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File metadata and controls

532 lines (528 loc) · 84.6 KB



Name Type Description Notes
accessCodeFormat AccessCodeFormat [optional]
accountDateTimeFormat String UTC date/time format for the account. [optional]
accountDateTimeFormatMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
accountDefaultLanguage String [optional]
accountDefaultLanguageMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
accountName String The name on the account. [optional]
accountNameMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
accountNotification AccountNotification [optional]
accountUISettings AccountUISettings [optional]
adoptSigConfig String When set to true, Signature Adoption Configuration is enabled. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
adoptSigConfigMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
advancedCorrect String If true, the Advanced Correction feature is enabled for this account. [optional]
advancedCorrectMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAccessCodeFormat String When true, the configured Access Code Format page is enabled for account administrators. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowAccessCodeFormatMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAccountManagementGranular String When true, the account can be managed on a per-user basis. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowAccountManagementGranularMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAccountMemberNameChange String Boolean that specifies whether member names can be changed in the account. [optional]
allowAccountMemberNameChangeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAdvancedRecipientRoutingConditional String When set to true, Conditional Routing is enabled for the account as part of DocuSign's Advanced Recipient Routing feature. [optional]
allowAdvancedRecipientRoutingConditionalMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAgentNameEmailEdit String If true, an agent recipient can change the email addresses of recipients later in the signing order. [optional]
allowAgentNameEmailEditMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAgreementActions String [optional]
allowAgreementActionsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAutoNavSettings String If true, auto-navigation can be enabled for this account. [optional]
allowAutoNavSettingsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowAutoTagging String If true, auto-tagging is enabled for the account. [optional]
allowAutoTaggingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowBulkSend String When set to true, bulk send functionality is enabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowBulkSendMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowCDWithdraw String When set to true, indicates that the customer can withdraw their consent to the consumer disclosure when they decline to sign documents. If these recipients sign documents sent to them from your account in the future, they will be required to agree to the terms in the disclosure. The default value is false. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowCDWithdrawMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowConnectHttpListenerConfigs String Boolean that specifies whether a Connect configuration can use HTTP listeners. [optional]
allowConnectSendFinishLater String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
allowConnectSendFinishLaterMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowConnectUnifiedPayloadUI String [optional]
allowConsumerDisclosureOverride String If true, the account has the ability to change the Consumer Disclosure setting. [optional]
allowConsumerDisclosureOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowDataDownload String When set to true, senders can download form data from the envelopes that they send. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowDataDownloadMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowDocumentDisclosures String Boolean that specifies whether disclosure documents can be included in envelopes. [optional]
allowDocumentDisclosuresMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowDocumentsOnSignedEnvelopes String Boolean that specifies whether notifications can include the envelope's signed document. [optional]
allowDocumentsOnSignedEnvelopesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowDocumentVisibility String When true, the Document Visibility feature is enabled for the account. [optional]
allowDocumentVisibilityMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEHankoStamps String When true, eHanko stamps are enabled. [optional]
allowEHankoStampsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowENoteEOriginal String Specifies whether eNote eOriginal integration is enabled. [optional]
allowENoteEOriginalMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEnvelopeCorrect String When set to true, the envelope correction feature is enabled. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowEnvelopeCorrectMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEnvelopeCustodyTransfer String Specifies whether the account is able to manage rules that transfer ownership of envelopes within the same account. [optional]
allowEnvelopeCustodyTransferMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEnvelopeCustomFields String Specifies whether envelope custom fields are enabled. [optional]
allowEnvelopeCustomFieldsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEnvelopePublishReporting String When set to true, envelope publishing reporting is enabled. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowEnvelopePublishReportingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowEnvelopeReporting String Specifies whether the account has access to reports. [optional]
allowEnvelopeReportingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowExpression String If the account plan does not include calculated fields, this setting allows an account to use them. [optional]
allowExpressionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowExpressSignerCertificate String When set to true, signers are required to use Express Digital Signatures. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowExpressSignerCertificateMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowExtendedSendingResourceFile String Boolean that specifies whether resource files can be used for extended sending. [optional]
allowExtendedSendingResourceFileMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowExternalSignaturePad String When set to true, the account can configure and use signature pads for their recipients. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowExternalSignaturePadMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowIDVLevel1 String When set to true, IDV Level 1 is allowed. The default value is false. [optional]
allowIDVLevel1Metadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowIDVPlatform String [optional]
allowIDVPlatformMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowInPerson String When set to true, the account administrator can enable in-person signing. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowInPersonMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowManagedStamps String When true, Managed Stamps are enabled. [optional]
allowManagedStampsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowMarkup String When set to true, the Document Markup feature is enabled. Note: To use this feature, Document Markup must be enabled at both the account and envelope levels. Only Admin users can change this setting for at the account level. [optional]
allowMarkupMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowMemberTimeZone String When set to true, account users can set their own time zone settings. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowMemberTimeZoneMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowMergeFields String When set to true, the account can use merge fields with DocuSign for Salesforce. [optional]
allowMergeFieldsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowMultipleBrandProfiles String Specifies whether the account supports multiple brands. [optional]
allowMultipleBrandProfilesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowMultipleSignerAttachments String When set to true, recipients can upload multiple signer attachments with a single attachment. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowMultipleSignerAttachmentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowNonUSPhoneAuth String Specifies whether users can use international numbers for phone authentication. [optional]
allowNonUSPhoneAuthMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowOcrOfEnvelopeDocuments String [optional]
allowOcrOfEnvelopeDocumentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowOfflineSigning String When set to true, offline signing is enabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowOfflineSigningMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowOpenTrustSignerCertificate String When set to true, senders can use OpenTrust signer certificates. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowOpenTrustSignerCertificateMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowOrganizations String Boolean that specifies whether DocuSign Admin is enabled for the account. [optional]
allowOrganizationsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowPaymentProcessing String When set to true, payment processing is enabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowPaymentProcessingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowPersonalSignerCertificate String When set to true, signers can use personal signer certificates. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowPersonalSignerCertificateMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowPhoneAuthentication String Boolean that specifies whether phone authentication is enabled for the account. [optional]
allowPhoneAuthenticationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowPhoneAuthOverride String Boolean that specifies whether users can override phone authentication. [optional]
allowPhoneAuthOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowPrivateSigningGroups String Reserved for DocuSign. This property returns the value false when listing account settings. Read only. [optional]
allowPrivateSigningGroupsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowReminders String When set to true, an account administrator can to turn on reminders and expiration defaults for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowRemindersMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowRemoteNotary String [optional]
allowRemoteNotaryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowResourceFileBranding String If true, resource files can be uploaded in branding. [optional]
allowResourceFileBrandingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSafeBioPharmaSignerCertificate String When set to true, account administrators can specify that signers are required to use SAFE-BioPharma digital signatures. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSafeBioPharmaSignerCertificateMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSecurityAppliance String Boolean that specifies whether a DocuSign Signature Appliance can be used with the account. [optional]
allowSecurityApplianceMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSendToCertifiedDelivery String If true, the account admin can enable the Send to Certified Delivery feature on the account. [optional]
allowSendToCertifiedDeliveryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSendToIntermediary String If true, the account admin can enable the Send to Intermediary feature on the account. [optional]
allowSendToIntermediaryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowServerTemplates String If true, the account can use templates. [optional]
allowServerTemplatesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSetEmbeddedRecipientStartURL String [optional]
allowSetEmbeddedRecipientStartURLMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSharedTabs String When set to true, shared tabs are enabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSharedTabsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSignatureStamps String When set to true, Signature Stamps are enabled. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSignatureStampsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSignDocumentFromHomePage String When set to true, recipients can sign documents from the home page. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSignDocumentFromHomePageMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSignerReassign String When set to true, the recipient of an envelope sent from this account can reassign it to another person. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSignerReassignMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSignerReassignOverride String When set to true, an account administrator can override the ability of an envelope recipient to reassign it to another person. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
allowSignerReassignOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSigningExtensions String Boolean that specifies whether Signing and App Extensions are allowed. [optional]
allowSigningExtensionsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSigningGroups String When set to true, the account allows signing groups. This setting is only shown in responses that list account settings. Read only. [optional]
allowSigningGroupsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSigningRadioDeselect String Boolean that specifies whether the account supports radio buttons on tabs Radio CustomTabType. [optional]
allowSigningRadioDeselectMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSignNow String If true, the account administrator can enable the Sign Now feature. [optional]
allowSignNowMetadata String Metadata that indicates whether the `allowSignNow` property is editable. [optional]
allowSMSDelivery String [optional]
allowSMSDeliveryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSocialIdLogin String Deprecated. [optional]
allowSocialIdLoginMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowSupplementalDocuments String When true, this user can include supplemental documents. [optional]
allowSupplementalDocumentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowUsersToAccessDirectory String [optional]
allowUsersToAccessDirectoryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
allowValueInsights String [optional]
allowValueInsightsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
anchorPopulationScope String This property determines how template anchor tabs are applied. Valid values are: - `document`: Anchor tabs are applied only to the document that you specify. - `envelope`: Anchor tabs are applied to all of the documents in the envelope associated with the template. Note: When you are using the `anchorPopulationScope` property with a Composite Template, the value `document` is supported only with a single server template and a single inline template. [optional]
anchorPopulationScopeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
anchorTagVersionedPlacementEnabled String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
anchorTagVersionedPlacementMetadataEnabled SettingsMetadata [optional]
attachCompletedEnvelope String When set to true, envelope documents are included as a PDF file attachment to "signing completed" emails. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
attachCompletedEnvelopeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
authenticationCheck String Sets when authentication checks are applied for recipient envelope access. This setting only applies to the following ID checks: - Phone Authentication - SMS Authentication - Knowledge-Based ID This setting takes one of the following options: - `initial_access`: The authentication check always applies the first time a recipient accesses the documents. Recipients are not asked to authenticate again when they access the documents from the same browser on the same device. If the recipient attempts to access the documents from a different browser or a different device, the recipient must pass authentication again. Once authenticated, that recipient is not challenged again on the new device or browser. The ability for a recipient to skip authentication for documents is limited to documents sent from the same sending account. - `each_access`: Authentication checks apply every time a recipient attempts to access the envelope. However, you can configure the Authentication Expiration setting to allow recipients to skip authentication when they have recently passed authentication by setting a variable time frame. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
authenticationCheckMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
autoNavRule String Specifies how auto-navigation works. Valid values are: - `off` - `required_fields` - `required_and_blank_fields` - `all_fields` - `page_then_required_fields` - `page_then_required_and_blank_fields` - `page_then_all_fields` [optional]
autoNavRuleMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
