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502 lines (335 loc) · 15 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Update valueBinding() to automatically parse the passed model value to String

[1.0.0-alpha.35] - 2022-11-02


Highlights of breaking changes from the log further down:

Namespace $element bindings on component refs

To avoid child component props to clash with DOM bindings when using a reserved binding name the new $element namespace was created. Inside you'll have access to the ref component element bindings, and outside the component props are available.

  setup({ refs }) {
    return [
      bind(refs.child, {
         // component prop
        style: computed(() => 'some-value'),
        // element bindings
        $element: {
          style: computed(() => { 'font-weight': 400 }),

If you have a component that is accessing the child component's element bindings, you'll need to move those bindings inside the $element namespace


New and exciting additions from the log further down:

New custom prop type source

If you need to extract a value not supported by the other source types you can use the new custom source

  name: 'my-component',
  refs: { title: 'title' },
  props: {
    // grab the length of the title component.
    // outputs "32" (as a number)
    characterCount: propType.number.source({ 
      target: 'title',
      type: 'custom', 
      options: {
        // function used for extracting the value
        customSource: (element: HTMLElement | Array<HTMLElement> | undefined) =>
          (element as HTMLElement)!.innerHTML.length;
<div data-component="my-component">
  <h1 data-ref="title">This title is 32 characters long</h1>

See the docs for propType source for more details.

New form source for extracting values from inputs

For extraction of initial input values you can use the new form source

  name: 'my-component',
  refs: {
    email: 'email',
  props: {
    // get the value from the email ref
    // outputs "[email protected]"
    email: propType.string.source(
      { target: 'email', type: 'form'},
<div data-component="my-component">
  <input type="text" data-ref="email" value="[email protected]"/>

See the docs for propType source for more details.


  • Add event binding to refComponents
  • Add the 'custom' propType.source for user-defined extraction functions
  • Add form source, allowing you to easily extract initial values from forms or inputs


  • Change style binding types to support null and undefined values
  • Namespace $element bindings on component refs

[1.0.0-alpha.34] - 2022-04-15


  • Fixed Jest compatibility by renaming the global const.

[1.0.0-alpha.33] - 2022-04-14


  • Fixed importing of non-exported files by also exporting types in dist/esm folder.

[1.0.0-alpha.32] - 2022-02-28


  • Fixed bug from alpha.31 where component props would be typed as Ref in bindings.

[1.0.0-alpha.31] - 2022-02-28


Highlights of breaking changes from the log further down:

Simplify usage of lazy components

In order to use components as lazy, they had to be exported with the supportLazy helper. This is not needed anymore. The lazy function now determines the export based on the displayName (1st parameter), which should match the export based on convention. If you follow this convention for your components, you don't have to change anything.

If you had a webpackExports: lazy comment in your import statement (as was previously recommended in the docs and examples), this can be removed.

If your component export doesn't match the convention, you can provide the exportName (3rd parameter).

See the docs for lazy for more details.

Only allow passing reactive values to component props in bindings

Previously you could pass non-reactive values to component prop bindings. While this technically works, this is often not intended, and results in the unexpected behaviour of the component not receiving updated values. This change requires all bindings to component props to be reactive.

Even though this is technically a breaking change, any cases that will give an error after upgrading to this version, were probably mistakes in your existing code.

If you do have a need for static values in your bindings, you should now wrap them in a computed.

Two-way input bindings

Two-way bindings sync up the state between the component and the HTML. If the initial state of the two match up, there is nothing to do here. But if the initial state is different (e.g. a ref has true, but html has false), the binding code doesn't know what to do.

By default, it still picks the HTML as the initial source, but a warning is logged that they were not equal. To change this behaviour, or get rid of the warning, you can explicitly provide the source by setting the initialValueSource binding config to either html or binding.

See the docs for bindings for more details.

Make the props object parameter in the setup function readonly.

Previously it was possible to abuse the props objects that is passed in the setup function as internal component state. While this can work for extracted props, for the ones passed from parent components this could result in conflicts.

Since the data flow should be predictable, props should only flow from source (html or parent) to target (child), and should be immutable. This is why this object is now readonly. Both at runtime (will log an error) and in the type system.

If your code relies on this current behaviour, you should copy this state to an internal ref, and use that to read and write the value instead.

Improve control over bindTemplate rendering

The biggest change here is that the data and template properties are now merged into a single onUpdate function, that acts as a watchEffect. All usages of bindTemplate have to be updated.


  () => someData.value,
  (data) =>,


bindTemplate(refs.container, () =>;

Read the docs on bindTemplate to understand when the optional onlyWach parameter from onUpdate can be used to improve performance in advanced use cases.

Additionally, the renderImmediate option has been changed to forceImmediateRender to indicate the new behaviour. Previously you would have to be explicit about when the bindTemplate should render immediately or not, while the new implementation does this based on the existence of any HTML inside the container. forceImmediateRender can override this behaviour.

Note: Previously, watch was used to watch for explicit changes to the passed computed. This would have been "shallow" by default, and other reactive data used in the template function would not trigger a rerender.

The new implementation uses watchEffect, which is triggered by any reactive updates in the onUpdate function, but also watches refs that have nested objects deeply by default.

To only update changes to the ref.value, a shallowRef can be used instead.


