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File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 3.44 KB



Name Type Description Notes
cellStyle String Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on responsive table cells. Only valid in display sections of `responsive_table` or `responsive_table_single_column` types. [optional]
collapsibleSettings SmartSectionCollapsibleDisplaySettings [optional]
display String Indicates the display type. Must be one of the following enum values: - inline: Leaves the HTML where it is in the document. This allows for adding a label or presenting on a separate page. - collapsible: The HTML in the section may be expanded or collapsed. By default, the section is expanded. - collapsed: The HTML in the section may be expanded or collapsed. By default, the section is collapsed. - responsive_table: Converts the section into a responsive table. Note that this style is applied only on HTML tables that fall within the `startAnchor` and `endAnchor` positions. - responsive_table_single_column: Converts the section into a responsive, single-column table. Note that this style is applied only on HTML tables that fall within the `startAnchor` and `endAnchor` positions. The table is converted to a single column in which each column becomes a row and is stacked. - print_only: Prevents this portion of the HTML from displaying in the responsive signing view. [optional]
displayLabel String The label for the display section. [optional]
displayOrder Int The position on the page where the display section appears. [optional]
displayPageNumber Int The number of the page on which the display section appears. [optional]
hideLabelWhenOpened Bool When true, the `displayLabel` is hidden when the display section is expanded and the display section is no longer collapsible. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. [optional]
inlineOuterStyle String Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on inline display sections. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `inline`. [optional]
labelWhenOpened String The label for the display section when it is expanded from a collapsed state. This label displays only on the first opening and is only valid with the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. [optional]
preLabel String Enables you to add descriptive text that appears before a collapsed section or continue button. [optional]
scrollToTopWhenOpened Bool When true and the section is expanded, the position of the section close is scrolled to the top of the screen. This property is only valid when the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. [optional]
tableStyle String Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on responsive tables. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `responsive_table` or `responsive_table_single_column`. [optional]

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