autoProvisionSignerAccount String Boolean that specifies whether to automatically provision a user membership in the account for accountless recipients. (Also known as Just-in-Time provisioning.) [optional]
autoProvisionSignerAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
bccEmailArchive String Boolean that specifies whether BCC for Email Archive is enabled for the account. BCC for Email Archive allows you to set up an archive email address so that a BCC copy of an envelope is sent only to that address. [optional]
bccEmailArchiveMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
betaSwitchConfiguration String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
betaSwitchConfigurationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
billingAddress AddressInformation [optional]
billingAddressMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
bulkSend String When true, this user can use the bulk send feature for the account. [optional]
bulkSendMaxCopiesInBatch String [optional]
bulkSendMaxUnprocessedEnvelopesCount String [optional]
bulkSendMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
canSelfBrandSend String When set to true, account administrators can self-brand their sending console through the DocuSign console. [optional]
canSelfBrandSendMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
canSelfBrandSign String When set to true, account administrators can self-brand their signing console through the DocuSign console. [optional]
canSelfBrandSignMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
canUseSalesforceOAuth String [optional]
canUseSalesforceOAuthMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
captureVoiceRecording String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
captureVoiceRecordingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
cfrUseWideImage String Boolean that specifies whether to use a shorter/wider format when generating the CFR Part 11 signature image. [optional]
cfrUseWideImageMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
checkForMultipleAdminsOnAccount String [optional]
checkForMultipleAdminsOnAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
chromeSignatureEnabled String Boolean that specifies whether the signers of the envelopes from this account use a signature with a DocuSign chrome around it or not. [optional]
chromeSignatureEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
commentEmailShowMessageText String When set to true, the text of comments is included in email notifications when a comment is posted. Note: If the envelope requires additional recipient authentication, comment text is not included. [optional]
commentEmailShowMessageTextMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
commentsAllowEnvelopeOverride String When set to true and comments are enabled for the account, senders can disable comments for an envelope through the Advanced Options menu that appears during the sending process. [optional]
commentsAllowEnvelopeOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
conditionalFieldsEnabled String When set to true, conditional fields can be used in documents. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
conditionalFieldsEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
consumerDisclosureFrequency String Speficies how often to display the consumer disclosure. Valid values are: - `once`: Per account, the supplemental document is displayed once only per `userId`. - `always`: Per envelope, the supplemental document is displayed once only per `userId`. - `each_access`: Per envelope, the supplemental document is displayed once only per `recipientId`. [optional]
consumerDisclosureFrequencyMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
convertPdfFields String Boolean that specifies whether to enable PDF form fields to get converted to DocuSign secure fields when the document is added or uploaded to an envelope. [optional]
convertPdfFieldsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
dataPopulationScope String Specifies how data is shared for tabs with the same tabLabel. Valid values are: - `document`: Tabs in a document with the same label populate with the same data. - `envelope`: Tabs in all documents in the envelope with the same label populate with the same data. This setting applies to the following tab types: - Check box - Company - Data field - Drop-down list - Full name - Formula - Note - Title Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. Changing this setting affects envelopes that have been sent but not completed. [optional]
dataPopulationScopeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableMobileApp String When true, the mobile app distributor key is prevented from connecting for account users. [optional]
disableMobileAppMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableMobilePushNotifications String When set to true, push notifications are disabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
disableMobilePushNotificationsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableMobileSending String When set to true, sending from a mobile application is disabled. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
disableMobileSendingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableMultipleSessions String When set to true, account users cannot be logged into multiple sessions at the same time. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
disableMultipleSessionsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disablePurgeNotificationsForSenderMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableSignerCertView String When true, signers cannot view certificates of completion. [optional]
disableSignerCertViewMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableSignerHistoryView String When true, signers cannot view envelope history. [optional]
disableSignerHistoryViewMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableStyleSignature String When true, the Select Style option is hidden from signers and they must draw their signature instead. [optional]
disableStyleSignatureMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableUploadSignature String When set to true, signers cannot upload custom image files of their signature and initials. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
disableUploadSignatureMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
disableUserSharing String When true, the User Sharing feature is disabled for the account. [optional]
disableUserSharingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
displayBetaSwitch String Boolean that specifies whether to display a Beta switch for your app. [optional]
displayBetaSwitchMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
documentConversionRestrictions String Sets the account document upload restriction for non-account administrators. Valid values are: - `no_restrictions`: There are no restrictions on the type of documents that can be uploaded. - `allow_pdf_only`: Non-administrators can only upload PDF files. - `no_upload`: Non-administrators cannot upload files. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
documentConversionRestrictionsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
documentRetention String Sets a document retention period, which controls the number of days that DocuSign retains documents after they have reached a completed,declined, or voided state. When document retention is enabled for the account, the default value is `356` days. [optional]
documentRetentionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
documentRetentionPurgeTabs String When set to true and `documentRetention` is set, document fields and metadata are also purged after the document retention period ends. The default value is false. Note: Only Admins can change this setting. [optional]
documentVisibility String Configures the Document Visibility feature for the account. Valid values are: - `Off`: Document Visibility is not active for the account. - `MustSignToViewUnlessSenderAccount`: Document Visibility is enabled for all envelopes sent from the account. Any member of the sending account can view all of the documents in an envelope. - `MustSignToViewUnlessSender`: Document Visibility is enabled for all envelopes sent from the account. Only the sender can view all of the documents in an envelope. - `SenderCanSetMustSignToViewUnlessSenderAccount`: The sender has the option to enable Document Visibility for an envelope. When enabled for an envelope, all of the documents within it are still visible to any member of the sending account. Vd- `SenderCanSetMustSignToViewUnlessSender`: The sender has the option to enable Document Visibility for an envelope. When enabled for an envelope, all of the documents in the envelope are visible only to the sender. Note: For this configuration to take effect, `allowDocumentVisibility` must be set to true. [optional]
documentVisibilityMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
emailTemplateVersion String Specifies the version of the email templates used in an account. If new signing is selected in a member's Admin page, the user is updated to the newest version (1.1), the minimum version of email supported for the account. [optional]
emailTemplateVersionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAccessCodeGenerator String When true, enables Access Code Generator on the account. [optional]
enableAccessCodeGeneratorMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAdvancedPayments String When true, enables Advanced Payments for the account. [optional]
enableAdvancedPaymentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAdvancedPowerForms String When true, enables advanced PowerForms for the account. [optional]
enableAdvancedPowerFormsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAgreementActionsForCLM String [optional]
enableAgreementActionsForCLMMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAgreementActionsForESign String [optional]
enableAgreementActionsForESignMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableAutoNav String When true, enables the account to set the AutoNav rule setting, which enables a sender to override the auto-navigation setting per envelope. Note: To change this setting, you must be a SysAdmin user or `EnableAutoNavByDSAdmin must be set. [optional]
enableAutoNavMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableCalculatedFields String When set to true, calculated fields are enabled for the account. Note: This setting can be changed only by Admin users, and only if the account-level setting `allowExpression` is set to true. [optional]
enableCalculatedFieldsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableClickwraps String Boolean that specifies whether clickwraps are enabled in your app. A clickwrap is an iframe that you embed in your own website or app. [optional]
enableClickwrapsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableCommentsHistoryDownloadInSigning String [optional]
enableCommentsHistoryDownloadInSigningMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableCustomerSatisfactionMetricTracking String When true, enables customer satisfaction metric tracking for the account. [optional]
enableCustomerSatisfactionMetricTrackingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableDSPro String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
enableDSProMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableEnvelopeStampingByAccountAdmin String When set to true, enables the account administrator to control envelope stamping for an account (stamping the `envelopeId` in the the document margins). Note: This setting can be changed only by Admin users, and only if the account-level setting `enableEnvelopeStampingByDSAdmin` is set to true. [optional]
enableEnvelopeStampingByAccountAdminMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableEnvelopeStampingByDSAdmin String When true, enables the DocuSign administrator to control envelope stamping for an account (placement of the `envelopeId`). [optional]
enableEnvelopeStampingByDSAdminMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableInBrowserEditor String [optional]
enableInBrowserEditorMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enablePaymentProcessing String When set to true, payment processing is enabled for this account. Note: This setting can be changed only by Admin users, and only if the account-level setting `allowPaymentProcessing` is set. [optional]
enablePaymentProcessingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enablePowerForm String When set to true, enables PowerForms for the account. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
enablePowerFormDirect String When set to true, enables direct PowerForms for an account. Direct PowerForms are in-session PowerForms. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enablePowerFormDirectMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enablePowerFormMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableRecipientDomainValidation String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
enableRecipientDomainValidationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableReportLinks String Enables direct links to envelopes in reports for administrators in the following scopes: - `NoEnvelopes` - `AllEnvelopes` - `OnlyOwnEnvelopes` [optional]
enableReportLinksMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableRequireSignOnPaper String When set to true, the account can use the `requireSignOnPaper` option. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableRequireSignOnPaperMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableReservedDomain String When true, account administrators can reserve a web domain and users. Domains are organization-specific reserved internet domains, such as ``. You can define policy settings for users of each reserved domain within your organization, export lists of domain users for audit purposes, and manage domain users. - Domains may be claimed by an organization. - When a domain is claimed by an organization, all users within that domain are added to the organization, even if they have trial or free accounts. - You can set domain controls for all users of the domain. - You can export information about your organization’s users that are associated with your reserved domains. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableReservedDomainMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableResponsiveSigning String When true, enables responsive signing. [optional]
enableResponsiveSigningMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableScheduledRelease String When set to true, scheduled releases are enabled. The default value is false. [optional]
enableScheduledReleaseMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSearchUI String [optional]
enableSearchUIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSendingTagsFontSettings String When true, enables fonts to be set on tags for the account. [optional]
enableSendingTagsFontSettingsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSendToAgent String When true, this account can use the Agent recipient type. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSendToAgentMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSendToIntermediary String When set to true, this account can use the Intermediary recipient type. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting, and only if `allowSendToIntermediary` is set. [optional]
enableSendToIntermediaryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSendToManage String When set to true, this account can use the Editor recipient type. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSendToManageMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSequentialSigningAPI String When set to true, the account can define the routing order of recipients for envelopes sent by using the eSignature API. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSequentialSigningAPIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSequentialSigningUI String When set to true, the account can define the routing order of recipients for envelopes sent by using the DocuSign application. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSequentialSigningUIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSignerAttachments String When set to true, users can use the signing attachments feature to request attachments from signers. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSignerAttachmentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSigningExtensionComments String When set to true, enables comments for the account so that signers and recipients can make and respond to comments in documents belonging to the envelopes that they are sent. [optional]
enableSigningExtensionCommentsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSigningExtensionConversations String When true, enables conversation functionality. [optional]
enableSigningExtensionConversationsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSigningOrderSettingsForAccount String When true, switches Signing Order to On by default for new envelopes. [optional]
enableSigningOrderSettingsForAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSignOnPaper String When set to true, a sender can allow signers to use the sign on paper option. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSignOnPaperMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSignOnPaperOverride String When set to true, a user can override the default default account setting for the Sign on Paper option, which specifies whether signers can sign documents on paper as an option to signing electronically. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSignOnPaperOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSignWithNotary String When set to true, Sign with Notary functionality is enabled for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSignWithNotaryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSmartContracts String When set to true, blockchain-based Smart Contracts are enabled. The default value is false. [optional]
enableSmartContractsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSMSAuthentication String When set to true, the account can use SMS authentication. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
enableSMSAuthenticationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableSocialIdLogin String Deprecated. [optional]
enableSocialIdLoginMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableStrikeThrough String When true, enables strikethrough formatting in documents. [optional]
enableStrikeThroughMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableTransactionPoint String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
enableTransactionPointMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableVaulting String When set to true, Vaulting is enabled for the account. [optional]
enableVaultingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enableWitnessing String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
enableWitnessingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
enforceTemplateNameUniqueness String When true, the template name must be unique. [optional]
enforceTemplateNameUniquenessMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
envelopeIntegrationAllowed String Shows the envelope integration rule for the account, which indicates whether custom admins can enable Connect for their accounts. Enumeration values are: - `not_allowed` - `full` Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
envelopeIntegrationAllowedMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
envelopeIntegrationEnabled String When true, enables Connect for an account. Note that Connect integration requires additional configuration that must be set up for it to take effect; this switch is only the on/off control for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting, and only when `envelopeIntegrationAllowed` is set. [optional]
envelopeIntegrationEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
envelopeStampingDefaultValue String When set to true, envelopes sent by this account automatically have the envelope ID stamped in the document margins, unless the sender selects not to have the documents stamped. [optional]
envelopeStampingDefaultValueMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
expressSend String Boolean that specifies whether a member of an account can express send (without tags) or must send with tags on documents. [optional]
expressSendAllowTabs String Boolean that specifies whether a member of an account can send templates without the tags being stripped out, even when the account is configured to let its users express send only (they cannot use the tagger). [optional]
expressSendAllowTabsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
expressSendMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
externalDocumentSources ExternalDocumentSources [optional]
externalSignaturePadType String Specifies the signature pad type. Valid values are: - `none` - `topaz` - `e_padv9` - `e_pad_integrisign` - `topaz_sigplusextlite` Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
externalSignaturePadTypeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
faxOutEnabled String When set to true, fax delivery to recipients is allowed for the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
faxOutEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
guidedFormsHtmlAllowed String When set to true, HTML used to implement Guided Forms is enabled for the account. [optional]
guidedFormsHtmlAllowedMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
hideAccountAddressInCoC String Boolean that specifies whether to hide the account address in the Certificate of Completion. [optional]
hideAccountAddressInCoCMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
hidePricing String Boolean that specifies whether to hide the pricing functionality for an account. [optional]
hidePricingMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
idCheckConfigurations [IdCheckConfiguration] A list of ID check configuration objects. [optional]
idCheckExpire String Determines when a user's authentication with the account expires. Valid values are: - `always`: Users are required to authenticate each time. - `variable`: If the authentication for a user is valid and falls within the value for the `idCheckExpireDays` property, the user is not required to authenticate again. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
idCheckExpireDays String The number of days before user authentication credentials expire. A value of `0` specifies that users must re-authenticate for each new session. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
idCheckExpireDaysMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
idCheckExpireMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
idCheckExpireMinutes String The number of minutes before user authentication credentials expire. [optional]
idCheckExpireMinutesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
idCheckRequired String Indicates if authentication is configured for the account. Valid values are: - `always`: Authentication checks are performed on every envelope. - `never`: Authentication checks are not performed on any envelopes. - `optional`: Authentication is configurable per envelope. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
idCheckRequiredMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
identityVerification [AccountIdentityVerificationWorkflow] [optional]
identityVerificationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
ignoreErrorIfAnchorTabNotFound String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
ignoreErrorIfAnchorTabNotFoundMetadataEnabled SettingsMetadata [optional]
inPersonIDCheckQuestion String A text field containing the question that an in-person signing host uses to collect personal information from the recipient. The recipient's response to this question is saved and can be viewed in the certificate associated with the envelope. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
inPersonIDCheckQuestionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
inPersonSigningEnabled String When true, in-person signing is enabled for the account. [optional]
inPersonSigningEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
inSessionEnabled String When true, the account can send in-session (embedded) envelopes. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
inSessionEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
inSessionSuppressEmails String When set to true, emails are not sent to the in-session (embedded) recipients on an envelope. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
inSessionSuppressEmailsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
maximumSigningGroups String The maximum number of signing groups allowed on the account. The default value is `50`. This setting is only shown in responses that list account settings. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
maximumSigningGroupsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
maximumUsersPerSigningGroup String The maximum number of users per signing group. The default value is `50`. This setting is only shown in responses that list account settings. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
maximumUsersPerSigningGroupMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
maxNumberOfCustomStamps String The maximum number of custom stamps. [optional]
mobileSessionTimeout String The number of minutes of inactivity before a mobile user is automatically logged out of the system. Valid values are `1` to `120` minutes. The default value is `20` minutes. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
mobileSessionTimeoutMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
numberOfActiveCustomStamps String The number of active custom stamps associated with the account. DocuSign calculates this number automatically. This property is only visible to the DocuSign account manager. [optional]
optInMobileSigningV02 String Boolean that specifies whether to opt in for Signing v02 on Mobile Devices functionality. [optional]