  • Allow the .source() option of the propType. helper to receive an array of source configurations. The first hit will be used.
  • Add support for multiple components in refComponents – same as already was possible in refComponent
  • Proxy watch/watchEffect to allow auto-cleanup on component unmount – no need to clean these up yourself anymore.
  • Allow typing refs as SVGElement


  • Fix usage of the css "string" binding.
  • Fix usage of multiple classes as key for the css "object" binding.
  • Fix issues with two-way input bindings.
  • Allow DOM bindings on components without props
  • Fix issue with queryRef where a nested element would be found and ignored


  • Simplify usage of lazy components.
  • Only allow passing reactive values to component props in bindings.
  • When two-way input bindings don't match between the html and the initial binding value, the initialValueSource binding config should be added to specify which source should be used.
  • Make the props object parameter in the setup function readonly.
  • Improve control over bindTemplate rendering.
  • Update @vue/reactivity and @vue/runtime-core to 3.2.31


  • The supportLazy is a no-op function, the lazy export is not used anymore


  • Improve bundle size by switching some external libraries, or replace them by internal utils.
  • Update internal repo structure into multiple projects folders for specific test cases

[1.0.0-alpha.30] - 2022-02-28


[1.0.0-alpha.29] - 2022-01-18


  • Don't set refs to undefined in component or element ref collections that stay in the DOM.

[1.0.0-alpha.28] - 2021-12-09


  • Add propType.any
  • Fix propType.object.defaultValue to allow receiving function value


  • Don't re-create ref components when previously created globally
  • Fix attr source conversion
  • Improve bindMap and other bindings after bindTemplate updates
  • Fix some internal typing issues that were causing build error
  • Check current HTML value before setting innerHTML
  • Improve performance with global MutationObserver


  • Upgrade vue/reactivity and vue/runtime-core to 3.2.22
  • Improve types for prop source options
  • Improve error reporting for invalid refs


  • Add example stories
  • Update docs
  • Exclude type test files in Jest
  • Update Arrays for refs/elements to ReadonlyArray
  • Change target for ESM builds to es6 to be more modern

[1.0.0-alpha.27] - 2021-05-16


  • Add validation on component bindings that try to set props that don't exist.
  • Add an ignoreGuard option to all ref helpers to bypass the default child-component guard.
  • Add support for passing multiple components to refComponent – e.g. refComponent([Button, Link], { ref: 'some-button' }).
  • Make the defaultValue on props actually do something, setting the value when no other "error" case is triggered.


  • Fix incorrect invalid binding warnings, showing logs in the console that were not correct.
  • Prevent refs on collections to update when "inner" HTML updates, causing bindings to re-apply without cleanup.
  • Apply validation (correctly) on all variations of how to pass props. Don't run validation on undefined values.


  • Fix small errors in docs
  • Update refs API docs to be accurate, and add more examples
  • Reorganize and add more Stories for testing
  • Add more unit tests

[1.0.0-alpha.26] - 2021-03-31


  • Add minimumItemsRequired option to collection refs – e.g. refCollection('item', { minimumItemsRequired: 3 }).
  • Support null in predicates for any type

[1.0.0-alpha.25] - 2021-03-30


  • Refactor the propType generation and typing

    Drastically reducing the generated TS declarations (was over 96000 lines) to only 60 by using Generics.

    Also set a fixed order of setters in the chaining API, while still allowing omitting helpers in the middle.

    propType.[type].[optional / defaultValue].[validate].[source] propType.func.[optional].[shape]


  • Add unit tests for props
  • Add type tests for props

[1.0.0-alpha.24] - 2021-03-29


  • Fix ordering of adding the propType source helper

[1.0.0-alpha.23] - 2021-03-29


  • Allow for optional source "attributes"


  • Fix doc typos

[1.0.0-alpha.22] - 2021-03-29


  • Add support for source in propType helper
  • Add text and html sources


  • Fix all unit tests
  • Add propType stories as tests and examples
  • Add and update docs about props usage
  • Remove template code, use @muban/template instead (internal change only)

[1.0.0-alpha.21] - 2021-03-24


  • Add object propType


  • Remove old transition prototype code

[1.0.0-alpha.20] - 2021-03-24


  • Guard ref query selection to only select direct children. This will make sure that no refs in child components can be selected.


  • Remove old transition prototype code

[1.0.0-alpha.19] - 2021-03-23


  • bindMap now accepts an "Array of refs" in addition to a collection.
  • [typing] Add and move template types


  • [typing] Allow ComponentFactory to allow any component in "strict" mode by mapping any to any instead of {} in component props.


  • Add stories to showcase and test the bindMap use cases
  • [typing] Fix all TS errors in example components after previous refactors

[1.0.0-alpha.18] - 2021-03-19


  • Fix provide/inject bugs by moving Object.create(provides) from provide to "component creation".

[1.0.0-alpha.17] - 2021-03-18


  • Allow event bindings on component refs

[1.0.0-alpha.16] - 2021-03-17


  • Add reactive bindMap implementation


  • Remove renderChildTemplate, wasn't doing what it should

[1.0.0-alpha.15] - 2021-03-17


  • Add renderChildTemplate util function

[1.0.0-alpha.14] - 2021-03-16


  • Add new bindings; checked, html, style, text, textInput and value.
  • Allow refs to on the root element using its data-ref, helps when wrapping and unwrapping elements and those sometimes becoming the root element.

[1.0.0-alpha.12] - 2020-12-29


  • Re-export supportLazy in index.
  • Use globalThis to support building and running in node.

[1.0.0-alpha.11] - 2020-12-29


  • Add new bindings; hasFocus, enable/disable, visible/hidden and submit.
  • [types] Improve the types of refs/bindings


  • Introduced a "global" App using createApp as a starting point.

    This will "replace" the mount and registerGlobalComponents, and other things that were kind of global / settings.

  • Change lifecycle hooks to mimic the Vue structure a bit more, and get rid of external eventEmitter dependency.


  • Updated the folder structure to match the almost final shape of the API.
  • Add some unit tests, and include babel in those tests to get everything working again.
  • Introduce "component instances" for refs to support devtools, keeping track of bindings and when they update.
  • Add devtools support, highly inspired by the Vue Devtools.


Older versions are too much PoC to list here retro-actively.