature.TransformPoint method to ViewportToWorldPoint.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.CopyTo overloads that accepted pixel buffers. Use Texture2D overload instead.
  • Removed MLImageFeature.ToTexture method. Use MLImageFeature.CopyTo method instead.


  • Added initial support for WebGL! NatML can now be used in the browser.
  • Improved MLImageFeature texture constructor to avoid copying pixel buffers when possible.
  • Improved performance of MLImageFeature.NonMaxSuppression for large number of candidate boxes.
  • Changed MLEdgeFeature.dataType property type from System.Type to NatML.DataType.


  • Added support for rotated ROI in MLImageFeature.RegionOfInterest method.
  • Added MLModelData.FromFile method to load ML model data from model files.
  • Added MLImageFeature.TransformPoint method for transforming detection points from feature space to image space.
  • Added MLDepthFeature.TransformPoint method for projecting 2D points into 3D space using depth.
  • Added MLEdgeFeature.dataType property for inspecting the data type of Edge features.
  • Added MLAsyncPredictor class for making predictions on a background thread.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.ToAsync extension method for converting predictor to an async predictor.
  • Improved prediction performance on Android devices with dedicated neural processing units.
  • Changed MLEdgeFeature class to readonly struct to prevent GC pressure.
  • Fixed MLImageFeature not respecting AspectMode.AspectFit when making predictions.
  • Fixed sporadic NullReferenceException when MLModelData.FromHub is called on some Android devices.
  • Updated MLDepthFeature.Sample method to accept a Vector2 point instead of individual coordinates.
  • Removed IMLCloudFeature interface as it is no longer supported by the NatML Hub API.
  • Removed MLCloudFeature class as it is no longer supported by the NatML Hub API.
  • Removed MLCloudModel class as it is no longer supported by the NatML Hub API.
  • Removed IMLAsyncPredictor interface.
  • Removed MLFeature.CloudType utility method as it is no longer supported by the NatML Hub API.
  • Removed MLArrayFeature constructor that accepted an MLCloudFeature.
  • Removed MLAudioFeature constructor that accepted an MLCloudFeature.
  • Removed MLImageFeature constructor that accepted an MLCloudFeature.
  • Removed MLImageFeature constructor that accepted an encoded image byte[].
  • Removed MLImageFeature.Contiguous method.
  • Removed MLTextFeature constructor that accepted an MLCloudFeature.
  • Removed MLEdgeFeature.ReleaseFeature method as it has long been deprecated.


  • Upgraded to Hub 1.0.8.


  • Added MLModelDataEmbed attribute for embedding model data at build time, making models immediately available in builds without downloads.
  • Added MLImageFeature.NonMaxSuppression method for performing non-maximum suppression on detection proposals.
  • Added MLImageFeature.TransformRect method for transforming detection rectangles from feature space to image space.
  • Added custom icon for identifying ML model files imported by NatML.
  • Migrated MLPredictorExtensions.ToAsync extension method and MLAsyncPredictor class to NatMLX.
  • Removed MLPredictorExtensions.RectifyAspect method. Use MLImageFeature.TransformRect method instead.
  • Removed MLPredictorExtensions.NonMaxSuppression method. Use MLImageFeature.NonMaxSuppression method instead.
  • Refactored top-level namespace from NatSuite.ML to NatML for parity with our other API's.


