Download this two images and call them 2.jpg and 4.jpg
Create CSV file called "BrmsDemo.csv" struct as follow
You can see that we set two tags for each picture, their color and tha fact that they are numbers.
Now I open BrmsGenerator - Researcher and set "Name" to "Demo" and "Background Color" to "#C0C0C0" (Grey).
Now add instructions trial.
Get in instructions form.
Create new page with the text "Here is a demo experiment!" and call this trial "Instructions".
Enter confirm and save the trial.
Now add bRMS trial.
Get in bRMS trial form
Upload the CSV file we created before to bRMS form.
Create bRMS trial called "brms1" with all the default values and the letter 'z' as a choice and press the "Add" button.
Create bRMS trial called "brms2" and add the 'x' letter to the choices section.
Save both trials.
Download the experiment to your computer by press the "Save" button, Dont change its name.
Log in to and navigate to "Upload" web page.
Upload the JSON file downloaded earlier in the section below.
Press the "Submit" button.
Wait for success message.
Compress 2.jpg and 4.jpg to and navigate to "Add stimulus" web page.
Enter experiment name, in this case - "Demo" int the following section.
Upload the ZIP file created earlier in the following section.
Wait until the age reload.
Compress 2.jpg and 4.jpg to and navigate to "Add stimulus" web page.
Enter experiment name, in this case - "Demo" int the following section.
Upload the ZIP file created earlier in the following section.
Wait until the age reload.
Navigate to "Dashboard" web page.
Look at the table and find Demo experiment
Press on the link tab
Get the experiment ID from "Dashboard" web page
Navigate to "Export" web page.
Enter our experiment ID in the following section.
Press on "Submit" button
Watch how the experiment result downloaded to your computer