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93 lines (45 loc) · 3.93 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (45 loc) · 3.93 KB

Error Listing

Each error has a name that can be used in the -i flag to ignore it.


  • BadEntry: The policy file contains an entry that is not a dictionary.

  • BadPolicyFormat: The policy file didn't have the expected structure.

  • BadPolicy: A policy file was not valid JSON.

  • CourseXMLDoesNotExist: The supplied course.xml file does not exist (or could not be opened).

  • DuplicateID: A discussion ID is duplicated. This leads to the discussion forums randomly telling students that threads have been deleted.

  • DuplicateURLName: Two tags have the same url_name attribute. This can lead to the wrong content loading, and seriously impedes this program's error analysis.

  • FileDoesNotExist: The file being pointed to does not exist.

  • GradingPolicyIssue: A catch-all error for issues in the grading policy.

  • InvalidHTML: The specified HTML file has a syntax error.

  • InvalidPointer: This tag appears to be trying to point to another file, but contains unexpected attributes, and is hence not pointing.

  • InvalidSetting: A setting has been set to an invalid value.

  • InvalidXML: The specified XML file has a syntax error.

  • LTIError: There appears to be an error in the way that an LTI component is being invoked.

  • NoRunName: The course tag has no url_name, and hence no run name. This is a required parameter for a course.

  • PolicyNotFound: A policy file was not found.

  • SelfPointer: A tag appears to be pointing to itself.

  • TagMismatch: A file purporting to contain a specific tag type (e.g., problem or chapter) instead contains a different tag.

  • UnexpectedContent: A tag contains unexpected text content.

  • UnexpectedTag: A tag was found in an inappropriate location (e.g., a vertical in a chapter), or the tag was not recognized.

  • WrongObjectType: The policy file references an object of one type, but that object is found in the course with another type.


  • BadCourseLink: An internal /course/ link points to a location that doesn't exist.

  • BadJumpToLink: An internal jump_to_id link points to a url_name that doesn't exist.

  • CourseXMLName: The master file was not called course.xml.

  • DateOrdering: A date setting appears out of order with another date setting.

  • EmptyTag: A tag was unexpectedly empty (e.g., a chapter tag had no children).

  • ExtraDisplayName: A tag has a display_name attribute when it shouldn't.

  • ExtraURLName: A tag that had been pointed to by url_name from another file has a url_name of its own.

  • MissingDisplayName: A tag is missing the display_name attribute. edX will fill a generic name for you.

  • MissingFile: A file appears to be missing from the static directory.

  • MissingURLName: A tag is missing the url_name attribute. edX will provide a garbage 32-character name for you, but everything is cleaner if you provide a nice name yourself.

  • NonFlatFilename: A filename pointer for an HTML file uses colon notation to point to a subdirectory. While partially supported, this is not recommended.

  • NonFlatURLName: A url_name pointer uses colon notation to point to a subdirectory. While partially supported, this is not recommended.

  • PolicyRefNotFound: The policy file references an object that doesn't exist.

  • PossibleHTMLPointer: This HTML tag looks like it isn't a pointer tag, but a file exists that it could be trying to point to.

  • PossiblePointer: This tag looks like it isn't a pointer tag, but a file exists that it could be trying to point to. (This file is thus orphaned, as no other tag can point to it due to url_name clashes.)

  • SettingOverride: The policy file is overriding a setting specified in a file.


  • DuplicateHTMLName: Two HTML tags point to the same HTML file (filename attribute). While this isn't obviously problematic, probably best not to do it.

  • Obsolete: The way this object has been set up is obsolete.


(Currently no errors in this category)