optInMobileSigningV02Metadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
optOutAutoNavTextAndTabColorUpdates String Boolean that allows envelope senders to opt out of the recipient signing auto-navigation feature and opt out of updating tab font color. [optional]
optOutAutoNavTextAndTabColorUpdatesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
optOutNewPlatformSeal String Boolean that specifies whether to allow envelope senders to opt out of using the new platform seal. [optional]
optOutNewPlatformSealPlatformMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
phoneAuthRecipientMayProvidePhoneNumber String When set to true, senders can allow recipients to provide a phone number for the Phone Authentication process. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
phoneAuthRecipientMayProvidePhoneNumberMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
pkiSignDownloadedPDFDocs String The policy for adding a digital certificate to downloaded, printed, and emailed documents. Possible values are: - `no_sign` - `no_sign_allow_user_override` - `yes_sign` (Specifies that PDF files downloaded from the platform are signed.) Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
pkiSignDownloadedPDFDocsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
recipientsCanSignOffline String When set to true, recipients receiving envelopes from this account can sign offline. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
recipientsCanSignOfflineMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
recipientSigningAutoNavigationControl String When set to true, recipients receiving envelopes from this account can override auto-navigation functionality. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
recipientSigningAutoNavigationControlMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
require21CFRpt11Compliance String When set to true, recipients are required to use a 21 CFR part 11-compliant signing experience. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
require21CFRpt11ComplianceMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
requireDeclineReason String When set to true, signers who decline to sign an envelope sent from this account are required to provide a reason for declining. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
requireDeclineReasonMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
requireExternalUserManagement String When set to true, the account requires external management of users. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
requireExternalUserManagementMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
requireSignerCertificateType String Sets the Digital Signature certificate requirements for sending envelopes. Valid values are: - `none`: A Digital Signature certificate is not required. - `docusign_express`: Signers must use a DocuSign Express certificate. - `docusign_personal`: Signers must use a DocuSign personal certificate. - `safe` - `open_trust`: Signers must use an OpenTrust certificate. [optional]
requireSignerCertificateTypeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
rsaVeridAccountName String The RSA account name. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. Modifying this value may disrupt your ID Check capability. Ensure you have the correct value before changing it. [optional]
rsaVeridPassword String The password for the RSA account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. Modifying this value may disrupt your ID Check capability. Ensure you have the correct value before changing it. [optional]
rsaVeridRuleset String The RSA rule set used with the account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. Modifying this value may disrupt your ID Check capability. Ensure you have the correct value before changing it. [optional]
rsaVeridUserId String The user ID for the RSA account. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. Modifying this value may disrupt your ID Check capability. Ensure you have the correct value before changing it. [optional]
selfSignedRecipientEmailDocument String Sets how self-signed documents are presented to the email recipients. Valid values are: - `include_pdf`: A PDF of the completed document is attached to the email. - `include_link`: A secure link to the self-signed documents is included in the email. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
selfSignedRecipientEmailDocumentMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
selfSignedRecipientEmailDocumentUserOverride String When set to true, the `selfSignedRecipientEmailDocument` user setting can be set for an individual user. The user setting overrides the account setting. Note: Only Admin users can change this account setting. [optional]
selfSignedRecipientEmailDocumentUserOverrideMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
senderCanSignInEachLocation String When set to true, a signer can draw their signature in each location where a sign or initial tab exists. This functionality is typically used for mobile signing. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
senderCanSignInEachLocationMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
senderMustAuthenticateSigning String When set to true, a sender who is also a recipient of an envelope must follow the authentication requirements for the envelope. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
senderMustAuthenticateSigningMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sendingTagsFontColor String The account-wide default font color to use for the content of the tab. Valid values are: - `Black` - `BrightBlue` - `BrightRed` - `DarkGreen` - `DarkRed` - `Gold` - `Green` - `NavyBlue` - `Purple` - `White` [optional]
sendingTagsFontColorMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sendingTagsFontName String The account-wide default font to be used for the tab value. Supported fonts include: - `Default` - `Arial` - `ArialNarrow` - `Calibri` - `CourierNew` - `Garamond` - `Georgia` - `Helvetica` - `LucidaConsole` - `MSGothic` - `MSMincho` - `OCR-A` - `Tahoma` - `TimesNewRoman` - `Trebuchet` - `Verdana` [optional]
sendingTagsFontNameMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sendingTagsFontSize String The account-wide default font size used for the information in the tab: - `Size7` - `Size8` - `Size9` - `Size10` - `Size11` - `Size12` - `Size14` - `Size16` - `Size18` - `Size20` - `Size22` - `Size24` - `Size26` - `Size28` - `Size36` - `Size48` - `Size72` [optional]
sendingTagsFontSizeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sendToCertifiedDeliveryEnabled String When true, the account can use the certified deliveries recipient type. [optional]
sendToCertifiedDeliveryEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sessionTimeout String The amount of idle activity time, in minutes, before a user is automatically logged out of the system. The minimum setting is 20 minutes and the maximum setting is 120 minutes. [optional]
sessionTimeoutMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
setRecipEmailLang String When set to true, senders can set the email language to use for each recipient. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
setRecipEmailLangMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
setRecipSignLang String If true, setting a unique language for a recipient not only affects the email language, but also the signing language they are presented with. If false, only the email will be affected when the sender specifies a unique language for a recipient. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
setRecipSignLangMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
sharedTemplateFolders String Boolean that specifies whether an account can use Shared Template Folders. [optional]
sharedTemplateFoldersMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
showCompleteDialogInEmbeddedSession String Boolean that specifies whether complete dialogs are displayed directly within an application in embedded signing sessions. [optional]
showCompleteDialogInEmbeddedSessionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
showConditionalRoutingOnSend String When set to true, Conditional Routing options display to senders during the sending experience. [optional]
showConditionalRoutingOnSendMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
showInitialConditionalFields String Boolean that specifies whether conditional field options are initially displayed (before a user makes entries). [optional]
showInitialConditionalFieldsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
showLocalizedWatermarks String Boolean that specifies whether localized watermarks are displayed. [optional]
showLocalizedWatermarksMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
showTutorials String If true, show tutorials. [optional]
showTutorialsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signatureProviders [String] Names of electronic or digital signature providers that can be used. [optional]
signatureProvidersMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signDateFormat String The format for the signature date. Valid values are: - `d/M/yyyy` - `dd-MM-yy` - `dd-MMM-yy` - `dd-MM-yyyy` - `dd.MM.yyyy` - `dd-MMM-yyyy` - `dd MMMM yyyy` - `M/d/yyyy` - `MM-dd-yyyy` - `MM/dd/yyyy` - `MM/dd/yy` - `MMM-dd-yyyy` - `MMM d, yyyy` - `MMMM d, yyyy` - `yyyy-MM-dd` - `yyyy-MMM-dd` - `yyyy/MM/dd` - `yyyy MMMM d` Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signDateFormatMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerAttachCertificateToEnvelopePDF String When set to true, the Certificate of Completion is included in the PDF of the envelope documents when it is downloaded. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerAttachCertificateToEnvelopePDFMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerAttachConcat String When set to true, signer attachments are added to the parent document that contains the attachment. The default behavior creates a new document in the envelope for every signer attachment. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerAttachConcatMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerCanCreateAccount String When set to true, a signer can create a DocuSign account after signing. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerCanCreateAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerCanSignOnMobile String When set to true, recipients can sign on a mobile device. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerCanSignOnMobileMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerInSessionUseEnvelopeCompleteEmail String When set to true, an "envelope complete" email is sent to an in-session (embedded) or offline signer after DocuSign processes the envelope if in-session emails are not suppressed. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerInSessionUseEnvelopeCompleteEmailMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerLoginRequirements String Sets the login requirements for signers. Valid values are: - `login_not_required`: Signers are not required to log in. - `login_required_if_account_holder`: If the signer has a DocuSign account, they must log in to sign the document. - `login_required_per_session`: The sender cannot send an envelope to anyone who does not have a DocuSign account. - `login_required_per_envelope`: The sender cannot send an envelope to anyone who does not have a DocuSign account, and the signer must also log in for each envelope they will sign. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. If you use Direct PowerForms or captive (embedded signers), the "Account required" settings are bypassed for those signers. If your workflow requires that the signer have an account, you should not use those methods. [optional]
signerLoginRequirementsMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerMustHaveAccount String When set to true, senders can only send an envelope to a recipient that has a DocuSign account. Note: Only Account Administrators can change this setting. [optional]
signerMustHaveAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerMustLoginToSign String When set to true, signers must log in to the DocuSign platform to sign an envelope. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerMustLoginToSignMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signerShowSecureFieldInitialValues String When set to true, the initial values of all SecureFields are written to the document when it is sent. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
signerShowSecureFieldInitialValuesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signingSessionTimeout String The number of minutes that a signing session stays alive without any activity. [optional]
signingSessionTimeoutMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signingUiVersion String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
signingUiVersionMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signTimeFormat String The format for the signature time. Valid values are: - `none` - `HH:mm` - `h:mm` - `HH:mm:ss` - `h:mm:ss` [optional]
signTimeFormatMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
signTimeShowAmPm String If true, the time shows the AM or PM indicator. [optional]
signTimeShowAmPmMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
simplifiedSendingEnabled String When set to true, simplified sending is enabled for the account. The default value is false. [optional]
simplifiedSendingEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
singleSignOnEnabled String If true, single sign-on (SSO) is enabled. [optional]
singleSignOnEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
skipAuthCompletedEnvelopes String If true, do not require authentication prompt for viewing completed envelopes [optional]
skipAuthCompletedEnvelopesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
socialIdRecipAuth String If true, recipients can use social ids when signing [optional]
socialIdRecipAuthMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
specifyDocumentVisibility String When true, senders can specify the visibility of the documents in an envelope at the recipient level. [optional]
specifyDocumentVisibilityMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
startInAdvancedCorrect String If true, when initiating correction of an in-flight envelope the sender starts in advanced correct mode. [optional]
startInAdvancedCorrectMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustAccept String When set to true, account users must accept supplemental documents when signing. [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustAcceptMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustRead String When set to true, account users must both view and accept supplemental documents when signing. [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustReadMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustView String When set to true, account users must view supplemental documents when signing. [optional]
supplementalDocumentsMustViewMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
suppressCertificateEnforcement String Boolean that specifies whether or not API calls require a x509 cert in the header of the call. [optional]
suppressCertificateEnforcementMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
tabAccountSettings TabAccountSettings [optional]
timezoneOffsetAPI String Specifies the time zone to use with the API. Valid values are: - `TZ_01_AfghanistanStandardTime` - `TZ_02_AlaskanStandardTime` - `TZ_03_ArabStandardTime` - `TZ_04_ArabianStandardTime` - `TZ_05_ArabicStandardTime` - `TZ_06_ArgentinaStandardTime` - `TZ_07_AtlanticStandardTime` - `TZ_08_AUS_CentralStandardTime` - `TZ_09_AUS_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_10_AzerbaijanStandardTime` - `TZ_11_AzoresStandardTime` - `TZ_12_BangladeshStandardTime` - `TZ_13_CanadaCentralStandardTime` - `TZ_14_CapeVerdeStandardTime` - `TZ_15_CaucasusStandardTime` - `TZ_16_CentralAustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_17_CentralAmericaStandardTime` - `TZ_18_CentralAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_19_CentralBrazilianStandardTime` - `TZ_20_CentralEuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_21_CentralEuropeanStandardTime` - `TZ_22_CentralPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_23_CentralStandardTime` - `TZ_24_CentralStandardTimeMexico` - `TZ_25_ChinaStandardTime` - `TZ_26_DatelineStandardTime` - `TZ_27_E_AfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_28_E_AustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_29_E_EuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_30_E_SouthAmericaStandardTime` - `TZ_31_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_32_EgyptStandardTime` - `TZ_33_EkaterinburgStandardTime` - `TZ_34_FijiStandardTime` - `TZ_35_FLE_StandardTime` - `TZ_36_GeorgianStandardTime` - `TZ_37_GMT_StandardTime` - `TZ_38_GreenlandStandardTime` - `TZ_39_GreenwichStandardTime` - `TZ_40_GTB_StandardTime` - `TZ_41_HawaiianStandardTime` - `TZ_42_IndiaStandardTime` - `TZ_43_IranStandardTime` - `TZ_44_IsraelStandardTime` - `TZ_45_JordanStandardTime` - `TZ_46_KaliningradStandardTime` - `TZ_47_KamchatkaStandardTime` - `TZ_48_KoreaStandardTime` - `TZ_49_MagadanStandardTime` - `TZ_50_MauritiusStandardTime` - `TZ_51_MidAtlanticStandardTime` - `TZ_52_MiddleEastStandardTime` - `TZ_53_MontevideoStandardTime` - `TZ_54_MoroccoStandardTime` - `TZ_55_MountainStandardTime` - `TZ_56_MountainStandardTimeMMexico` - `TZ_57_MyanmarStandardTime` - `TZ_58_N_CentralAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_59_NamibiaStandardTime` - `TZ_60_NepalStandardTime` - `TZ_61_NewZealandStandardTime` - `TZ_62_NewfoundlandStandardTime` - `TZ_63_NorthAsiaEastStandardTime` - `TZ_64_NorthAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_65_PacificSAStandardTime` - `TZ_66_PacificStandardTime` - `TZ_67_PacificStandardTimeMexico` - `TZ_68_PakistanStandardTime` - `TZ_69_ParaguayStandardTime` - `TZ_70_RomanceStandardTime` - `TZ_71_RussianStandardTime` - `TZ_72_SAEasternStandardTime` - `TZ_73_SAPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_74_SAWesternStandardTime` - `TZ_75_SamoaStandardTime` - `TZ_76_SE_AsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_77_SingaporeStandardTime` - `TZ_78_SouthAfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_79_SriLankaStandardTime` - `TZ_80_SyriaStandardTime` - `TZ_81_TaipeiStandardTime` - `TZ_82_TasmaniaStandardTime` - `TZ_83_TokyoStandardTime` - `TZ_84_TongaStandardTime` - `TZ_85_TurkeyStandardTime` - `TZ_86_UlaanbaatarStandardTime` - `TZ_87_US_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_88_USMountainStandardTime` - `TZ_89_VenezuelaStandardTime` - `TZ_90_VladivostokStandardTime` - `TZ_91_W_AustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_92_W_CentralAfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_93_W_EuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_94_WestAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_95_WestPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_96_YakutskStandardTime` [optional]
timezoneOffsetAPIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
timezoneOffsetUI String Specifies the time zone to use in the UI. Valid values are: - `TZ_01_AfghanistanStandardTime` - `TZ_02_AlaskanStandardTime` - `TZ_03_ArabStandardTime` - `TZ_04_ArabianStandardTime` - `TZ_05_ArabicStandardTime` - `TZ_06_ArgentinaStandardTime` - `TZ_07_AtlanticStandardTime` - `TZ_08_AUS_CentralStandardTime` - `TZ_09_AUS_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_10_AzerbaijanStandardTime` - `TZ_11_AzoresStandardTime` - `TZ_12_BangladeshStandardTime` - `TZ_13_CanadaCentralStandardTime` - `TZ_14_CapeVerdeStandardTime` - `TZ_15_CaucasusStandardTime` - `TZ_16_CentralAustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_17_CentralAmericaStandardTime` - `TZ_18_CentralAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_19_CentralBrazilianStandardTime` - `TZ_20_CentralEuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_21_CentralEuropeanStandardTime` - `TZ_22_CentralPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_23_CentralStandardTime` - `TZ_24_CentralStandardTimeMexico` - `TZ_25_ChinaStandardTime` - `TZ_26_DatelineStandardTime` - `TZ_27_E_AfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_28_E_AustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_29_E_EuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_30_E_SouthAmericaStandardTime` - `TZ_31_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_32_EgyptStandardTime` - `TZ_33_EkaterinburgStandardTime` - `TZ_34_FijiStandardTime` - `TZ_35_FLE_StandardTime` - `TZ_36_GeorgianStandardTime` - `TZ_37_GMT_StandardTime` - `TZ_38_GreenlandStandardTime` - `TZ_39_GreenwichStandardTime` - `TZ_40_GTB_StandardTime` - `TZ_41_HawaiianStandardTime` - `TZ_42_IndiaStandardTime` - `TZ_43_IranStandardTime` - `TZ_44_IsraelStandardTime` - `TZ_45_JordanStandardTime` - `TZ_46_KaliningradStandardTime` - `TZ_47_KamchatkaStandardTime` - `TZ_48_KoreaStandardTime` - `TZ_49_MagadanStandardTime` - `TZ_50_MauritiusStandardTime` - `TZ_51_MidAtlanticStandardTime` - `TZ_52_MiddleEastStandardTime` - `TZ_53_MontevideoStandardTime` - `TZ_54_MoroccoStandardTime` - `TZ_55_MountainStandardTime` - `TZ_56_MountainStandardTimeMMexico` - `TZ_57_MyanmarStandardTime` - `TZ_58_N_CentralAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_59_NamibiaStandardTime` - `TZ_60_NepalStandardTime` - `TZ_61_NewZealandStandardTime` - `TZ_62_NewfoundlandStandardTime` - `TZ_63_NorthAsiaEastStandardTime` - `TZ_64_NorthAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_65_PacificSAStandardTime` - `TZ_66_PacificStandardTime` - `TZ_67_PacificStandardTimeMexico` - `TZ_68_PakistanStandardTime` - `TZ_69_ParaguayStandardTime` - `TZ_70_RomanceStandardTime` - `TZ_71_RussianStandardTime` - `TZ_72_SAEasternStandardTime` - `TZ_73_SAPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_74_SAWesternStandardTime` - `TZ_75_SamoaStandardTime` - `TZ_76_SE_AsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_77_SingaporeStandardTime` - `TZ_78_SouthAfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_79_SriLankaStandardTime` - `TZ_80_SyriaStandardTime` - `TZ_81_TaipeiStandardTime` - `TZ_82_TasmaniaStandardTime` - `TZ_83_TokyoStandardTime` - `TZ_84_TongaStandardTime` - `TZ_85_TurkeyStandardTime` - `TZ_86_UlaanbaatarStandardTime` - `TZ_87_US_EasternStandardTime` - `TZ_88_USMountainStandardTime` - `TZ_89_VenezuelaStandardTime` - `TZ_90_VladivostokStandardTime` - `TZ_91_W_AustraliaStandardTime` - `TZ_92_W_CentralAfricaStandardTime` - `TZ_93_W_EuropeStandardTime` - `TZ_94_WestAsiaStandardTime` - `TZ_95_WestPacificStandardTime` - `TZ_96_YakutskStandardTime` [optional]
timezoneOffsetUIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
universalSignatureOptIn String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
useAccountLevelEmail String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
useAccountLevelEmailMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useConsumerDisclosure String When set to true, the account uses an Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Statement. Note: Only Admin users can change this setting. [optional]
useConsumerDisclosureMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useConsumerDisclosureWithinAccount String When set to true, specifies that recipients in the same account as the sender must agree to eSign an Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Statement. [optional]
useConsumerDisclosureWithinAccountMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useDerivedKeys String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
useDerivedKeysMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useDocuSignExpressSignerCertificate String If true, signers are required to use Express Digital Signatures. [optional]
useDocuSignExpressSignerCertificateMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useMultiAppGroupsData String [optional]
useMultiAppGroupsDataMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useNewBlobForPdf String Reserved for DocuSign. [optional]
useNewBlobForPdfMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useSAFESignerCertificates String If true, signers are required to use SAFE digital signatures. [optional]
useSAFESignerCertificatesMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
usesAPI String When set to true, the account can use the API. Note: Only SysAdmin users can change this setting. [optional]
usesAPIMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
useSignatureProviderPlatform String Boolean that specifies whether the account uses the digital signature provider platform to eSign. [optional]
useSignatureProviderPlatformMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
validationsAllowed String Boolean that specifies whether validations on recipient email domains are allowed. [optional]
validationsAllowedMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
validationsBrand String Valid values are: - `docusign` - `account` [optional]
validationsBrandMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
validationsCadence String Valid values are: - `none` - `monthly` [optional]
validationsCadenceMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
validationsEnabled String If true, enables validations. [optional]
validationsEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
validationsReport String Valid values are: - `none` - `life_sciences_part11` [optional]
validationsReportMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
waterMarkEnabled String If true, the watermark feature is enabled for the account. [optional]
waterMarkEnabledMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
writeReminderToEnvelopeHistory String If true, sent reminders are included in the envelope history. [optional]
writeReminderToEnvelopeHistoryMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]
wurflMinAllowableScreenSize String The smallest screen allowed. [optional]
wurflMinAllowableScreenSizeMetadata SettingsMetadata [optional]

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