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List of Hivemall's generic functions

Makoto YUI edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

This page describes a list of useful Hivemall generic functions.

Array functions

Array UDFs

  • array_concat(array<ANY> x1, array<ANY> x2, ..) - Returns a concatenated array
select array_concat(array(1),array(2,3));
> [1,2,3]
  • array_intersect(array<ANY> x1, array<ANY> x2, ..) - Returns an intersect of given arrays
select array_intersect(array(1,3,4),array(2,3,4),array(3,5));
> [3]
  • array_remove(array<int|text> original, int|text|array<int> target) - Returns an array that the target is removed from the original array
select array_remove(array(1,null,3),array(null));
> [3]

select array_remove(array("aaa","bbb"),"bbb");
> ["aaa"]
  • sort_and_uniq_array(array<int>) - Takes an array of type int and returns a sorted array in a natural order with duplicate elements eliminated
select sort_and_uniq_array(array(3,1,1,-2,10));
> [-2,1,3,10]
  • subarray_endwith(array<int|text> original, int|text key) - Returns an array that ends with the specified key
select subarray_endwith(array(1,2,3,4), 3);
> [1,2,3]
  • subarray_startwith(array<int|text> original, int|text key) - Returns an array that starts with the specified key
select subarray_startwith(array(1,2,3,4), 2);
> [2,3,4]
  • subarray(array<int> orignal, int fromIndex, int toIndex) - Returns a slice of the original array between the inclusive fromIndex and the exclusive toIndex
select subarray(array(1,2,3,4,5,6), 2,4);
> [3,4]

Array UDAFs

  • array_avg(array<NUMBER>) - Returns an array in which each element is the mean of a set of numbers

  • array_sum(array<NUMBER>) - Returns an array in which each element is summed up

Bitset functions

Bitset UDF

  • to_bits(int[] indexes) - Returns an bitset representation if the given indexes in long[]
select to_bits(array(1,2,3,128));
  • unbits(long[] bitset) - Returns an long array of the give bitset representation
select unbits(to_bits(array(1,4,2,3)));
> [1,2,3,4]
  • bits_or(array<long> b1, array<long> b2, ..) - Returns a logical OR given bitsets
select unbits(bits_or(to_bits(array(1,4)),to_bits(array(2,3))));
> [1,2,3,4]

Bitset UDAF

  • bits_collect(int|long x) - Returns a bitset in array

Compression functions

  • deflate(TEXT data [, const int compressionLevel]) - Returns a compressed BINARY obeject by using Deflater. The compression level must be in range [-1,9]
select base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'));
> AA+=kaIM|WTt!+wbGAA
  • inflate(BINARY compressedData) - Returns a decompressed STRING by using Inflater
select inflate(unbase91(base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'))));
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc

Map functions

Map UDFs

  • map_get_sum(map<int,float> src, array<int> keys) - Returns sum of values that are retrieved by keys

  • map_tail_n(map SRC, int N) - Returns the last N elements from a sorted array of SRC


  • to_map(key, value) - Convert two aggregated columns into a key-value map

  • to_ordered_map(key, value [, const boolean reverseOrder=false]) - Convert two aggregated columns into an ordered key-value map

MapReduce functions

  • rowid() - Returns a generated row id of a form {TASK_ID}-{SEQUENCE_NUMBER}

  • taskid() - Returns the value of mapred.task.partition

Math functions

  • sigmoid(x) - Returns 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))

Text processing functions

  • base91(binary) - Convert the argument from binary to a BASE91 string
select base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'));
> AA+=kaIM|WTt!+wbGAA
  • unbase91(string) - Convert a BASE91 string to a binary
select inflate(unbase91(base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'))));
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc
  • normalize_unicode(string str [, string form]) - Transforms str with the specified normalization form. The form takes one of NFC (default), NFD, NFKC, or NFKD
select normalize_unicode('ハンカクカナ','NFKC');
> ハンカクカナ

select normalize_unicode('㈱㌧㌦Ⅲ','NFKC');
> (株)トンドルIII
  • split_words(string query [, string regex]) - Returns an array containing splitted strings

  • is_stopword(string word) - Returns whether English stopword or not

  • tokenize(string englishText [, boolean toLowerCase]) - Returns words in array

  • tokenize_ja(String line [, const string mode = "normal", const list<string> stopWords, const list<string> stopTags]) - returns tokenized strings in array

select tokenize_ja("kuromojiを使った分かち書きのテストです。第二引数にはnormal/search/extendedを指定できます。デフォルトではnormalモードです。");

> ["kuromoji","使う","分かち書き","テスト","","","引数","normal","search","extended","指定","デフォルト","normal"," モード"]

Other functions

  • convert_label(const int|const float) - Convert from -1|1 to 0.0f|1.0f, or from 0.0f|1.0f to -1|1

  • each_top_k(int K, Object group, double cmpKey, *) - Returns top-K values (or tail-K values when k is less than 0)

  • generate_series(const int|bigint start, const int|bigint end) - Generate a series of values, from start to end
WITH dual as (
  select 1
select generate_series(1,9)
from dual;


A similar function to PostgreSQL's generate_serics.

  • x_rank(KEY) - Generates a pseudo sequence number starting from 1 for each key
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