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577 lines (429 loc) · 27.2 KB

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577 lines (429 loc) · 27.2 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignature DELETE /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}
accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignatureImage DELETE /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}/{imageType}
accountSignaturesGetAccountSignature GET /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}
accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatureImage GET /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}/{imageType}
accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatures GET /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures
accountSignaturesPostAccountSignatures POST /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures
accountSignaturesPutAccountSignature PUT /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures
accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureById PUT /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}
accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureImage PUT /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/signatures/{signatureId}/{imageType}


    open class func accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignature(accountId: String, signatureId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignature>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignature(accountId: accountId, signatureId: signatureId).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignature {
    case http200(value: Void?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: Void?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignatureImage(accountId: String, imageType: String, signatureId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignatureImage>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let imageType = "imageType_example" // String | Specificies the type of image. Valid values are:  - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignatureImage(accountId: accountId, imageType: imageType, signatureId: signatureId).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
imageType String Specificies the type of image. Valid values are: - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesDeleteAccountSignatureImage {
    case http200(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesGetAccountSignature(accountId: String, signatureId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignature>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesGetAccountSignature(accountId: accountId, signatureId: signatureId).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignature {
    case http200(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatureImage(accountId: String, imageType: String, signatureId: String, includeChrome: String? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignatureImage>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let imageType = "imageType_example" // String | Specificies the type of image. Valid values are:  - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.
let includeChrome = "includeChrome_example" // String | When **true**, the chrome (or frame containing the added line and identifier) is included with the signature image. (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatureImage(accountId: accountId, imageType: imageType, signatureId: signatureId, includeChrome: includeChrome).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
imageType String Specificies the type of image. Valid values are: - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.
includeChrome String When true, the chrome (or frame containing the added line and identifier) is included with the signature image. [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignatureImage {
    case http200(value: Data?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: Data?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: image/gif

