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mwaylabs edited this page Jan 20, 2011 · 8 revisions

Building your first application

**First install node.js **

=== Mac OS X or Linux ===

see description here:

  • Tested with node 0.2.6

=== Installing node.js on Windows ===

On Windows you need to run node.js in Cygwin

Read the instructions here:

  • Tested with node 0.2.5 on Windows 7

Get Espresso

You can download the latest version of Espresso, containing all need files, from here

Or from git. Therefor make sure git is installed on your computer. Open the terminal and type:

  git clone git://

Browse into the generated Espresso folder and type:

  node m-init.js -w myFirstProject

3.) Espresso should prompt with:

 style.css generated!
 m-build.js generated!
 m-server.js generated!
 m-gen.js generated!
 config.json generated!
 main.js generated!

Alexanders-MacBook-Pro:Espresso alexander$ cd ..
Alexanders-MacBook-Pro:Arbeit alexander$ cd Apps/

3.) A new Folder called 'Apps' was created, this folder is a container for all of your The-M-Project Applications. The Apps folder, is located in the same directory as you have installed Espresso into. Type:

cd ..
cd Apps/

4.) To build the application type, from inside of /Apps/myFirstProject, : This will generate a basic application, with one page, header and footer ... displaying the text: "Welcome to The M-Project"

cd myFirstProject/
node m-server.js

Espresso should prompt with:

Building application: "myFirstProject"
Building components:
calling build() for: "myFirstProject_App"
calling build() for: "myFirstProject_AppResources"
calling build() for: "core"
calling build() for: "ui"
calling build() for: "jquery"
calling build() for: "jquery_mobile"
calling build() for: "underscore"
calling build() for: "themes"
calling build() for: "IndexHtml"
IndexHtml: done
=== used resouces ===
myFirstProject_AppResources: done
jquery: done
jquery_mobile: done
underscore: done
ui: done
myFirstProject_App: done
core: done
themes: done
Server running at

Open the url in your browser. (WebKit based Browser is recommended, Google Chrome or Safari )

Server running at

You should see the following:

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