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$\beta$-VAE: Learning Basic Visual Concepts with a Constrained Variational Framework

by Irina Higgins, Loic Matthey, Arka Pal, Christopher Burgess, Xavier Glorot, Matthew Botvinick, Shakir Mohamed, Alexander Lerchner (DeepMind fellows)

ICLR 2017 (OpenReview: 2016-11)

This paper presented $\beta$-VAE, a modification (generalization?) of variational autoencoders and made it available to enforce to learn more "disentangled" representations. The method is very simple and, omitting all the derivations, can be seen from this one (loss) equation.


Where $\beta=1$ corresponds to the original VAE formualation. Since the KL divergence term enforces the inferred latent factors $q_{\phi}(z|x)$ match to the prior $p(z) = N(0,I)$ (which is an isotropic unit Gaussian), if $\beta > 1$, this loss pulls the latent variables to have more factorized, disentangled property. However, there is a tradeoff between the disentanglement quality and the reconstruction fidelity. (The authors also interpret $\beta$ as the capacity of the latent channel bottleneck.) Due to this tradeoff, the authors argue that the log likelihood of the data under the latent model is a poor metric for measuring the disentangling factors, and they propose a new evaluation metric for it.

The proposed disentanglement metric is calculated as below:

metric-calcuation1 metric-calcuation2 metric-calcuation-img

The authors chose a linear classifier with low VC-dimension in order to ensure it has no capacity to perform nonlinear disentagling by itself.

Some questions:

  • Why do we need to measure how much disentanglement is achieved?
    • I personally cannot think of its usefulness right now..
  • Disentanglement is good at understanding what the model is doing in human's point of view, but I think achieving independence of variables is the better way to go - maybe let's call it a machine's point of view for disentanglement. That's why I don't really agree at this another proposed metric, since by looking at the formulation, $\beta$-VAE is also just trying to achieve near-independence of variables.
  • Maybe I am just a bit confused about the detailed differences in these terminologies: disentanglement, independence, factorization, ...

There are extensive experiments in this original paper, but more analysis is done by the follow-up workshop paper:

Understanding disentangling in $\beta$-VAE

by Christopher P. Burgess, Irina Higgins, Arka Pal, Loic Matthey, Nick Watters, Guillaume Desjardins, Alexander Lerchner (almost the same as the above)

NIPS 2017 workshop on Learning Disentangled Representations

I'll substitute the explanations and details with the photo of this self-contained poster that I took at NIPS 2017.


Some comments

  • Experiment with controlled capacity increase was quite interesting. The paper shows many ways of doing experiements - maybe we can refer to the methods when we do some ablation studies ourselves.
  • I was very excited about $\beta$-VAE line of work at first glance, but somehow getting a bit more and more disappointed because the problem setting seems to be too simple. However, keep thinking about how to use this for better learning and interpretation.


Jan. 17, 2018 Note by Myungsub