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    open class func accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatures(accountId: String, stampFormat: String? = nil, stampName: String? = nil, stampType: String? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignatures>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let stampFormat = "stampFormat_example" // String |  (optional)
let stampName = "stampName_example" // String |  (optional)
let stampType = "stampType_example" // String |  (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesGetAccountSignatures(accountId: accountId, stampFormat: stampFormat, stampName: stampName, stampType: stampType).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
stampFormat String [optional]
stampName String [optional]
stampType String [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesGetAccountSignatures {
    case http200(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesPostAccountSignatures(accountId: String, decodeOnly: String? = nil, accountSignaturesInformation: AccountSignaturesInformation? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesPostAccountSignatures>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let decodeOnly = "decodeOnly_example" // String |  (optional)
let accountSignaturesInformation = accountSignaturesInformation(accountSignatures: [accountSignature(adoptedDateTime: "adoptedDateTime_example", createdDateTime: "createdDateTime_example", customField: "customField_example", dateStampProperties: dateStampProperties(dateAreaHeight: "dateAreaHeight_example", dateAreaWidth: "dateAreaWidth_example", dateAreaX: "dateAreaX_example", dateAreaY: "dateAreaY_example"), disallowUserResizeStamp: "disallowUserResizeStamp_example", errorDetails: errorDetails(errorCode: "errorCode_example", message: "message_example"), externalID: "externalID_example", imageBase64: "imageBase64_example", imageType: "imageType_example", initials150ImageId: "initials150ImageId_example", initialsImageUri: "initialsImageUri_example", isDefault: "isDefault_example", lastModifiedDateTime: "lastModifiedDateTime_example", nrdsId: "nrdsId_example", nrdsLastName: "nrdsLastName_example", nrdsStatus: "nrdsStatus_example", phoneticName: "phoneticName_example", signature150ImageId: "signature150ImageId_example", signatureFont: "signatureFont_example", signatureGroups: [signatureGroup(groupId: "groupId_example", groupName: "groupName_example", rights: "rights_example")], signatureId: "signatureId_example", signatureImageUri: "signatureImageUri_example", signatureInitials: "signatureInitials_example", signatureName: "signatureName_example", signatureRights: "signatureRights_example", signatureType: "signatureType_example", signatureUsers: [signatureUser(isDefault: "isDefault_example", rights: "rights_example", userId: "userId_example", userName: "userName_example")], stampFormat: "stampFormat_example", stampImageUri: "stampImageUri_example", stampSizeMM: "stampSizeMM_example", stampType: "stampType_example", status: "status_example")]) // AccountSignaturesInformation |  (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesPostAccountSignatures(accountId: accountId, decodeOnly: decodeOnly, accountSignaturesInformation: accountSignaturesInformation).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http201(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
decodeOnly String [optional]
accountSignaturesInformation AccountSignaturesInformation [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesPostAccountSignatures {
    case http201(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesPutAccountSignature(accountId: String, accountSignaturesInformation: AccountSignaturesInformation? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignature>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let accountSignaturesInformation = accountSignaturesInformation(accountSignatures: [accountSignature(adoptedDateTime: "adoptedDateTime_example", createdDateTime: "createdDateTime_example", customField: "customField_example", dateStampProperties: dateStampProperties(dateAreaHeight: "dateAreaHeight_example", dateAreaWidth: "dateAreaWidth_example", dateAreaX: "dateAreaX_example", dateAreaY: "dateAreaY_example"), disallowUserResizeStamp: "disallowUserResizeStamp_example", errorDetails: errorDetails(errorCode: "errorCode_example", message: "message_example"), externalID: "externalID_example", imageBase64: "imageBase64_example", imageType: "imageType_example", initials150ImageId: "initials150ImageId_example", initialsImageUri: "initialsImageUri_example", isDefault: "isDefault_example", lastModifiedDateTime: "lastModifiedDateTime_example", nrdsId: "nrdsId_example", nrdsLastName: "nrdsLastName_example", nrdsStatus: "nrdsStatus_example", phoneticName: "phoneticName_example", signature150ImageId: "signature150ImageId_example", signatureFont: "signatureFont_example", signatureGroups: [signatureGroup(groupId: "groupId_example", groupName: "groupName_example", rights: "rights_example")], signatureId: "signatureId_example", signatureImageUri: "signatureImageUri_example", signatureInitials: "signatureInitials_example", signatureName: "signatureName_example", signatureRights: "signatureRights_example", signatureType: "signatureType_example", signatureUsers: [signatureUser(isDefault: "isDefault_example", rights: "rights_example", userId: "userId_example", userName: "userName_example")], stampFormat: "stampFormat_example", stampImageUri: "stampImageUri_example", stampSizeMM: "stampSizeMM_example", stampType: "stampType_example", status: "status_example")]) // AccountSignaturesInformation |  (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesPutAccountSignature(accountId: accountId, accountSignaturesInformation: accountSignaturesInformation).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
accountSignaturesInformation AccountSignaturesInformation [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignature {
    case http200(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignaturesInformation?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureById(accountId: String, signatureId: String, closeExistingSignature: String? = nil, accountSignatureDefinition: AccountSignatureDefinition? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureById>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.
let closeExistingSignature = "closeExistingSignature_example" // String | When set to **true**, closes the current signature. (optional)
let accountSignatureDefinition = accountSignatureDefinition(dateStampProperties: dateStampProperties(dateAreaHeight: "dateAreaHeight_example", dateAreaWidth: "dateAreaWidth_example", dateAreaX: "dateAreaX_example", dateAreaY: "dateAreaY_example"), disallowUserResizeStamp: "disallowUserResizeStamp_example", externalID: "externalID_example", imageType: "imageType_example", isDefault: "isDefault_example", nrdsId: "nrdsId_example", nrdsLastName: "nrdsLastName_example", phoneticName: "phoneticName_example", signatureFont: "signatureFont_example", signatureGroups: [signatureGroupDef(groupId: "groupId_example", rights: "rights_example")], signatureId: "signatureId_example", signatureInitials: "signatureInitials_example", signatureName: "signatureName_example", signatureUsers: [signatureUserDef(isDefault: "isDefault_example", rights: "rights_example", userId: "userId_example")], stampFormat: "stampFormat_example", stampSizeMM: "stampSizeMM_example") // AccountSignatureDefinition |  (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureById(accountId: accountId, signatureId: signatureId, closeExistingSignature: closeExistingSignature, accountSignatureDefinition: accountSignatureDefinition).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.
closeExistingSignature String When set to true, closes the current signature. [optional]
accountSignatureDefinition AccountSignatureDefinition [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureById {
    case http200(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
  • Accept: /

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    open class func accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureImage(accountId: String, imageType: String, signatureId: String, transparentPng: String? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture<AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureImage>


// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import DocuSignAPI

let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
let imageType = "imageType_example" // String | Specificies the type of image. Valid values are:  - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
let signatureId = "signatureId_example" // String | The ID of the signature being accessed.
let transparentPng = "transparentPng_example" // String |  (optional)

AccountSignaturesAPI.accountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureImage(accountId: accountId, imageType: imageType, signatureId: signatureId, transparentPng: transparentPng).whenComplete { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    // process error
    case .success(let response):
        switch response {
        // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse
        case .http200(let value, let raw):
        case .http400(let value, let raw):
        case .http0(let value, let raw):


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
imageType String Specificies the type of image. Valid values are: - `signature_image` - `initials_image`
signatureId String The ID of the signature being accessed.
transparentPng String [optional]

Return type


public enum AccountSignaturesPutAccountSignatureImage {
    case http200(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse)
    case http0(value: AccountSignature?, raw: ClientResponse)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: /

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