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File metadata and controls

131 lines (127 loc) · 9.19 KB



Name Type Description Notes
accessCodeRequired String [optional]
accessCodesAttempted String [optional]
accessCodesFailed String [optional]
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. [optional]
authenticationCategory String [optional]
authenticationSuccess String [optional]
authenticationType String Indicates the type of authentication. Valid values are: - `PhoneAuth` - `STAN` - `ISCheck` - `OFAC` - `AccessCode` - `AgeVerify` - `SSOAuth` [optional]
averageTimeToCompleteSeconds String [optional]
avgCompleteSeconds String [optional]
completed String [optional]
completedTs String [optional]
createdDate String The creation date of the account in UTC timedate format. [optional]
customField String [optional]
declinedDate String [optional]
declinedReason String The reason the recipient declined the document. Read only. [optional]
deliveredDate String [optional]
envelopeCount String [optional]
envelopeCreator String [optional]
envelopeId String The envelope's GUID. Example: `93be49ab-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-f752070d71ec` [optional]
envelopeInitialSendTs String [optional]
envelopesBilled String [optional]
envelopesCompleted String [optional]
envelopesCompletedCount String [optional]
envelopesDeclined String [optional]
envelopesSent String [optional]
envelopesSentCount String [optional]
envelopesVoided String [optional]
envelopeVoidedReason String [optional]
eodDocumentDescription String [optional]
eodDocumentName String [optional]
eodDocumentProfileId String [optional]
eodTransactionId String [optional]
eodTransactionName String [optional]
eventDate String [optional]
expirationDate String [optional]
expiredTs String [optional]
failures String A list of Connect failure logs. [optional]
failureVendorCode String [optional]
failureVendorReason String [optional]
firstSendTs String [optional]
groupId String The ID of the group being accessed. [optional]
groupName String The name of the group. The search_text provided in the call automatically performs a wild card search on group_name. [optional]
hoursToCompleteEnd String [optional]
hoursToCompleteStart String [optional]
idChecksAttempted String [optional]
idChecksFailed String [optional]
initialSendTs String [optional]
ipAddress String [optional]
lastActivity String [optional]
lastActivityDate String [optional]
lastSentDate String [optional]
notSigned String [optional]
numberOfAuthenticatedRecipients String [optional]
numberOfCompletedSignatures String [optional]
numberOfDocuments String [optional]
numberOfPages String [optional]
numberOfRecipients String [optional]
numberOfSends String [optional]
numberOfSigners String [optional]
numberOfTotalDocuments String [optional]
numberOfTotalPages String [optional]
numberOfTotalSigners String [optional]
numberOfUniqueSenders String [optional]
numberTotalRecipients String [optional]
periodEnd String [optional]
periodStart String [optional]
phoneCallsAttempted String [optional]
phoneCallsFailed String [optional]
reasonForDeclining String [optional]
reasonForVoiding String [optional]
reassignReason String [optional]
received String [optional]
recipient String [optional]
recipientAction String [optional]
recipientCompanyName String [optional]
recipientCountry String [optional]
recipientEmail String [optional]
recipientId String A local reference that senders use to map recipients to other objects, such as specific document tabs. Within an envelope, each `recipientId` must be unique, but there is no uniqueness requirement across envelopes. For example, many envelopes assign the first recipient a `recipientId` of `1`. [optional]
recipientName String [optional]
recipientTemplateRoleName String [optional]
recipientTitle String [optional]
recipientType String The recipient type, as specified by the following values: - `agent`: Agent recipients can add name and email information for recipients that appear after the agent in routing order. - `carbonCopy`: Carbon copy recipients get a copy of the envelope but don't need to sign, initial, date, or add information to any of the documents. This type of recipient can be used in any routing order. - `certifiedDelivery`: Certified delivery recipients must receive the completed documents for the envelope to be completed. They don't need to sign, initial, date, or add information to any of the documents. - `editor`: Editors have the same management and access rights for the envelope as the sender. Editors can add name and email information, add or change the routing order, set authentication options, and can edit signature/initial tabs and data fields for the remaining recipients. - `inPersonSigner`: In-person recipients are DocuSign users who act as signing hosts in the same physical location as the signer. - `intermediaries`: Intermediary recipients can optionally add name and email information for recipients at the same or subsequent level in the routing order. - `seal`: Electronic seal recipients represent legal entities. - `signer`: Signers are recipients who must sign, initial, date, or add data to form fields on the documents in the envelope. - `witness`: Witnesses are recipients whose signatures affirm that the identified signers have signed the documents in the envelope. [optional]
recipientUserId String [optional]
remainingSignatures String The number of remaining signatures that need to be applied to this document. [optional]
routingOrder String Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. [optional]
senderAccountId String [optional]
senderCompanyName String [optional]
senderCountry String [optional]
senderEmail String The sender's email address. [optional]
senderIPAddress String [optional]
senderJobTitle String [optional]
senderName String The sender's name. [optional]
senderUserId String The id of the sender. [optional]
signDate String [optional]
signed String [optional]
signedDate String [optional]
signedOnMobile String [optional]
signedOnPaper String [optional]
signerList String [optional]
status String The status of the item. [optional]
statusChangedDate String [optional]
statusChangedTs String [optional]
subject String [optional]
successes String [optional]
templatesCreated String [optional]
templatesCreatedCount String [optional]
terminalStatusDate String [optional]
timeToCompleteSeconds String [optional]
timeToDeliver String [optional]
totalDocuments String [optional]
totalEnvelopes String [optional]
totalPages String [optional]
totalRecipients String [optional]
totalSigners String [optional]
uniqueSenders String [optional]
userAccountEmail String [optional]
userAccountName String [optional]
userAccountStatus String [optional]
userCount String [optional]
userId String The ID of the user to access. Generally this is the ID of the current authenticated user, but if the authenticated user is an Administrator on the account, `userId` can represent another user whom the Administrator is accessing. [optional]
viewDate String [optional]
voidedTs String [optional]

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