- View local branches
git branch
- View local and remote branches
git branch -a
- Move the issue to "in progress" in the project
- Create a new branch named
feature-[issue number]
git checkout -b feature-[issue number]
- Edit the branch locally
- Run local tests
black .
- Push branch to remote
git push origin feature-[issue number]
- Create a Pull Request from your branch to develop
- Move the Issue in the project to "Ready for Review"
- View the "Ready for Review" column in the project and identify the issue number
- View the original issue and the pull request
- Checkout the
git fetch
git checkout feature-[issue number]
- Review the code and ensure it effectively addresses the issue
- Run local tests
black .
- Merge the branch to develop
git checkout develop
git merge feature-[issue number]
- Move Move the Issue in the project to "Reviewer Approved"