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File metadata and controls

108 lines (104 loc) · 17.3 KB



Name Type Description Notes
anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters String [optional]
anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorCaseSensitive String This property controls how [anchor tabs][AnchorTabs] are placed. When true, the text string in a document must match the case of the `anchorString` property for an anchor tab to be created. The default value is false. For example, when set to true, if the anchor string is `DocuSign`, then `DocuSign` will match but `Docusign`, `docusign`, `DoCuSiGn`, etc. will not match. When set to false, `DocuSign`, `Docusign`, `docusign`, `DoCuSiGn`, etc. will all match. This functionality uses the following rules: - Unless punctuation is specified in the `anchorString`, this functionality ignores punctuation and the following characters: $~>< ^+= For example, the `anchorString` `water` will match on the string `Fetch a pail of water.` - Strings embedded in other strings are ignored during the matching process. - In words that have dashes, the parts separated by dashes are treated as distinct words. Example: If the anchor string is `forget`, then an anchor tab is placed on the `forget` in `forget-me-not`, even when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true. - Letters with accent marks are treated as distinct characters from their unaccented counterparts. - For single-character anchor strings, if the two characters appear right next to each other in the document, a single anchor tab is placed for both of them. Example: If the anchor string is `i`, then only one anchor tab is placed in `skiing`. - Unlike punctuation, numbers are not ignored when finding anchor words. Example: If the anchor string is `cat`, then `-cat-` is matched but `1cat2` is not when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true (its default value). Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTabs]:
anchorCaseSensitiveMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorHorizontalAlignment String This property controls how [anchor tabs][AnchorTabs] are aligned in relation to the anchor text. Possible values are : - `left`: Aligns the left side of the tab with the beginning of the first character of the matching anchor word. This is the default value. - `right`: Aligns the tab’s left side with the last character of the matching anchor word. Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTabs]: [optional]
anchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent String When set to true, this tab is ignored if the `anchorString` is not found in the document. [optional]
anchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorMatchWholeWord String When set to true, the text string in a document must match the value of the `anchorString` property in its entirety for an [anchor tab][AnchorTab] to be created. The default value is false. For example, when set to true, if the input is `man` then `man` will match but `manpower`, `fireman`, and `penmanship` will not. When set to false, if the input is `man` then `man`, `manpower`, `fireman`, and `penmanship` will all match. This functionality uses the following rules: - Unless punctuation is specified in the `anchorString`, this functionality ignores punctuation and the following characters: $~>< ^+= For example, the `anchorString` `water` will match on the string `Fetch a pail of water.` - Strings embedded in other strings are ignored during the matching process. - In words that have dashes, the parts separated by dashes are treated as distinct words. Example: If the anchor string is `forget`, then an anchor tab is placed on the `forget` in `forget-me-not`, even when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true. - Letters with accent marks are treated as distinct characters from their unaccented counterparts. - For single-character anchor strings, if the two characters appear right next to each other in the document, a single anchor tab is placed for both of them. Example: If the anchor string is `i`, then only one anchor tab is placed in `skiing`. - Unlike punctuation, numbers are not ignored when finding anchor words. Example: If the anchor string is `cat`, then `-cat-` is matched but `1cat2` is not when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true (its default value). Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTab]:
anchorMatchWholeWordMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorString String Specifies the string to find in the document and use as the basis for tab placement. [optional]
anchorStringMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorTabProcessorVersion String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
anchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorUnits String Specifies units of the `anchorXOffset` and `anchorYOffset`. Valid units are: - `pixels` - `inches` - `mms` - `cms` [optional]
anchorUnitsMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorXOffset String Specifies the X axis location of the tab in `anchorUnits` relative to the `anchorString`. [optional]
anchorXOffsetMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
anchorYOffset String Specifies the Y axis location of the tab in `anchorUnits` relative to the `anchorString`. [optional]
anchorYOffsetMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
bold String When set to true, the information in the tab is bold. [optional]
boldMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
concealValueOnDocument String When set to true, the field appears normally while the recipient is adding or modifying the information in the field, but the data is not visible (the characters are hidden by asterisks) to any other signer or the sender. When an envelope is completed the information is only available to the sender through the Form Data link in the DocuSign Console. The information on the downloaded document remains masked by asterisks. This setting applies only to text boxes and does not affect list boxes, radio buttons, or check boxes. [optional]
concealValueOnDocumentMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
conditionalParentLabel String For conditional fields this is the `tabLabel` of the parent tab that controls this tab's visibility. [optional]
conditionalParentLabelMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
conditionalParentValue String For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab's visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use &quot;on&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. [optional]
conditionalParentValueMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
customTabId String The DocuSign-generated custom tab id for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties. [optional]
customTabIdMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
