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Notiondipity Backend

This repository contains an implementation of a backend for the Notiondipity browser extension. It fulfills the following functions:

  • It acts as a proxy for calling the Notion API when needed. Notion API can't be used directly from a browser because it doesn't support cross-site scripting.
  • It uses OpenAI's APIs to create Notion page embeddings and to generate project ideas.
  • It stores embeddings, Notion page titles and encrypted contents in a Postgres database. Getting this data from a database is much faster than calling Notion API


The backend exposes a REST-like API with following endpoints. Except for the /v1/token endpoint, all API requests need to have an Authorization containing Bearer {JWT}.

/v1/token/ (POST)

Expects an OAuth2 code and a redirect URL. Returns a JWT that is then used to authenticate all other API requests. The JWT contains a unique Notion user ID and a Notion API access token.

/has-data/ (GET)

Checks if user's Notion data have been already processed and can be used to recommend similar pages, generate ideas or perform other actions

/refresh-embeddings/ (GET)

Refreshes Notion page embeddings, contents and titles for a given user. Since this is a computationaly intensive operation each user can only perform it once every 30 minutes.

/ideas/ (POST)

Generates project ideas from provided content and the content of up to 2 most similar Notion pages. This usually takes several tens of seconds.

/v2/recommend/ (POST)

Returns a list of pages most similar to provided content. Can be used both to perform semantic search and to recommend pages similar to the one currently open.