  • Improved prediction performance on Windows systems with dedicated GPU's.
  • Added MLArrayFeature constructors that accept NativeArray<T> native arrays to minimize memory copies.
  • Added setter accessors to MLArrayFeature indexers allowing for writing values to feature data.
  • Added MLAudioFeature.Contiguous method for decoding encoded audio feature into memory.
  • Added support for creating greyscale image MLEdgeFeature features from MLImageFeature features.
  • Added MLImageFeature.RegionOfInterest method for extracting an ROI from an image.
  • Added MLImageFeature.Contiguous method for decoding encoded image feature into memory.
  • Added MLDepthFeature.width convenience property for getting width of depth features.
  • Added MLDepthFeature.height convenience property for getting height of depth features.
  • Added MLImageType.interleaved property for checking whether image feature is interleaved or planar.
  • Added IMLCloudFeature interface to create cloud ML features for making cloud predictions.
  • Added "Clear Predictor Cache" menu item for clearing predictor cache in the editor.
  • Added NatMLHub.Subscribe method for making subscription requests to the NatML API.
  • Fixed memory leak when using certain vision predictors like Robust Video Matting.
  • Refactored MLHubModel class to MLCloudModel.
  • Refactored MLHubFeature class to MLCloudFeature.
  • Refactored HubDataType class to DataType.
  • Deprecated IMLHubFeature interface.
  • Removed MLAudioFeature.ReadToEnd method. Use MLAudioFeature.Contiguous method instead.


  • Added exclusive support for running CoreML graphs on iOS and macOS.
  • Added exclusive support for running TensorFlow Lite graphs on Android.
  • Added support for working with CoreML .mlmodel files in Unity projects.
  • Added support for working with TensorFlow Lite .tflite files in Unity projects.
  • Added support for Apple Silicon on macOS.
  • Added MLVideoFeature class for making ML predictions on video files.
  • Added MLVideoType feature type for inspecting video features.
  • Added MLDepthFeature abstract class for working with predictors that use depth data.
  • Added support for audio feature resampling in MLAudioFeature with sampleRate and channelCount fields.
  • Added MLEdgeFeature type for added type safety when authoring edge predictors.
  • Added MLImageFeature constructor which accepts a NativeArray<byte> pixel buffer.
  • Added MLImageFeature.width convenience property for getting width of image features.
  • Added MLImageFeature.height convenience property for getting height of image features.
  • Added MLImageFeature.CopyTo methods for copying pixel data from image feature.
  • Added MLAudioFeature constructor that accepts a NativeArray<float> to minimize memory copies.
  • Added MLAudioFeature path constructor for reading audio features from audio and video files.
  • Added MLAudioFeature.CopyTo methods for copying audio data from audio feature.
  • Added MLAudioFeature.FromStreamingAssets method for creating an audio feature from an audio file in the StreamingAssets folder.
  • Added MLAudioFeature.ToAudioClip method for converting audio feature to an AudioClip.
  • Added MLAudioFeature.ReadToEnd method to read audio data into memory for audio features backed by an audio file.
  • Added MLAudioType.FromFile method for inspecting the audio type of a video or audio file.
  • Added MLAudioType.FromAudioClip method for inspecting the audio type of an audio clip.
  • Added MLAudioType.FromVideoClip method for inspecting the audio type of a video clip.
  • Added MLAudioType.FromStreamingAssets method for inspecting the audio type of a video file in the StreamingAssets folder.
  • Added MLImageType constructor that accepts image channels.
  • Fixed MLImageFeature type incorrectly reporting 3 channels instead of 4.
  • Fixed MLImageFeature default normalization standard deviation having 0 for alpha channel.
  • Removed IMLModel interface as it has long been deprecated.
  • Removed IMLFeature interface as it has long been deprecated.


  • Fixed Cannot deserialize graph exception when deserializing cached predictors.
  • Fixed MLModelData being cached for DRAFT predictors.


  • Added MLArrayFeature constructor that accepts an MLHubFeature for working with Hub predictors.
  • Added MLAudioFeature constructor that accepts an MLHubFeature for working with Hub predictors.
  • Added MLImageFeature constructor that accepts an MLHubFeature for working with Hub predictors.
  • Added MLTextFeature constructor that accepts an MLHubFeature for working with Hub predictors.
  • Fixed DirectoryNotFoundException when loading cached MLModelData on iOS.
  • Removed prediction analytics reporting to NatML Hub, relieving network bandwidth pressure.
  • Removed cache flag in MLModelData.FromHub method.