disableAutoSize String When set to true, disables the auto sizing of single line text boxes in the signing screen when the signer enters data. If disabled users will only be able enter as much data as the text box can hold. By default this is false. This property only affects single line text boxes. [optional]
disableAutoSizeMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
documentId String The `documentId` is set by the API client. It is an integer that falls between `1` and 2,147,483,647. The value is encoded as a string without commas. The values `1`, `2`, `3`, and so on are typically used to identify the first few documents in an envelope. Tab definitions include a `documentId` property that specifies the document on which to place the tab. [optional]
documentIdMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
errorDetails ErrorDetails [optional]
font String The font to be used for the tab value. Supported fonts include: - Default - Arial - ArialNarrow - Calibri - CourierNew - Garamond - Georgia - Helvetica - LucidaConsole - MSGothic - MSMincho - OCR-A - Tahoma - TimesNewRoman - Trebuchet - Verdana [optional]
fontColor String The font color to use for the information in the tab. Possible values are: - Black - BrightBlue - BrightRed - DarkGreen - DarkRed - Gold - Green - NavyBlue - Purple - White [optional]
fontColorMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
fontMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
fontSize String The font size used for the information in the tab. Possible values are: - Size7 - Size8 - Size9 - Size10 - Size11 - Size12 - Size14 - Size16 - Size18 - Size20 - Size22 - Size24 - Size26 - Size28 - Size36 - Size48 - Size72 [optional]
fontSizeMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
formOrder String An integer specifying the order in which the guided form HTML should render. The order is relative to the `formPageLabel`, the group by which to place the guided form HTML block. [optional]
formOrderMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
formPageLabel String A string specifying the group in which to place the guided form HTML. Each group displays as a separate guided forms page in the signing experience. [optional]
formPageLabelMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
formPageNumber String An integer specifying the order in which to present the guided form pages. [optional]
formPageNumberMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
height String The height of the tab in pixels. [optional]
heightMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
italic String When set to true, the information in the tab is italic. [optional]
italicMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
localePolicy LocalePolicyTab [optional]
locked String When set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab. [optional]
lockedMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
maxLength String An optional value that describes the maximum length of the property when the property is a string. [optional]
maxLengthMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
mergeField MergeField [optional]
mergeFieldXml String [optional]
name String [optional]
nameMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
originalValue String The initial value of the tab when it was sent to the recipient. [optional]
originalValueMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
pageNumber String The page number being accessed. [optional]
pageNumberMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
recipientId String A local reference that senders use to map recipients to other objects, such as specific document tabs. Within an envelope, each `recipientId` must be unique, but there is no uniqueness requirement across envelopes. For example, many envelopes assign the first recipient a `recipientId` of `1`. [optional]
recipientIdGuid String The globally-unique identifier (GUID) for a specific recipient on a specific envelope. If the same recipient is associated with multiple envelopes, they will have a different GUID for each one. Read only. [optional]
recipientIdGuidMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
recipientIdMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
required String When set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab. [optional]
requiredMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
smartContractInformation SmartContractInformation [optional]
status String The status of the item. [optional]
statusMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tabGroupLabels [String] An array of tab group labels that uniquely identify tab groups. To assign a tab to a `tabGroup`, you assign the `TabGroupLabel` to the `Tab.TabGroupLabels` array. [optional]
tabGroupLabelsMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tabId String The unique identifier for the tab. [optional]
tabIdMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tabLabel String The label associated with the tab. This value may be an empty string. If no value is provided, the tab type is used as the value. Maximum Length: 500 characters. [optional]
tabLabelMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tabOrder String A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing. Tabs on a page are navigated to in ascending order, starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest. If two or more tabs have the same `tabOrder` value, the normal auto-navigation setting behavior for the envelope is used. [optional]
tabOrderMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tabType String Indicates the type of tab (for example, `signHere` or `initialHere`). [optional]
tabTypeMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
templateLocked String When set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. [optional]
templateLockedMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
templateRequired String When set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. [optional]
templateRequiredMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
tooltip String The text of a tooltip that appears when a user hovers over a form field or tab. [optional]
toolTipMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
underline String When set to true, the information in the tab is underlined. [optional]
underlineMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
value String Specifies the value of the tab. [optional]
valueMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
width String The width of the tab in pixels. [optional]
widthMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
xPosition String This property indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. [optional]
xPositionMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]
yPosition String This property indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. [optional]
yPositionMetadata PropertyMetadata [optional]

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