  • Introduced Hub Predictors, which make predictions using server-side processing on NatML Hub.
  • Added MLHubModel class for authoring predictors that make cloud-based predictions using NatML Hub.
  • Added MLEdgeModel class for authoring predictors that make edge (on-device) predictions.
  • Added IMLHubFeature interface for creating server-side features when making predictions with NatML Hub.
  • Added IMLEdgeFeature interface for creating native features when making edge (on-device) predictions.
  • Added MLTextType feature type for inspecting MLTextFeature features.
  • Added MLModelData.tag property to identify the predictor tag from NatML Hub.
  • Added MLModel.metadata dictionary for inspecting model metadata.
  • Added MLArrayFeature.Squeeze to remove singleton dimensions from an array feature.
  • Added MLArrayFeature.Flatten to flatten an array feature into one-dimensional array feature.
  • Added MLArrayFeature.ToArray to convert an array feature into a flattened primitive array.
  • Added MLImageFeature.ToTexture to convert an image feature into a Texture2D.
  • Added MLImageType.FromType static method for converting arbitrary feature types to image types.
  • Added implicit conversion from MLFeatureType to bool indicating if the type is non-null.
  • Added implicit conversion from MLTextFeature to string.
  • Fixed MLImageType image resolution constructor assuming planar format instead of interleaved format.
  • Moved IMLPredictor interface to the top-level NatSuite.ML namespace.
  • Moved IMLAsyncPredictor interface to the top-level NatSuite.ML namespace.
  • Deprecated IMLModel interface. Cast model to MLEdgeModel class instead.
  • Deprecated IMLFeature interface. Cast feature to IMLEdgeFeature interface instead.
  • Deprecated MLPredictorExtensions.GetImageSize static method. Use MLImageType.FromType instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.FromFile method. Use NatML Hub instead.
  • Removed MLModelData.FromStreamingAssets method. Use NatML Hub instead.
  • Removed MLPredictorExtensions.SerializeAudio method.
  • Removed MLPredictorExtensions.SerializeImage method.
  • Removed MLModel dictionary indexers. Use MLModel.metadata property instead.


  • Changed MLImageFeature.mean and std types to Vector4 to support normalization for alpha channel.
  • Fixed bitcode not being generated for iOS NatML.framework.
  • Removed metadata accessors from IMLModel interface. Cast to MLModel instead.


  • Greatly improved performance and memory pressure when performing multi-indexing with MLArrayFeature<T>.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.RectifyAspect extension method for correcting detection rects from aspect-scaled images.
  • Fixed crash when making predictions with recurrent models on previous state features.
  • Fixed crash when getting native array feature shape for MLArrayFeature<T>.
  • Fixed memory leak when making predictions with image features on iOS and macOS.


  • Added IMLAsyncPredictor interface for making server-side ML predictions with NatML Hub.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T> constructor which accepts a native array feature for easy interop.
  • Added multi-indexing support to MLArrayFeature<T> for post-processing native array features.
  • Added MLArrayType.elementCount property to get the total number of elements for an array type.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T>.shape property which returns the feature type's shape for convenience.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T>.elementCount property which returns the feature type's element count for convenience.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T>.CopyTo method to copy feature data into an array.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T>.Permute method to create a shallow array view with permuted dimensions.
  • Added MLArrayFeature<T>.View method to create a shallow array view with a different shape.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.NonMaxSuppression method for working with detection models.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.GetImageSize method for making predictions with image features.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.SerializeAudio method for making Hub predictions with audio features.
  • Added MLPredictorExtensions.SerializeImage method for making Hub predictions with image features.
  • Fixed MLAsyncPredictor predictions never completing if backing predictor encountered exception.


  • Added MLModelData.audioFormat property for working with audio and speech ML models.
  • Added MLTextFeature for working with natural language processing models.
  • Added NatML menu items for fetching access key, viewing models, and more.
  • Exposed mean and std arrays in MLModelData.Normalization struct for models that require arbitrary normalization.
  • Removed generic MLClassificationPredictor and MLDenseClassificationPredictor predictors.
  • Removed ability to specify class labels for local .onnx file in project. Use NatML Hub instead.


  • First release.